POTATO MOTH - A NEW SOLANACEAE PEST IN UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Obidjanov D.A.

In 2009 in the areas of Uzbekistan next to Turkmenia the centers of potato crops infection by potato moth - Phthorimaea operculella Zell have been found out. It is established that the pest damages also some other representatives of solanaceae. As a method of control against moth the method of tubers storage in the conditions of low temperatures -lower than 5°С is recommended. For pests destruction on vegetable tops are recommended insecticides with active substances: Emomectin benzoate (Surrender), Metomil (Lannate) and Imidocloprid (Bagira).

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The Uzbek Scientific Research Institute of Plant Protection, Tashkent


In 2009 in the areas of Uzbekistan next to Turkmenia the centers of potato crops infection by potato moth - Phthorimaea operculella Zell have been found out. It is established that the pest damages also some other representatives of solanaceae. As a method of control against moth the method of tubers storage in the conditions of low temperatures -lower than 5°C is recommended. For pests destruction on vegetable tops are recommended insecticides with active substances: Emomectin benzoate (Surrender), Metomil (Lannate) and Imidocloprid (Bagira).

Keywords: potato moth, biological features, frost resistance, solanaceae crops, biological efficiency, measures of control.


Despite the peculiarities of environmental conditions of the Central Asian republics, differing by high temperatures of air in summer and relative dryness of air, the cultivation and manufacture of potato in Uzbekistan has an old story and is one of the vegetable growing branches. Owing to the same environmental conditions and possibilities of this culture, potato is sown twice a year - in spring and summer. Thus, on the one hand, the productivity (return) from a unit of area increases, on another hand, it is possible to except the fatal influence of hot high temperatures on tubers formation and a partial exception of their degeneration. Nevertheless, it is possible to receive from each hectare of crops 149-180 centners/ha at summer gathering and, 190-240 cts/ha - at autumn harvesting of root crops.

In the various soil-climatic conditions of the Republic potato is injured by different arthropods. But especially frequent by: terricolous - larvae of wireworms (Elateridae) and borers (Noctuidae). Potato tops are more often damaged by: rust mite from four-legged family (Eriophydae) and whitefly (Aleyrodidae). From gnawing pests - Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa desemlineata Say.). And only in 2009, in the territory of northern areas of the Republic have been found out the centers of potato moth (Phthorimaea operculella Zell.), which has rather quickly extended and it is registered nowadays on more than half of territory of the Republic (including the area of the capital). It was required to study morphologic-biological features of kind's development in new ecological conditions of habitation and to begin developments on prevention of development and protection of plants and tuber crops from this pest. The study began in 2010.

Materials and Method

Research began and was spent in 2010-2015 by employees of the Uzbek scientific research institute of plant protection under the Ministry of agriculture and water resources of the Republic.

The butterflies lay eggs on the leaves located in the bottom circle of a crone, and also on the soil near the stalk, in small groups (from 1 to 20 pieces). And only one butterfly can lay 150-300 eggs [1,3,5]. The caterpillars, born from eggs feed on pulp of leaves and potato sprouts, and having gone down, can penetrate into potato.

The caterpillars which have finished feeding pupate right here in a friable cocoon, turning to brown chrysalis of small sizes. A considerable part of the pests in various stages remain here in the field - they perish. To survive can only those caterpillars which being inside the potatoes, have been buried deeply in soil

[6]. Supervisions have shown that in the field with late term of potato crops, by moth caterpillars can be damaged up to 8 % of potatoes (Shavat area of the Khorezm region), and because of tops damage the general productivity on a site is lowered (depending on density of caterpillars) by 12-20 % (in absence of control measures).

Being the oligophag, the potato moth can occupy other accompanying solanaceous cultures (tomatoes, eggplant, the Bulgarian pepper, etc.). In the conditions of 2013 in territory of Shavat area of the Khorezm region farms we observed the habitant stations of potato moth within July-October. The results of supervisions and accounts are resulted in Table 1.

Place and technique of research. The most part of research works was spent in territory of northern areas of the Khorezm region. At researches carrying out we guided by the methods accepted in entomology, and also by methodical instructions


Table 1.

