«Экономика строительства» № 6 (66) /2020
УДК 691.3
Performance evaluation of basalt fiber on the deflection strength of expanded clay concrete beam
N., Department of Civil Engineering, Peoples Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Deflection of Expanded Clay Basalt Fiber concrete, fibered concrete beam, basalt rebar.
This research paper studied a flexural strength on deflection of Lightweight Expanded Clay Concrete Beams Reinforced with Basalt Rod with dispersed Chopped Basalt Fiber. The deflection tests were done on 12 expanded clay concrete beams (50x120x1500mm) of two sets of lightweight concrete mixtures: 6 concrete beams reinforced with 2 (two) basalt rods (2010) without dispersed Chopped Basalt Fiber, and 6 dispersed Chopped Basalt Fiber concrete beam reinforced with 2 (two) basalt rods (2010), tested under four-point loading configuration until failure occurred. 1.6 percent of chopped Basalt Fiber were added to the expanded clay concrete as dispersed fiver. The results of this research work are comparative analysis of experimental deflections of simply supported beams reinforced with BFRP rebar (Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymers) with and with dispersed chopped basalt fiber. During the investigation of beams, there were registered beam deflection and width cracks, as well as critical forces. From the experimental analysis. Chopped Basalt Fiber increases the flexural strength of the beam and reduces the deflection length of the beam. From this study it was concluded that Basalt Fibers have positive effect on the behavior of under reinforced beams and can change the behavior of over reinforced beams to more ductile one.
Оценка эффективности базальтового волокна по прочности на прогиб балки керамзитобетона
ЧИАДИГХИКАОБИ П.Ч., ЖАН Поль В., ССЕРУН-ДЖОДЖИ Н., Департамент Строительства, Российский Университет Дружбы Народов (РУДН), Москва, Россия
Keywords: прогиб керамзитобетон, базальтобетон, фибробетонная балка, базальтовая арматура.
В данной исследовательской работе изучалась прочность на изгиб при прогибе легких керамзитобетонных балок, армированных базальтовым стержнем с дисперсным рубленым базальтовым волокном. Испытания на
прогиб проводились на 12-ти керамзитобетонных балках (50x120x1500 мм) из двух наборов легких бетонных смесей: 6-ти бетонных балок, армированных двумя базальтовыми стержнями (2010) без дисперсного рубленого базальтового волокна, и 6-ти дисперсных рубленых базальтовых бетонных балок, усиленных двумя базальтовыми стержнями (2010), испытанными в конфигурации с четырьмя точками нагружения, до возникновения отказа. 1,6% измельченного базальтового волокна было добавлено в керамзитобетон в виде диспергированной пятерки. Результаты этой исследовательской работы представляют собой сравнительный анализ экспериментальных прогибов балок с несущей опорой, армированных арматурой BFRP (полимеры, армированные базальтовым волокном). При исследовании балок были зарегистрированы прогиб балки, деформации бетона и трещины по ширине, а также критические силы. Из экспериментального анализа видно, что рубленое базальтовое волокно увеличивает прочность на изгиб балки и уменьшает длину отклонения балки. Из этого исследования был сделан вывод, что базальтовые волокна оказывают положительное влияние на поведение усиленных балок и могут изменить поведение над усиленными балками на более пластичное.
Concrete is one of the most widely used building materials in the world due to its low cost, ease in production, and longevity. Iron rods were used initially to reinforce concrete since 19th century, and steel is used as reinforcement at the present time. One of the biggest problems with concrete reinforced with steel is its durability, and corrosion. In harsh environments, the concrete matrix around the embedded steel bars is insufficient for protection. In the past three decades Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) materials have emerged as an alternative material to steel as reinforcing bars for concrete structures. Fiber-reinforced polymer composites have several advantages over steel such as high strength, high stiffness-to-weight ratios, and resistance to corrosion and chemical attacks, controllable thermal expansion, good damping characteristics, and electromagnetic neutrality [1-4]. Concrete carry compression force and a small percentage of tension force, so when a beam is loaded and the tensile stresses at the bottom exceeds the tensile capacity of the concrete, cracks begins to propagate, and the tension force will be resisted by the reinforcement [5].
