Научная статья на тему 'Pedagogical bases of professional translators' training in the solution framework of the image formation problem'

Pedagogical bases of professional translators' training in the solution framework of the image formation problem Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Gasanenko Elena Aleksandrovna, Dyorina Natalja Vladimirovna, Akmanova Zoya Sergeyevna

The paper actualizes the issue of the students-translators' professional image formation development. Image as a conceptual category of science appeared relatively recently and therefore is often perceived only as a phenomenon of the XX century. This is explained by the fact that, as a separate sociocultural phenomenon, image has been considered within the culture of modernism and postmodernism, image is most often perceived as an instrument of political activity used to influence the audience, which does not fully reflect its true role in the existing society. To date, certain theoretical and practical material has been accumulated in the field of studying the concept of “image”. The article actualizes the question of the student-translator's professional image formation development. The image as a socio-cultural phenomenon appeared much earlier than its scientific definition appeared; therefore, it is necessary to refer to the question history of the image concept emergence and formation in social and humanitarian knowledge for students-translators' image formation. The study of the historical background of the phenomenon of image and professional image is a prerequisite for understanding the processes taking place in this area at present. In recent decades, there has been a constant interest in shaping the professional image of a student-translator, and it can be expected that it will grow as society continues to move in connection with the humanization of education.

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В статье актуализируется проблема формирования профессионального имиджа студентов-переводчиков. Имидж как концептуальная категория науки появился сравнительно недавно и поэтому часто воспринимается только как феномен XX века. Это объясняется тем фактом, что как отдельное социокультурное явление имидж рассматривается в культуре модернизма и постмодернизма, чаще всего воспринимается имидж как инструмент политической активности, используемый для воздействия на аудиторию, что не в полной мере отражает ее истинную роль в существующем обществе. На сегодняшний день накоплен определенный теоретический и практический материал в области изучения понятия «образ». В статье актуализируется вопрос формирования профессионального имиджа студента-переводчика. Образ как социокультурный феномен появился намного раньше, чем появилось его научное определение; поэтому для формирования имиджа студентов-переводчиков необходимо обратиться к истории вопроса появления и формирования имиджевой концепции в социальных и гуманитарных знаниях. Изучение исторического фона феномена имиджа и профессионального имиджа является необходимым условием для понимания процессов, происходящих в этой области в настоящее время. В последние десятилетия наблюдается постоянный интерес к формированию профессионального имиджа студента-переводчика, и можно ожидать, что он будет расти по мере дальнейшего движения общества в связи с гуманизацией образования.

Текст научной работы на тему «Pedagogical bases of professional translators' training in the solution framework of the image formation problem»


UDC 377.4

assistant Professor Gasanenko Elena Aleksandrovna

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education

"Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University" (Magnitogorsk);

candidate of Philology, associate Professor Dyorina Natalja Vladimirovna

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education

"Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University" (Magnitogorsk);

candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor Akmanova Zoya Sergeyevna

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education

"Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University" (Magnitogorsk)


Аннотация. В статье актуализируется проблема формирования профессионального имиджа студентов-переводчиков. Имидж как концептуальная категория науки появился сравнительно недавно и поэтому часто воспринимается только как феномен XX века. Это объясняется тем фактом, что как отдельное социокультурное явление имидж рассматривается в культуре модернизма и постмодернизма, чаще всего воспринимается имидж как инструмент политической активности, используемый для воздействия на аудиторию, что не в полной мере отражает ее истинную роль в существующем обществе. На сегодняшний день накоплен определенный теоретический и практический материал в области изучения понятия «образ». В статье актуализируется вопрос формирования профессионального имиджа студента-переводчика. Образ как социокультурный феномен появился намного раньше, чем появилось его научное определение; поэтому для формирования имиджа студентов-переводчиков необходимо обратиться к истории вопроса появления и формирования имиджевой концепции в социальных и гуманитарных знаниях. Изучение исторического фона феномена имиджа и профессионального имиджа является необходимым условием для понимания процессов, происходящих в этой области в настоящее время. В последние десятилетия наблюдается постоянный интерес к формированию профессионального имиджа студента-переводчика, и можно ожидать, что он будет расти по мере дальнейшего движения общества в связи с гуманизацией образования.

