POLICY IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FAMILY PLANNING VILLAGE PROGRAM IN KOTAMOBAGU CITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Russian Law Journal
Ключевые слова
Policy / Family Planning / Communication

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Muku Manopo, Arifin Tahir, Yanti Aneta, Juriko Abdussamad

This article aims to analyze and find out about the factors that determine the implementation of the village family planning program policy in Kotamobagu City. The research method uses a qualitative type with a case study approach. Data analysis used in qualitative research is an interactive model analysis consisting of four components of analysis. The results of the study show that: the factors that determine the implementation of the village family planning program policy in Kotamobagu City, which consist of: a) Communication which includes policy transmission, message clarity, and communication consistency has shown not to be effective enough; b) Resources which include staff, facilities, finances show that they are not optimal enough; c) Disposition which includes commitment and placement of appropriate human resources shows that it is not optimal; d) The bureaucratic structure which includes minimum service standards, and the delegation of tasks and authority has shown to be quite effective. Reconstruction of the novelty of the research as the implications of this research are: 1) Communication by maximizing the advocacy function; 2) Coordination by maximizing the socialization function; 3) Partnerships by maximizing intervention activities.

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1* Postgraduate Doctoral Public Administration, State University of Gorontalo, Indonesia

2 Lecturers at the Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Gorontalo, Indonesia

3 Lecturers at the Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Gorontalo, Indonesia

4 Lecturers at the Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Gorontalo, Indonesia

Abstract--This article aims to analyze and find out about the factors that determine the implementation of the village family planning program policy in Kotamobagu City. The research method uses a qualitative type with a case study approach. Data analysis used in qualitative research is an interactive model analysis consisting of four components of analysis. The results of the study show that: the factors that determine the implementation of the village family planning program policy in Kotamobagu City, which consist of: a) Communication which includes policy transmission, message clarity, and communication consistency has shown not to be effective enough; b) Resources which include staff, facilities, finances show that they are not optimal enough; c) Disposition which includes commitment and placement of appropriate human resources shows that it is not optimal; d) The bureaucratic structure which includes minimum service standards, and the delegation of tasks and authority has shown to be quite effective. Reconstruction of the novelty of the research as the implications of this research are: 1) Communication by maximizing the advocacy function; 2) Coordination by maximizing the socialization function; 3) Partnerships by maximizing intervention activities

Keywords: Policy, Family Planning, Communication


Increasing family welfare needs to be considered because the family is the smallest unit in social life so that the family has a strategic role and value in supporting the success of development. The family is also the first and main vehicle for forming quality human resources. The Family Planning Village Program began to be implemented by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in 2016. Susanti, (2015) emphasized that the Family Planning Village was designed as an effort to actualize and apply eight family functions which include: religious function, socio-cultural function, love function, protection function, reproductive function, social and educational function, economic function and environmental function. These eight family functions are a reflection of the welfare and resilience of the family. Family empowerment in the economic field is one effort that can be made to increase family potential in terms of welfare. Meanwhile Sumba et al. 2021) added that the Family Planning Village program is also expected to be a replica for other villages in the vicinity in empowering the community so they can improve the welfare of their family members. If this can be realized then the implementation of development in Indonesia will be more evenly distributed to rural and remote areas.

Law Number 52 of 2019, concerning Population Development and Family Development, that Regional Governments are obliged to collect, process, and present data and information regarding population and family. In addition, Government Regulation Number 87 of 2014 concerning Population Development and Family Development, Family Planning and Family Information Systems with the following objectives: 1) Realizing harmony, harmony and balance between quantity, quality and distribution of the population by taking into account the carrying capacity environment; 2) Improving the quality of the family so that a sense of security, peace and hope for a better future arises in realizing physical well-being and inner happiness by instituting and cultivating the norms of a small,


happy and prosperous family; 3) Increasing efforts to regulate child birth, spacing, ideal age for childbirth, regulating pregnancy through promotion, protection and assistance in accordance with reproductive rights to create quality families; and 4) Providing family data and information to be used by the central and regional governments as a basis for policy making, implementation and development.

