№ 3 (120)_А ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ_март. 2024 г.
DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2024.120.3.17016
Vohid Akhmedov
of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara E-mail: [email protected]
Sherzod Rakhmatov
Doctoral student
of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering Technological, Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara E-mail: [email protected]
Ахмедов Вохид Низомович
Бухарского инженерно-технологического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара
Рахматов Шерзод Шухратович
Бухарского инженерно-технологического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара
The results of the study on the physical and IR-spectral analysis of the fraction extracted from the composition of waste hexane - the fraction extracted by driving the secondary product under atmospheric pressure-were studied using the physical as well as the IR-spectral method. Research results on physical and IR-spectral analysis of the fraction isolated from the hexane composition of the waste. Modern methods of physics-chemical analysis, as well as methods of analyzing products corresponding to state (GOST) and world (ASTM) standards, were used for research. The isolated product was found to be soluble in benzole and octane when dissolved in various organic solvents. When the IR spectral result was analyzed, vibrational frequencies were observed for bands of spectrum in the range of 2853-2922 cm-1 (-CH3), 1458-1377 cm-1 (-CH2), and 721 cm-1 (-CH2).
Результаты исследований по физическому и ИК-спектральному анализу фракции, выделенной из состава отработанного гексана - фракции, выделенной путем перегонки вторичного продукта под атмосферным давлением, были изучены с использованием как физического, так и ИК-спектрального метода. Для исследований использовались современные методы физико-химического анализа, а также методы анализа продукции на соответствие государственным (ГОСТ) и мировым (ASTM) стандартам. Установлено, что выделенный продукт при растворении в различных органических растворителях растворяется в бензоле и октане. Также при ИК-спектральном анализе наблюдалась полоса колебаний спектра в диапазоне 2853 - 2922 см-1 (-CH3), в диапазоне 1458 - 1377 см-1 (-CH2) и в диапазоне 721 см-1 (-CH2).
Keywords: IR-spectral, benzol, octane, secondary product, fraction, organic solvent, analysis.
Ключевые слова: ИК-спектральный, бензол, октан, вторичный продукт, фракция, органический растворитель, анализ.
Библиографическое описание: Rakhmatov Sh.Sh., Akhmedov V.N. PHYSICAL AND IR-SPECTRAL ANALYSIS OF THE FRACTION SEPARATED FROM THE WASTE OF "UZ-KOR GAS CHEMICAL" JV LLC // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 3(120). URL: https://7universum. com/ru/tech/archive/item/17016
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MapT, 2024 r.
Today, the chemical and oil-gas industry, which has high production, raw material, scientific and technical potential, is one of the leading basic sectors of the economy of Uzbekistan. The chemical, oil and gas industry, while adding a significant share to the development of the republic's economy, is also sharply increasing its export potential [1-3].
Comprehensive use of natural resources and industrial waste, introduction of the latest modern technologies, production of new competitive goods, deep processing and coordination of local raw materials and other issues are specifically mentioned in the development strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026.
In recent years, the chemical industry of Uzbekistan has changed radically - a complete reform has been carried out, the main goal of which is the production of high value-added products based on deep processing of local raw materials. In this direction, the production of new, import-substituting chemical products based on the processing of hydrocarbon raw materials in the republic have particular importance. The country's leadership is paying great attention to the creation of new high-tech chemical industry facilities, such as the Shurtan and Ustyurt gas chemical complexes. These gas chemical complexes allowed the Republic to take the leading positions in the production of polymer products in Central Asia [4-6].
Deep processing of natural gas and rational disposal of technological waste into oil products with improved environmental performance is one of the priority directions of further development of oil and gas processing enterprises.
Increasing demand for hydrocarbons and the ecological crisis occurring on the earth require a deep study of the possibilities of efficient and rational use of hydrocarbon resources. Environmental requirements for hydrocarbons provide an opportunity to process secondary products of the chemical industry, oil and gas processing enterprises.
One of such products is waste hexane, which is released as a liquid secondary product during the polymerization process at the joint venture "Uz-Kor Gas Chemical" LLC.
The main products of the joint venture are high-density polyethylene (YZPE) and polypropylene. High density polyethylene is produced on the basis of Honam Petrochemical Corporation's Mitsui CX technology.
This joint enterprise produced polypropylene granules for the first time in our country.
In the complex, the polymerization process is carried out in parallel and serial modes in reactors at low pressure, in the presence of hexane solvent in a medium suspension. The concentration of the suspension formed in the presence of dehydrated hexane, the solvent of ethylene monomer, which is the main raw material, is adjusted, and the catalyst TiCl4: MgCl2, and the cocatalyst Al(C2H5)3 (TEAL) solution are continuously fed from the designated place of the reactor at the required speed.
Hexane and polyethylene formed during the polymerization are isolated in the separation section, part of the hexane is returned to the polymerization section, and the rest is sent to the regeneration section.
In this process, in addition to the main polymer product, waste hexane is also formed as a liquid secondary product. The main part of the residual product is paraffins from C6 to C20, whose qualitative and quantitative composition was determined by chromatography [7].
Based on the fact that waste hexane cannot be processed into a useful product, the investigation of the method of its processing and the development of technology remain an urgent issue for scientists and experts in the field of oil and gas chemistry, and in the field of oil and gas processing.
In this article, the physical properties and IR spectral results of the fraction separated by driving the secondary product formed during polymerization under atmospheric pressure were analyzed [8-10].
Research object and methods
As a research object, a sample of the fraction separated by driving under atmospheric pressure of the waste hexane released as a liquid secondary product during the polymerization process at the joint venture of "Uz-Kor Gas Chemical" LLC was used. Modern methods of physico-chemical analysis, as well as methods of analyzing products corresponding to state (GOST) and world (ASTM) standards, were used for research.
Research results
IR-spectral studies of our isolated fraction were carried out on IR Affinity-1S SHIMADZU IK Fure spectrometer. The results of the analysis are presented in Figure 1.
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Figure 1. IR-spectroscopy analysis of the separatedfraction
When the IR-spectral result was analyzed, vibrational frequencies were observed for bands of the spectrum in the range of 2853-2922 cm-1 (-CH3), 1458-1377 cm-1 (-CH2) and 721 cm-1 (-CH2).
In addition, our fraction was dissolved in different solvents and its physical properties were analyzed. The results of the analysis are presented in Table 1.
Table 1.
Results of the analysis are presented
Name Solvent
Benzole Octane Hexane Acetone Dimethyl-formamide Ethanol
extracted fraction + + - - - -
In the above table, it can be seen that the fraction extracted by driving the secondary product formed in the process of polymerization under atmospheric pressure dissolves in benzole and octane.
Objective and conclusion
In the joint enterprise "Uz-Kor Gas Chemical" LLC, the waste hexane released as a liquid secondary product during the polymerization process, separated by driving under atmospheric pressure, has been sufficiently analyzed for its IR-spectral and physical properties by dissolving in various solvents. Comparing the results of the analysis with the information provided in the literature, it was found that the properties of the extracted fraction are similar to the properties of the higher representatives of paraffins. Also, our extracted fraction can be chemically processed and used as a raw material for various industries.
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