Ключевые слова: исторические этапы, имидж, профессиональный имидж, историческое образование, предпосылки для профессионального имиджа студента-переводчика.

Annotation. The paper actualizes the issue of the students-translators' professional image formation development. Image as a conceptual category of science appeared relatively recently and therefore is often perceived only as a phenomenon of the XX century. This is explained by the fact that, as a separate sociocultural phenomenon, image has been considered within the culture of modernism and postmodernism, image is most often perceived as an instrument of political activity used to influence the audience, which does not fully reflect its true role in the existing society. To date, certain theoretical and practical material has been accumulated in the field of studying the concept of "image". The article actualizes the question of the student-translator's professional image formation development. The image as a socio-cultural phenomenon appeared much earlier than its scientific definition appeared; therefore, it is necessary to refer to the question history of the image concept emergence and formation in social and humanitarian knowledge for students-translators' image formation. The study of the historical background of the phenomenon of image and professional image is a prerequisite for understanding the processes taking place in this area at present. In recent decades, there has been a constant interest in shaping the professional image of a student-translator, and it can be expected that it will grow as society continues to move in connection with the humanization of education.

Keywords: historical stages, image, professional image, historical formation prerequisites for professional image of the student-translator.

Introduction. The modern period of active economic development in Russia has led to a number of transformations in the economic, political, cultural, social spheres of Russian society. The country has entered a new era, the era of humanization; there was a turn of society towards the individual as a value, which predetermined the growing importance of each individual [10]. The need of society for individualization and an individual approach to each person has increased.

Such changes in modern society have highlighted the need to rethink the basic priorities of the student-translator's personal development. There is an urgent need for a new system of the individual student-translator's image-representation formation [1]. The uniqueness the translator, his features and abilities, professional qualities, outlook, education, readiness for innovations, the desire for creative search gain obvious social significance in modern society. In this regard, in modern conditions of society development, special attention has been paid to issues of student-translator's image, the formation of a professional image. The technical student-translator's image is directly related to the professional competence of his personality and is an important indicator of his professional skills [11].

The article actualizes the question of the student-translator's professional image formation development.

Statement of basic materials. Image as a conceptual category of science appeared relatively recently and therefore is often perceived only as a phenomenon of the XX century. This is explained by the fact that, as a separate sociocultural phenomenon, image has been considered within the culture of modernism and postmodernism, image is most often perceived as an instrument of political activity used to influence the audience, which does not fully reflect its true role in the existing society. To date, certain theoretical and practical material has been accumulated in the field of studying the concept of "image".

The image as a socio-cultural phenomenon appeared much earlier than its scientific definition appeared; therefore, it is necessary to refer to the question history of the image concept emergence and formation in social and humanitarian knowledge.

In the formation history of the image concept several periods can be highlighted: the first stage before the 1930s (pre-conceptual) includes the period of antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance. The second stage of problem development is the period of time beginning in 1920-1970, the third period is the period from 1970 to the present [5].

The first stage in the formation of the image representation concept is the so-called "pre-conceptual stage", which is one of the longest; this period lasted until the 1930s. At this time, ideas about the image appeared in the works of scientists who did not set themselves the task of understanding this phenomenon. After examining the sources of this period of time, we can conclude that some important aspects concerning the interpretation of the image nature were reflected not only in scientific treatises, but also in fiction, in memoirs and diaries of prominent figures of that time. The carried out theoretical analysis shows that the first prerequisites for studying the nature of the image emerged in the period of Antiquity.

Some of the structural components of the image were considered in scientific treatises of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, despite the fact that they were not the subject of their special scientific study. The great minds of antiquity in their writings concerned the category of image through the study of ideas about man, his essence and are considered in connection with such fundamental philosophical categories as man, soul, society, state, body, beauty, harmony, sensory perception, which are revealed in their context, that is, through the ratio of natural and social, the relationship of soul and body.

