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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Abdrassilov A.M., Orynbassarova Y.D., Omarova A.T., Makovetsky M.Y.

The article describes the state and development of physical culture and sports in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The analysis and evaluation of the eff ctiveness of physical culture and sports management were carried out using methods of extrapolation, system analysis and comparison. The article highlights typical problems and shortcomings of the development of sports using the Karaganda region as an example. In addition, the study points out a discrepancy in the development of structural components of both mass sports and high perfomance sports at the level of the Karaganda region. It is concluded that eff management of physical culture and sports can be achieved with a cluster approach that can link all components of sports and ensure their proportional development. As a result of the study, the authors identifi factors that infl the development of youth policy in the fi of physical culture and sports. A trend model has been created based on projected values of the indicator “Sport services and services for organizing recreational activities” from 2022 to 2024. The model made it possible to, fi identify the trend towards an increase in demand for sport services and recreation services in the Republic of Kazakhstan and, second, to identify possible directions for improving the mechanisms of the development of physical culture and sports.

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Abdrassilov A.M.1,

e-mail: abdrasilov0l@inbox.ru,

Orynbassarova Y.D.1,

PhD, professor, e-mail: erke.08@mail.ru,

Omarova A.T.2,

PhD, professor, e-mail: ainuraphd@mail.ru,

Makovetsky M.Y.3,

candidate of economic science, assistant professor, e-mail: mmakov@mail.ru, 1Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan 2Karaganda Buketov University, Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan Moscow Witte University, Moscow, Russia

The article describes the state and development ofphysical culture and sports in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The analysis and evaluation ofthe effectiveness ofphysical culture and sports management were carried out using methods of extrapolation, system analysis and comparison. The article highlights typical problems and shortcomings of the development of sports using the Karaganda region as an example. In addition, the study points out a discrepancy in the development of structural components of both mass sports and high perfomance sports at the level of the Karaganda region. It is concluded that effective management of physical culture and sports can be achieved with a cluster approach that can link all components of sports and ensure their proportional development. As a result of the study, the authors identifiedfactors that influence the development of youth policy in the field ofphysical culture and sports. A trend model has been created based on projected values of the indicator "Sport services and services for organizing recreational activities" from 2022 to 2024. The model made it possible to, first, identify the trend towards an increase in demand for sport services and recreation services in the Republic of Kazakhstan and, second, to identify possible directions for improving the mechanisms of the development ofphysical culture and sports. Keywords: physical culture and sports, youth policy, cluster approach, trend model


Абдрасилов Агыбай Манатович1,

e-mail: abdrasilov01@inbox.ru,

Орынбасарова Еркеназым Дулатовна1,

PhD, профессор, e-mail: erke.08@mail.ru,

Омарова Айнура Тояковна2,

PhD, профессор, e-mail: ainuraphd@mail.ru,

Маковецкий Михаил Юрьевич3,

канд. экон. наук, доцент, e-mail: mmakov@mail.ru, Карагандинский университет Казпотребсоюза, г. Караганда, Республика Казахстан 2Карагандинский университет имени академика Е.А. Букетова, г. Караганда, Республика Казахстан Московский университет имени С.Ю. Витте, г. Москва, Россия

Статья посвящена анализу состояния и развития физической культуры и спорта в Республике Казахстан. Анализ и оценка эффективности управления физической культурой и спортом проводились с использованием методов экстраполяции, системного анализа и сравнения. На примере Карагандинского региона выделены типовые проблемы и недостатки развития спорта. Отмечается, что на уровне Карагандинской области происходит рассогласование развития структурных составляющих как массового спорта, так и спорта высших достижений. Был сделан вывод о том, что эффективное управление физической культурой и спортом может быть достигнуто на основе кластерного подхода, который может связать и обеспечить пропорциональное развитие всех составляющих спорта. В результате исследования авторами были определены факторы, которые оказывают влияние на развитие молодежной политики в области физической культуры и спорта. Построена трендовая модель прогнозных значений показателя «Услуги спортивные и услуги по организации отдыха» на 2022-2024 годы. Трендовая модель позволила определить тенденцию к росту объемов спортивных услуг и услуг по организации отдыха для населения Республики Казахстан и обозначить возможные направления совершенствования механизмов развития физической культуры и спорта. Ключевые слова: физическая культура и спорт, молодежная политика, кластерный подход, трендовая модель

