DOI 10.23947/2414-1143-2018-13-1-29-34 UDC 316
Southern federal university. Novosibirsk, Russian Federation [email protected]
The appeal to the problem of terrorist expectation as a form of terrorist retaliation is a modern stage of research in the social sciences, conditioned by the need to overcome the state of ideological manipulation of the individual's consciousness in conditions of terror. The process of terrorist expectation is a form of adjustment of social cognition, spiritual choice, cultural preferences. The author examines the special impact of modern terrorism on the mass and individual consciousness of citizens of a society in the context of global information dissemination in the world. The struggle against modern terrorism is noted as a paramount problem of the external-non-political course of the leading states. At the same time, the information movement of the media often manifests itself as the principle of manipulation, the anxious expectation of citizens, disseminating information that is not always objectively confirmed.
The idea of terrorism as an established form of retribution, through expectation is considered. Attention is paid to the analysis of the main aspects of modern terror, the most intrusive and paradoxical ones that cause the fear of sudden and terrible death. It is emphasized that this fear, for the most part, does not know the time and place, circumstances and causes. It is associated with a sudden attempt on life. It is noted that fear and anxiety are formed by the fact that terrorist acts are often carried out with the intent to inflict as much damage as possible, cause horror, bewilderment and despair when children die, helpless sick people, old people, as well as those who perform daily production. responsibilities in the workplace. It is emphasized that people's uncertainty is formed also by the fact that the methodology of terrorism is well mastered not only by those who conduct regular extremist-organized activities, but also by random people, adolescents, singles who often do not have any political requirements. This entails the need to organize research and meet the spiritual needs of the population, which will help to develop a common feeling for paralyzing social activity, the ability for social creativity. The author's reflections on the need for creative creation of a new space are presented.
Key words: terrorism, "terrorist expectation", "terrorist retaliation", consciousness and culture.
[А.В. Чайка Феномен «террористического ожидания»]
Обращение к проблеме террористического ожидания как форме террористического возмездия -это современный этап исследования в обществоведческих науках, обусловленный необходимостью преодоления состояния идеологического манипулирования сознанием индивида в условиях террора. Процесс террористического ожидания выступает формой корректировки социального познания, духовного выбора, культурных предпочтений. Рассматривается особое влияние современного терроризма на массовое и индивидуальное сознание граждан общества в условиях глобального распространения информации в мире. Борьба с современным терроризмом отмечается как первостепенная проблема внешнеполитического курса ведущих государств. Вместе с тем информационное движение средств массовой информации нередко проявляется, как принцип манипулирования, тревожным ожиданием граждан, распространяя сведения не всегда подтвержденные и объективные.
Рассмотрена идея терроризма, как установленной формы возмездия, сквозь ожидание. Уделяется внимание анализу основных аспектов современного террора, наиболее навязчивых и парадоксальных, которые вызывают страх внезапной и ужасной смерти. Подчеркивается, что этот страх, по большей части, не знает времени и места, обстоятельств и причин. Он связан с внезапным покушением на жизнь. Отмечается, что страх и тревожное ожидание формируются тем, что террористические акты часто осуществляются с умыслом нанести как можно более сильный ущерб, вызвать ужас, недоумение и отчаяние, когда погибают дети, беспомощные больные люди, старики, а также те, кто выполняет ежедневные производственные обязанности на рабочем месте. Особо подчеркивается, что неуверенность у людей формируется тем обстоятельством, что методология терроризма хорошо усваивается не только теми, кто ведет регулярную экстремистски-организованную деятельность, но и случайными людьми, подростками, одиночками, часто не имеющими никаких политических требований. Это влечет за собой необходимость организации исследования и удовлетворения духовных потребностей населения, что поможет развивать единое для многих чувство, замыкающее человека в себе, па-
рализующее социальную активность, способность к социальному творчеству.Приводятся размышления автора о необходимости творческого созидания нового пространства.
Ключевые слова: терроризм, «террористическое ожидание», «террористическое возмездие», сознание и культура.