In the Middle Ages, such thinkers as Thomas Aquinas, John of Damascus, Pierre Abelard, Bernard of Clairvaux, Boethius, Vitelo, Hugo of Saint-Victor, Michael Choniates, Bl. Augustine considered the human essence in accordance with the medieval picture of the world. The central issue of medieval scholasticism during this period was the question of the relationship between the body and the soul; the social role of man, his ability to shape his appearance, both internal (spiritual) and external (physical), was considered. It was a period of domination of typical images that became symbols of the epoch: knight, crusader, monk, craft artisan, merchant, burgher, lady of the heart. Personality is identified with its role in society, and each has been chained to his role in a social order. The first treatises appear on behavior; the assimilation of the etiquette norms becomes the hallmarks of a high position in society. In the works of medieval thinkers, the term "imago" is found in the context of the study of the sensory perception process, which is described as the penetration of the thing image through feelings. Researchers consider such a phenomenon as a visual image, because they embody the general ideas of time.

The Renaissance is a period of heightened interest in man, in his bodily image - this is an era filled with sincere admiration for his physical beauty and healthy sensuality, only in man they seek and found the true "measure of all things." A huge amount of research is devoted to man. His physical form and aesthetic appeal of his image as a whole are considered. Revival is a time of new social order, when the role of a person in society becomes more significant. In the theories of the Renaissance thinkers, a large number of ideas appear that are important for understanding the nature of the "image" concept and the role it plays in the socio-cultural field of human activity.

The Renaissance thinkers, creators, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Marsilio Ficino, turned their attention to the role of visual images. Perception through feelings occupied the minds of the great philosophers of the time. The special role of the first impression made by a man is recognized, at this time there is a clear separation between the physical and spiritual images - the one that arises in the representation of the person. It should be noted that the image also concerns the external and internal content of a person, the image which he intentionally builds [8]. It can be assumed that the Renaissance gave the world new prerequisites for the emergence of the image phenomenon in the form in which it is observed now.

Increasingly, in the authors' works of that time one can come across such a concept as "image", which is close in its meaning to the "image" concept. Already at that time, thinkers understood the role of a person's image of who can contribute to the social success of a person. This is a time of research of all aspects of a person, his appearance and internal content. Appearance plays a huge role in society. The attention of ordinary people is focused on practical advice regarding clothing, color, shape.

It was at this time that his first work on the political image "The Sovereign", N. Machiavelli, appeared, expressing the idea of manipulating people with the help of appearance and behavior that helps to create the necessary opinion based on their perception. It is known that the image is intentionally created if the person does not possess personal qualities or natural attractiveness. N. Machiavelli spread such concepts as real and desired image. These categories of image are basic today.

In the period of New time, new prerequisites for the emergence of the image notion about the image appear. The thinkers of that time in their studies carefully study the social structure of the world and the social forms of life. A number of works related to the category of image appear indirectly through the analysis of the marks influence on a person. One of these thinkers was J.-J. Rousseau, in his works he considered this problem as a fractional man. The philosophers of the time did not consider the concept of image as an independent phenomenon, the definition of image has not yet been mentioned in the writings of that time.

It should be noted that although scientists did not turn to the study of the student-translator's image, but through their research in other areas of scientific knowledge, they identified a number of aspects that are directly related to this concept.

In this period of time there is an awareness of the man's role in society. The image of a person in the context of socialization becomes more significant. The definition of a public person appears, a number of studies directly related to the understanding of the image in its modern form arise. The thinkers of the New time consider the categories of the image essence, although the definition itself is not voiced yet. The works of G.F. Hegel reflects the formation of the image-representation; A. Schopenhauer examines the nature of automatic perception and draws attention to the role of the first impression. The scientists, exploring human nature, focus on such important from the point of view of studying the image categories such as visual images, judgments about the image, the perception of the image, its assessment. In their studies, they address both the internal and external attributes of the image manifestation.