As a follow-up to the central government policy, the National Family Planning Population Agency (BKKBN) as one of the Regional Apparatus Organizations within the Kotamobagu City Government which has technical affairs in the field of family and family welfare is the Kotamobagu City National Population Planning Agency formed based on Kotamobagu City Regional Regulation No. : 9 of 2014 concerning the Establishment of Organizational Structure, Position and Main Duties of Regional Technical Institutions within the City Government of Kotamobagu. The position of the Kotamobagu City National Population Planning Agency is as a Regional Technical Institution within the Municipal Government of Kotamobagu which is led by a Head of Agency who is under and responsible to the Mayor of Kotamobagu. In carrying out one of its duties, BKKBN coordinates with the Health Office in terms of socialization and reaching out to people in remote areas (far from the city center) to be able to receive family planning services at Community Health Centers spread across five sub-districts in Kotamobagu City.

The implementation of the family planning program within the scope of the Family Planning Village program in Kotamobagu City, the local government has launched the Family Planning Village program in various villages including Gogagoman Village, Kotobangon Village, Pobundayan Village, Bilalang I Village, and Tabang Village. However, in its implementation since 2018, this program has not been effective enough in reducing the population. In the view of researchers, these problems are due to public knowledge regarding the importance of this family planning program.

Based on observations made by researchers in the village/kelurahan designated as the location for the Family Planning Village program, the researcher saw a number of problems including: 1) The Regional Government of Kotamobagu City could not unite other related regional apparatus organizations. This is because the authorization from the Family Planning Village program requires synergy between the Kotamobagu City Population and Family Planning Office and the Education Office, Health Service, Environment Service, Social Service, even the Puskesmas to the Village/Kelurahan Government. But the condition is that they partner less well; 2) Budget allocation. Budget issues are also a factor. Since it was enacted in 2016, budget allocations originating from the central government have not been accompanied by adequate budget availability at the regional level; 3) Limited infrastructure and human resources. Researchers see that limited infrastructure is a limiting factor for the program because it is not supported by injections of APBD allocations. This condition is exacerbated by the limited human resources for family planning field extension workers (PLKB). At least there is only one extension worker at the village/kelurahan level of the program's targets. These conditions resulted in less than optimal socialization of the village family planning program policies; 4) Low level of public awareness. This is influenced by the low level of education in the community who perceives that their participation in the Family Planning program will not have an impact on the quality of life of the family; 5) Less massive socialization. The lack of increasing knowledge to the community is not carried out in interesting and quality ways by extension workers so that the community does not understand the message being conveyed.

The ineffectiveness of the field activities of the Family Planning Instructors (PLKB) where there is only 1 extension worker in 1 Village/Kelurahan. Furthermore, when compared with the data on the number of residents in each Village/Kelurahan, it can be seen in the following table:

Table 1. Number of Population in Villages/Villages Target of Kampung KB Program

No Villages/Villages Population

Man Woman Sum

1 Pobundayan Village 2,930 2,811 5,741


2 Tabang Village 1,595 1,476 3,071

3 De\a Bilalang I 1,337 1,247 2,584

4 Kotobangon Village 3,595 3,442 7,037

5 Kotamobagu Village 3,576 3,474 7,050

6 Gogagoman Village 7,616 7,213 14,829

Data Source: Kotamobagu City Dukcapil Office in 2023.

Based on the researcher's initial identification above, it is clear that the Kotamobagu City government is not encouraging this Central Government program optimally. This is exacerbated by the limited number of Family Planning Field Extension Officers (PLKB). Even though the main task of extension workers is expected to be to motivate, develop and increase family planning acceptors; maintaining communication relationships with assisted families and determining high levels of Family Planning participation has an impact on reducing birth rates. As spearheads of implementing activities in the field, officers directly deal with potential family planning acceptors regarding various problems and issues in society. The success of the Population, Family Planning and Family Development (KKBPK) program depends on the intelligence of Family Planning officers in convincing potential Family Planning acceptors to participate in the population, family planning and family development program through advocacy, communication, information and education or what is usually called counseling. PLKB officers can also be said to play a role in improving family welfare, especially in Kotamobagu City. Apart from that, the Family Planning Village program is important in order to encourage the Tribina program pioneered by the BKKBN of the Republic of Indonesia which aims to provide insight to the community regarding family development, which prioritizes the role and care of family members in order to achieve prosperity in the family (Wiriana et al., 2020)