Alexander V. Chaika - candidate of philosophy, associate professor. Institute of philosophy and social-political science. Southern federal university. Novosibirsk, Russian Federation.
Чайка Александр Викторович - кандидат философских наук, доцент. Институт философии и социально-политических наук Южного федерального университета. г. Новосибирск, Россия.
Modern terrorism have a significant impact on society. It is one of the most important problem, if it is not primary, for leading states foreign policy that has a destructive impact on social, economic, cultural development of society, and becoming one of the most topical acts of wickedness and inhumanity, has an influence on public and personal conscience.
Talking about characteristics of terrorism, especially modern terrorism that is very different from earlier acts of terror by the mere fact that it exists and develops in era in universal single information space include increasing impact of terror on the society. Modern culture of information dissemination contributes greatly to it. Thus, at least two ways to inform exist: 1) instant, mass, multiple informing, with instantly specified and adjusted reports, that are not always verified and objective; 2) false information with huge emotional component gives many opportunities to manipulate public opinion. In some cases, informing comes out of partiality and becomes opposite the truth. Frequently mass media by purpose or by chance become an ally or even terrorist's accomplice.
After the events in Kiev's Maidan, as we know, residents of Donetsk and Lugansk region of Ukraine did not accept new Kiev authorities. It was the reason of the conflict that looks like civil war in eastern part of Ukraine. Information about this event that still appears in Western press encourage terror of Ukraine people. At the same time Ukraine call their actions as "counterterrorism operation", that is not true. On the contrary, such actions of Ukraine military as marauding, shelling of innocent civilians, anti-Russian-speaking policy and many other things remind organized terror. "Social chaos, disregard of the law promote revival of Ukraine nationalism in the most unacceptable form of fascism. Everywhere we can whiteness killing of disagreeable persons, vigilantes from Right Sector terrorize civilians and criminals from all walks of life, armed groups of voluntary neobanderites extremists are created, haunt everyone who sympathizes with everything Russian. It seems obvious that in result overall political situation has regressed to the point of protracted civil war" [2]. In addition, nationalistic marauders battalions that operate on the border with unrecognized LNR and DNR, fascist's political parties, that have formal status, mass lustrations, terrorist assassinations of politicians and journalists and etc. Lack of objective assessment of Ukraine events in western mass media in fact encourages terror of population.
"Ukraine population is under a strong pressure of nationalist propaganda and terror..." [1] that is without doubt the consequence of western mass media approach of reporting about events in Ukraine.
However, press participation in unfolding events, apart from demonstration of manipulation principle help to comprehend another thing. This phenomenon is related with public consciences and help to create citizens foreboding. This foreboding is passive and has not overcame yet, because it is motivated by worries, fear and helplessness before threat of terrorist acts. These expectations are addressed to each person and to society as a whole, to its different social groups, because in this case, in our opinion, Fromm's suggestion is true: "What is right about individual is also right about society. It will never stay static; if it does
not developing, it will regress, if it does not pass the status quo, seeking for good, it will change for the worse" [4]. The single feeling for many people, trap them in it, paralyze social activities and ability to social creativity.
With specific reference to a single terrorist act, we can see establishing of safe behavior image apart from group of people death, destruction of infrastructure, disorganizing effect, emotional distress and etc. In some kind, each person create this image getting information about terrorist act. This image is related not only with physical survival under the threat of explosion or before oncoming van, but correction of socio-political position, political opinion, spiritual options, esthetical and ethical preferences. This isn't about powerful instinct as survival of the individual. As Fromm wrote: "If persons would be content with losing their lives, there will not be problem" [4, p. 89]. Human conscience subordinates to instinct only partially, Fromm notices this fact "one part of human consists in that fact that except biological and substantive survival there is an area of transsurvival and transnecessity" [4]. The only living being that aware of itself "He wants to know not only how to survive, but he wants to understand the meaning of life" [4, p. 89]. He wants to use universal human experience to survive. In other words, being a biological species, human was born and grew up surrounded by culture and had a rich conscience.
