Научная статья на тему 'Перспективи розвитку туризму на території тран- зитної зони проектованого біосферного резервату "Розточчя" у контексті сталого розвитку регіону'

Перспективи розвитку туризму на території тран- зитної зони проектованого біосферного резервату "Розточчя" у контексті сталого розвитку регіону Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Н С. Стрямець, О А. Чаплик, Г В. Стрямець, В В. Лентяков

Описано туристичні принади регіону проектованого біосферного резервату "Розточчя". Розглянуто види туризму, переваги та вади розвитку туризму для місцевого населення.

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The role of the tourism development in the proposed Biosphere reserve Roztochya territory towards sustainable development of the region

The tourist attractions of the proposed Biosphere reserve Roztochya are shown in the article. The historical places of interest in the region are given in the article.

Текст научной работы на тему «Перспективи розвитку туризму на території тран- зитної зони проектованого біосферного резервату "Розточчя" у контексті сталого розвитку регіону»

Для збалансованого розвитку краю на державному та регюнальному рiвнях n0Tpi6H0 розробити та виконати низку созотехшчних заходiв:

• забезпечити належне оформления та охорону об'екпв ПЗФ;

• налагодити д1евий контроль за поширенням адвентивних вид1в, застосуван-ням х1м1кат1в, генетично модифшованих орган1зм1в (ГМО) в агрокультур^ за постачанням сшьськогосподарсько! продукци;

• запровадити еколопчно збалансоване люокористування, землеробство i тва-ринництво (органiчне землеробство);

• стимулювати i пiдтримувати вирошування лшарських рослин, ягiд i грибiв у селянських господарствах, з метою покращення рiвня зайнятост! населення, зменшення обсяпв вилучення продукцй з природних бiоценозiв, та негативного впливу на екосистеми;

• забезпечити ренатуралiзацiю, вiдтворення, аборигенних видiв, сортiв рослин, порвд тварин.

Лише комплексний тдхщ до вирiшеиия низки еколопчних, сощаль-ио-екоиомiчиих, культурно-осв^шх проблем забезпечить гармоншний, зба-лансований розвиток регюну як зони туризму, рекреацп, вщпочинку, оздо-ровлення, естетичного та патрютичного виховання населення.


1. Еколог1чний паспорт Кос1вського району ^ано-фран^^ко обласп, 2007 р.

2. Еколопчна ситуац1я на твшчно-схщному макросхил1 Украшських Карпат / за ред. акад. НАН Украши М.А. Голубця. - Льв1в : Вид-во "Полш". - 2001. - 164 с.

3. Засади сталого розвитку Коавщини / за ред. Г.Д. Гуцуляка. - Чершвщ : Вид-во "Прут", 2005. - 208 с. _

УДК 630*627.3 Acnip. Н.С. Стрямець1, ст. викл. О.А. Чаплик1; заст дир.

2 1 з наук. роботи Г.В. Стрямець , канд. с.-г. наук; асист В.В. Лентяков


Описано туристичш принади регюну проектованого бюсферного резервату "Розточчя". Розглянуто види туризму, переваги та вади розвитку туризму для мюце-вого населення.

Post-graduate N.S. Stryamets1; senior lecturer O.A. Chaplyk1;

assoс. prof. H. V. Stryamets2; assist. V. V. Lentiakov1

The role of the tourism development in the proposed Biosphere reserve Roztochya territory towards sustainable development of the region

The tourist attractions of the proposed Biosphere reserve Roztochya are shown in the article. The historical places of interest in the region are given in the article.

The Seville Strategy (Biosphere reserves, the Seville Strategy, 1995) provides that as well as having a nature conservation function, biosphere reserves also serve a function of development which consist in preserving historic, scientific and

1 НЛТУ Украши, м. Льв1в; NUFWT of Ukraine, L'viv

2 Природный заповщник "Розточчя"; Nature reserve "Roztochya"

HiiyK'QBiiii bíchhk H^TY yKpaiHH. - 2009. - Bun. 19.13

cultural wealth heritage in the region as well as maintaining traditional ways of managing local economy and farming, settling patterns, which is to ensure a sustainable development and optimization of life-giving environment in the region.