Research related to the Family Planning Village program has been widely studied in Indonesia, including research linking Family Planning Villages to the effectiveness of Family Planning Village training Zuhriya et al. (2017); the impact on poor families Restiyani & Yasa (2019); improving the Family Development Planning Population Program (KKBPK) and community welfare Nurjannah& Susanti (2018). Another study also analyzed Family Planning Villages in terms of factors that influence their success. Rianto, F., Nengsih & Setyadiharja, (2019) regarding community perceptions of the Family Planning Village program. Anggraini, (2019) about community participation. Istiadi, (2017) regarding the implementation of the Family Planning village program for the target group of poor people. (Ningrum, 2020) regarding activity identification. Resnawaty et al. (2021) regarding development coordination. (Regina, Rusli, & Candradewini, 2020) regarding the effectiveness of the Maleke & Pangkey (2022) program, as well as several previous studies showing findings regarding the evaluation of the Family Planning Village (Firmansyah & Pranawukir, 2021).

From a number of research focuses that have been studied by previous researchers above, they are slightly different from the research topics raised by researchers. There are at least several basic problems that must be updated in evaluating the Family Planning Village program in Kotamobagu City, including: 1) Social Status which includes education, income and employment. that the social position of a group of people can affect the ineffective implementation of the Family Planning village program. Data shows that 54% of the target families directed to take part in the Family Planning Village program in Kotamobagu City come from community groups who have limited knowledge which is influenced by the level of education, which on average is only a junior high school graduate. This has an impact on the low level of public awareness of participating in the Family Planning Village program so that socialization carried out by the Village Government in collaboration with Family Planning Field Counselors (PLKB) and related agencies receives less attention from the community. The Toddler Family Development Program (BKB) is one of the counseling agendas for families who have children under five so that the goal of socialization is to increase parents' understanding and skills in educating children under five through physical, mental, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and moral stimulation activities. This educational limitation factor makes the condition of parents of toddlers reluctant to be facilitated just by being given counseling; 2) Community participation which


includes attitudes and behavior, norms and beliefs, support from community leaders. The support of community leaders plays a very large role in the attitudes and behavior of the community in participating in the KB Village program. Encouraging the spirit of community togetherness can change the perception of community groups about participating in the Family Planning program, on the other hand, if there is no positive response to important figures in the village then the majority of the community will also be reluctant to participate in the Village Family Planning program; 3) Performance of program implementers which includes knowledge and skills, environment, and infrastructure. Facts on the ground show that after the declaration, the Family Planning Village in the Kotamobagu City area was not guided or directed in forming and implementing any activities related to the KKBPK. PLKB officers in the Family Planning Village carry out their duties and functions by carrying out coaching activities as a form of family education. However, the implementation of these activities is not optimal with the support of funds sourced from (APBN, APBD, ADD, CSR)

To fill in the gaps in pre-existing research and see how important the Family Planning Village program is in Kotamobagu City in order to provide insight to the community regarding family development in order to achieve prosperity in the aspects of social, economic, educational, environmental and health life, the authors consider This research is important for studying and developing the policy model for the village family planning program


This article uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach. This method refers to the identification or distinguishing characteristics of groups of people, objects and events that cannot be generalized. Please. U (2018). This research involves a conceptualization process and results in the formation of a classification scheme. The role of the writer is someone who observes policy phenomena that are linked to empirical conditions in society by looking at primary data related to the village family planning program in Kotamobagu City from various factors including: 1) communication; 2) resources; 3) disposition; and 4) bureaucratic structure. Furthermore, the author's presence here acts as a key instrument as a non-participant observer where the author goes directly into the field but does not enter directly into the life of the research object.

The data sources contained in the research article are 1) Primary data sources, which consist of information explored by the author through interviews with informants related to the research topic; 2) Secondary data sources come from publications, namely books, journals, newspapers/magazines, websites and policy documents related to the problem. Sugiyono (2017). Data analysis used in qualitative research is interactive model analysis which consists of three analysis components, namely: 1) Data reduction; 2) Data Presentation; 3) Verify Data and Draw Conclusions (Miles et al. 2014).


Population Development and Family Development, explains how to regulate or control population order related to birth rates, death rates, and population movements so that there is a population order that is evenly distributed and proportional to the economy of the community. This also aims to enable society to achieve prosperity without any economic inequality. Even though the government has launched a Family Planning (KB) program, it is felt that the program is gradually weakening from various angles, starting from the decreasing achievement of family planning participants, and also the lack of public awareness of the importance of this program as a health and welfare need in the future. come. Various kinds of obstacles occur at the regional, sub-district, RT/RW level, or even from the community itself. Minimal knowledge regarding this program causes people to feel less interested in participating in family planning programs. In response to this, to narrow the scope of program handling and support the continuation of the program, the BKKBN is also trying to optimize the role of regional governments so that they take part in implementing this program. With the release of strategic innovation, another program emerged which will be fully involved in the field, this program is the Family Planning Village (KB) program.


