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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Balakishiyeva Vefa Tofik Kyzy

The conducted theoretical and empirical research as a whole confirmed the validity of the hypothesis put forward and proved the effectiveness of the developed pedagogical model of the formation of media competence of secondary school students when teaching a foreign language. As a result, the following conclusions were made: The media competence of secondary school students in teaching a foreign language is the ability for critical comprehension, creative analysis and creative activity during contact, processing and creation of educational media products, that is, possession of operational knowledge in the field of using media in teaching and the desire to update them. The structure of a student's media competence includes a set of professional, media and creative competencies. The media competence of the media competence of secondary school students in teaching a foreign language is formed according to the threshold, basic and functional levels of development. The criteria for achieving the functional level of media competence are the effective use of the conceptual apparatus of media education in practice; the ability to mentally evaluate the effectiveness of using ready-made media objects in training and to design media products, developing personal media creativity. Formation of media competence of secondary school students in teaching a foreign language is effective in a multimedia educational environment created by a teacher. MES is understood as system of the educational information space of a modern school, constructed by a teacher from educational media products. In a multimedia educational environment, students are immersed in creative constructive activity, which is a combination of analytical, search, design and creative-modeling activities.

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UDC 37

Balakishiyeva V.T. Pedagogical model of the formation of media competence of secondary school students when teaching a foreign


Balakishiyeva Vefa Tofik kyzy

Mingechevir State University

Abstract. The conducted theoretical and empirical research as a whole confirmed the validity of the hypothesis put forward and proved the effectiveness of the developed pedagogical model of the formation of media competence of secondary school students when teaching a foreign language.

As a result, the following conclusions were made:

The media competence of secondary school students in teaching a foreign language is the ability for critical comprehension, creative analysis and creative activity during contact, processing and creation of educational media products, that is, possession of operational knowledge in the field of using media in teaching and the desire to update them. The structure of a student's media competence includes a set of professional, media and creative competencies.

The media competence of the media competence of secondary school students in teaching a foreign language is formed according to the threshold, basic and functional levels of development. The criteria for achieving the functional level of media competence are the effective use of the conceptual apparatus of media education in practice; the ability to mentally evaluate the effectiveness of using ready-made media objects in training and to design media products, developing personal media creativity.

Formation of media competence of secondary school students in teaching a foreign language is effective in a multimedia educational environment created by a teacher. MES is understood as system of the educational information space of a modern school, constructed by a teacher from educational media products. In a multimedia educational environment, students are immersed in creative constructive activity, which is a combination of analytical, search, design and creative-modeling activities.

Keywords: competence-based, secondary school students, technological and didactic, structural components, activity, teaching a foreign language, communication technologies, axiological, teaching a foreign language is a process of personal.

Рецензент: Никитина Елена Сергеевна - Кандидат филологических наук, доцент. Ведущий научный сотрудник, Институт языкознания РАН

The problem of the formation of a student's media competence as a subject of the educational process is raised by many media educators and can be considered in the context of the problems of media education, which was reflected in the previous paragraphs. The implementation of the main dominants of the formation of media competence of secondary

school students in teaching a foreign language is carried out in the general education system. Focusing on the development trends of the modern education system, it is necessary to build a model for the formation of media competence of secondary school students when teaching a foreign language on the basis of a personality-oriented, competence-based, activity-based and integrated approaches.

The pedagogical model of the formation of media competence of secondary school students in teaching a foreign language is a combination of the following blocks: target, theoretical and methodological, substantive, technological and didactic. The target block reflects the main guidelines of the process of teaching a foreign language, as a result of which their media competence will be formed. In the process of working on the theoretical and methodological block of the model, we analyzed the psychological and pedagogical literature, considered the methodological approaches that became the basis for further research and identified the basic principles of the formation of media competence. The study led to clarification of the essence of the media competence of secondary school students in teaching a foreign language and the identification of its components. T.K. Guseva [26] identifies the following components of the formation of competence: value-orientational, content-based, technological and professional-personal. The researcher especially notes the active formation of content and technological components, in which a literary text is considered as an aesthetic object. From the point of view of M.G. Muzafarova [102], the development of competence is accompanied by the development of the teacher's personality in pedagogical practice. The idea of the media competence of secondary school students in teaching a foreign language is in the plane of the development of personal professional qualities of a teacher and is able to be realized in practice in an indirect way, which complicates the analysis of the productivity and degree of creativity of the subject results of educational activities. We believe that modern socio-economic conditions make it necessary to move to a new level of methodological, substantive and organizational activity of a foreign language teacher, and to consider it in the process of students' work with media texts. Thus, we identified the need to create a program "In the media world of the English language", the content and structure of which is reflected in the content block of the pedagogical model.

