Научная статья на тему 'Pragmatic aspect of imaginary situation in communicative interaction'

Pragmatic aspect of imaginary situation in communicative interaction Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Boyko A.K., Velichko .V.

This article deals with the issue of verbal communication that is a verbal interaction of the parts involved and achieved through sign systems, the major among which is the language. It is the diversity of linguistic means which the state of current attention of the interlocutors depends on. A hypothetical judgment possesses verbal influence upon the realm of emotions and interlocutors’ imagination. When creating this judgement, various models of formation, contemplation, acceptance and maintenance of dialogical communication are employed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Pragmatic aspect of imaginary situation in communicative interaction»

данный вопрос также нельзя считать однозначно разрешённым, возможно, носители именьковской культуры были полиэтничны. Как известно, концепция «одна археологическая культура - один этнос» справедлива далеко не во всех случаях. Однако, наиболее аргументированная гипотеза, по нашему мнению, принадлежит Г.И. Матвеевой, которая уверенно идентифицировала, по крайней мере, значительную часть населения именьковской культуры со славянским этническим элементом.

Считаем, что приведённый в статье анализ архаичной славянской гидронимии Среднего Поволжья является дополнительным аргументом в пользу славяноязычия, по крайней мере, части носителей именьковской археологической культуры.

В свете вышеизложенного, считаем возможным сформулировать следующие выводы:

1. Архаичные славянские гидронимы в Среднем Поволжье неединичны и образуют ареальную систему, что сводит вероятность случайности их появления к минимуму.

2. Архаичные славянские гидронимы преимущественно локализуются в ареале бассейна Большого Черемшана и смежных территорий, что соответствует постулируемой в археологической литературе региона гипотезе об отступлении в эти места представителей именьковской культуры под давлением булгар.

3. Наличие системы славянских гидронимов в добулгарской топонимической номенклатуре Среднего Поволжья является дополнительным аргументом в пользу славяноязычия носителей именьковской культуры.


1. Беленов Н.В. Историко-топонимический словарь Самарского Поволжья. - Самара, 2014. - 325 с.

2. Беленов Н.В. «Рисалия» Ахмеда ибн Фадлана как источник по топонимии Среднего Поволжья// Исторические, философские, политические и юридические науки, культурология и искусствоведение. - 2015. - №.3 - С. 52-56

3. Васильев И.Б., Матвеева Г.И. У истоков истории Самарского Поволжья. - Куйбышев, 1986. - 232 с.

4. Ковалевский А.П. Книга Ахмеда ибн-Фадлана о его путешествии на Волгу в 921-922 гг. - Харьков, 1956. - 345 с.

5. Матвеева Г.И. Среднее Поволжье в IV - VII вв.: именьковская культура. - Самара, 2003. - 165 с.


1. Belenov N.V. Istoriko-toponimicheskij slovar' Samarskogo Povolzh'ja. - Samara, 2014. - 325 s.

2. Belenov N.V. «Risalija» Ahmeda ibn Fadlana kak istochnik po toponimii Srednego Povolzh'ja// Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie i juridicheskie nauki, kul'turologija i iskusstvovedenie. - 2015. - №.3 - S. 52-56

3. Vasil'ev I.B., Matveeva G.I. U istokov istorii Samarskogo Povolzh'ja. - Kujbyshev, 1986. - 232 s.

4. Kovalevskij A.P. Kniga Ahmeda ibn-Fadlana o ego puteshestvii na Volgu v 921-922 gg. - Har'kov, 1956. - 345 c.

5. Matveeva G.I. Srednee Povolzh'e v IV - VII vv.: imen'kovskaja kul'tura. - Samara, 2003. - 165 s.

DOI: 10.18454/IRJ.2016.47.287 Бойко А.К.1, Величко Е.В.2

1ORCID: 0000-0002-8506-5190,Кандидат филологических наук, 2ORCID: 0000-0002-7626-6847, Кандидат филологических наук, Донской государственный технический университет ПРАГМАТИЧЕСКИЙ АСПЕКТ ВООБРАЖАЕМОЙ СИТУАЦИИ В КОММУНИКАТИВНОМ



В данной статье рассматривается вопрос о вербальной коммуникации, которая представляет собой словесное взаимодействие сторон и осуществляется с помощью знаковых систем, главной среди которых является язык. От разнообразия лингвистических средств зависит состояние текущего внимания собеседников. Гипотетическое суждение оказывает речевое воздействие на сферу эмоций и воображения собеседников. При создании данного суждения задействуются различные модели формирования, созерцания, принятия и поддержания диалогической коммуникации.

Ключевые слова: диалогическая коммуникация, прагматический аспект, воображаемые ситуации, когнитивистика, оценка речи, вербальная/невербальная реакция, адресат, дискурс, реагирующий собеседник.

Boyko A.K.1, Velichko E.V.2

1ORCID: 0000-0002-8506-5190, PhD in Philology2ORCID: 0000-0002-7626-6847, PhD in Philology,



This article deals with the issue of verbal communication that is a verbal interaction of the parts involved and achieved through sign systems, the major among which is the language. It is the diversity of linguistic means which the state of current attention of the interlocutors depends on. A hypothetical judgment possesses verbal influence upon the realm of emotions and interlocutors' imagination. When creating this judgement, various models offormation, contemplation, acceptance and maintenance of dialogical communication are employed.

Keywords: dialogic communication, pragmatic aspect, imaginary situations, cognitivistics, speech assessment, verbal/non-verbal reaction, addressee, discourse, reacting interlocutor.

