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Inter education & global study
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Ключевые слова
folklore / music education / singing / musical work / performance. / фольклор / музыкальное образование / песня / музыкальное произведение / исполнение.

Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Maftuna T. Rakhmatova

the article suggests that folkloric songs are significant for their inherent educational and educational capabilities. They have their place as the artisticmusical heritage of our people and are numerous in number, but it may not be worthwhile to apply them all as a means of aesthetic education of their readers. Because they differ from each other in their artistic aspect in content, musical structure, singing. They are required to be selected on the basis of certain pedagogical requirements. When choosing songs, it is considered more relevant to know what the criteria for considering students ' interests, needs, aesthetic levels, performing skills and sorting samples of songs used in education are developed based on what, what requirements.

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В статье делается акцент на значимости народных песен, обладающих особым воспитательным и воспитательным потенциалом. Они имеют свое место как художественно-музыкальное наследие нашего народа и многочисленны, но не все из них может быть целесообразно использовать как средство эстетического воспитания своих учеников. Потому что они отличаются друг от друга по своему художественному содержанию, музыкальному строю, пению. Их требуется подбирать исходя из определенных педагогических требований. При отборе песен более значимым считается учет интересов, потребностей, эстетического уровня, исполнительских навыков учащихся и знание того, какие критерии отбора образцов песен, применяемых в учебно-воспитательном процессе, разрабатываются исходя из требований.



Original peper

© Maftuna T. Rakhmatova1^_

1Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan


INTRODUCTION: the article suggests that folkloric songs are significant for their inherent educational and educational capabilities. They have their place as the artistic-musical heritage of our people and are numerous in number, but it may not be worthwhile to apply them all as a means of aesthetic education of their readers. Because they differ from each other in their artistic aspect in content, musical structure, singing. They are required to be selected on the basis of certain pedagogical requirements. When choosing songs, it is considered more relevant to know what the criteria for considering students ' interests, needs, aesthetic levels, performing skills and sorting samples of songs used in education are developed based on what, what requirements.

AIM: in the history of the Uzbek people, musical folklore has risen to a qualitatively new level over the years of independence. There were great opportunities to study the achievements of the national musical art. As a result of constant attention to the development of this field, favorable conditions have been created for the self-expression of young talents. Based on this, one of the urgent problems was the teaching of musical folklore to younger schoolchildren. Because, along with the fact that musical folklore is considered the spiritual and musical heritage of the nation, national customs and traditions, national mentality have found their expression in its content.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: musical folklore, due to its playfulness and vivacity, is considered an important didactic means of aesthetic education of students. That is why the subject "musical culture" in secondary schools, the process of studying musical folklore is of particular importance in the formation of such qualities in students as a sense of works of art, spiritual enjoyment of them, and the desire for beauty.

DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: children's oral creativity is one of the directions of oral creativity. Children's folklore includes the creativity of children themselves (game songs, teasers, counting books, fairy tales, songs, comic songs) and works written by adults for children (fives, nursery rhymes, fairy tales). Today, the need to disclose methods, means of aesthetic education, pedagogical and psychological possibilities of aesthetic education based on teaching primary school students musical folklore is becoming particularly relevant. This area of music education is one of the urgent problems of forming students'

theoretical and practical knowledge about musical folklore, artistic and musical, aesthetic thinking, spiritual and moral education.

CONCLUSION the formation of a civil society depends, first of all, on the spiritual and moral maturity and high level of mental potential of people living in this society. From the above considerations, it became clear that the attention of researchers is drawn to a number of important pedagogical problems. Educating students in the spirit of humanism, love for the motherland, striving for knowledge and enlightenment is a motivating factor that encourages them to appreciate traditions, traditions that dictate the need to organize musical education based on modern requirements and at the same time aesthetic education of students.

Key words: folklore, music education, singing, musical work, performance.

For citation: Maftuna T. Rakhmatova, (2024) 'Pedagogical foundations of the formation of spiritual and moral qualities of students through the means of uzbek folk musical creativity', Inter education & global study, (3(2)), pp. 65-73. (In Inglish).