Field population of various representatives of solanaceous plants by potato moth Shavat area, the Khorezm region, 2013-2015

№ Cultures Terms of accounts and contamination of plants

Account term Contamin. Of plants % Account term Contamin. Of plants % Account term Contamin. Of plants % Contamin. Of plants %

1. Potato 28-29.VII 13,5 16-17. VIII 35,6 20-21. IX 69,8

2. Tomato 3,2 4,2 7,2

3. Bush pumpkin - 2,6 3,7

4. Eggplants 2,7 3,5 3,9

5. The Bulgarian pepper 0 1,7 2,2

6. Nightshade 0 0 1,9

black (Weed)

Results and Discussion Potato moth (P.operculella) being the representative of gelechiid moths (Gelechiidae) represents the small butterfly of grey colour. In the countries with cold winters, the basic part of butterflies in open conditions perishes, for this pest is from the tropical countries and all-the-year-round continuous development is peculiar to it. From sources it is known that the pest is widespread and meets in territory of over 80 countries of the world [4]. It is remarkable that in the conditions of environment - air temperatures on the average of 10°C, potato moth ceases to feed on, and at 3-5°C - perishes [1,4]. Caterpillars of the pest survive in premises and cellars at temperature above 10°C [8]. In these conditions they continue to feed on and on developing they give 4-5 generations in winter. Butterflies take off in the end of April - May; their number (density) increases in process of development by the autumn. For this period they can give 5-6 generations (all 9-10).

In view of recent penetration of potato moth to the territory of Uzbekistan, this pest has not many natural enemies yet. More time should be spent in order these entomophages to adapt to

Biological efficiency of potato tops processing against potato

it. From the literature it is known that on such insects to be connected in the development with soil, the roundworms - the entomopathogenic nematode [2] parasitize.

For an establishment of possibility of carrying out of insecticide control against potato moth during the plants growth and an establishment of effective preparations list, we made field small-plot experiments (Tab. 2). Manual processing of the populated and preliminary accounting plants has been spent by means of a hinged sprayer with a motor, with settlement norm of a working liquid expense of 250 l/ha - on August, 16th, 2013. Three preparations, one of which with a system action - Commander had been tested. Accounts and supervisions have shown a high efficiency of preparations within first 16 accounting days (for 24th day the efficiency has considerably decreased).

From the above said it follows that for successful protection of solanaceae from potato moth on vegetable tops it is necessary to develop scientifically-grounded system on terms and protection means. Researches in this direction are being continued.

Table 2.

loth Field experiment, Manual process., 250 l/ha, 2015

№ Tested preparations Reactant Norms of the expense on a hec-tar, l/ha Efficiency (%) against the caterpillars, received in days:

3 10 16 24

1. Proclame, 5 %. Emomektin-benzoat 0,3 96,5 100 94,4 32,3

2. Lannate, 20 L.p.K. Metomil 1,5 100 96,2 93,2 27,2

3. Commander, 20 % Imidocloprid 0,3 72,3 86,2 96,9 73,7

4. Control (without processing.) Quantity of caterpillars on 10 plants

24,3 31,2 20,5 19,7


And so, on the basis of spent researches results it is possible to make a following conclusion and recommendations to manufacture.

1. Having got on territory of Uzbekistan and having extended on its considerable part, potato moth has located and has started to cause a considerable loss to potato growing in the Republic. The positive moment is that our Republic has a sharp continental climate when the winter air temperature sometimes falls to a minus 30°C and moth caterpillars cannot survive in such conditions.

2. Creation of critical temperature conditions (lower than 5°C) during winter storage of potato should become one of the basic recommendations to manufacture.

3. The tubers intended for landing, can be processed before laying on storage (with the subsequent languor) with one of the following preparations: Lepidocide or Dipel (1 % sus.), Decice

- 0,1 % conc., Confidore - 0,03 % conc.

4. For pests caterpillars control on tops it is possible to use the following preparations: Proclame (emomectin benzoate)

- 0,3 l/ha, Lannate (Metomil) - 1,5 l/ha, Commandor (Imidocloprid) - 0,3 l/ha.


[1] Nikitin L.M.Potato moth//J.Plant protection. - Moscow, 1993. - №9. - p.25.

[2] Ivanov T.S., Borovaya V. P, Danilov L.T. The biological method of control against potato moth// J.Plant protection. -Moscow, 1994. - №2. - p. 31.

[3] Cherniy A.M., Chayka V.H, Baklanova O.V. Control of Colorado potato beetles and potato moth number // J.Plant protection. - Moscow, 1994. - №5. - p. 7-8.

[4] Zhimerikin V.N, DudovM.V. Potato moth in the field and in storehouse// J.Plant protection and quarantine. - Moscow,

2009. - №4. - p. 32-34. (II-ed.). - Tashkent, 2004. - p. 103.

[5] Mamedov S.R., Guseynov K.T. The bio-ecological [8] Obidjanov D.A., Khodjaev Sh. T. Potato moth in features of potato moth in the conditions of Azerbaijan// J.Plant Uzbekistan / Theses to sci.-prod.conf. 4-5. XII.2013. - Tashkent: protection and quarantine. - Moscow, 2011. - №7.-p.36-37. UzSRIC, 2013. - p.407-409.