DOI 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-2-84-92


For numerous countries around the world, the growth of the sports sphere is of high priority. The development of sports is social in nature, as it improves health of the population, prevents diseases and increases labour productivity. Sports play an important role in the younger generation upbringing. Sports form the personality of a physically and mentally healthy citizen. Sports discipline people, decreases the number of socially undesirable acts as well as improves the criminogenic environment. National sports contribute to the creation of national identity, help people connect with their historical roots. National sports highlight the country's distinctive character, which serves as an attraction for foreign tourists.

In addition, sports strengthen the country's defensive capability. Many branches of military service (such as paratroopers, special forces, national guard, etc.) induct only physically fit recruits. High level of defence capability is achievable only when army personnel and conscripts are put through rigorous physical training. High performance sports increase the prestige of a country and makes a country recognizable on the international stage. Empathizing with compatriot athletes during competitions at stadiums, sports facilities, the population express patriotic feelings.

Taking into account the above, the development of physical culture and sports in the Republic of Kazakhstan belongs to the priority areas of state policy. State policies are directed towards implementing the following priorities: to organize a system of mass sports; to raise the share of consistently exercising population to 35%; to provide services in the field of national sports; to create modern infrastructure and market of sport services; to ensure high results in the area of big sports. In order to achieve the aforementioned strategic goals, it is crucial to form an Olympic reserve and familiarize younger generation with sports.

The main character-defining feature of state policies regarding sports in Kazakhstan is the development of big sports without prejudice to mass sports. The primary intent behind state policies is to convince as many people as possible to engage in sports. Reaching this goal will help spread sports among the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which, in turn, is a component of a policy directed at the development of a "society for an individual".

1. Theoretical preconditions for the study of the development of physical culture and sports

Youth, which is defined by the United Nations as persons between the ages of 15 and 24 years, comprise a significant portion of the world's population. This group is simultaneously an opportunity and a problem for governments worldwide1. On the one hand, young people can contribute to their communities and can serve as

1 United Nations. Youth 2030: The United Nations youth strategy // United Nations [web-сайт]. - 2018. - URL: https://www.un.org/ youthenvoy/youth-un/ (accessed: 04/10/2023). - Text: electronic.

agents of positive change if they are given opportunities to utilize their energy and skills (International Labo-risation). On the other hand, when faced with marginalization and alienation caused by economic and social problems, young people can become a source of instability and unrest2.

Officials in the Republic of Kazakhstan pay close attention to the development of sports. Kazakhstan's Ministry Culture and Sports ratified a Concept of development of physical culture and sport until 2025. Kazakhstan hosted major sport events, such as 2011Asian Games and 2017 Universiade. Kazakhstan bid for the Winter Olympic Games on numerous occasions. Kazakhstan is a member of the International Olympic Committee and the Olympic Council of Asia.

In view of the aggravation of problems related to young people and youth policies, it is essential to objectively evaluate Kazakhstan's work with youth. The evaluation would include the assessment of financial investments in the development of sports [1] and the analysis of the existing management system [2].

Achieving the planned results is possible only with a thorough analysis of the work performed, the available material, labor and financial resources, generalization of the experience gained in various regions, availability of personnel and sports facilities.

Objective assessment of the available opportunities would allow to: efficiently allocate financial resources to increase the number of people engaged in sports; recruit qualified specialists in the field of physical culture and sports; promote a healthy lifestyle among citizens of different ages. It is worth to point out that the number of people engaging in sports is steadily increasing. In 2019 that number amounted to 5.7 million people (which is 30.6% of the population), in 2020 it increased to 5.9 million people (31.6% of the population), and in 2021 it rose to 6.5 million people (34.4% of the population) [3].

