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Аннотация научной статьи по праву, автор научной работы — Shulhina Olena

In the article the state of illumination of problem of development of legal culture of pedagogical workers of centers of vocational formation of Government service of employment is analysed in pedagogical literature. On the basis of analysis of pedagogical and legal literature drawn conclusion that legal education and legal education can be examined as basic factors of forming of legal responsibility of teachers. It is set that professionally-legal culture of teacher - this thorough and all-round knowledge of laws and normative acts, sources of right, on that he must lean, creation of educational environment, understanding of principles of right by the participants of pedagogical process and methods of the legal adjusting of the relations, professional attitude toward a right and practical worker of his application in an educational process in severe accordance with legal or administrative principles of legality, id est a high degree of property of law is on concrete professional pedagogical practice. It is wellproven that pedagogical terms influence on the level of the legal breeding of pedagogical workers, on forming for them of legal culture. Certainly, that the pedagogical terms of development of legal culture of pedagogical workers of centers of vocational formation of Government service of employment show a soba the complex of the components (legal, social, personal et al) aimed at forming of legal responsibility of teacher. Certainly and the structural components of legal culture are reasonable, namely: legal knowledge, legal options, legal behavior, attitude toward a right, not desire to bear the legal responsibility, legal confidence.

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6. https ://cyberleninka. rШartide/n/formiшvame-ekologicheskoy-kultury-studentov-pedagogicheskih-vuzov-sredstvami-vneklassnoy-raboty.

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Shulhina Olena,

Leading Legal Adviser

Department of Regulatory and Legal Support, State Employment Center Legal Department;

PhD student, Department of Public Administration and Project Management Educational and Scientific Institute of Management and Psychology SIHE «University of Educational Management». Kyiv, Ukraine.




DOI: 10.31618/ESSA.2782-1994.2022.2.77.240 Annotation. In the article the state of illumination of problem of development of legal culture of pedagogical workers of centers of vocational formation of Government service of employment is analysed in pedagogical literature. On the basis of analysis of pedagogical and legal literature drawn conclusion that legal education and legal education can be examined as basic factors of forming of legal responsibility of teachers. It is set that professionally-legal culture of teacher - this thorough and all-round knowledge of laws and normative acts, sources of right, on that he must lean, creation of educational environment, understanding of principles of right by the participants of pedagogical process and methods of the legal adjusting of the relations, professional attitude toward a right and practical worker of his application in an educational process in severe accordance with legal or administrative principles of legality, id est a high degree of property of law is on concrete professional pedagogical practice. It is wellproven that pedagogical terms influence on the level of the legal breeding of pedagogical workers, on forming for them of legal culture. Certainly, that the pedagogical terms of development of legal culture of pedagogical workers of centers of vocational formation of Government service of employment show a soba the complex of the components (legal, social, personal et al) aimed at forming of legal responsibility of teacher. Certainly and the structural components of legal culture are reasonable, namely: legal knowledge, legal options, legal behavior, attitude toward a right, not desire to bear the legal responsibility, legal confidence.

Keywords: pedagogical workers, center of vocational formation of government service of employment, pedagogical terms, legal culture.

The Constitution of Ukraine regulates as a priority the legal support of the processes that accompany state formation. Also, it is emphasized on "protection of rights and freedoms of every person, and their guarantees determine the basic content and state orientation" [2]. However, it is well known that any state is created and strengthened by the activities of its citizens. Therefore, the development level of Ukraine as a state governed by the rule of law depends on the formation of legal culture and legal consciousness of each society member.

Some international documents on human rights protection, and the implementation of the Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education", "On General Secondary Education", and many other regulations were adopted in Ukraine. This legislation requires from both heads of educational institutions and each educator the ability and willingness to perform

their professional duties taking into account the legal requirements and responsibilities of all participants in the educational process.

Thus, the legal culture of the citizen becomes relevant and an integral part of the content and technology of professional activity for all society members and educators in particular. In regards to the above-mentioned problem special attention is paid to educators from the Vocational Education Centers (hereinafter - VEC) of the State Employment Service. Namely, there is a need to justify the pedagogical conditions for the legal culture development of educators from the Vocational Education Centers of the State Employment Service.