[6] Dushamov B. K, Obidjanov D.A. Potato moth - the pest of crops//J/ Agriculture of Uzbekistan. - 2011. - №5. - p. 21 (Uzb.).

[7] Khodjaev Sh. T. Methodical instructions on insecticides, acaricides, biologically active substances and fungicides testing


Чернобай Л. М.

Кандидат альськогосподарських наук, Ыститут рослинництва м. В. Я. Юр'ева НААН

Понуренко С. Г.

науковий ствробтник, Ыститут рослинництва м. В. Я. Юр'ева НААН

Сталова О.В.

Кандидат альськогосподарських наук, 1нститутрослинництва iu. В. Я. Юр'ева НААН


L.N Chernobai

S.G. Ponurenko

O.V.Sikalova Plant production institute nd. a. К YA.Yuriev, NAAN


В рeзультатi до^джень впливу гiдротeрuiчних умов вегетацшного перюду на урожайшсть 20 гiбридiв кукурудзи у 2010-2015рр., вiдuiчeна тенденщя до зниження впливу генетичних систем адаптивностi на жжгенотипову диференща-цт в бшьш сприятливих умовах. Класифтацгг гiбридiв кукурудзи на eкологiчнi групи за розподтом в просторi головних компонент шдекав посухостiйкостi свiдчать, що умови року значно впливали на характеристику гiбридiв кукурудзи. Встановлено, що тдикаторними ознаками «фактор стшкостЬ до посухи е шдекси: YI, MP, HM, GMP, STI, K1STI, K2STI, ят показали стабшьно висок додатш факторт навантаження в факторнш структурi в кожен з ротв до^дження. За прийнятою схемою класифжацгг до найбыьш цшно'г, з агроножчно'г точки зору, групи А за два або быьше ротв було вiднeсeно вкш гiбридiв, причому чотири з них вiднeсeнi тричi (ХАР-323, ХАР-316, ХАР-326, ХАР-335), а гiбрид ХАР-323 належав до щег групи чотири роки з п'яти.


As a result of studies of the hydrothermal conditions impact on the yield of 20 corn hybrids during 2010-2015 years it were found the tendency for reducing the impact of genetic adaptability on intergenotype differentiation under more favorable conditions. Classification of corn hybrids for ecological groups under base of distribution in space of principal components for drought tolerance indices show that the environmental conditions has significantly influenced on the characteristics of corn hybrids. There were established that the indicator signs "factor of stability" to the drought tolerance indices is: YI, MP, HM, GMP, STI, K1STI, K2STI, which showed consistently high positive load factor in the factor structure each years of the study. The most valuable, from an agronomic point of view, A group for two years or more were classified eight hybrids, and four of them included three (Har-323, Har-316, Har-326, Har-335) and hybrid Har-323 belonged to the group for four years out of five

Ключовi слова: гiбрид кукурудзи, продуктившсть, шдекс посухостiйкостi

Keywords: maize hybrid, productivity, drought tolerance index

Постановка проблеми. Головною перешкодою отриман-ня високих сталих врожа!'в е абютичш стреси, головним з яких в умовах Л^остепу i Степу Украши е посуха. За да-ними Н. С. брмоленко в останш роки 20-го столггтя та в останне десятилитя частка посушливих явищ на територп Украши, як i в цшому в бврот зросла [1, с. 2], тому набувае все бшьшо!' актуальност питання боротьби з цим негатив-ним явищем. За даними ООН збитки ввд посух перевищу-ють 20% загальних збитюв ввд стихшних явищ. Зокрема, щорiчнi втрати врожаю кукурудзи ввд посухи оцшюються на рiвнi 15% або 120 млн тонн зерна [2, с. 2]. Посуха також часто е основною причиною рiзких коливань урожайности

особливо за умов недостатньо високого рiвня агротехшки. Так, урожайшсть кукурудзи на зерно в розвинених крашах Швшчно!' Америки i бвропи дорiвнюе в середньому 8,7 т / га проти 3,7 т / га в менш розвинених тротчних крашах Азп i Африки [3, с. 2]. В обох виробничих середовищах посуха е найбшьш важливим абютичним стресом який стримуе i дестабШзуе виробництво зерна кукурудзи. Його наслвдки особливо ввдчутш в Швденнш i Схвднш Африщ, де кукурудза вирощуеться переважно в богарних умовах. Наприклад, в перюд 1990-2009 роюв середня врожайшсть кукурудзи в Швденнш Африщ характеризувалась коефь щентом варiащi 23% проти 7% для США при середшх вро-

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