Short length fibers like Chopped Basalt Fiber are used in concrete because they improve the structural integrity of the members. Materials like horsehair were used in ancient times as fiber in mortar for concrete construction. In 1900s, use of asbestos fibers in concrete came into existence. By 1960"s, fiber reinforced concretes such as steel, glass and carbon fiber reinforced concretes were used in construction, and now Basalt Fiber. Based on the type of fiber used in the concrete and its orientation, aspect ratio and density of fibers influence the characteristic properties of concrete beam.
Concrete beams with Basalt Fibers percentage (0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2% and 2.5%) from the concrete volume and maximum load carrying capacity was reached at 0.5% and 2.5% Basalt Fibers was tested [6]. An investigation on the effect of Basalt Fiber with percentage (1%, 2% and 3%) by weight of cement on the fresh properties of high strength concrete was conducted [7, 8], a reduction in slump and workability was observed as basalt fibers content increase.
Although the research on the flexural behavior of BFRP reinforced concrete (RC) beams [9-12] is limited, research regarding their shear strength and behavior [12] is sparser. Attributable to the high tensile strength properties of FRP materials, studies on the flexural performance have shown higher ultimate strength for RC-beams reinforced with FRP compared with Grade 60 steel. Unlike flexure, the shear capacity in FRP RC-beams is weaker than steel RC-beams owing to differences in the shear transfer through the dowel action and the aggregate interlock. The lower axial stiffness in FRP reinforcements compared with steel tends to increase the width and depth of the diagonal cracks which reduces the shear transfer through the aggregate interlock and the contribution of the uncracked concrete in the compression zone [13, 14]. Additionally, the shear contribution through the dowel action in the FRP reinforcements is seen as negligible [15,16] because of their very low transverse strength characteristics.
Basalt fiber is a high-performance non-metallic fiber made from basalt rock melted at high temperature. Basalt rock can also make basalt rock, chopped basalt fiber, basalt fabrics and continuous filament wire [9]. The basalt fibers do not contain any other additives in a single producing process that gives additional advantage in cost. Basalt rock fibers have no toxic reaction with air or water, are noncombustible and explosion proof. When in contact with other chemicals they produce no chemical reaction that may damage health or the environment. It has good hardness and thermal properties [17]. Basalt fiber has many excellent characters, such as high tensile strength, temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, good chemical, and thermal stabilities. What is more, as no poisonous matter release during production, it is called "green industry material and new material" of 21 centuries [18-20]. From the literature review done from previous research works done on similar topics, it is seen that very little research work has been done on the dispersed Basalt Fiber lightweight Expanded Clay Concrete Reinforced with basalt rebar. Based on the brittleness of expanded clay concrete beam, this research worked is faced with a problem to solve. This problem is to improve the strength of this concrete to enable it to withstand extensive load and improve its crack resistance.
The mechanical properties of the reinforcing fibers are substantially higher than that of the non-reinforced resin-based composites. The properties of these composites (fiber/resin based) are dependent on upon the contribution of these fibers, which result in a synergistic effect in strengthening the composite[18, 21]. The main contributors that govern the role of fibers in composites are: the physico-chemical interaction between the resin component (interface interactions) and fiber, the inherent mechanical quality of the fiber orientation, the position, and fiber-layout in the composite, the volume fraction of fiber within the composite, and recyclability. If the above conditions are happened, then the reinforcement successfully enhances the composite matrix and makes it much stronger and stiffer than the matrix. This helps in mitigating deformation effects and also possibly changes or delays failure mechanics in the composite [22]. Overall, hybrid nanocomposites are fabricated when two or more combined foreign materials are embedded or reinforced within a common host matrix. With this mixing of two or more materials, a synergistic effect is realized, which runs new and greater properties within the material like improved elastic modulus, mechanicals strength, ductility, light weight, and flame retarding ability.