The focus of the study of this article is divided into 4 indicators, including: communication factors, resource factors, disposition factors, and bureaucratic structure factors. Next, the researcher translated the subfocus into an instrument matrix, each of which was interpreted by the researcher into several descriptors so that research questions could be formulated for the key informants in this study.

The research findings for each of these sub-focuses are described as follows: Communication Factors of Family Planning Village Program

The communication factor indicators are interpreted by researchers into 2 descriptors including: 1) There is no conflict of opinion between implementers and policy makers; and 2) Program information conveyed through the media and extension workers to the public. Furthermore, the informants in this research include the North Sulawesi BKKBN, the Head of the Health Service and staff, the Head of the Community Health Center which is the target of the Family Planning Village program, extension workers in Gogagoman Village, Kotobangon Village, Pobundayan Village, Bilalang Village, and Tabang Village and participating and non-participating communities. KB village participants.

Putri, A. K. (2020) emphasized that communication is needed to coordinate all parties related to the policies that will be implemented from the highest positions to the lowest. If the goals and objectives of a policy are not clear, it is possible that there will be errors in various matters so that the implementation of the policy will not be carried out well. Based on the results of interviews, researchers with informants from the Population Control and Family Planning Service (DPPKB) said that "related to the communication that has been conveyed regarding the Family Planning Village program in Gogagoman Village, Kotobangon Village, Pobundayan Village, Bilalang I Village, and Tabang Village to target families "With teenagers, especially by the Kotamobagu City Population Control and Family Planning Service, it has been implemented and is trying its best to convey information from the program to Field Counselors (PLKB) Village/neighborhood Cadres as well as partner OPDs such as the Education Service and Social Service."

In line with the information from the Kotamobagu City DPPKB employee above, one of the family planning instructors also added that "The delivery of this information is in the form of socialization, the socialization is carried out with the aim of so that the parties involved or implementers of the Family Planning Village program can carefully know and understand what the goals and benefits are. , implementation procedures, and also the objectives of the program. "This is as emphasized by Bhakti& Lubis (2021) that the importance of socialization is carried out in several forms, including making gates and also using print media, namely banners or billboards as part of indirect communication."

Socialization takes another form, namely counseling directly related to the KB Village program. Likewise, the statement given by the community stated that "they received an invitation for socialization at the village hall where the socialization explained that the KB Village program would be held." good, considering that the coordination between the implementor and also the target of the activity has already received information about the KB Village.

Meanwhile, the clarity of the information related to the implementation of the Family Planning Village that has been conveyed by the Kotamobagu City PPKBD, according to most community informants, is still not clear enough. This was confirmed by a statement from the Head of the Family Planning Division at the Kotamobagu City PPKBD Service who said that "If there are people who feel they have not received clear information, this is due to the limited number of family planning instructors in the field, meanwhile in the family planning sector at the Kotamobagu City PPKBD Service there are also no adding field personnel due to budget limitations." The clarity of the information obtained from the Kotamobagu City PPKBD PPKBD Service means that the PLKB can implement the KB Village Program in accordance with procedures and also guided by the KB Village technical manual. Anggraeni et al. (2020) provide an example that the advocacy staff has conveyed information clearly, but the problem that has arisen is that most of the community's understanding


of the Family Planning Village is still lacking. It was proven that the number of participants taking part in this activity was still minimal, although the number of participants increased, it was only a few and not directly in high numbers.