© М.Т. Рахматова 1Н

1 Бухарский государственный университет, Бухара, Узбекистан_


ВВЕДЕНИЕ: В статье делается акцент на значимости народных песен, обладающих особым воспитательным и воспитательным потенциалом. Они имеют свое место как художественно-музыкальное наследие нашего народа и многочисленны, но не все из них может быть целесообразно использовать как средство эстетического воспитания своих учеников. Потому что они отличаются друг от друга по своему художественному содержанию, музыкальному строю, пению. Их требуется подбирать исходя из определенных педагогических требований. При отборе песен более значимым считается учет интересов, потребностей, эстетического уровня, исполнительских навыков учащихся и знание того, какие критерии отбора образцов песен, применяемых в учебно-воспитательном процессе, разрабатываются исходя из требований.

ЦЕЛЬ: в истории узбекского народа музыкальный фольклор за годы независимости поднялся на качественно новый уровень. Открывались большие возможности для изучения достижений национального музыкального искусства. В результате постоянного внимания к развитию данной сферы были созданы благоприятные условия для самовыражения молодых талантов. Исходя из этого, одной из актуальных проблем стало обучение младших школьников музыкальному фольклору. Потому что, наряду с тем, что музыкальный фольклор считается духовно-

© intereduglobalstudy.com

2024, ISSUE 3(2)

музыкальным достоянием нации, в его содержании нашли свое выражение национальные обычаи и традиции, национальный менталитет.

МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: музыкальный фольклор по своей игривости и живости считается важным дидактическим средством эстетического воспитания учащихся. Именно поэтому учебный предмет "музыкальная культура" в общеобразовательных школах процесс изучения музыкального фольклора имеет особое значение в формировании у учащихся таких качеств, как чувство произведений искусства, духовное наслаждение ими, стремление к красоте.

ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ И РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: детское устное творчество-одно из направлений устного творчества. Детский фольклор включает в себя творчество самих детей (игровые песни, тизеры, считалки, сказки, песни, шуточные песни) и произведения, написанные взрослыми для детей (пятерки, детские стишки, сказки). сегодня особую актуальность приобретает необходимость раскрытия методов, средств эстетического воспитания, педагогико-психологических возможностей эстетического воспитания на основе обучения учащихся начальных классов музыкальному фольклору. Т. к. данное направление музыкального образования является одним из актуальных проблем формирования у учащихся теоретических и практических знаний о музыкальном фольклоре, художественно-музыкального, эстетического мышления, духовно-нравственного воспитания.

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: Формирование гражданского общества зависит, прежде всего, от духовно - нравственной зрелости и высокого уровня психического потенциала людей, проживающих в данном обществе. Из вышеперечисленных соображений стало ясно, что внимание исследователей обращается на ряд важных педагогических проблем. Воспитание учащихся в духе гуманизма, любви к родине, стремления к знаниям и просвещению является мотивирующим фактором, побуждающим ценить традиции, традиции, которые диктуют необходимость организации музыкального образования на основе современных требований и в то же время эстетического воспитания учащихся.

Ключевые слова: фольклор, музыкальное образование, песня, музыкальное произведение, исполнение.

Для цитирования: Рахматова М.Т. Педагогические основы формирования духовно-нравственных качеств учащихся средствами узбекского народного музыкального творчества. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №3(2). С.65-73.


© М.Т. Raxmatova1^

1Buxoro davlat universiteti, Buxoro, O'zbekiston_



KIRISH: maqolada folklor qo'shiqlarining o'ziga xos ta'limiy va tarbiyaviy imkoniyatlarga egaligi bilan ahamiyatli ekanligi haqida fikr yuritiladi. Ular xalqimizning badiiy-musiqiy merosi sifatida o'z o'rniga ega va son jihatdan juda ko'p, ammo ularning barchasini ham o'quvchilarini estetik tarbiyalash vositasi sifatida qo'llash maqsadga muvofiq bo'lmasligi mumkin. Chunki ular o'zining badiiy jihatdan mazmun-mohiyati, musiqiy tuzulmasi, kuylanishiga ko'ra bir-biridan farq qiladi. Ularni muayyan pedagogik talablar asosida tanlab olish talab etiladi. Qo'shiqlarni tanlashda o'quvchilarning qiziqishlari, ehtiyojlari, estetik saviyalari, ijro etish mahoratlari inobatga olish va ta'lim-tarbiyada qo'llaniladigan qo'shiqlarning namunalarini saralash mezonlari nimalarga, qanday talablarga asoslangan holda ishlab chiqilishini bilish yanada ahamiyatli hisoblanadi.