The means of forming the media competence of secondary school students in teaching a foreign language is the construction of a multimedia educational environment as a subsystem of the information educational space of a modern school, constructed by a foreign

language teacher from audio, video, text-graphic and artistic media texts for educational purposes using information and communication technologies. The stages of creating a multimedia educational environment, the types of teacher's activities, as well as the forms, methods and technologies of conducting classes with students in the process of teaching a foreign language are reflected in the content of the technological block of the pedagogical model of the formation of media competence. Based on the research of A.V. Fedorov [86], we can determine the stages of the formation of media competence of secondary school students when teaching a foreign language:

1. Propedeutic - awareness and justification of the need to use media texts in teaching a foreign language. It is accompanied by the formation and development of a semantic form of media creativity in the process of acquainting students with the features of structural components, conceptual apparatus and features of media images of the finished media object. We believe that the main areas of work of students with a teacher at this stage should take the form of a dialogue between them, a polylogue between students, an oral or written analysis of the finished media text from the point of view of the personal experience of each student individually.

2. Axiological - a stage aimed at finding and processing material that will be used in the development of an educational media text. It is accompanied by the development of the perceptual form of media creativity in the process of "living" during the educational practice of the finished media text. This stage implies the development of students' ability to identify and argue the positive and negative features of the educational media text. At this stage, the teacher must develop in students the ability to identify ways to enhance the educational effect laid down by the author of the media product. We believe that this result is achieved as a result of the training form of the lesson.

3. Design - the stage of determining the structure of the educational environment, the principle of its construction (hypertext, branching, linear arrangement of the material, etc.) and analysis of the correspondence of the content of the material to the selected structure. Successful completion of this stage largely depends on the degree of development of the semantic and perceptual forms of media creativity, as well as a sufficient level of knowledge and skills in using new media. At this stage, the student must develop a sufficiently high level of media competence. We believe that the most successful form of conducting a lesson in this case is individual creative activity to create a layout for future media texts.

4. Activity - the stage of creating media texts, which forms a space for students' creativity. It is distinguished by the development of an initiative form of media creativity in the process of educational activities of students. This stage is distinguished by a high degree of openness of the creative potential of the student's personality. A prerequisite for the successful development of a student's media creativity at this stage is that they have the skills and abilities to work in the MES, created by the teacher and by means of information and communication technologies.

5. Analytical - it is advisable to divide this stage into two components. First, on the component of analyzing the practical effectiveness of the media text created by the teacher and checking the validity of the results. At this stage, it is most effective to organize an active educational space using play, dialogue, training methods in order to include students in the sphere of mutual assessment and mutual analysis. Secondly, on the component of the analysis of the theoretical efficiency of the created media objects. At this stage, various modern means of monitoring the educational process can be used. Obviously, this stage repeats in its form and meaning the actions of the propaedeutic and axiological stages, only the objects of research are no longer others, but their own media texts.

During the training of a foreign language in a general education school, it is impossible to fully form the media competence of students due to the lack of the necessary time, the need to achieve a sufficient level of their media creativity, media literacy and skills in working with new media. This means, first of all, it is necessary to develop a universal sequence of actions, following which, the student can independently, in the process of his educational activity, effectively increase the level of media competence. We believe that the criterion for the formation of media competence in general can be considered the student's creative self-realization in various forms of media creativity. IN AND. Andreev [3] understands the integral quality of a personality by creative self-realization, which characterizes the effectiveness of the manifestation of positive motivations, individual and creative abilities in the process of solving cognitive tasks. L.N. Makarova and L.S. Podymova [63] consider this phenomenon as a degree of personality development, manifested in independence, initiative, ability for self-development and self-improvement. Based on the above, we can define the creative self-realization of a student in teaching a foreign language as a phenomenon of translation of personal experience into pedagogical practice in the process of creating educational media resources using multimedia technologies, accompanied by self-expression, self-reflection,