To carry out the CIS Interstate Standard GOST 10180-2012 experminetal studies the following materials were used:
- Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate of 5-8mm fraction as coarse aggregate. It
has broadly become a popular construction material due to its several advantages over conventional concrete. Lightweight concrete bears several advantageous properties like good compressive strength, durability and the most important advantages low density and improved properties of thermal conductivity. Even on the economical part, lightweight concrete usage in construction reduces building costs, eases construction and has the advantage of being a relatively 'green' building material [23].
- Quartz sand of 0.6-1.2mm fraction as fine aggregate. It is the final product of rock weathering which is an important part of the rock cycle [25].
- Mineral filler Silverbond Quartz flour of 50 ^m. This quartz flour is known for its properties like: hardness and abrasion resistance, high chemical resistance, anticorrosion, low oil absorption, and low coefficient of thermal expansion.
- Binder Holcim Portland cement M500 D20 CEM II 42.5 N. The characteristics of Holcim Portland cement M500 D20 CEM II 42.5 N. M - brand, 500 is a figure showing the average compressive strength for 28 days in kg / cm2, D - additives, 20 - allowable number of additives in % (up to 20%), CEM II - cement containing additives, and the content of additives is 6-20%, I-type additives, limestone, 42.5-class compressive strength for 28 days, must be at least this value, and B-quick hardening. Table 1 presents the physical and chemical properties of the Holcim Portland cement.
Table 1
Physical and chemical properties of Holcim Portland cement
Oxide (%)
SiO2 FeA MgO SQ3 Al2°3 CaO Na2O LOI
20,2 4,12 0,71 2,61 5,49 65,4 0,26 1,38
Fineness = 373 m2/kg
Relative density = 3.14
- Chopped Basalt Fiberof length 20mm and diameter 15 ^m. The mechanical properties of concrete enhanced meaningfully when using Basalt Fiber with a length between 12mm and 24mm, and content between 0.1% - 0.5% by total volume [26]. It has 89 GPa and 4840 MPa Elastic modulus and tensile strength, respectively. The elastic modulus measures the stiffness of the material and is related to atomic bonds and does not depend on strength. For quality purposes, generally tensile strength can be used. For this experimental work, tensile strength and elastic modulus of Basalt Fiber were obtained from the manufacturer. Basalt fibers possessing higher tensile strength generally produce higher flexural strength [23, 26, 27]. And the percentage of Basalt Fiber for this study are, 0.45%, 0.9%, 1.2%, 1.6%.
Chopped Basalt Fibers used in this paper is a dispersed reinforcement in the concrete. The chemical composition and properties are shown in tables 2 and 3, respectively.
- Organic mineral-based additives: Silica fume, and fly ash. Organic mineral-based additives: Silica fume (Micro silica) = 2.5 kg/m3 and fly ash = 62.5 kg/m3. The chemical compositions of silica fume and fly ash in percentage (%) are outlined in table 4. Silica
«Экономика строительства» № 6 (66) /2020
Table 2
Chemical composition of Basalt Fiber chopped strands
Oxide (%)
SiO2 AlA CaO MgO FeO+Fe2O3 TiO2 Na2O+ K2O Others
51.б-59.3 14.б-18.3 5.9-9.4 3.G-5.3 9.G-14.G G.8-2.25 G.8-2.25 0.09-0.13
Table 3
Properties of Chopped Basalt Fiber
Tensile Young's
Length Diameter Strength Modulus Elongation Specific
(mm) (MPa) (GPa) (%) gravity
Ю 15 4100-4840 93.1-110 3,1 2.63-2.8
fume is a product of ferroalloy production and is formed during the smelting of ferrosilicon and its alloys. By granulometric composition, the average particle size of silica fume is approximately 100 times smaller than the average grain size of cement.