MAQSAD: o'zbek xalqi tarixida shakllangan va rivojlangan musiqa folklori istiqlol yillarida sifat jihatidan yangi bosqichga ko'tarildi. Milliy musiqa san'ati yutuqlarini o'rganish bo'yicha katta imkoniyatlar ochildi. Bu soha rivojiga ko'rsatilayotgan doimiy e'tibor natijasida yosh iste'dodlarning o'zini namoyon etish uchun qulay shart-sharoitlar yaratildi. Shundan kelib chiqqan holda boshlang'ich sinf o'quvchilariga musiqa folklorini o'rgatish dolzarb muammolardan biriga aylandi. Chunki, musiqa folklori millatning ma'naviy-musiqiy boyligi hisoblanishi bilan birga uning mazmunida milliy urf-odat va an'analar, milliy mentalitet o'z ifodasini topgan.

MATERIALLAR VA METODLAR: musiqa folklori o'zining o'ynoqiligi va jo'shqinligiga ko'ra o'quvchilarni estetik tarbiyalashda muhim didaktik vosita sanalanadi. Shuning uchun ham umumiy o'rta ta'lim maktablarida "Musiqa madaniyati" o'quv fani jarayonid musiqa folklorini o'rganish o'quvchilarning san'at asarlarini his etish, ulardan ma'naviy zavq olish, go'zallikka intilish kabi xislatlarining shakllanishida alohida ahamiyatga ega.

MUHOKAMA VA NATIJALAR: bolalar xalq og'zaki ijodi og'zaki ijodining yo'nalishlaridan biridir. Bolalar folkloriga bolalarning o'zlari ijodi (o'yin qo'shiqlari, tizerlar, sanoq qofiyalari, ertaklar, qo'shiqlar, hajviy qo'shiqlar) va kattalar tomonidan bolalar uchun yozilgan asarlar (beshliklar, bolalar qofiyalari, ertaklar) kiradi. bugungi kunda boshlang'ich sinf o'quvchilariga musiqa folklorini o'rgatish asosida estetik tarbiyalash usullari, vositalarini, estetik tarbiyaning pedagogik-psixologik imkoniyatlarini ochish zaruriyati alohida dolzarblik kasb etmoqda. Chunki musiqa ta'limining ushbu yo'nalishi o'quvchilarda musiqa folkloriga oid nazariy va amaliy bilimlarni, badiiy-musiqiy, estetik tafakkurni shakllantirishda, ma'naviy-axloqiy tarbiyalashda dolzarb muammolardan hisoblanadi.

XULOSA: fuqarolik jamiyatini tarkib toptirish, eng avvalo, mazkur jamiyatda yashayotgan kishilarning ma'naviy - axloqiy jihatdan yetukligi va yuksak darajadagi aqliy salohiyatiga bog'liq. Yuqoridagi fikrlardan shu narsa ayon bo'ldiki, tadqiqotchilar e'tibori bir qator muhim pedagogik muammolarga qaratilmoqda. O'quvchilarni insonparvarlik, Vatanga muhabbat, bilim va ma'rifatga intilish ruhida tarbiyalash, urf-odatlar, an'analarni qadrlashga undovchi omil bo'lib, ular musiqa ta'limini zamonaviy talablar asosida tashkil qilish va shu bilan birgalikda o'quvchilarni estetik tarbiyalashni taqozo qiladi.

Kalit so'zlar: folklor, musiqa ta'limi, qo'shiq, musiqiy asar, ijro.