The legal culture of the individual has always been researched by many scientists, in particular: theoretical and methodological aspects of legal culture as a specific socially determined phenomenon are presented

in the researches of S. S. Aleksieiev, S. Komarov, V. Malakhov, V. Lazarev, V. Salnykov, A. Semytko, and others; scientific and methodological principles of legal culture formation are revealed by T. Budylina, N. Verbytskyi, V. Holovchenko; pedagogical conditions of formation and development of legal culture are covered in researches of V. Bondurovskyi, S. Nuzhnov, V. Parshyn, etc.; the formation of legal culture and legal consciousness of the future teacher is presented in the studies of H. Vasianovych, M. Horodyskyi, I. Darmanska, M. Podberezkyi, I. Romanov, M. Shevtsov, N. Yakovlev, etc .; the human resources development in the system of professional-pedagogical education is revealed in the studies of V. Suprun, V. Oliinyk, L. Petrenko and others.

Thus, this topic has always been researched by many scientists.

Based on the analysis of pedagogical and legal literature, we concluded that legal education and legal nurturing should be considered as the main factors in the formation of legal responsibility of educators. It can both slow down and accelerate legal progress. This is a purposeful process of obtaining by educators systematized legal knowledge, the skill formation and abilities to apply them in practice, the development of moral and intellectual sphere, ensuring a certain legal knowledge of the individual. However, training is not enough for the legal development of the individual. A person, who has good legal knowledge and skills, can show up a high level of good training. At the same time, there is no complete certainty if an individual, who has become educated in law, will not commit illegal acts. An individual may not have a proper legal nurturing that should be understood as a high level of legal awareness is expressed in law-obedience and legal activity, in the full and effective use of legal means in practice, an effort always to follow the legal foundation as the highest values of civilization. The system of measures aimed at integrating into human conscience political and legal ideas, norms, principles that represent the world and national legal culture values, acts as legal nurturing. The content of legal nurturing is to obtain knowledge on the state and law, legitimacy, individual rights, and freedoms, to develop a sustainable orientation to law-abiding behaviour of citizens.

According to I. Bezklubyi, the level of legal responsibility "should be considered at the level of a legal principle that ensures the proper realization of subjective human rights and responsibilities, and warns both internal and external social conflicts" [1].

In our opinion, legal responsibility is a qualitative and quantitative characteristic that includes not only information about the set of legal knowledge, skills, and abilities, the number of mastered (or not mastered) its elements, or types of relevant cultural values. It also includes information about its content, the nature of spiritual values (or "anti-values"), the social orientation of legal ideals, ideas, norms accepted by the individual, legal thinking culture, legal feelings culture, and legal behavior culture.

The philosophical dictionary provides the following definition: "legal culture of the individual is a component of basic human culture. It characterizes the quality and depth of legal knowledge, the degree of understanding of the moral and legal content of legal norms, the quality of legal beliefs, which express in domestic, labor, social life through observance of legal norms, defense own rights and freedoms, and lawful behavior".

In that context, we understand that it is necessary to organize preventive work, to realize targeted legal education, to create pedagogical conditions for an effective process of legal awareness forming among educators for the legal culture formation.

The philosophical category "conditions" expresses the relation of the object to its surrounding phenomena, which is necessary for its existence. Conditions constitute the environment where they arise, exist, and develop. The structure of the conditions set must be flexible, dynamic, corresponding to the current state of the system. It should develop depending on the educators' facing objectives.

Dictionary-reference book on professional pedagogy edited by A. Semenov [6] defines pedagogical conditions as circumstances that influence the holistic productive process of professional training, mediated by the activity of the individual, a group of people. According to N. Ippolitova, N. Sterhova [3], pedagogical conditions are one of the components of the pedagogical system that reflect the set of possibilities of the educational and material environment, and influence the personal and procedural aspects of the system and ensure its effective functioning and development.

Thus, the analysis of scientific studies shows that pedagogical conditions have an impact on the level of the legal nurturing of educators, their legal culture formation.

The developing process of the legal culture of educators is related to the environment, interaction with the means of nurturing, activities, namely, external and internal factors.

We have found out that "professional and legal culture of the educator is deep and comprehensive knowledge on laws and regulations, basic sources of law, creating an educational environment, understanding of the principles of law by participants in the pedagogical process and ways of legal regulation of their relations, professional attitude to the law and practice of its application in the educational process in strict accordance with the legal or administrative principles of legitimacy, namely, a high degree of law impact on a particular professional pedagogical practice" [4].