self-control and a high level of motivation. We consider the achievement of a high level of copper to be the main indicator of the creative self-realization of the personality of students The formation of the media competence of secondary school students in teaching a foreign language is ensured through the broadcast of their activities in the MOS, created by the teacher using cloud services. The concept of "cloud" is quite multifaceted, it can be understood as the entire Internet, however, more precisely, cloud technologies and services can be defined as a set of resources provided by the Internet. Documents created by means of cloud services are saved in the "cloud" on specially allocated pages and are not reflected in the operating system space of the interactive device. To refer to a specific page with a created document, you must go to the corresponding address assigned to the document when it was created. Cloud technologies and Google services allow you not only to work with applications, but also to create your own sites, blogs, and then post any information on them. Thanks to this, the teacher in the process of working with cloud services has the opportunity to create an integrated multimedia educational space for students, constructed from various media texts.

Today, the use of individual digital educational resources (CER) and electronic educational resources (EER) of remote access is no longer effective enough, and does not bring scientific, methodological and didactic novelty into the educational process. It is necessary to ensure their integration into electronic educational environments, the purpose of which is to form an effective educational space for a lesson, a cycle of classes or the entire course of the "Foreign Language" academic discipline. We believe that the main principle of building the unit elements of such an environment is multimedia, therefore, it can be defined as a multimedia educational environment (MES). It should be noted that the concepts of "educational environment" and "educational space" are often interchanged, and so far have not been included in pedagogical encyclopedic dictionaries, regulations and monographs devoted to the analysis of the conceptual apparatus in pedagogy and psychology.

The concept of "educational space" is revealed in the works of B.L. Wolfson [16], who understands the educational space as the totality of all educational and educational institutions, scientific and methodological centers and educational organizations. S.V. Ivanova [40] notes that the educational space is a set of relations between the object world and the formation of subjects that create and fill it. At the same time, the educational environment is a formative part of the educational space, and includes pedagogical conditions, situations, a

system of relations between the subjects of education. V.A. Starodubtsev [82] argues that the educational environment is a system of conditions for the formation of a personality and the possibilities of its development, expressed in a spatial-objective environment. According to the researcher, in order to build an environment in the context of learning, it is optimal to create subject software and didactic complexes using information and communication technologies. V.V. Gura [24] notes that training using information and communication technologies should be carried out on the basis of a transition to the development of "information and educational environments" based on the diversity of media. I.V. Chelysheva [90] consider the media environment as an integrative cognitive structure that combines various media components. I.A. Fateeva [84] understands the media educational environment as a set of technical, pedagogical, social and other conditions in which media educational activities take place. E. D. Nelunova [69] understands MES as an educational and informational environment where students and teachers interact with the outside world through open intelligent systems (the Internet, educational information environments - training systems for creating Internet projects, distance learning courses, etc. .), which are largely based on multimedia technology. A.V. Popova [128] notes that MOS, combining sound images and animation into a single whole, becomes a multifunctional teaching tool and argues that an effective way of teaching in MOS is the use of hypertext, which includes sound and visual images.

In our opinion, MOS can be defined as a universal developing educational space, constructed by a teacher from media texts for educational and artistic purposes. Based on this, it can be argued that a teacher with professional competence, media competence and a high level of media creativity will be able to independently create a multimedia space in the lesson. Therefore, the teacher is faced with an important task to identify the pedagogical conditions for the formation of media competence and media creativity among secondary school students in the media sphere of teaching a foreign language. Creation of MES by a teacher by means of cloud technologies allows not only to optimize educational activities, but also to more effectively monitor and manage the quality of the educational process and the formation of media competence of secondary school students in teaching a foreign language. Having summarized the ideas of domestic scientists on the creation of MES, we will move on to the model of the formation of media competence of students of a general education school when teaching a foreign language. At the heart of the construction of a pedagogical model of the formation of media competence of secondary school students when teaching a foreign

language is the assumption that the creation of a MES by a teacher by means of multimedia contributes to the effective formation of media competence of secondary school students when teaching a foreign language. We have developed a proprietary program "In the media world of the English language", which is focused on testing the pedagogical conditions for the formation of media competence of secondary school students in teaching a foreign language. In our opinion, the main tasks of modeling the educational media space of teaching a foreign language can be considered: generalization and systematization of modern achievements of media education as a branch of pedagogical science; study of modern pedagogical technologies for creating educational media texts; mastering new media when creating MOS using media texts; assimilation of the legal and aesthetic features of the use of media texts in educational activities.