Biosphere Reserve "Roztochya" will ensure preservation of the richness of biodiversity, ecosystem and landscape diversities, sustainable development of the region. The proposed Biosphere reserve Roztochya (BRR) is a territorial complex. The proposed BRR includes the territories of the nature protection units of Ukraine and lands of the local settlements. Tree zones will be presented on the BRR territory: core area, buffer zone and transition zone. The proposed Biosphere Reserve is a territorial complex which includes 4 nature protection objects: Nature Reserve "Roztochya" (2084.5 ha), National Nature Park "Yavorivskyi" (7078.6 ha), Regional Landscape Park "Ravske Roztochya" (19103 ha) and Ornithological Wildlife Area "Yanivski Chapli" (16 ha)[7]. Those territories will provide the conservation function of the BR. Transition zone occupies 67886.2 ha, where the traditional land use and economic development take place. This zone will provide the developmental function of BR.

Cooperation zone has consolidated territories with traditional nature management. Forests occupy 7 % of the territory, agrocenosises take 27 %, less than 1 % of the territory is occupied by reclaimed lands, which underwent a considerable anthropogenic effect in the 1970th. These are areas where underground sulfur mining took place [7].

The territory of the proposed BRR will especially boast of monuments of the early age of Christianity: Stradetska hill with its cave monastery of the 11th -13th century which is a geographical monument as well, a church of Dormition of the Holy Mother of God (an architectural monument of the late 18th century, Pope's Procession Road (Calvarial, burials of the beatified, a complex of Krekhiv monastery (cave cells of the eremitic monks, a healing well-spring, various churches)[3,5]. The above mentioned cultic objects are places of mass pilgrimage not only for Ukrainian Christians but for Polish ones as well because Stradetska hill is the burial place of Reverent Fathers V. Konrad and V. Pryima, who were beatified during the visit of Pope Johan Paul II. Apart from being of spiritual value, Roztochya's churches are also of prominent artistical, architectural and historic value, Roztochya area is rich in wooden churches which are much valued throughout modern Europe, and efforts are being made to preserve them. Tourist's attention would be drawn by many churches in Yavoriv and Zhovkva districts. The churches such as a church of the Holy Spirit in the village of Potelych (1502), a wooden church of Resurrection in the village of Vizhomli (1506) are considered to be the oldest ones. Tourists' attention, especially of Polish ones, is attracted by now-acting, of Baroque Style, Roman Catholic church in Ivano-Frankove. This is Trinity church which was built in 1614. The vault of the church contains mortal remains of the mother of the last Polish King Stanislav August Poniatovskiy, 1759, - princess Constance Poniatovska, a resident of the village of Domazhyr [4].

The proposed cooperation zone contains health centers of Shklo and Ne-myriv, where nearly 10 thousand of people render healthier every year.

In the viciny of the settlement of Nemyriv, there is a pre-war Jewish cemetery which numbers hundreds of tombstones. The traces of Jewish culture have

2. EKO^oria goBKimH


survived throughout Roztochya: there are premises where used to be synagogues or typical dwellings [2]. Near the village of Potelych, there is a cemetery of German soldiers who perished on the territory of West Ukraine during World War II.

The cooperation zone includes lakes, ponds, beautiful landscapes, which makes it promising as for recreation. The inhabitants practice folk handicrafts: basketry, art whittling, fancy-working, making wooden toys. These are factors which ensure stable development of the region.

Sustainable economic and social development of the region will include as follows:

• large territory with a high level of floristic, ecosystem and landscape biodiversity;

• positive historical experience in traditional sustainable use of forest and land in the historical aspect;

• interesting and rich history, ethnographic peculiarities of the region;

• favorable geographical location in the central part of Europe;

• well-developed logistic opportunities, the presence of international roads;

• moderate climate;

• favorable landscape and climatic conditions for the development of recreational and tourism activities;

• possibilities to develop different types of tourism all the year round;

• unique historical and cultural inheritance;

• well developed local crafts;

• scientific centers of Nature Reserve "Roztochya" and National Nature Park "Yavo-rivskyi";

• historical places of the First and the Second World Wars;

• abundant biodiversity suitable for the use in agriculture and forestry, in traditional folk medicine and development of ecotourism;

• advantages of transborder territory with developed transport communication which is important for further development of international economic co-operation;

• lasting thrifty use of forest as a guarantee for preservation of intact natural landscapes and favorable microclimate for economic activities;

• various traditional uses of nature resources as an important precondition for sustainable development in the region;

• unique natural landscapes and ecosystems as constituent parts of Pan-European ecological network necessary for ensuring ecological safety;

• lasting co-operation between scientific departments of Ukrainian universities, other nature protection institutions.