One of the main problems associated with the development of sports is that the majority of sports organizations are non-profit, which makes it challenging to reach the established goals as it would require a strong financial foundation [4; 5]. Sport management praxis established a number of management models. Organizations pick a suitable model in accordance with practical features unique to each organization.

However, it is common that the existing management models are aimed at improving the quality of sports services, optimizing the management system in order to achieve maximum results [6]. In order to increase the effectiveness of sports development, both the internal features of the organization and the features of the external environment should be taken into account [7; 8]. All this indicates the need for comprehensive development of sports services in the country as a whole and in each specific region.

2. Development of physical culture and sports in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context

of state youth policies

Modern state policies are directed at the development of mass and high performance sports. The primary focus is on popularizing sports among youth and on support of young people themselves, because younger generation is the future of the nation and a foundation for the country's sustainable development. This focus is specified in the Article 3 of the "State youth policy" adopted on February 9, 2015 in the goal of "Involvement of youth in the socio-economic and socio-political life of the country"3.

It should be noted that the results of sociological research show a clear gradual change in the values of people in younger age groups, which is reflected in the increasing importance of post-materialistic values (values of self-expression, self-development, freedom and equality)4. It is also important to note that sports and leisure are the most interesting activities for young people5. Thus, the statistical data of the Republic of Kazakhstan shows the rise in demand for sport services and recreational activities, as demonstrated in figure 1.

2 Al-Shammari N., Willoughby J. Determinants of political instability across Arab Spring countries. Mediterranean Politics // Taylor Francis Online [web-сайт]. - 2019. - URL: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13629395.2017.1389349 (accessed: 04/10/2023). - Text: electronic.

3 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 9, 2015 No. 285-V ZRK "On State youth policy" // Эдшет [web-сайт]. - 2015. -URL: https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/Z1500000285 (accessed: 04/10/2023). - Text: electronic.

4 The Forming of conceptual approaches to the implementation of the state youth policy of Kazakhstan. Analytical report // cisco [website]. - 2020. - URL: https://cisc.kz/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/ doklad-formirovanie-konczeptualnyh-podhodov-po-realizaczii-gosudarstvennoj-molodezhnoj-politiki.pdf (accessed: 04/05/2023). - Text: electronic.

5 The State program for the development of productive employment and mass entrepreneurship for 2017-2021 "Ецбек" // Эдшет [website]. - 2017. - URL: https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/P1800000746 (accessed: 04/10/2023). - Text: electronic.

Figure 1 - Dynamics of services in the field of sports and leisure of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan6

As can be seen from Figure 1, in 2020, the volume of sports and recreation services decreased due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. However, already in 2021, the volume of such services has increased by 2.23 times. A trend model was created to determine projected values of the indicator "Sport services and services for organizing recreational activities" from 2022 to 2024. The creation of the model ivolved the im-plemnetaion of the following steps.

1) Using stress intensity factor for the analysis of time series data in order to find abnormalities (table 1).

Table 1 - Time series analysis7

Year Sport services and services for organizing recreational activities, millions of tenge Observed values of the stress intensity factor Calculation formulas

2016 160 921,1 Observed value of the stress intensity factor I — ^'-1 t — 2 6

2017 180 856,7 0.203

2018 176 390,6 0.0454 C y The critical value of the stress intensity factor , 05 — 1 ' 5

2019 223 454,2 0.479

2020 188501,4 0.356

2021 421380,3 2.369

The original time series contains an abnormality after 2020, as the value of the stress intensity factor is higher than the critical value. This is due to the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, which resulted in the reduced demand for sport services and services for organizing recreational activities. The abnormality should be replaced by the arithmetic mean of two adjacent values (table 2).