Table 4
Chemical compositions of Micro silica and fly ash in percentage (%)
Chemical Elements SiO2 AlA FeA K2O СаО MgO SO3 P2O5 TiO MnO Na2O
Silica fume 98.77 G.23 G,G7 G.26 G,31 G.G4 G,17 - - - G,15
Fly Ash бб,24 19,81 б,41 1,39 3,13 1,21 - G,36 G,86 G,G5 G,54
When using silica fume for the manufacture of especially strong concrete, thousands of spherical microparticles surround each cement grain, compacting the cement mortar, filling the voids with strong hydration products and improving adhesion to aggregates, much more effectively than other mineral additives, such as zeolite tuff, blast furnace, and boiler slag. It is used as a highly active additive to concrete [28]. It is intended for the preparation of special high-grade concrete for strength and waterproofness, foam concrete, dry building mixes, rubber, ceramics, tiles, tiles, and refractory masses [29]. The addition of silica fume helps reduce cement consumption (up to 200-450 kg / m3). As a result of physical and chemical effects, a favorable change in the microstructure of the test occurs, associated with a significant decrease in porosity in the zone of capillary pores. A change in the structure of pores in concrete is considered by many researchers as the main factor in the influence of silica fume on the mechanical properties and strength of concrete. These changes are reflected in the decrease in concrete permeability. Reduced water permeability enhances the resistance of concrete to aggressive environments. High
properties of silica fume improve concrete characteristics such as compressive strength, adhesion and wear resistance, frost resistance, chemical resistance, and significantly reduce permeability.
Fly ash: the use of fly ash can lead to significant retardation of the setting time, which means that finishing operations may have to be delayed. At normal temperatures, the rate of the pozzolanic reaction is slower than the rate of cement hydration, and fly ash concrete needs to be properly cured if the full benefits of its incorporation are to be realized. When high levels of fly ash are used it is generally recommended that the concrete is moist cured for a minimum period of 7 days. It has been recommended that the duration of curing is extended further (for example, to 14 days) where possible, or that a curing membrane is placed after 7 days of moist curing. If adequate curing cannot be provided in practice, the amount of fly ash used in the concrete should be limited. The finishing and curing requirements for high-volume fly ash concrete exposed to cyclic freezing and thawing in the presence of deicing salts is discussed in the section Effect of Fly Ash on the Durability of Concrete [30].
Basalt Rod of diameter 10mm for concrete reinforcement.
Super plasticizing and water-reducing additive Sika Plast concrete in liquid form = 8 l/m3.
Tap water at room temperature were used for this exprimental studies. Generally, water that is suitable for drinking is satisfactory for use in concrete.
There are different methods to invistage the defelcion [17, 30, 31]. But, for this case, the experimental study of concrete is carried out in accordance with the CIS Interstate Standard GOST 10180-2012. The test method was developed in such a way as to minimize the affect of shock load by providing a stainless steel plate under the concrete beam thereby limiting the deflection and providing stiffness soon after the first crack is formed. The analytical load-deflection curves were plotted and compared to the experimental curve. Based on the experimental load-deflection curve, the effect of addition of basalt fibers to the concrete on the ductility of the slabs is studied based on a method described by other researcher [18, 21, 32-34]. In fact, The beams are discretized into multi - layered short elements.the load - deflection behaviour of reinforced concrete beams were calculated using a specifically designed Finite Element method [35].
