PHYTOTOXICITY OF SOILS PARKS ODESSA CITY (UKRAINE) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Domuschy Svitlana Vasylivna, Trigub Valentyna Ivanivna

The article presents the materials of the study of the phytotoxicity of soils in the park areas of the city of Odessa. The characteristic of some chemical and biological properties of urban soils is given. According to the content of humus, the soils of park areas are characterized as medium-low-humus. The study of soil phytotoxicity showed that the soils of all study areas slightly inhibited the growth of test crops, which indicates a favorable ecological situation. Based on the study of the phytotoxicity of soils in the park area of Odessa and the situation in urban ecosystems.

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utilized in other countries of the "tourism commple index" (TCI) is carried out.

Climate change may have a tremendous impact on tourism-related activities by modifying one of its main types of resources-natural environment. Climate change also influences health, and safety of tourists and local entities.

In the past, tourism climatology information was provided through climate indices such as those found in applied climatology and human biometeorology. There are more than 200 climate indices. In general, the tourism climate indices can be classified inlto three categories . Elementary indices are synthetic values that do not have any thermo-physiological relevance and are generally unproven. The bioclimatic and combined tourism climate indices involve more than one climatological parameter and consider the combined effects of them.

For tourism businesses, weather and climate information and predication of extreme climatic , events developed by National Meteorologicaland

Hidrological services are becoming increasingly important. The programming of many tourism activities is heavily climate -dependet. The insurance practices in tourism are greatly affected by natural hazards. Climate change will constitute an increasing risk for tourism operations in many destinations. Goverments and the private sector must therefore give priority to the application and management of climate factors in tourism polcies, development and management plans. For this, effective coordination between environmental and tourism organizations, particularly between WMO and WTO, is determinant for further research.


1. Charles R. Goeldner J.R. Brent Ritchie Tourism. University of Calgary in Alberta. Canada, 2016

2. Kochlamazishvili Lily, Kartvelishvili Liana -Management in Tourism, Part I, Tbilisi, 2013

Domuschy Svitlana Vasylivna

postgraduate student of the Department of Geography of Ukraine,

soil science and land cadastre Odesa 1.1. Mechnikov National University Trigub Valentyna Ivanivna candidate of geographical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Geography of Ukraine,

soil science and land cadastre Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University


DOI: 10.31618/ESSA.2782-1994.2022.3.77.252 Summary. The article presents the materials of the study of the phytotoxicity of soils in the park areas of the city of Odessa. The characteristic of some chemical and biological properties of urban soils is given. According to the content of humus, the soils of park areas are characterized as medium-low-humus. The study of soil phytotoxicity showed that the soils of all study areas slightly inhibited the growth of test crops, which indicates a favorable ecological situation. Based on the study of the phytotoxicity of soils in the park area of Odessa and the analysis of the results obtained, it is recommended to use Pisum (pea) as a test object in studying the ecological situation in urban ecosystems.

Key words: parks, humus, phytotoxicity, germination, phytotoxic effect.


Soils occupy a special place in ecological systems and perform a huge number of functions. The most important of them is ecological, providing living space for humans and living organisms. Anthropogenically transformed soils form a group of proper urban soils -urbanozems. The construction of cities leads to a decrease in the proportion of "living" soils, while the proportion of disturbed lands increases, which significantly worsens the sanitary-hygienic, biospheric and ecological functions of urban landscapes, is accompanied by serious disturbances of the entire natural complex, posing a threat to human health and life in the city (Sizov & others, 2001). Due to the difficult environmental situation, green spaces play an important role in the life of modern cities. However, the vegetation in the city is under strong anthropogenic pressure, subjected to chemical, physical and biological impacts. In the most depressed state are the vegetation

cover of highways, streets with heavy traffic, boulevards of the central part of cities. It is in such places that various compounds of natural and anthropogenic origin accumulate in the soil, causing its pollution and toxicity (Rusanov et al., 2011). In this connection, the integral assessment of the state of the soil cover of cities is of great scientific and practical interest. One of the most accessible and informative indicators for assessing the total technogenic soil pollution is phytotoxicity. The choice of a higher plant species as a test object depends on the objectives of the study and the type of soil pollution.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The soil cover of Ukrainian city parks has been studied by many scientists. The results of the study of the main physical and chemical properties, as well as the influence of anthropogenic factors on the soils of urban parks, are presented in the works of Mirzak, 1999; Vovka, 2004; Lutsishina et al., 2011; Dyadkovo

& Kozlovsky, 2012; Genika & Didi, 2013; Goncharenka and Zhitskoy, 2014; Gunka, 2015; Snitinsky & Smalya, 2016.

The soil cover of the city of Odessa, including the park zone, is actively studied by employees and students of the Odessa National University (Trigub et al. 2016; Domuschi ta Trigub, 2020), employees of the Odesa branch of the State institution "Soils Protection Institute of Ukraine"," (Khokhryakova & Kulidzhanov, 2017).

