Научная статья на тему 'Physical culture at the workplace'

Physical culture at the workplace Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Mannapova N.I., Ismagulov A.G.

Currently, many employees cannot properly distribute the physical and psychological stress received during the labor process, which in many cases leads to serious health consequences. One of the ways to solve this problem is the implementation of industrial gymnastics as a form of physical culture. The paper presents the classification of industrial training, depending on the type of work, and the exercises that can become the basis for the preparation of a standard set of gymnastic classes.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Physical culture at the workplace»


Mannapova N.I.

Senior lecturer of the Department "Physical education ", Astrakhan State Technical University,Astrakhan, Russia

Ismagulov A. G.

Student of the Astrakhan State Technical University,

Astrakhan, Russia DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2019.5.61.34


Currently, many employees cannot properly distribute the physical and psychological stress received during the labor process, which in many cases leads to serious health consequences. One of the ways to solve this problem is the implementation of industrial gymnastics as a form of physical culture. The paper presents the classification of industrial training, depending on the type of work, and the exercises that can become the basis for the preparation of a standard set of gymnastic classes.

Key words: gymnastics, workplace, healthy lifestyle.

Gymnastics is a complex of physical exercises performed by employees in the workplace to improve their health. It plays a crucial role among the measures to increase productivity by improving the physical development and improvement of the workers.

1. The types of industrial gymnastics

In order to understand what constitutes production exercises, you need to consider its types and their meaning.

The types of industrial gymnastics:

1) Introductory gymnastics.

2) Physical break.

3) Physical minute.

1.1. Introductory gymnastics

Contributes to a more rapid adjustment of all systems of the human body for coordinated activity.

This is possible due to the influence of specially selected physical exercises on the Central nervous system. This reduces intensity of labor and increases productivity. Time for an introductory gymnastics included in the working time.

This gymnastics begin working day. IT lasts for 3 to 4 minutes and usually consists of five or seven exercises performed in the workplace.

Consequently, introductory gymnastics is organized execution of physical exercises that are held regularly with the aim of quickly achieving a high efficiency of the human body and strengthen the health of the students, it can be done alone or with colleagues.

1.2.Physical break

Included in working time, preventing the onset of fatigue. The need for rest appears when a person experiences the first signs of scattered attention and a planned reduction in productivity. Therefore it is necessary to make a break in work to perform the set of exercises fitness pause.

When sedentary monotonous work is going on for two and a half hours before the end of the first half of the day and almost at the same time in the afternoon.

Physical pause takes 5 -7 minutes, and they are held as a rule in the workplace (either). Physical break is an organized implementation of complex physical exercises that are tailored to characteristics of the work and entered into a working day as a change of activity with the aim of achieving relaxation, maintain high

health and improve the health of employees. Introductory gymnastics and physical break is confined to a particular time of the working day.

1.3. Physical minute

Physical minute is a form of individual lessons, including only one or two exercises [2, p. 101]. Physical minute should be recommended after some difficult working operations to restore the correct blood circulation in the human body and the development of swollen muscles, as well as to prevent the first signs of fatigue.

From the process conditions determines the choice of forms of industrial gymnastics: if you cannot stop workflow eliminates physical break, but you can enter the introductory gymnastics, and Vice versa.

Interrelationships of gymnastics with labor activity of people is the need to study the characteristics of production, technological process, character of fatigue. These data are necessary when deciding about the time of the industrial gymnastics and selecting. Especially important information on productivity during the working day.

For most occupations characterized by three sequentially successive uptime:

1) the period of "adaptability". For the emergence of a sufficiently high health usually need some time during which the switching operation of all systems of the body to a normal rhythm of work, therefore, for the body, it is useful to introductory gymnastics;

2) the period of high and sustainable performance. It has a warm-up duration, which depends on the nature of the work and the physical condition of the workers. At the end of this period of reduced efficiency and productivity.

3) there comes a transition to the third period, as the efficiency decreases, with the advent of the period of fatigue.

All three periods are marked in the first half of the day, and second. To maintain efficiency in the second period it is necessary to make a physical pause in the moment before the drop in performance, you need to change the type of activity to move the phase of fatigue.