The deflection tests were done on 12 Expanded Clay Concrete Beams of two sets of lightweight concrete mixtures: 6 concrete beam reinforced with 2 (two) basalt rods (2010mm) without dispersed chopped basalt fiber, and 6 despersed chopped Basalt Fiber concrete beam reinforced with 2 (two) basalt rods as shown in fig 1. The 1.6% Basalt Fiber used for this experiment were selected from series of experiment done by the authors. Where he analysed the flexural and compressive strength of lightweight expanded clay concrete cubes and rectangular prisms with series of dispersed chopped Basalt Fiber in the following percentages: 0.45%, 0.9%, 1.2%, 1.6% and conctrol speciments without dispersed chopped basalt fiber. From the authors experiments, it was discovered that 1.6% Basalt Fiber addition to the lightweight expanded clay concrete showed higher flexural and compressive strength [36]. Based on this, we use 1.6% Basalt Fiber as dispersed fiber for this experiment. The concrete beams are of dimensions Length 1500mm x Width 50mm x Depth 120mm as shown in fig. 2.The concrete beams are molded in a metal beam according to CIS Interstate Standard GOST 10180-2012 as shown in fig 1. After molding, the concrete beams molds were covered with polytelin and kept in room temperature (20
± 5°C and re
ative air humidity (95 ± 5)%. On the 76th hour, the concrete beams were removed from the molds and kept in the curing bath till the 28th day then on the day 28, the beams were tested for deflection on MATEX hydraulic press as shown in fig. 3 and 4, in the laboratory of civil engineering, academy of engineering of Peoples Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow.
To determine the load-deflection, an electronic strain guage were used. The pointer(guager) is place inder the concrete beam at an agle of 45°. The unit for the dimensions is millimeter of the testing standards.
Fig.1. Molding of Expanded Clay Concrete
Fig.2. Beam dimensions
The following factors will affect the deflection such as postions, the matirals and loading. During the expriment the other possbile variables were constant throughout the experiment. All beams were loaded gradually and uniformly until reaching the failure load. The area under the curve represents the energy absorbed by the beam. Load deflection curyes for both the pre first crack and post first crack data, were used to for analysis. The deflected lightweight expanded clay concrete beam reinforced with two basalt rebars (2010mm) without dispatched Basalt Fiber is shown in fig. 3.
Lightweight expanded clay concrete beam Length 1500mm x Width 50mm x Depth 120mm reinforced with basalt reinforcement rod 2010mm (2 rows) without dispersed basalt fiber. Average deflection test results of 6 beams on day 28 curing period are illustrated in Fig 4.
During the experimental test, the noticeable crack width of beam observed, measured, and corrected are 2.54 and 1.796 mm respectively when the load is applied 2.7 kN.
Fig.3. Deflection test on Expanded Clay Basalt Rod Reinforced Concrete Beam
However, crack width of beam in the stretched zone for measured and corrected are 3.46 mm and 2.446 mm respectively when the load is applied is 3.6 kN. And destruction width of the beam from support cleavage for measured and corrected are 4.08 mm and 2.884 mm respectively when the load is applied 4.2 kN, see tab.4. Fig 4 illustrates the load-deflection of expanded clay basalt rod reinforced concrete beam.
Table 5
Critical stages of deflection test on expanded clay basalt rod reinforced concrete
Load (kN) Measured deflection (mm) Corrected deflection mm) Comments
2,7 2,54 1.79578 Noticeable crack
3,6 3,46 2.44622 cracking in the stretched zone
4,2 4,08 2.88456 destruction from support cleavage
Fig.4. Load - deflection of expanded clay basalt rod reinforced concrete beam
The deflected lightweight expanded clay concrete beam reinforced with 2 basalt rebars and dispersed Basalt Fiber. The experimental setup is shown in fig. 5.
Lightweight expanded clay concrete beam Length 1500mm x Width 50mm x depth 120mm reinforced with basalt reinforcement rod 2010mm (2 rows) with dispersed basalt fiber.