The second stage in the problem development we consider is the period starting in the 1920s. - 30s. of the 20th century. It was a period of time when the formation of basic representations of the image category began. Scientific studies of this phenomenon are manifested mainly in such sciences as sociology and psychology, since these scientific fields are focused on the study of the place and role of a man in society. A number of fundamental theories appear in which the image essence is reflected: the theory of basic needs of A. Maslow, psychoanalysis of Z. Freud, the theory of social roles (R. Linton, A. Inkels, D. Levinson, C. Hull, E. Tolman), behaviorism J. B. Watson, G. Tarda, G. Lebon, E. Tolman, B. Skinner, E. Thorndike.

Scientists of the second period study the relationship between man and society, the study of the personality, its individual manifestations, and its place in the socio-cultural space come to the fore. As a person is understood as a social creation and manifests itself in society, a number of scientific researches were devoted to the interaction of the individual with society, his ability to adapt, to accept the conditions of existence in the social environment.

At this stage, the "image" concept is manifested in the context of the study of such phenomena as the social character of the student-translator, adaptability, adaptability, self-identification, stratification, status, status groups, and status privileges.

In the works of researchers of this period, the image is not isolated as a separate concept, but its manifestations are found in various aspects of the social and humanitarian knowledge of the time. Among the researchers affecting the image category can be noted E. Fromm, R. Brubaker, M. Weber, P. Sorokin, and T. Parsons. In their works, they turn to the image concept from a socio-psychological position [4].

The second stage is marked by the fact that in the process of studying various aspects of human nature, some authors consider such household categories as lighting, color, sound, smell, their role in the development of a positive image from a scientific point of view. At this stage, the image is not yet a separately studied scientific definition. It is a way to implement other social phenomena of that period; some aspects of the image are reflected in the social, cultural, political sphere of human activity of this period. The institute of advertising, necessary for the promotion of political figures and their ideas, has emerged; in this kind of activity, the scientific concept gradually takes its place. Thanks to the socio-political sphere of life, the image gradually acquired the status of a separate definition.

The third period in the image study begins since 1970 (in the West) and since 1990 (in Russia) to the present. This was the formation stage of the image phenomenon as an independent scientific phenomenon in social and humanitarian knowledge; it is associated with the semantic content of the image definition in foreign and Russian science. This period is marked by the emergence of a separate discipline exploring the category of image -imageology. It is noteworthy that in the West, the study of the image formation began much earlier than in Russia, where the approaches to the study of the image are radically different. Due to the applied orientation of the image in the West, it has a great practical orientation.

Image definition appears at the beginning of the twentieth century in the United States, since at that time there was an urgent need to create a positive image of a political and public figure. The country was experiencing an economic crisis, and this resulted in a sharply negative attitude towards the United States in the world. This situation negatively affected the economic progress of America at the international level. The term image was originally used in the business field to promote goods and services in the consumer market. Public figures, commercial organizations of that time often used the advice of specialists working in the field of public relations. With their help, commercial initiatives were promoted; politicians achieved great success in their field of activity.

Conclusions. Gradually, the study of ways forming a positive image of the company, of a person in some sphere, just of a private individual, led to the emergence of a whole applied direction that was studying the image phenomenon. Image becomes a key category of success, an integral part of a political or advertising campaign.

In Soviet Russia, the image phenomenon was viewed exclusively negatively. The image concept was considered the trend of Western culture, through which Western powers manipulated public opinion, controlled mass consciousness. Value awareness of owning the basics of image formation emerged in Russia only in the 1990s, when the country switched to a new stage of economic development [3].

At the stage of market relations development, where competitiveness occupied a leading position, there was an urgent need for leverage on the consumer [14]. Western goods were successfully promoted in the Russian market, which cannot be said about domestic identical goods. So the image concept has acquired a positive color and is firmly included in the economic, political, social spheres of activity.