From all this it can be seen that the introduction of gymnastics and physical break can be used at different times of day with the aim of improving the health of the human body. And we should remember that with these

types of industrial gymnastics has successfully addressed a very important health and educational objectives, increasing productivity [4, p. 24].

2. Classification of types of labor

Proper organization of production gymnastics requires careful consideration of the peculiarities of professional activity engaged in , as there is a large variety of professions.

We distinguish the following occupational groups [1, p. 17] are similar in their characteristics, for the rational organization of the production of the gym:

1-I group — a profession characterized by a predominance of nervous tension with slight exertion and monotonous working movements Features: monotonous work that is performed sitting down, movement restricted, but requires precise coordination and the vision.

Group 2 — occupations where combined physical and mental activity with average exercise and some diversity .Work is performed standing, is characterized by frequent changes of dynamic and static components of activity, tension attention and vision.

3-I group — a profession characterized by the various working operations requiring great physical effort.

4-I group — a profession related to the mental work that requires constant mental strain.

For the rational organization of gymnastics in the mode of work is needed to define more precisely the objectives and content of the lessons is based on the consideration of the peculiarities of professional activity of workers of the plant Department, based on specific conditions of exercises.

3. Production gymnastics for office workers

In this Chapter I would like to consider gymnastics for office workers as it is the primary means of prevention and treatment of occupational diseases. This topic will affect me, the future economist.

Latest studies show that office workers are aging five years earlier people leading an active lifestyle. Sedentary work violates of human posture, promote weight gain and blurred vision. According to statistics, about eighty percent of office staff suffer from back pain.

Repetitive posture during the working day leads to disruption of the blood supply of the brain. This may lead to headaches, deteriorating memory and displays pressure drops [1, p. 12]. All this may appear pain in the heart and changes in cardiac rhythm. And it's not the whole list of consequences of work in the office.

In order to pick up exercises to the complex of office exercises, it is necessary to determine age, gender, and level of physical development and the health of the students. The basics of education office gymnastics are the minimum theoretical knowledge about the posture, the optimum working posture, physiology of movement.

The main tasks of the office of gymnastics are:

• correction of habitual head position and body segments;

• relaxation of hyperactive muscles;

• improve movement in the joints of the spine and extremities;

• improved health and stress relief.

It is necessary to observe some conditions for performing office gymnastics:

• Classes are carried out in ventilated place at temperature not above 25 ° C and a humidity of 70%.

• Gymnastics are held, if possible, directly from jobs, preferably to music.

• Excludes intensive.

• Excluded sudden movements and swings with a large amplitude.

3.1. Types of exercises of gymnastics for office workers

One of the most important exercises is a set to improve the condition of the spine:

1) The head tilts. Sit up straight. Back is firmly pressed to the back of the chair if the back of the chair straight. If your office chair backrest is tilted back, then sit on the chair a little deeper, but keep your back straight, not leaning back. See in front of you . Exhale slowly and gently lower the chin to chest, lock the head for 2-3 second. Raise your head, returning to its original position. Very slowly tilt the head back, stretch your chin up, the pain should not be. Perform 5-7 times. Then tilt your head to the side and hand direct the ear to the shoulder. Repeat in the other direction. Perform 5-7 times.

2) Castle hands. Put your hands behind your back (one on top, another bottom), interlock their fingers and hold for 10 seconds. Then switch hands and repeat again. If you can't wrap your hands, use a strap or rope.

3) Stand against the wall. Take a stable position leaning against the wall. Legs straight, stretched. The outside of the feet parallel to each other. Back from shoulders to tailbone flush against the wall. The deflection of the spine is missing. Head leaning against the wall. The shoulders are lowered. Reach the top of the head up, stretching the body. Arms hanging loosely, fingers relaxed. Hold the position for 1 minute.

Production exercises include special exercises for relaxing the eye muscles, reduces their tension, improves blood flow to the eyes and circulation of intraocular fluid, create favorable conditions for the functioning of the organs of vision, prevents the onset of fatigue, fatigue, overexertion.

An example of such exercises:

1) Warm up: close your eyes for a few seconds. Open your eyes and don't blink about 5-10 seconds.

2) The horizontal eye movement from left to right.

3) The vertical movement of eyes up and down.