Materials and methods

The objects of the study were the anthropogenically transformed soils of the parks of Odessa, which are subjected to transport and industrial impacts of varying intensity. Soil samples for analysis were taken in 5 parks of the city of Odessa: Artillery Park, Savitsky Park, Victory Park, Botanical Garden, Dyukovsky Garden.

Soil samples taken on the territory of the forest belt along the Odessa-Chernomorsk highway, which is located outside the city, were used as a reference (control). The soils chosen as the objects of study were formed on the territory of the city historically and, in terms of their genetic properties, correspond to southern chernozems. All soil samples were taken and prepared according to the standard soil sampling procedures (DSTU 4287:2004). Phytotoxicity was assessed according to the method of A. I. Gorova (Gorova et al., 2014), humus content according to I.V. Tyurin (DSTU 4289: 2004). Statistical analysis of the obtained data was carried out using generally accepted methods and the MS Excel software package.

Results and discussion

The soil cover of the city of Odessa and its environs is in the zone of influence of more than 300 basic industrial enterprises and intensive automobile emissions; characterized by excess concentrations of mobile forms of heavy metals (Trigub et al., 2020).

Features of urban pedogenesis are manifested in the strong variability of soil parameters and the manifestation of contrast, mosaicity, and great variability of genetic properties. It is also important that the soil cover of the city is constantly changing as a result of redevelopment activities, construction activities, landscaping, etc., i.e. constantly varies with the conditions of the urban environment (Kuznetsov, 2011; Nikitina, 2011; Verkhoshentseva & Galaktionova, 2014).

Soil organic matter, and in particular humic acids, are capable of binding heavy metal salts into stable complex compounds and thereby converting them into a form inaccessible to plants. In this connection, when assessing the ecological state of soils in park areas, a change in their humus state is important, and sometimes decisive. Humus and its qualitative and quantitative indicators are among the most important properties of soils, which determine both their ecological functions in the biosphere and economic properties.

The results of studies of the total humus content of soils in the park areas of the city of Odessa indicate that the humus content in the upper layer (0-10 cm) varied from 3,63% to 5,26% and was characterized as medium and low according to D. S. Orlov's scale. (Orlov et al., 2005) (Fig. 1). In the 10-20 cm layer, these indicators varied from 2,50% to 3,51%, which corresponds to low-humus southern chernozems.

0-10 10-20

Artillery Savitsky Victory park park park

Botanical Dyukovsky garden garden


Figure 1. The content of humus in the soils of the parks of the city of Odessa

According to the content of total humus in the soils of the studied parks, they form the following row (in descending order): Artillery Park > Savitsky Park > Pobeda Park > Dyukovsky Garden Park > Botanical Garden.

Phytotoxicity is an integral indicator of the total impact of soil pollutants on the growth and development of higher plants. The level of phytotoxicity of park soils is assessed by the decrease in the determined indicators compared to those of plants grown on the control (uncontaminated) soil. Under laboratory conditions, the phytotoxicity of soils

At the same time, the lowest seed germination was observed in the soils of the Savitsky Park (78%). This indicator reached the highest value in the soils of the Botanical Garden Park and amounted to 97%. Thus, the soils of the Botanical Garden are characterized by favorable ecological properties, which is due to the absence of industrial enterprises and the low automobile load of the territory.

The study of the influence of park soils on the growth and development of pea seeds has a similar trend, however, there is a more significant suppression of germination compared to cucumber, which may indicate a greater sensitivity of peas to soil pollution and its greater indicator capacity (Figure 2). The lowest seed germination was noted for samples of the Savitsky Park (65%).

As a result of the research, it was found that the main factors that may affect the growth and development of plants in the conditions of the city are not fertility indicators, but soil pollution with various toxic substances. Therefore, to assess the ecological state of the soils of city parks, it is necessary to conduct additional studies on the content of toxic substances in them.


1. The study of the degree of phytotoxicity of the soils of the study areas showed the absence of inhibition of plant growth only in the control area. All other park soils have a low degree of phytotoxicity.

was studied in relation to two indicator test crops: Cucumis sativus (common cucumber) and Pisum (pea). The study of soil phytotoxicity showed that the soils of almost all study sites inhibited the growth of test crops.

The germination of cucumber seeds in the soils of all the studied parks corresponds to a low phytotoxic effect (Figure 2). The lowest indicator (4%) is typical for the soils of the Botanical Garden, the highest (11%) is for the soils of the Pobeda Park, which is under a significant influence (high congestion) of road transport.

2. The low value of phytotoxicity of soils of the Botanical Garden, in comparison with other study sites, can be explained by the remoteness from large city streets and industrial enterprises.

3. The use of Cucumis sativus (common cucumber) and Pisum (pea) as test objects for determining the phytotoxicity of soils made it possible to reveal the greater sensitivity of peas to technogenic pollution.


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i. v 0/j



« in

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

97 96


Artillery park Savitsky park Victory park Botanical garden Dyukovsky garden i Control

Seed germination Cucumis Seed germination Pisum sativus

Figure 2. Seed germination of test crops on soil samples

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