Image over a long period of time was not considered as a separate applied science discipline. V.M. Shepel explains this by the fact that it was the subject of study primarily of political science, then became the subject of political psychology and only then gained its real significance [13].

In the domestic literature, the image is considered as a scientific definition, in contrast to the Western applied, practical approach to this phenomenon. It can be noted that to date, several areas of research devoted to the image category have been defined. The main focus is imageology, as well as image psychology, image sociology, image pedagogy [2].

One of the first developers of the scientific-theoretical base for studying the image is [13]. In his works, he studied in detail the structure of the image, its basic categories and methods of implementation. Among domestic researchers it is important to mention [13, 7, 12, 6, et al.]. In imageology, the activity of creating and correcting an image is considered from the perspective of two approaches: socially influencing and, management, psychological impact, and in the context of social interaction [5].

The study of the historical background of the image phenomenon and professional image is a prerequisite for understanding the processes taking place in this area at the present time. In recent decades, there has been a steady interest in the formation of the student-translator's professional image, and it can be expected to grow with the further movement of society in connection with the humanization of education. It is not by chance that the category "professional image" of the student-translator and its formation and development can be subject of the study in various branches of social and humanitarian knowledge: psychology, political science, management, sociology, philosophy of culture, pedagogy and other sciences.


1. Astashova, G.V., Dyorina, N.V., Savinova, T.A., Zalavina, T.Yu. Integration processes in foreign vocational training of a successful specialist // Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University. - 2018. -№ 2. - pp. 9-20.

2. Vasischeva, A.V. Image: the definition of the central concept of image logic / A.V. Vasischeva, A.V. Nenasheva // Social and humanitarian knowledge. - 2005. - № 4. - pp. 311-317.

3. Gorchakova, V.G. Imagelogy. Theory and practice: a tutorial / V. G. Gorchakova. - M .: UNITY-DANA, 2011. - 335 p.

4. Klimov, E.A. Psychology of professional self-determination / E.A. Klimov. - 4th ed. - M.: Academy, 2010. - 566 p.

5. Klimova, T.E. Image competence of the future teacher of physical culture: Theory and practice of formation: monograph / T.E. Klimov. V.G. Kuptsov. - Magnitogorsk: MAGU, 2008. - 150 p.

6. Perelygina, E. B. Socio-psychological concept of image / E. B. Perelygin. - M.: 2005. - 357 p.

7. Petrova, E.A. Image of a teacher in modern Russia / E.A. Petrova, N.M. Shurko. - M.: Academy of Imageology, 2006. - 101 p.

8. Pikalova, Ye.A., Savva, L.I., Gasanenko, Ye.A. The mastery of university students by means of auto didactics of professional image design // Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University. - 2016. - № 4. -pp. 64-69.

9. Savva, L.I., Gasanenko, Ye.A., Shakhmaeva, K.E. Readiness of students of a technical college for teamwork as the basis of a professional image // Perspectives on science and education. - 2018. - № 6 (36). -pp. 56-64.

10. Savva, L.I. Interpersonal cognition in the system of preparing the future teacher: Monograph. -Magnitogorsk: MAGU, 2001. - 246 p.

11. Savva, L.I. Professional image of a technical university student / L.I. Savva, E.A. Hasanenko // Bulletin of ChGPU. - 2015. - №2. - pp. 170-177.

12. Feofanov, O.A. USA: Advertising and Society / OA Feofanov. - M.: Thought, 1974. - 262 p.

13. Shepel, V.M. Imageology: Secrets of personal charm. M., 1997, p. 87

14. Yakunina, E.K., Dyorina, N.V. Development of information and technological potential of university teachers in the process of corporate training // Problems of modern pedagogical education. - 2019. - No. 63-1. -pp. 428-432.