Based on the foregoing, the most effective approaches for the formation of media competence of secondary school students when teaching a foreign language are systemic, activity-oriented, personality-oriented, competence-based, and integrated. As part of the implementation of a personality-oriented approach in foreign language lessons, a space is created for the creative self-realization of each student, the interpretation of personal experience and pedagogical ideas by means of cloud services and multimedia technologies. The practical modules of the program "In the English language media world" provide for work aimed at the formation of media and creative competencies, which implements a competence-based approach to the implementation of activities in the educational space. The entire program is focused on the implementation of the activity component of education, and is expressed in the practice-oriented focus of the entire course "In the media world of the English language", a certain number of theoretical modules and their interchangeability. Taking into account the peculiarities of constructing the MES of teaching a foreign language, we assume that the pedagogical conditions for the formation of media competence of students of a general education school when teaching a foreign language are: taking into account the individual level of formation of media competence and individual characteristics of the student (age, personality, etc.); modeling of independent work in various types of educational activities (analytical, search, design, creative); creative design of a media product and its use in the MOS; ensuring cooperation between teacher and student in the process of working on various media art forms (art project, film, video clip, collage, etc.).

In the process of implementing the course program, it is supposed to use traditional and

innovative teaching methods (verbal, interactive, visual, game, project) in individual, interactive and group forms of work. Teaching a foreign language is based on modular learning technology, multimedia technologies within the framework of project activities. Monitoring of the quality of the created media product in the process of teaching a foreign language and the effectiveness of MES for the formation of media competence of secondary school students in teaching a foreign language is carried out after each module of the program in order to obtain objective results. The monitoring content reflects the main directions: assessing the effectiveness of the created media product, studying the process of student's personal development and assessing the adaptability of learning outcomes.

When creating a pedagogical model of the formation of media competence of secondary school students in teaching a foreign language, we relied on the aesthetic and practical theory of media education, the theory of the development of "critical thinking" presented in the works of D. Buckingham [180], M. McLuhan [94], L. Masterman [ 190], Yu.M. Rabinovich [137], Yu.N. Usova [154], N.F. Khilko [163] and others. This model contains five main blocks: target, methodological, substantive, technological and diagnostic (Figure 1).

The target block defines the benchmarks for the implementation of the model, aimed at the formation of media competence of secondary school students in teaching a foreign language.

The methodological block contains methodological approaches, theories of media education (aesthetic, practical, the theory of "critical. In the process of immersion in these forms of activity, the student searches for and structure media texts at the propedeutic stage of the formation of media competence; selects the variety of media products in the MOS and its structure at the analytical stage; immerses himself in the process of modeling and creating his own media texts at the design stage; carries out activities in the IOC through the created media texts at the activity stage and performs approbation of media products in the IOC at the analytical stage of the development of media competence. The diagnostic block, which includes methods for diagnosing the formation and development of media competence (analysis of statistical results using the Student's t-test [148], the SAN methodology of VA Doskin, NA Lavrent'ev, VB Sharai and MP Miroshnikov [ 47], the method of M. Rokich [140] "Value orientations", the method of AS Lachins [64] "Flexibility of thinking", the test of E.P. Ilyin [64] "Creativity", testing for the effectiveness of the the methodology of AD Ishkov and NG Miloradova [67], P. Honny and A. Memford [164]) allow you to check the indicators,

diagnose the indicators of the following criteria: motivational-value, cognitive, activity. Depending on the formation of indicators, the following levels can be distinguished: low, medium, high. Thus, the formation of media competence of secondary school students in teaching a foreign language contains levels, criteria and indicators of the formation of media competence. This block is built in accordance with the goals and objectives of the model and reflects the features of monitoring the educational process (questioning and assessing the adaptability of the learning process; testing to assess the effectiveness of the MES created by the teacher; modeling the educational situation, which allows you to assess the degree of validity of the created resource).

Thus, the presented pedagogical model should ensure the formation of media competence of secondary school students when teaching a foreign language, the results of testing which will be presented in the second chapter. Formation of media competence of secondary school students in teaching a foreign language is a process of personal, professional and creative cooperation between students and teachers.


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