There are opportunities to develop various kinds of tourism such as educational tourism; scientific tourism (acquaintance with the original forest and aquatic ecosystems, biodiversity, observation of rare species of flora and fauna); sport (network of bike tracks, horse and walking routes, sport fishing etc); mushroom and berry picking; water tourism; green tourism.

Description of tourist facilities location in different zones of the proposed Biosphere Reserve. According to the BR zonation, the different kinds of tourism could take place:

The core areas will provide the scientific tourism. There is ecological path, which will be used on special permissions. Tourists will be accompanied by attendants of the Biosphere Reserve. The buffer zones will have the Center of ecological education (visit-center), tent towns, tourist water and foot routes, places for

Науковий вкник НЛТУ Украши. - 2009. - Вип. 19.13

mass recreation and amateur fishing, observation sites, boat stations, beaches, regulated sport hunting on wetland and field animals. The transition zones will have accommodation for tourists in the private houses of the local population, parking places, places for mass recreation and fishing.

The tourism development will have beneficial and adverse effects to the region: Beneficial: involvement of local people in arrangement of the service facilities; promotion of ecological development; health improving; promotion of the development of ecological and educational spheres of people; receiving additional financial resources for nature protection measures; possibilities to develop environmentally friendly tourism.Benefits from economic activities to local population: new jobs and career possibilities for the local people; availability of a market for agricultural products; raising standards of living and increasing salaries; sustainable development of the region.

Adverse: An increase of anthropogenic influences on native ecosystems may lead to: increase of noise pollution; disturbance of animals; destroying the plants; soil compacting in places of tourist destinations; increased forest fire hazards; pollution of soils and waters.

Conclusion. The Ukrainian Roztochya territory has unique and interesting history. That is why the creation of the Biosphere Reserve will give the opportunities to develop the tourist infrastructure and bring more income for the local population. The three zones of the Biosphere Reserve are shown and the different types of the tourism are proposed in the BRR territory.


1. Боднар В. Жовювщина. 1сторико-мемуарний збiрник. / В. Боднар, Т. Савицька, Б. Са-ламаха, Я. Кашка. - Жовква-Л^в-Балтимор. 1н-т украшознавства iм. I. Крип'якевича. НАН Украши. Земляцьке об'еднання " Жовювщина", 1995. - Т. 2. - 350 с.

2. Великий В. Жовювщина: 1сторичний нарис / В. Великий, В. Голяк, М. Ковальчук та ш. - Жовква-Львiв-Балтимор: 1н-т украшознавства iм. I. Крип'якевича НАН Украши. Земляцьке об'еднання "Жовювщина", 1994. - Т. 1. - 326 с.

3. Кравченко Я. Дерев'яш церкви Яворiвщини як ушкальш пам'ятки украшського народного будiвництва. Розточанський збiр. - 2000 : матер. М1жнар. наук.-практ. конф. (с. Старичi 17-18 листопада 2000 р.). Кн. 2. - Львiв : Вид-во "Меркатор", 2001. - 268 с.

4. Лаба В. 1стсря мютечка Яшв вщ найдавтших чаав до 1933 р. - Львiв, 2000. - 124 с.

5. Пелещишин M.A. Стародавня Яворiвщина. Нариси з ютори та археологи. - Львiв, 1996. - С. 84-92 c.

6. Шкраб'юк П. Крехiв. Дороги земш i небесш. 1н-т украшознавства iм. I. Крип'якевича. - Львiв : Вид-во Отщв Василiан "Мююнер", 2002. - 414 ст.

7. Nomination form MAB UNESCO.

8. Косик Л.Б., Косик Н.М. Скарби Яворiвщини. - Львiв, 2009. - 246 с.

9. International Conference on Biosphere Reserves, Seville, Spain, 1995 MAB report series; 65. _

2. Еколопя довкшля


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