Научная статья на тему 'Potential for use of Fomes Officinalis extract in therapy of toxic hepatitis'

Potential for use of Fomes Officinalis extract in therapy of toxic hepatitis Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Mazko O.N., Makarova O.G., Dvornikova L.G., Pashkov A.P.

As a result of the research, it was established that the Fomes officinalis extract has a hepatoprotective effect (in a dosage of 80 mg / kg rat weight), one of the mechanisms of action of which is antioxidant activity. The introduction of the studied extract also contributes to the normalization of lipidic and carbohydrate metabolism. The received data testify to expediency of development on the basis of a polypore extract, a medication for treatment of toxic diseases of a liver.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Potential for use of Fomes Officinalis extract in therapy of toxic hepatitis»

UDC 616.322:616.36-009


Altai State Medical University, Barnaul

Center of medico-biological research, biomedical laboratory, Barnaul O.N. Mazko, O.G. Makarova, L.G. Dvornikova, A.P. Pashkov

As a result of the research, it was established that the Fomes officinalis extract has a hepatoprotective effect (in a dosage of 80 mg / kg rat weight), one of the mechanisms of action of which is antioxidant activity. The introduction of the studied extract also contributes to the normalization of lipidic and carbohydrate metabolism. The received data testify to expediency of development on the basis of a polypore extract, a medication for treatment of toxic diseases of a liver.

Key words: extract, Fomes Officinalis, hepatoprotection, toxic hepatitis.


Pharmacotherapy of diseases of the organs of the hepatobiliary system uses various groups of drugs ("Heptral", "Legalon", etc.), but a special place among them is occupied by medicines, different in structure and mechanism of action, but having selective action against the liver - hepato-protectors. The action of the latter is aimed at normalization of metabolic processes and homeostasis in the liver, increasing the resistance of hepatocytes to pathogenic influences, stimulation of regenerative processes, restoration of hepatic parenchyma and recovery of its physiological functions [1]. Despite the fundamental discoveries of recent years in the field of hepatology, many aspects of treatment and prevention of liver disease remain unexplored. Therefore, today it has become urgent to develop new phytogenic drugs for treatment and prevention of liver diseases on the basis of raw materials growing on the territory of Russia.

The research objective was to study the effect of the Fomes Officinalis extract on the course of toxic hepatitis in rats.

Materials and methods

The object of the research was the extract of the fruit body of the Fomes Officinalis, which was a brown color substance, having a specific odor and a bitter taste, soluble in alcohol by 40% ethanol.

In vivo experiments were carried out in winter-spring period on certified animals of both sexes (Wistar rats), provided by the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the SB RAS. Animals were in standard conditions of detention under natural light conditions, free access to water and food. The experiments were carried out in accordance with the "Rules of Laboratory Practice in the Russian Federation" (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 708n of August 23, 2010).

The study of hepatoprotective activity was carried out on rats weighing 210-265 grams. Experimental toxic hepatitis was caused by intra-gastric administration to animals of 1 ml of a 25% oily solution of carbon tetrachloride for 6 days. The extract of the fruit body of Fomes Officinalis (at a dosage of 80 mg / kg) and the reference preparation Legalon (200 mg / kg) were orally administered as a suspension in a 2% starch paste once a day for 21 days after the formation of the model pathology. On the 28th day, under ether anesthesia, euthanasia of experimental animals was carried out by decapitation, followed by the collection of biomaterials (blood, liver) for research [2,3].

Screening tests were used for the initial assessment of hepatoprotective activity: the survival rate of animals, the change in body weight and the weight of the liver were determined. In order to gain in-depth knowledge about the effect of experimental drugs on the course of hepatitis, biochemical values of rat blood characterizing liver function were evaluated [3]. Levels of glucose, albumin, total bilirubin, total cholesterol, triglycerides and urea in the blood serum of animals were determined photometrically with the help of using reagent kits of the company Vector-Best (Novosibirsk). Activity of enzymes alanine ami-notransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) and alkaline phosphatase (AFP) was determined by photometric kinetic method using the sets of the firm "Human, GmbH" (Germany).

The software package Statistica 6.1 was used for statistical processing of the results. The data are presented as the mean (M) and the standard error of the mean value (m). The correspondence of the samples to the law of normal distribution was estimated by the Shapiro-Wilk criterion. To test statistical hypotheses about the difference between the groups studied, the Mann-Whitney, Student, and Wilcoxon criteria were used. The investigated parameters of the control group were evaluated

in comparison with the indices of intact animals, the indices of other groups were compared with the control animals.

Results and discussion.