Based on the results of interviews with informants, quotations from various research journals and theoretical support from various expert opinions above, the researcher concluded that the communication factors in order to increase the success of implementing the Family Planning Village program in Kotamobagu City have met the standard guidelines. However, problems arise due to lack of effective communication, namely the limited number of personnel in the field of family planning, both at the Kotamobagu City PPKBD Service, partner OPDs, Community Health Centers and the ranks of Family Planning Field Counselors (PLKB). For this reason, comprehensive communication is needed to implement all plans and policies that have been designed and determined, equipped with all the needs, such as the tools needed, who will carry out the activities, where the implementation will start and how to do it to achieve the goals. Furthermore, the researchers also concluded that the availability of the budget is an indicator of the success of the KB Village program communication. The implementation of the KB village program in general in the Kotamobagu City area has received insufficient budget support. The budget allocation for each family planning village program activity is a major concern, because this program is the spearhead of the BKKBN from the provincial level to the district level. One of the purposes of budget distribution is to increase the number of new acceptors, the level of community participation in development and to make the community assisted by the KB village become economically independent. Technically, the budget allocation is intended for various outreach activities, including reproductive health education, regulating pregnancy spacing, the dangers of stunting in children to youth development. Besides that, the procurement of facilities and infrastructure is also a major concern in the process of implementing the KB village program policy.

Resource Factor

The resource factor indicators are interpreted by researchers into 2 descriptors including: 1) Availability of adequate and competent support personnel; 2) The number of supporting facilities is sufficient and supported by the available budget.

Based on the results of the researcher's interview with the Head of the South Kotamobagu Community Health Center, regarding the availability of resources, he said that "Kampung KB is an effort to bring KKBPK program services closer to the community by actualizing the 8 functions of the family and building national character through the realization of small, happy, prosperous families. KB Village is a miniature model for implementing the KKBPK program as a whole, involving all sectors within the BKKBN environment in synergy with relevant ministries/agencies, stakeholders and work partners according to regional needs and conditions, and is implemented at the lowest government level in all sub-districts. Resnawaty et al. (2021) emphasized that the KB Village was formed as an effort to strengthen the KKBPK program which is managed and organized from, by and for the community in empowering and making it easier for the community to obtain services. total family planning program so that it can create a quality family.

Lettiyani et al. (2020) added that resource factors are important in ensuring that the goals and objectives of a program have been distributed to policy implementing resources. Because policy really depends on the ability to utilize resources, which is the most important thing in determining the success of the implementation process. Meanwhile Lettiyani et al. (2020) certain stages of the entire implementation process according to the presence of quality human resources in accordance with the work required by policies that have been determined apolitically. But when the competence and capability of these resources is nil, then the performance of public policy is very difficult to expect. But apart from human resources, other resources that need to be taken into account are financial resources and facility resources.


Quoting the opinion of Arraniri et al (2021) resources are very dependent on planning management. For this reason, workforce planning is effective and efficient to suit company needs and helps realize company goals. In a company organization, to simplify the human resource planning process, there are several steps, namely: a) Human Resource Planning. Planning human resources begins with readjusting the company's strategic plan in the long term. Human resource planning must be in line with the company's strategic planning. b) Determine the tasks that will be carried out by the workforce. This step is an effort to understand the work qualifications needed to achieve the strategic plan. c) Analyze long-term needs. The human resources manager's task is to analyze worker needs in the long term. Every manager must pay attention to projections of the number of employees and the skills needed. A manager must analyze how many employees currently exist and what their characteristics are, including terminating employment, postponing resignations, transferring or transferring employees. d) Take adjustment actions Human resources managers must recalculate how many workers are needed in the future, and with what skills comparing the needs of future employees with existing employees

Based on the results of interviews with informants, quotations from various research journals and theoretical support from various expert opinions above, the researcher concluded that within the resource factor there are three sub-indicators to see the success process of the family planning village program, including: human resources, budget resources and resources. infrastructure power. The aspect of human resources is the main aspect to see how far a program can run according to the expected goals. In the implementation of the family planning village program in Kotamobagu City, it appears that there are fundamental differences regarding the capacity of human resources in implementing the program. For the KB village area in South Kotamobagu District and East Kotamobagu District, it appears that they already have quality human resources that are quite capable of implementing this program. This is evidenced by information from the community regarding the implementation and their understanding of the purpose for which the KB village was formed. The community and family planning extension officers in this sub-district can explain in a structured way what activities have been and are being carried out. Like the community, the sub-district leadership also explained that the level of community participation in the KB village program was relatively high. Meanwhile, in the West Kotamobagu and North Kotamobagu sub-districts, community enthusiasm for the implementation of the KB village program was still relatively low. The reason is that people's habits still assume that when a woman has completed high school education, she is old enough to carry out the marriage process, as well as young men, if they are able to help their parents in gardening, then they are considered fit to build a household. So the rate of early marriage in these two sub-districts is still relatively high. The main obstacle to the process of implementing the KB village program, especially in the North Kotamobagu and West Kotamobagu sub-districts, is the education factor. Dominant of them only received secondary school level education, not even a few of the mothers and young women only received elementary school education. So that obstacles such as lack of self-confidence, difficulty understanding terms that are foreign to them to understanding the importance of changing the mindset about family planning (early marriage) are a separate obstacle for family planning educators in this area. So it is hoped that with the existence of this KB village program, it can at least change the mindset of the community to be able to provide decent education to their generation. It is even hoped that island youth will gain the motivation to continue their education to higher education. Budget resources play an important role in the success of a program.