Fig.5. Deflection test on dispersed Basalt Fiber expanded clay basalt rod reinforced concrete beam
During the deflection experimental test on dispersed Basalt Fiber expanded clay basalt rod reinforced concrete beam, the first crack width in the stretched concrete beam for measured and corrected are 3.64 and 2.573 mm respectively when the load is reached to 4 kN. However, crack width of beam in the stretched zone for measured and corrected are 4.34 mm and 3.068 mm respectively when the load is applied is 4.9 kN. And destruction width of the beam from support cleavage for measured and corrected are 6.07 mm and 4.291 mm respectively when the load is applied 7.1 kN.
Fig. 7 shows the relationships between the applied loads and the point loads deflections
of the tested beams. The shows the associated results obtained from the experimental tests. The two graphs are shown the liner trend. At the initial load (up to 1.2 kN) is almost similar deflection values has been observed on both cases.
Table 6
Critical stages of deflection of dispersed Basalt Fiber expanded clay basalt rod
reinforced concrete beam
Load (kN) Measured deflection (mm) Corrected deflection mm) Comments
4 3.64 2.57348 First cracked in stretched concrete
4,9 4.34 3.06838 Crack development
7,1 6.07 4.29149 Destruction from support cleavage
05 / o *
0 OJ 1 1J ; 2.5 3 3J ; 4.5 5 5J 6 6J Deflection (mm)
Fig.6. Load- deflection of dispersed Basalt Fiber expanded clay basalt rod reinforced concrete beam
♦ Deflection of basalt fiber ECB (ш)
—*— Deflection of without baaltfiber ECB
0 OJ 1 l.i ; 2J : 4 4J 5 5J 6 6,5
Deflection (mm)
Fig.7. Comparative Load - deflection of curves of with and without Basalt Fiber expanded clay
basalt rod reinforced concrete beams
Afterward, the Basalt Fiber expanded clay basalt rod reinforced concrete beams has less deflection compared to non-basal fiber for the same applied load. The effect of the Basalt Fibers is observed clearly.
From the load-deflection curves of with and without Basalt Fiber expanded clay basalt rod reinforced concrete beams. The following characteristics of the curve of load-deflection of the test beams can be got from Fig. 4, 6 and 7:
When the load is smaller (before cracking load), the deflection of expanded clay basalt rod reinforced concrete beams is at elastic stage basically, the effect of basalt fiber addition on the deflection of test beams at this stage is small and the curves of deflection coincide basically;
The expanded clay basalt rod reinforced concrete beams is at plastic stage from cracking to longitudinal tensile reinforcement yield. The deflection of the test beams with basalt fiber addition is smaller compared with common concrete beams at this stage. The deflection can be reduced about =((3.26mm-2.54mm)/2.54mm)*100=43% when the basalt fiber length is 20mm and diameter 15 ^m.
Load-deflection results showed a significant improvement with the addition of BF for all the beams. And it means any excessive loads beyond the design load should lead to flexural type of failure. However, an appropriate design should be taking into validation any kinds of imposed loads through its service life. Therefore, failure of the beam element should not be expected while using the basalt fiber too. Thus, every design should be based on the allowable deflection.
The we divided the load-deflection curve in to three regions for comparison: first region starts from the beginning of the loading until maximum load (cracking, second region corresponds to transition state that is it begins at ultimate load and ends at a point where the tensile stress is resisted totally by bond between fibers and concrete. The theoretical results correlate well in the third region (almost parallel) with the experimental results.
Generality, based on the above obversions, the first crack depends on the load bearing capacity of the fibers. After cracking, several outcomes are possible depending on the material used. For example, using fibers with an elastic modulus and tensile strength greater than the concrete (matrix) would result in an increase in the pre-cracking strength, and then the toughness post-cracking depending on the fiber-matrix bond strength.
The deflection test on expanded clay basalt rod reinforced concrete beam (without basalt fiber) is shown an increase trend. The deflection values at first noticeable crack, in the stretched zone, and at support cleavage are (1.796mm, 2.7kN), (2.446mm, 3.6 kN), and (2.884mm, 4.2kN) respectively. Those results observed when the load 2.7, 3.6, and 4.2kN for each.