6 Compiled by the authors based on the source: Statistical data // Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan [web-site]. - URL: https://www.stat.gov.kz/official/industry/64/statistic/8 (accessed: 04/05/2023). - Text: electronic.

7 Compiled by the authors based on the source: Statistical data // Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan [web-site]. - URL: https://www.stat.gov.kz/official/industry/64/statistic/8 (accessed: 04/10/2023). - Text: electronic.

Table 2 - The time series after expunging the abnormality8

Year Sport services and services for organizing recreational activities, millions of tenge Observed values of the stress intensity factor Calculation formulas

2016 160 921,1 Observed value of the stress intensity factor Xt — !}t >t-1', t — 2,6 C y The critical value of the stress intensity factor ^0,05 — 1, 5

2017 180 856,7 0.193

2018 176 390,6 0.0432

2019 223 454,2 0.455

2020 322 417,2 0.957

2021 421 380,3 0.957

The time series obtained does not contain anomalous observations with a probability of 95%, since all observed values of the stress intensity factor are less than the critical one.

2) Making a conclusion about the existence of a trend by calculating the median. The middle value of the median xmed is the middle element (by location) of the variation. If n is even, the median xmed is calculated with the formula (1):

—1( )

Xmed — 2 (n/2) + X(n/2+1)) . (1)

In our case, there are 6 elements:

xmed= (x3 + x4) / 2 = (176 390,6+223 454,2) / 2 = 199 922,4.

With the probability of error being 0,05 < a < 0,095 the existence of a trend is determined on condition (2): i -

v(n) > vKp — [2(n + 1 - 1,96>/n-I)],

2 , (2)

t(n) < tKp — [3,31og(n + 1)].

The results of calculations on determining the presence of a trend using the Median sample criterion are presented in table 3.

Table 3 - Determining the existence of a trend by calculating the median

t x Exceeding «+» the median

1 160 921.1 -

2 176 390.6 -

3 180 856.7 -

4 223 454.2 +

5 322 417.2 +

6 421 380.3 +

Created by the authors.

The data from table 3 shows that:

- the total number of batches of pluses and minuses is v(n) = 2;

- the length of the longest batch is t(n) = 3. Then:

vkp — 0.5(6 + 1 - 1.96^/6-!) — 1 < 2, tkp = 3.3(lg(6)+1) = 5>3.

Therefore, vKp= 1 is lower than v(n)=2 and t = 5 is lower than t(n) = 3. The condition (2) is met, thus, the examined time series contains a trend component.

3) Creation of the trend models and their evaluation with the coefficient of determination (table 4).

8 Compiled by the authors based on the source: Statistical data // Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan [web-site]. - URL: https://www.stat.gov.kz/official/industry/64/statistic/8 (accessed: 04/10/2023). - Text: electronic.

Table 4 contains values of the coefficient of determination. Table 4 - Evaluation of the trend models with the coefficient of determination

Equation Coefficient of determination, R2

y = 124808998Ln(x) + 110711736 0,6402

y = 14443817x2 - 50419805x + 204974791 (polynomial, m=2) 0,9875

y = 1139976x3 + 2474064x2 - 14282550x + 176247384 (polynomial, m=3) 0,9890

y = 135681138 x 0-4891 0,7129

y = 117712751e °-1938x 0,8923

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y = 19164x + 777,57 0,8417

Created by the authors.

Now we will evaluate the adequacy of the trend models with the derived coefficient of determination (table 5).

Table 5 - Evaluating the adequacy of the trend models

Equation Coefficient 2 of determination, R Corrected coefficient ~ 2 of determination, R

1 y = 124808998Ln(x) + 110711736 0,6402 0,5502

2 y = 14443817x2 - 50419805x + 204974791 (polynomial, m=2) 0,9875 0,9791

3 y = 1139976x3 + 2474064x2 - 14282550x + 176247384 (polynomial, m=3) 0,9890 0,9725

4 y = 135681138 x 0,4891 0,7129 0,6411

5 y = 117712751e 0,1938x 0,8923 0,8653

6 y = 19164x + 777,57 0,8417 0,8121

Created by the authors.