A human thinks not only about how to behave, but how to avoid lustration, persecution, death or any kind of retribution, he trying to get rid of anything, that can be a target or reason of terrorist act against him. He is concerned about social, cultural consequences of possible tragedy. Obsessive expectation of terrorist act appears when analyzing established forms of retribution. "Established form of retribution" is a terrorist act, in which person has participated consciously or unconsciously. The word "retribution" in this case we need to understand conditionally. It is not legal and fair punishment. It is "scourge", "atonement", etc. what human gets without merit, for simply being ordinary member of society without guilt to society, to terrorists.
Determined form of retribution define the type of influence on human or society, level of fear. this is what happened to human in case of terrorist act against him. there is no reason to say about courage and bravery, even if person is characterized by this qualities. The human can show his fearlessness confronting and combating terrorism. However terrorist act may be used against those who can't stand up to terror. Nevertheless terrorism puts in one line bravest ones and those who don't have enough courage to confront the terror.
Historically the fear before determine form of retribution is a firm constant on the other hand the form of retribution may differ. During the Middle Age it was fire of Inquisition, severe tortures. It was effective. The torture could be used unexpectedly against innocent person. The effect of terror was achieved not only by severe tortures in which suffering helped to absolve the soul of guilty sinner, but also by public execution. Inquisition investigation and execution were effective example, massage of terror for all members of society and for each one individually. In this way the church defended basic doctrines, establishing religious totalitarianism, that formed social patterns. Heresy and witchcraft always were targets for Inquisition. Frequently Inquisition justice looked like killing of disagreeable person -effective way of hide other crime.
Important role was played by fight Inquisition against science and scientific discoveries. "Innovation were a sin. The church condemned «novelletes» (O.F.). It included technical and intellectual progress. Inventing was immoral" [3]. So, the terror of Inquisition was targeted against intellectual and spiritual freedom. However, in The Middle Age the human experienced and others threatens, that are not related with Inquisition's fire. It was the concept of the hell, even if you tried to avoid trial during your life, the hell was inevitable. The fear of hell make people think twice about every thought or act. People were deprived of freedom and self-confidence. Jacques Le Goff, outstanding French medievalist, emphasize that "The feeling of insecurity - that's what influenced the minds and souls of the Middle
people and determined their behavior ... This lay at the basis of all the uncertainty in the long run was the uncertainty of the future life and bliss where no one has been promised for sure not fully guarantee neither good deeds, nor prudent behavior" [3]. The feeling that terrorize human appears in our days, when the form of retribution can be unexpected and terrible death. This death is unpredictable and of lowest possible, but still possible. Death comes unexpectedly because of terrorist act, when a person is not thinking about death. The modern history has witnessed many deaths because of terrorist act (for example September 11 attacks). The progress and development of civilization, as we can see, contribute no only to establish security for each person and for all society, but also help to equip terrorists.
Nowadays the most morbid fear is fear of sudden death. It is not torture chamber, with well-known tortures, not bonfire, burning in dirty square, not state repressions, not wondering mobs of robbers. This fear does not know time or place, circumstances or reasons. It is connected with unexpected assassination attempt. It can be the hostage taking in theatre, hospital or school, explosion of aircraft, underground railway carriage, railway line, station, shooting in restaurant, museum, in street, spreading of poisonous substance, or oncoming van. Insecurity forms because we know, that purpose of terrorist attack is to damage the most number of people - weak, old, young, sick or those who just rest or work.
The insecurity also forms because the methodological mechanism of terrorism absorbs not only by those who undertake extremist activity, but also by random people: teenagers, lonely people who do not have political demands. In January 2018 series of attack in Russian schools have shown one more time, that terrorist act can occur almost everywhere. Even if can't call this attack "pure" terrorist, they form an expectation of new terrorist attack, when almost any Russian school may become a target chosen by young man with blur conscience. And victims of teenagers with knives and axes will be children caught off guard at an ordinary lesson. The concept of "Medieval square", when tortures were public, modern terrorist try to convey everyone, and mass media contribute to it. It manifold reinforce intimidating effect.
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March 19, 2018