The analysis of the above-mentioned scientific achievements gives us a reason to say that the pedagogical conditions for the legal culture development of educators of the State Employment Service are a set of components (i. e. legal, social, personal, etc.) aimed at forming legal responsibility of educator (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Orientation of pedagogical conditions for the legal culture development

Analyzing Fig.1, we define the following:

1) the formation of the cognitive (intellectual) component of the educator's legal responsibility. As a result, educators have to obtain legal knowledge, skills, develop abilities to apply knowledge in practice (through solving practical situations of a legal nature);

2) the formation of a value-motivational component of legal responsibility of educators. This component's indicators can be a respectful attitude to law, the formation of moral qualities that determine the general culture of the individual, a high level of legal ideology (legal awareness), and legal psychology (legal thinking);

3) formation of the regulatory (behavioral) component of legal responsibility. As a result, educators have to learn how to defend their legal rights, freedoms, and interests, show initiative, to develop a socio-legal activity.

Also, the structural components of legal culture are important for our study. Most researchers include the following to these components: legal knowledge, legal beliefs, legal behavior, attitude to law, unwillingness to bear legal responsibility, legal confidence. The pedagogical conditions for the development of legal culture should cover each of the above-mentioned components, which can be implemented only through the development and implementation of an appropriate model.

Therefore, we have concluded as follows:

- the development process of educators' legal responsibility is a complex, continuous process;

- the content of the development process of educators' legal responsibility includes the formation of cognitive, value-motivational, and regulatory components.

A brief analysis of each component is presented below.

The cognitive (intellectual) component is expressed in the following indicators:

- obtaining the necessary minimum of legal knowledge, skills, and abilities, namely6 orientation in the special literature, the ability to use reference legal systems;

- obtaining the necessary techniques and skills of legal activity;

- the ability to use the knowledge in practice, to apply them to constantly changing life situations and in their professional activities, based on the recognition of the social value of law [5].

The formation of the value-motivational component is determined based on the following indicators:

- understanding the moral content of the law;

- development of legal awareness and legal thinking skills;

- attitude to the law as a value that is out of competition in a democratic society;

- proactive negative attitude concerning legal offenses and people who commit the legal offenses.

General indicators of the regulatory (behavioral) component formation are the following:

- skills and abilities to apply the law adequately in a real-life situation and future professional activity;

- ability and skills to defend their rights and freedoms, as well as the interests of others and whole society;

- the ability to prove their opinion;

- the desire for self-realization in legal activities, responsibility for the results and consequences of their activities;

- developed habit of complying with legal norms;

- lawful behavior;

- socio-legal activity.

Particularities of components formation for legal culture development of the VEC educators of the State employment service are shown in figure 2.

Fig. 2. Particularities of components formation for legal culture development of the VEC educators of

the State employment service

Thus, the analysis of legal responsibility development of educators of the State Employment Service shows that a high level of their legal culture is achieved by implementing a set of pedagogical conditions. They are an integral part of the legal culture model for educators of the State Employment Service.

Given the foregoing, a perspective direction of our study is the development and theoretical justification of the legal culture development model of the State Employment Service educators.


1. Bezklubyi, I. Legal Resposibility. http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/bitstream/handle/12345678 9/39590/02-Bezklubiy.pdf?sequence=1

2. Constitution of Ukraine (1996, Jun. 28).Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/254%D0%BA/96 -%D0%B2%D1%80#Text

3. Ippolitova, N. (2012) Analysis of the notion of "pedagogical conditions": essence, classification. General and Professional Education, (1), 8-14.

4. Shulhina, O. (2021) Legal culture development of educators of the Vocational Education Centers of the State Employment Service as a pedagogical problem. Bulletin of postgraduate education: Collection of scientific papers. Issue 17(46) (Educational Sciences Series). https://doi.org/10.32405/2218-7650-2021-17(46)-176-192

5. Honcharenko, S. (1997) Ukrainian pedagogical dictionary. Kyiv: Ukraina (p. 376)

6. Semenov, A. (Ed.) (2006) Dictionary-reference book on professional pedagogy. Odesa: Palmira (p. 364)

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