The equation with the best adequacy is the one that has the biggest value of the corrected coefficient of

— 2

determination R . Table 5 shows that the equation in question is the polynomial:

y = 14443817X2 - 50419805x + 204974791, - 2 ^ the R of which is 0,9791. We can create a regressive trend line using this polynomial as a foundation (figure

2). Based on the trend model, a point forecast of the indicator "Sports and recreation organization services" can

be calculated (table 6).

Table 6 - Point forecast of the indicator "Sport services and services for organizing recreational activities" from 2022 to 2024

Year Point forecast, thousands of tenge

2022 559 783 189

2023 726 020 639

2024 921 145 723

Created by the authors.

As shown in table 6, the expenditure on sport services and services for organizing recreational activities will keep increasing and in 2024 it will amount to 921 145 723 thousand tenge. Therefore, according to the forecast, this number will keep increasing, and that is why the problems associated with improving the mechanisms of sport sphere development are considered relevant.

In the last five years the basic values of the Kazakhstani youth have changed significantly9:

- the highest value for the majority (82,5%) of young people are traditional values, and the greatest value for the Kazakhstani youth is "family";

- the second most important value is health (45,6%);

- the third most prioritized value is friendship (23,1%);

- for every fifth (20,7%) young man in Kazakhstan the most significant value is a financially secure life;

- faith and religion (16,2%) are among five major values of young people.

Figure 2 - The regressive trend line of "Sports and recreation organization services" from 2022 to 2024 in the Republic of Kazakhstan (created by the authors)

The modernization of the national youth policy (which includes setting priorities, principles, goals and mechanisms of their accomplishment) is a part of the solution of many youth problems.

3. Regional features of the development of physical culture and sports on the example

of the Karaganda region

Let us consider the features of the development of physical culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the example of the Karaganda region. There are more than 3 thousand sports organizations and physical culture groups in the region that provide services for more than 409 thousand people.

However, it should be noted that the development of sports in the Karaganda region is uneven, sports prevail in cities: 63% of sports services are consumed in Karaganda. In addition, different types of sports are unevenly represented. There is a reluctance of many organizations to take part in the implementation of sports programs in the region. There are no financial programs to support the development of sports, such as financial programs and bank loans to support entrepreneurship in the field of sports. There is an insufficient interaction between organizations of different industries in order to implement sports programs in the region.

Despite the aforementioned increase in demand for sports services and recreation services in 2021, Karaganda region saw a decrease in the expenditure on sports services by 16.5%, which indicates insufficient effort of authorities in the field of their organization. Nevertheless, the Karaganda region occupies a leading position in high performance sports. 100 sports are cultivated in the region, 44 of which are Olympic sports; over 1,400 athletes are members of the National Team of the Republic of Kazakhstan10.

Physical culture services are mostly associated with the public sector. The state provides socially significant sports services, such as physical training services within the framework of preschool, school and uni-

9 Sports organizations and physical culture collectives of the Karaganda region // Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Karaganda region [web-site]. - URL: https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/karaganda-sport?lang=ru (accessed: 04/10/2023). - Text: electronic.

10 Abylaev T. Active involvement in sports // Industrial Karaganda [web-site]. - URL: https://inkaraganda.kz/novosti/politika/aktivno-priobshhatsja-k-sportu / (accessed: 04/10/2023). - Text: electronic.

versities, as well as in non-school state sports institutions, sports services for amateur sports, various sports development programs at various levels of subordination, sports training for various branches of the army.

Activities in the region are aimed at providing physical health and sport services to people of all ages and social groups. This development is facilitated by the introduction of per capita funding for sports clubs. This action has never been implemented in the country before. Thanks to this program, in 2022, more than 162,000 children were able to attend sports sections for free. Funding the creation of sports clubs in the country exceeded six billion tenge.