Disposition Factors

The communication factor indicators are interpreted by researchers into 2 descriptors including: 1) There is good action on the information that has just been conveyed; 2) There is appropriate training and it is carried out periodically.

The disposition itself is formed from two sub-indicators, namely the attitude sub-indicator and also the incentive sub-indicator provided. Sub-indicators of attitudes that are positive will result in


activities that have coordination and continuity between the implementers and the community. Based on the results of the research above, it shows that the attitude given by the implementers, namely Cadres, in the activities of the Family Planning village program in Kotamobagu City, this is as explained by the Head of the West Kotamobagu Health Center who said that the Kotamobagu government itself received very well the existence of the Family Village program. This planning, according to him, with the existence of this Family Planning Village will later become a matter of pride for the parties involved in this Family Planning Village Program. However, there were several obstacles related to the attitude given by the cadres, namely the lack of a personal approach to the participants in the Family Planning village with the community. This is what happened even though this program was already running in the Kotobongun Village.

Suartha (2016) the lack of this approach resulted in a lack of community response to the Family Planning Village program. The next sub-indicator is the incentives that have been received and given. There is a need for proper incentives to be given to implementers of activities." Meanwhile related to insertiveness the researcher then confirmed to the Head of the Kotamobagu Health Office who said that "Incentives themselves are a form of appreciation for what has been done. The incentives for the Family Planning Village Program in several sub-districts in Kotamobagu have been quite good. The incentives received by the cadres come from village family planning activity meetings that have been determined and adjusted by technical guidelines for the family planning village program.

Based on the results of interviews with informants, excerpts from various research journals and theoretical support from the various expert opinions above, the researcher concluded that the dispositions given had not been maximized, this was due to the lack of awareness of the attitude of the cadres who were indifferent to the tasks that had been given . Approaches or visits to residents' homes are felt to be lacking, so that the community is not familiar with and clearly understands the village family planning program. So that this results in the existence of people who also ignore the KB Village program. Especially for KB villages that do not have qualified human resources. It is hoped that the creativity and innovation of field extension workers in managing the budget for each activity will increase with an increase in the budget for this program. The KB village areas in the moderate or even below average category are generally due to the low level of creativity and innovation in their human resources. Monotonous and reduplication activities make people reluctant to take part in the next program. This resulted in KB village activities in the region becoming less attractive and this would show less than optimal results in the program evaluation process

Bureaucratic Structure Factors

The communication factor indicators are interpreted by researchers into 2 descriptors including: 1) There is good action on the information that has just been conveyed; 2) There is appropriate training and it is carried out periodically.

Deken (2011) emphasized that the bureaucratic structure in principle is a way for a policy to achieve its goals so that a structured and systematic policy is needed in carrying out a policy. Implementation of policies in the wider government, is a legal administration tool in which various actors, organizations, procedures and techniques work together to carry out policies to achieve the desired impact or goal. Implementation from the other side is a complex phenomenon, perhaps it can be understood as a process, output or as a result Pulzl & Treib (2017) Policy implementation is an important aspect of the entire policy process. Implementation is not just related to the mechanism for translating political decisions into routine procedures through bureaucratic suggestions, including issues of conflict, decisions and who gets what from a policy.

There are two sub-indicators in the bureaucratic structure, the first is Standard Operational Procedures (SOP). SOP itself is used as a guideline in implementing a program. SOP is used as a reference for the steps or stages of action that will be taken during the implementation process of an activity. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, the SOP of the Family Planning Village in Kotamobagu City is quite good, the SOP used is in the form of a technical manual


for the implementation of the Family Planning Village, starting from the beginning of the activity to the final stage, namely reports and program evaluation, all following the manual. the technical. The fragmentation sub-indicator is the division of tasks, obligations and authority related to a program. In this case, fragmentation in the implementation of the Family Planning Village program in several sub-districts in Kotamobagu City has been said to be good.