Intoxication with carbon tetrachloride was accompanied in animals of the control group by a decrease in survival rate to 73.3%, a decrease in body weight by 15%, and an increase in the mass of the liver by 19.4% compared to the intact group.

The data of Table 1 indicate that the Fomes Officinalis extract and the reference medicatopn Leg-alon reduced the hepatotoxic effect of carbon tetrachloride: the survival rate of rats increased to 100%; the body weight of animals increased by 7.9 and 30.0 g, as relevant; the mass of the liver decreased by an average of 12%. A statistically significant decrease in the activity of ALT, GGT, and ALP was observed in the group of animals that received Fomes Officinalis extract at a dosage of 80 mg / kg compared to the control group (by 37%, 33% and 34%, respectively). The activity of AST in the blood serum of animals that received the polypore extract at this dosage, as compared to this indicator of control animals, decreased, but no statistically significant differences were revealed. The introduction of the extract studied led to a reduction in the levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and urea in the blood plasma compared to the control group by 19%,

In addition, hyperenzymemia was observed, indicating the destruction of hepatocytes and progression of cholestasis, which led to an increase in the serum of control animals of cholesterol, triglycerides, urea and bilirubin (up to 1.74 ± 0.19, 1.73 ± 0.25, 5, 15 ± 0,40 and 6,25 ± 0,90 mmol/L, as relevant) and a decrease in the glucose concentration and albumin in comparison with the intact group by 35% and 32%, as relevant (Table 1).

20% and 10%, respectively. The restoration of albumin levels in the blood was not observed with the use of the extract and in the group of animals taking the reference medication. As can be seen in the experimental data, intoxication with carbon tetrachloride results in an increase in the level of bilirubin and cholesterol by 1.5 and 1.2 times, as relevant, whereas the administration of the fomes officinalis extract and Legalon solution contribute to a significant decrease in these indicators in blood serum.


The final result of the experiment revealed that the Fomes Officinalis extract shows hepatopro-tective properties in experimental toxic hepatitis caused by carbon tetrachloride.

lauie i Influence of the extract of the fruit body of the Fomes Officinalis and the medication "Legalon" on the course of experimental toxic hepatitis

Study group

Index Intact Control Extract 80 mg/kg Legalon 200 mg/kg

Screening tests

Survivability,% 100.0 73.3 100.0 100.0

Mass of the liver, mg/g 33,5±0,50 40,0±1,05 36,5±1,09 33,7±1,16

Rate of change in body weight, g. +15.0 -30.0 +7.9 +30.0

Biochemical values

Alanine transaminase, U/l 58,6±3,9 110,4±8,1* 69,2±5,6* 74,8±6,3*

Aspartate transaminase, U/l 196,6±6,0 312,6±27,9* 285,5±24,3 303,3±19,0

Alkaline phosphatase, U/l 374,0±18,4 645,6±45,8* 426,7±41,3* 469,4±53,4*

Gamma-glutamyltransferase U/l 2,28±0,67 3,36±1,48* 2,25±0,98* 2,02±0,46

Glucose, mmol/L 7,70±0,45 5,00±0,28* 7,80±0,91* 5,36±0,23

Albumin, г/л 69,5±0,7 47,1±3,6* 50,6±9,7 37,1±2,9*

Bilirubin, umol/l 4,03±0,66 6,25±0,90 3,10±0,32* 5,90±0,48

Cholesterol, mmol/L 1,42±0,10 1,74±0,19 1,41±0,15* 1,13±0,13

Triglyceride, mmol/L 1,60±0,06 1,73±0,25 1,39±0,12* 1,60±0,27

Urea, mmol/L 4,66±0,34 5,15±0,40 4,65±0,32* 3,96±0,12*

Note: *the differences are statistically significant atp <0.05


1. Agarkova Ye.V. The use of Essliver forte in the complex therapy of diseases of the hepatobiliary zone. RMJ. Diseases of the digestive system. 2008; 2: 68-70.

2. Dvornikova L.G., Turetskova V.F., Zamya-tin S.V., Mazko O.N., Zolovkina A.G. et al. Izves-tia of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2012; 5(3): 711-714.

3. Khabriyev R.U. ed., Manual on experimental (preclinical) study of new pharmacological substances. 2nd ed. Moscow: Meditsna; 2005.


Corresponding author: Mazko Olesya Niko-layevna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Scientific Researcher of the Center of medico-biological research, Barnaul.

656038, Barnaul, ul. Nekrasova, 65.

Tel.: (3852) 669927.

E-mail: olesia.mazko@yandex.ru

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