Iqtibos uchun: Raxmatova M.T. O'zbek xalq musiqa ijodi orqali o'quvchilarning ma'naviy-axloqiy fazilatlarini shakllantirishning pedagogik asoslari. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №3(2). B. 65-73.

The majority of countries in the world attach great importance to providing musical education to the younger generation, considering it as an important means of shaping individuals. The music education of each nation serves the social system of the people from an ideological and political perspective. The music education of each nation is based on the culture, traditions, national musical heritage, language, and cultural customs of that nation. In addition, the structure, system, and scientific-methodological achievements of music education also have a positive impact on the spiritual culture of other nations. In our society, the upbringing of the younger generation in spiritual and physical health is considered one of our most important tasks today. Indeed, these ideas are relevant to every generation, as the education and upbringing of young people not only serve their own well-being, but are also crucial for the development of our country. The noble idea expressed by our esteemed President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, "If you ask me what I value the most, I will answer: the education and upbringing of our children," is a convincing proof of this.

In the development of our society, music and art play an invaluable role. It strengthens the traditions that unite every nation and ethnicity. Music not only uplifts the hearts of people, but also leads them to fight against negative influences. It is creating great opportunities in our country to strengthen peace, friendship, mutual respect, and cultural and spiritual cooperation, as well as to expand international creative ties. Raising the younger generation based on the values, traditions, and culture of our ancestors, especially in shaping their spiritual thinking, has been raised to the level of state policy in the new conditions of Uzbekistan. It is possible to see that this tradition continues in our country with wide opportunities being created by our state. The best examples of national musical art, preserving and developing the national musical traditions, instilling a love for art in the younger generation, and expanding international creative ties are being created in our country to further deepen peace, friendship, mutual respect, and cultural and spiritual cooperation. Raising the younger generation based on the values, traditions, and culture of our ancestors, especially in shaping their spiritual thinking, has been raised to the level of state policy in the new conditions of Uzbekistan. It is possible to see that this tradition continues in our country with wide opportunities being created by our state. The best examples of national musical art, preserving and developing the national musical traditions, instilling a love for art in the younger generation, and expanding international creative ties are being created in our country to further deepen peace, friendship, mutual respect, and cultural and spiritual cooperation.

It is important to note that the views and aspirations in folk songs, the process of organizing the educational process, and the use of folk songs as a means of shaping the spiritual and moral qualities of students have not lost their value today. The use of folk songs

© intereduglobalstudy.com

2024, ISSUE 3(2)


is considered as a means of shaping the spiritual and moral qualities of students, especially in general secondary schools, which is carried out through various activities beyond each subject. Folk songs are considered the spiritual musical heritage of the people and the nation. The history of each nation is associated with its traditional activities, customs, and other traditions, and understanding to which genre it belongs, and drawing conclusions from it, as well as developing the culture of drawing moral conclusions from it, is considered an important factor in showing that students are shaped spiritually and morally through folk songs.

It should be noted that the views and aspirations in folk songs, the process of organizing the educational process, and the use of folk songs as a means of shaping the spiritual and moral qualities of students have not lost their value today. The use of folk songs is considered as a means of shaping the spiritual and moral qualities of students, especially in general secondary schools, which is carried out through various activities beyond each subject. Folk songs are considered the spiritual musical heritage of the people and the nation. The history of each nation is associated with its traditional activities, customs, and other traditions, and understanding to which genre it belongs, and drawing conclusions from it, as well as developing the culture of drawing moral conclusions from it, is considered an important factor in showing that students are shaped spiritually and morally through folk songs.

It is important to note that the views and aspirations in folk songs, the process of organizing the educational process, and the use of folk songs as a means of shaping the spiritual and moral qualities of students have not lost their value today. The use of folk songs is considered as a means of shaping the spiritual and moral qualities of students, especially in general secondary schools, which is carried out through various activities beyond each subject. Folk songs are considered the spiritual musical heritage of the people and the nation. The history of each nation is associated with its traditional activities, customs, and other traditions, and understanding to which genre it belongs, and drawing conclusions from it, as well as developing the culture of drawing moral conclusions from it, is considered an important factor in showing that students are shaped spiritually and morally through folk songs.It is important to note that the views and aspirations in folk songs, the process of organizing the educational process, and the use of folk songs as a means of shaping the spiritual and moral qualities of students have not lost their value today. The use of folk songs is considered as a means of shaping the spiritual and moral qualities of students, especially in general secondary schools, which is carried out through various activities beyond each subject. Folk songs are considered the spiritual musical heritage of the people and the nation. The history of each nation is associated with its traditional activities, customs, and other traditions, and understanding to which genre it belongs, and drawing conclusions from it, as well as developing the culture of drawing moral conclusions from it, is considered an important factor in showing that students are shaped spiritually and morally through folk songs.