It is the diversity of linguistic evaluative means which the state of current attention of the interlocutors depends on focused on the information about certain objects of the external world, their important pragmatic and cognitive characteristic features, relationships between these objects, which, in their turn, occupy the main position in verbal interaction (i.e. are the subject of discussion). Personal semantics in realization of evaluative meaning and semantics appears to be logical product of stable correlation between linguistic consciousness and verbal behavior of the interlocutors. Thereby, manifesting


their linguistic consciousness at the level of verbal realization, interacting partners, as a rule, actualize semantic and emotive contents which are relevant only for specific dialogic interaction.

In the process of evaluation realization in the dialogue not only individual voices of the interlocutors are manifested, but also their attitudes, cultural realities, typical of certain social community, views about the validity of judgments. From this standpoint the dialogue is interpreted as such an area of intersubjectivity in which creative interpretation of current interaction process turns out to be important [3]. The addressee decodes the received utterance, linking it to a certain degree with his / her life and worldviews, trying to perceive the cause of rendered verbal influence. Alongside with this the listening subject determines the way the initiated utterance will "fit in" emotionally-estimated background of subsequent dialogic interaction.

In other words, in linguistic constituent of the dialogue such pragmatic components as I, the Other, evaluative attitude are manifested. Herewith evaluative attitude transforms I and the Other into intersubjectivity, not so much manifesting their intrinsic connection as forming another unity, which forms the space of evaluative meaning of dialogical existence in the current communicative context.

The main pragmatic form of mutual participation in spontaneous communication appears to be a modeling of verbal images. The first interlocutor describes, offers the image in a verbal shell of its replica, the other interlocutor reconstructs and interprets this image in order to acquire relevant evaluative information, addition and specification of this information [2]. Pragmatic force of the image in communication of evaluative semantics and meaning as well as emotions is based on its ability to combine in cognitive consciousness of the listening with other images, to build plots which reflect separate fragments of objective situations.

At the level of macrostructure and interaction of the participants of unison dialogical communication hypothetical judgment with comic effect can be considered as a unique phenomenon of spontaneous interaction development and making speech impact on the interlocutors' sphere of emotions and imagination. At the macrolevel of dialogical communication the model of hypothetical judgment realizing comic evaluative sense assumes actualization of thematic blocks which are the derivatives of current situational context. As a result of participatory cooperation of the interlocutors the marked shift from discussion of objective events to modeling of irreal situations takes place in communication.

Models' gaming character of realization evaluation becomes evident upon the initiation of hypothetical judgment which does not reflect real event experienced by the interlocutors, but completely belongs to the sphere of spontaneous imaginary virtual communication being constructed at the given moment [1]. Eventful content of hypothetical judgment is predetermined by situational context of dialogic interaction. In this case, cognitive interaction scenario presupposes the realization of the model comprising the following stages:

- hypothetical judgment initiation by the first interlocutor. The study of dialogic communication showed that between the two interlocutors a certain slowdown in the exchange of replicas is observed. This stage is characterized by the presence of words like "imagine", "wondef' to construct an imaginary situation. Directive speech act in initiating replica implements illocution of request to imagine an expanding hypothetical situation, that is to transfer the course of the conversation from concrete facts to the realm of the imaginary. The request to imagine a situation can be realized in the form of a question that assumes softer impact on the sphere of interlocutor's imagination. An important pragmatic characteristic feature of the process of hypothetical situation initiation is that the speaker, as a rule, appeals to interlocutor's imagination based on the situation which objectively has just occurred or appears to be the subject of the current conversation.

- verbal / non-verbal judgment support by the second interlocutor. This stage is characterized by the presence of two areas: verbal and non-verbal reactions. Non-verbal reaction is a smile, laughter: showing such a reaction the addressee lets the speaker comprehend that he has understood all absurdity of the given situation; verbal is sender's specification (usually with a humorous character). These reactions signify recognition of an imaginary situation, and manifest the recipients' willingness to listen to the continuation of the situation;

- formation of an imaginary, virtual world. After the first interlocutor outlines the objective event information and the sender expresses a particular reaction to this information; a hypothetical situation construction is observed in the following dialogical communication;

- involvement both of the interlocutors in the imaginary world. Responsive interlocutor responds with laughter, that encourages the speaker to extend the original hypothetical judgment, to continue the construction of virtual, imaginary world in the following replica, which receives support from the interlocutor. Up to a certain point in the spontaneous dialogue, perhaps its culmination, the author of a hypothetical judgment holds the attention of the interlocutor, through the strengthening of comic effect of the statements that extend the basic hypothetical judgment. Hereupon the facts of an imaginary world become absurd, fantastic, incredible;

- completion of speech influence on the sphere of the emotions and imagination of the partner in the interaction associated with the initiation of a hypothetical judgment with comic effect. This stage can be characterized either by the vision of an imaginary world, or a sudden spontaneous completion of communication. All the statements designate completion of a spontaneous dialogue and transition to objective reality, discussion of topical issues connected with interlocutors' everyday life.

Our analysis showed that the level of spontaneous dialogic communication of a hypothetical judgment with a comic effect can be considered as a discursive impetus to assess the objective situations in which the interlocutors find themselves. This imaginary situation is presented as a "driving force" of development communication.

Modeling of a hypothetical judgment, which usually has a comic character, is the interlocutors' joint discourse of performing a variety of cultural, social, interpersonal functions. In the process of modeling the interlocutors, as a rule, actualize their historical and cultural knowledge that become the basis for the assessment of real situation. As a result, dialogical communication becomes smooth, unison.


1. Clark H. H. Imagination in discourse / H. H. Clark, M. Van Der Wege // Handbook of discourse analysis / Ed. by D. Schiffrin, D. Tannen, H. E. Hamilton. - Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 2001. - Pp. 772 - 786.

2. Green M. S. Self-Expression / M. S. Green. - Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2007. - 241 p.

3. Wilson D. Meaning and relevance / D. Wilson, D. Sperber. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. - 297 p.

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