The deflection test on dispersed Basalt Fiber expanded clay basalt rod reinforced concrete beam (with basalt fiber) is shown an increase trend. The deflection values at first noticeable crack, in the stretched zone, and at support cleavage are (2.573mm, 4kN), (3.068mm, 4.9kN), and (4.291mm, 7.1kN) respectively. Analyses of experimental tests basalt fibers showed proportional tendency to obtain higher values than for beams without fibers. As a result, the additional of Basalt Fiber brought the following benefits: increase in the strength of the reinforced concrete beam by transferring stress across the cracks (fig. 6.). This behavior is characterized by an ascending stress-strain curve following the first-crack, or strain hardening which is enhanced of post -racking by restricting the cracking growth.
All beams exhibited a linear response until reaching their cracking load regardless of their reinforcement ratio and concrete type. After cracking, all specimens showed a significant loss of stiffness accompanied by a considerable increase in their point loads deflections. The decreased stiffness varied from with and without Basalt Fiber beam which is depends on the amount of fibers added. From conducted tests results one can observe that values of cracking are increasing with increase of fiber content in concrete mixture.
Usage of Basalt Fibers in beam is a good practice to increase the properties of concrete or reinforced concrete essentials. Its unique chemical and physical features, that is: resistance to load, resistance to alkali reactions and resistance to unfavorable temperature effect make it better solution for many engineering problems. Basalt fibers can be used as an additive that make concrete composite.
In addition, properties of concrete are mainly characterized by its compressive strength as the most representative parameter [38]. Therefore, when first high-performance concretes appeared, they were only regarded as high strength concretes. This basic opinion has changed considerably during the last several decades. In the new high-performance using another martials or by mixing basalt fibers could increase the strength of the reinforced concrete beam. In addition, this research will help to see further properties such as abrasion resistance, salt transport and moisture, and storage parameters they will become decisive factors for the solutions made in the design process.
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ЧИАДИГХИКАОБИ П.Ч., Департамент Строительства, Российский Университет Дружбы Народов (РУДН); e-mail: passydking2@mail.ru;
ЖАН Поль В., Департамент Строительства, Российский Университет Дружбы Народов (РУДН); e-mail: jeanpaulvladimir@yahoo.fr;
ССЕРУНДЖОДЖИ Н., Департамент Строительства, Российский Университет Дружбы Народов (РУДН); e-mail: 1032185655@rudn.ru
НОВОСТИ http://ancb.ru//
Минстрой разработал формы разрешений на строительство и на ввод в эксплуатацию
На портале проектов нормативных правовых актов размещен проект приказа Минстроя «Об утверждении формы разрешения на строительство и формы разрешения на ввод объекта в эксплуатацию».
В соответствии с документом формы разрешений претерпят существенные изменения. Теперь они будут представлены в табличной форме с порядковой нумерацией каждой строки.
Форма разрешения на строительство теперь дополнительно будет содержать:
• данные об общей площади жилых и нежилых помещений, количестве жилых помещений и машино-мест;
• указание о применении типового архитектурного решения (при наличии);
• сведения о внесении исправлений или изменений.
Форма разрешения на ввод в эксплуатацию будет дополнительно содержать:
• сведения о ранее выданных разрешениях на ввод объекта в эксплуатацию в отношении этапа строительства или реконструкции;
• данные о количестве машино-мест;
• сведения о внесенных исправлениях.
Новые формы разрешений разработаны в рамках установления единых стандартов предоставления государственных и муниципальных услуг по выдаче разрешения на строительство и разрешения на ввод объекта в эксплуатацию.
Ранее действовавший приказ Минстроя от 19.02.2015 №117/пр «Об утверждении формы разрешения на строительство и формы разрешения на ввод объекта в эксплуатацию» будет признан утратившим силу.
Публичное обсуждение проекта приказа профильного ведомства продлится до 25 ноября 2020 года.