It is important to note that the views and aspirations in folk songs, the process of organizing the educational process, and the use of folk songs as a means of shaping the spiritual and moral qualities of students have not lost their value today. The use of folk songs is considered as a means of shaping the spiritual and moral qualities of students, especially in general secondary schools, which is carried out through various activities beyond each subject. Folk songs are considered the spiritual musical heritage of the people and the nation. The history of each nation is associated with its traditional activities, customs, and other traditions, and understanding to which genre it belongs, and drawing conclusions from it, as well as developing the culture of drawing moral conclusions from it, is considered an important factor in showing that students are shaped spiritually and morally through folk songs.It is important to note that the views and aspirations in folk songs, the process of organizing the educational process, and the use of folk songs as a means of shaping the spiritual and moral qualities of students have not lost their value today. The use of folk songs is considered as a means of shaping the spiritual and moral qualities of students, especially in general secondary schools, which is carried out through various activities beyond each subject. Folk songs are considered the spiritual musical heritage of the people and the nation. The history of each nation is associated with its traditional activities, customs, and other traditions, and understanding to which genre it belongs, and drawing conclusions from it, as well as developing the culture of drawing moral conclusions from it, is considered an important factor in showing that students are shaped spiritually and morally through folk songs.

It is important to note that the views and aspirations in folk songs, the process of organizing the educational process, and the use of folk songs as a means of shaping the spiritual and moral qualities of students have not lost their value today. The use of folk songs is considered as a means of shaping the spiritual and moral qualities of students, especially in general secondary schools, which is carried out through various activities beyond each subject. Folk songs are considered the spiritual musical heritage of the people and the nation. The history of each nation is associated with its traditional activities, customs, and other traditions, and understanding to which genre it belongs, and drawing conclusions from it, as well as developing the culture of drawing moral conclusions from it, is considered an important factor in showing that students are shaped spiritually and morally through folk songs.It is important to note that the views and aspirations in folk songs, the process of organizing the educational process, and the use of folk songs as a means of shaping the spiritual and moral qualities of students have not lost their value today. The use of folk songs is considered as a means of shaping the spiritual and moral qualities of students, especially in general secondary schools, which is carried out through various activities beyond each subject. Folk songs are considered the spiritual musical heritage of the people and the nation. The history of each nation is associated with its traditional activities, customs, and other traditions, and understanding to which genre it belongs, and drawing conclusions from it, as well as developing the culture of drawing moral conclusions from it, is considered an


important factor in showing that students are shaped spiritually and morally through folk songs.

It is important to note that the views and aspirations in folk songs, the process of organizing the educational process, and the use of folk songs as a means of shaping the spiritual and moral qualities of students have not lost their value today. The use of folk songs is considered as a means of shaping the spiritual and moral qualities of students, especially in general secondary schools, which is carried out through various activities beyond each subject. Folk songs are considered the spiritual musical heritage of the people and the nation. The history of each nation is associated with its traditional activities, customs, and other traditions, and understanding to which genre it belongs, and drawing conclusions from it, as well as developing the culture of drawing moral conclusions from it, is considered an important factor in showing that students are shaped spiritually and morally through folk songs.


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HMaftuna Rahmatova Toyevna, talaba [Мафтуна Рахматова Тоевна, студент],

[Maftuna T. Rakhmatova, student]; manzil: O'zbekiston, M.Iqbol, 11 [адрес: Узбекистан,

М.Икбол, 11], [address: Uzbekistan, M. Ikbol, 11]

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