However, in the field of sports services in the Karaganda region, there are the following types of problems:

- poor development of mass sports;

- insufficient development of sports infrastructure in terms of insufficient public participation in sports;

- shortage of qualified trainers;

- insufficient informational support: the lack of a unified resource containing comprehensive information on the main areas of sports services in Kazakhstan;

- poor scientific foundation for the development of sports;

- an extremely insufficient level of development of sports and sports infrastructure in rural areas;

- insufficient level of preparation of the Olympic reserve and youth sports;

- absence of tax preferences for sports organizations: almost complete absence of partnership between public and private sectors in the field of sports;

- insufficient development of national sports.

One of the issues of the development of sports in the region is the insufficient funding of sports infrastructure. A novelty in state policy is the introduction of public-private partnership mechanisms. This mechanism has the advantages of both the private sector (mobility, entrepreneurship, initiative) and the public sector (social orientation, state support).

The mechanism would allow to implement long-term (5-10 years) projects, which would attract significant investments from the private sector. This is a big departure from a tender system, in which a private partner participates in a one-year task. When it comes to tenders, there is no opportunity to attract significant investments.

The analysis reveals that the Karaganda region has a mismatch in the development of structural components of both mass and high-performance sports. There is an extremely uneven development of sports in the settlements of the Karaganda region. In our opinion, the cluster acts as an economic mechanism that can help connect and ensure the proportional development of all components of sports.

Clusters are characterized by the interaction of three main groups within a specific geographical area: state bodies; private enterprises and organizations that provide services, and public institutions - organizations of the financial sector, infrastructure, scientific and educational institutions, i.e. all those organizations that ensure the operation of the cluster. One of the effective approaches to the organization of sports in the region can be a cluster model that would include all organizations involved in the implementation of sports programs.

One of the main tasks of creating a cluster is to increase the competitiveness of the provided services. In the field of big sports, there is an international competition between organizations and athletes from different countries. Therefore, increasing the competitiveness of domestic high performance sports with cluster mechanisms is relevant.

With cluster development, the consolidation of state bodies and organizations on which the development of sports depends on specific types of big sports occurs. Thanks to this, all the resources of these organizations are focused on specific areas of infrastructure development, services and international cooperation. This contributes to improving the performance of both big and mass sports.

Innovations and the introduction of scientific and technological achievements play an important role in modern cluster models. Therefore, the sports cluster should include scientific institutes and scientific organizations in the field of sports.


Improvement of the entire system of national youth policy, which entails determining priorities, principles, tasks and mechanisms of their implementation, is a solution to youth problems and should be carried out

in accordance with age groups, social status, financial well-being, regional characteristics, social and political preferences.

As a result of the study, the authors identified the factors that influence the development of youth policy in the field of physical culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Extrapolation, system analysis and comparison methods were used to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of physical culture and sports management. On the example of Karaganda region, typical problems and shortcomings in the development of sports were highlighted. Moreover, the article reveals a discrepancy in the development of structural components of both mass sports and elite sports at the regional level of (on the example of Karaganda oblast).

A retrospective analysis was used in the construction of the trend model "Sports and recreation organization services" from 2022 to 2024. The trend model made it possible to determine the trend towards an increase in the volume of provided services for the population of the republic and to identify possible directions for improving the mechanisms for the development of physical culture and sports. The priority direction of the state policy in the field of sports is the development of both mass and big sports.

In this regard, further improvement of organizational and economic mechanisms in the field of sports development is relevant. The authors formulated the conclusion that the effective management of physical culture and sports can be achieved with a cluster approach, which would allow us to connect and ensure the proportional development of all components of sports. A novelty in the sport state policy is the introduction of a public-private partnership mechanism, which combines the advantages of both the private and public sectors and allows attracting additional financial resources for the implementation of long-term projects.


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