УДК 37.022

кандидат филологических наук, доцент Грахова Светлана Ивановна

«Набережночелнинский государственный педагогический университет» (г. Набережные Челны); магистрант Галимова Алсу Маулитовна

«Набережночелнинский государственный педагогический университет» (г. Набережные Челны)



Аннотация. В статье представлен обзор и теоретическое обоснование традиционных и инновационных подходов к обучению разным видам пересказа младших школьников с общим недоразвитием речи. Особое внимание уделено ТРИЗ-технологии, наглядному моделированию, кейс- и артпедагогическим технологиям.

Ключевые слова: пересказ, традиционные технологии, инновационные технологии, организация учебной деятельности.

Annotation. The article presents a review and theoretical justification of traditional and innovative approaches to teaching different types of retelling of primary school children with General underdevelopment of speech. Special attention is given to TRIZ, technology, visual simulation, case- and arcidiocesi technologies.

Keywords: retelling, traditional technologies, innovative technologies, organization of educational activities.

Введение. В последние годы наблюдается тенденция роста речевых нарушений у детей. Речь остается одной из уязвимых сторон развития. Все чаще детям уже с раннего детство ставят диагноз «Задержка речевого развития», что в дальнейшем переходит в общее недоразвитие речи.

Под общим недоразвитием речи (далее ОНР) у детей (с нормальным слухом и первично сохранным интеллектом) понимается такая форма речевой аномалии, при которой нарушается формирование каждого из компонентов речевой системы: словарного запаса; фонематического слуха; звукопроизношения; грамматического строя; связной речи.

Данная речевая патология препятствует овладению родного языка. Одними авторами отмечается, что первые слова у детей с ОНР появляются к трем-четырем, а то и к пяти годам, другими указывается на то, что время появления первых слов у детей с нормой и детей с недоразвитием может не иметь большой разницы (в зависимости от этиологии), но дальнейшее речевое развитие последних отстает, это проявляется в долгом употреблении в речи отдельных слов, они не способны их соединять в двухсловные предложения. Имеющиеся в активном словаре слова сильно искажаются, пропускаются фрагменты, воспроизводятся преимущественно открытые слоги.

Порождение речевого высказывания - непростой и многоуровневый процесс, который описан отечественным психологом Л.С. Выготским [21. В своих трудах он писал, что прежде чем мысль будет воспроизведена в виде слов, должен появиться мотив, которые содержит какой-то замысел. Замысел формируется с помощью внутренней речи. Здесь решаются вопросы: что говорить, в какой последовательности и как. Затем происходит переход задуманной мысли в слова, т.е. программа реализуется во внешней речи, оформленная по правилам грамматики и синтаксиса. У детей с общим недоразвитием речи возникают трудности с внутренним программированием высказывания, а именно с построением схемы, порождающей именно речевое высказывание.

Одним из явных показателей ОНР является неразвитость экспрессивной речи. У детей с ОНР отмечается низкий словарный запас ситуативного характера. Они плохо усваивают новые изученные слова, поэтому и не используют их в речи. У них отмечаются сложности в построении развернутой речи. Их речь малопонятна, так как имеются многочисленные аграмматизмы: трудности в словоизменении и словообразовании, неправильное использование частей речи (глаголов, прилагательных, наречий, предлогов, союзов), либо опускание некоторых из них. В связи с плохо сформированным навыком построения высказывания и с критичностью к своему дефекту у детей с общим недоразвитием речи отмечается низкая речевая активность, которая может падать, если не будет предпринято педагогическое воздействие. В дальнейшем это накладывает отпечаток на личности ребенка: он скован, неохотно идет на контакт, стеснителен.

Как одно из следствий общего недоразвития речи - это трудности освоения навыка пересказа. Пересказ -это воспроизведение услышанного текста своими словами в устной речи. Важно, что пересказ не значит заучивание текста, а осмысление его содержания [3, 61. Для удачного освоения данного навыка детям необходимо уметь выделять основные моменты в рассказе, понимать последовательность событий. Все чаще в первый класс за школьные парты садятся дети, которым трудно дается пересказ, а детям с ОНР такая речевая деятельность может быть вовсе недоступна, поэтому данная проблема остается актуальной. С детьми

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