From the results of the research above related to the bureaucratic structure, the Family Planning Village Program has no problems, and it can be said that it is running well. From the implementation standards that are implemented it is clear and in accordance with what is contained in the guidelines that are held, namely the technical manual for the implementation of the Family Planning Village. Meanwhile, fragmentation or division of tasks and authority is also good, because the implementers carry out their duties according to their respective roles as best they can. Referring to all the indicators above, all levels, both executors and also activity targets related to the information provided, have arrived and are quite clear. This is as confirmed by Firmansyah & Pranawukir, (2021) that the existing resources in the Family Planning village activities are also adequate, while the Disposition given is very well responded to, even though from the elements of the community themselves who less willing to respond or their lack of awareness. And finally seen from the organizational structure, the Family Planning Village program has been carried out in accordance with the guidelines from the Family Planning Village technical manual, and the tasks assigned have also been carried out in accordance with the existing SOPs, then accounted for in the form of a report once a month.

Based on the results of the research above related to the bureaucratic structure, the KB Village Program has not experienced any problems, and it can be said that it is running well. From the implementation standards that are implemented it is clear and in accordance with what is contained in the guidelines that are held, namely the technical manual for the implementation of KB Village. Meanwhile, fragmentation or division of tasks and authority is also good, because the implementers carry out their duties according to their respective roles as best they can. Referring to all the indicators above, all levels, both executors and also activity targets related to the information provided, have arrived and are quite clear. What needs to be optimized is the aspect of the resources that exist in KB village activities. The dispositions given must be responded to quickly even from elements of the community themselves who are less willing to respond or lack their awareness. And finally, judging from the organizational structure, the KB Village program has been carried out in accordance with the guidelines from the KB Village technical manual, and the tasks assigned have been carried out in accordance with the existing SOP and are then accounted for in the form of a report once every three months.


Based on the results of the research and discussion above, the authors formulate several conclusions as follows; (1) Communication factors which include policy transmission, clarity of messages, and consistency of communication show that they are not effective enough. This is because communication is hampered by the limited number of personnel in charge of family planning, both the Kotamobagu City PPKBD Office, OPD partners, Community Health Centers, and the ranks of KB Field Extension Workers (PLKB). Communication by maximizing the advocacy function which is oriented towards a) Aligning policies and activities in each OPD for the Family Planning Village program; b) Facilitating the implementation of the Family Planning Population and Family Development program (KKBPK) which is integrated with cross-sectoral programs in the Family Planning Village; c) can motivate cross-sectors and society to make changes together towards a prosperous society; and e) Fostering and evaluating the implementation of the Integrated Family Planning Village Program; (2) Resource factors which include staff, facilities, finances show that they are not optimal enough. Because there are still limited human resources, budget resources and infrastructure are still not optimal. Coordination by maximizing the socialization function which is oriented towards a) increasing the role of local government, in facilitating, providing assistance and


coaching to implement the KKBPK program and related sector development; b) increase public awareness about population-oriented development; c) increase the number of modern active family planning participants; d) increasing family resilience; (3) The disposition factor which includes the commitment and placement of appropriate HR shows that it has not been maximized. Because there is still a lack of awareness of the attitude of the cadres who are indifferent to the task so that the commitment to counseling becomes less effective. Besides that, the creativity and innovation of field extension workers (PLKB) in managing the budget is less effective. Coordination by maximizing the socialization function which is oriented towards a) increasing the role of local government, in facilitating, providing assistance and coaching to implement the KKBPK program and related sector development; b) increase public awareness about population-oriented development; c) increase the number of modern active family planning participants; d) increasing family resilience through the BKB, BKR, BKL, and Youth PIK programs; (4) Factors of the bureaucratic structure which includes minimum service standards, and the delegation of tasks and authority have shown to be quite effective. This is because the technical guidelines for implementation are clear, as evidenced by the existence of a technical manual for the implementation of the Family Planning Village program. Partnerships by maximizing activity interventions that are oriented towards a) increasing family empowerment through the UPPKS group; b) reduce the number of domestic violence (KDRT); c) increasing the level of public health; d) increase the average length of schooling of the school-age population; and e) increasing healthy and clean sanitation facilities and infrastructure.


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