4) The circular movements of the eyes: clockwise and in the opposite direction.

5) The diagonal eye movement diagonally. First you need to squint in the lower left corner, then straight to look up into the right corner. Similarly repeat it in the opposite direction.

6) Reduction of the eye to the nose. To do this, slowly bring a finger to the bridge of his nose, watching his tip. Eyes can easily "connect".

7) Look into the distance straight ahead 2-3 seconds. Then put your finger (pencil) at a distance of 2530 cm from the eye, look at it for 3-5 seconds. Lower your hand again, look into the distance. Repeat 10-12 times.


Евразийский Союз Ученых (ЕСУ) #4 (61), 2019

8) Attach on a window at eye level, a round tag with a diameter of 3-5 mm. move your eyes from distant objects behind a window on a mark and back. Repeat 10-12 times. Option: Go to the window, look closely at the close, clearly visible detail, and then direct view into the distance, trying to see the most distant objects.

9) My eyes open slowly, breathing in rhythm, gently draw a figure of eight. Repeat 5-7 times.

10) See 5-6 seconds on the thumb outstretched at eye level right hand. Slowly move the hand to the right, watch your finger, without turning his head. Do the same with the left hand. Repeat 5-7 times in each direction.

11) Often blinked eyes.

Analyzing this work, I concluded that gymnastics plays a critical role in the process. To strengthen the state of human health, disease prevention needs a meaningful relationship to the regime of work.

Production, exercise contributes to maintaining a normal physical condition of the body, and also creates conditions for a high efficiency for a long time, and the

УДК 331.57

alternation of mental and physical exercise helps the body tune in to a favorable mode of the working day.

I believe that my work and the example exercises production gymnastics will contribute to attracting employees to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


1. Grigorovich E. S. Production gymnastics for employees of major groups of mental work: the Method. recommendations / E. S. G., A. M. Tro-fimenko I. N. Malucha, Mn.: Mgmi, 2000.- 39 p

2. Regenerative medicine / ed. by V. G. Laserman. Rostov n/D, Phoenix, 2008.- 411 p.

3. Industrial gymnastics. Methodical recommendations. Tyumen: GOU VPO Tumma Roszdrava, 2009. 10 C.

4. Smolewski V. M. Textbook "Gymnastics and methods of teaching." - 24 p.

5. Educational materials for students of internal form of training — Learning materials for students of the General course (PED/f, t/f, AFC) :NSU them. P. F. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg.- 15 p.


Liliana Naydenova

Irkutsk branch of the all-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov


Найденова Лилиана Валерьевна

Кандитдат экономических наук, старший преподаватель Иркутского филиала ВГИК.,

Иркутский филиал Всероссийского Государственного Института Кинематографии имени С.А. Герасимова

664040 г. Иркутск DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2019.5.61.41


The article is devoted to solving the problem connected with unemployment of graduates which faced by many educational institutions. Especially this problem concerns graduates of creative professions, that could be explained by the lack of vacancies and specialized enterprises. One of the ways to solve this problem can be holding of specialized student scientific conferences on the base of creative Universities and Colleges. On the example of experience with students of the Irkutsk branch of VGIK we prove the effectiveness of the introduction into practice of student scientific conferences in the form of business ideas competition, as one of the methods of solving the problem of the graduates employment.

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В статье рассматривается один из способов решения проблемы трудоустройства выпускников, с которой сталкиваются многие учебные заведения. В частности, данная проблема касается выпускников творческих специальностей, что объясняется нехваткой вакантных мест и специализированных предприятий. Одним из способов решений данной проблемы может стать проведение на базе творческих ВУЗов и ССУЗов специализированных студенческих научно-практических конференций. На примере опыта работы со студентами Иркутского филиала ВГИК рассматривается эффективность внедрения в практику студенческих научно-практических конференций в виде конкурса бизнес-идей, как одного из видов разрешения проблемы трудоустройства выпускников творческих специальностей.

Keywords: independent research of students, practice outside the institution, group work of students, prevention and elimination of unemployment, creation of new jobs.

Ключевые слова: самостоятельные исследования студентов, практика вне учебного заведения, групповая работа студентов, предупреждение и устранение безработицы, создание новых рабочих мест.

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