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Ключевые слова
non-interruptive inclusive education / pedagogical / psychological / technical / safety / architectural / physical / meditsinskaya / obuchayushchiysya s ogranichennymi vozmojnostyami / pedagogic process / bezbarernoe peredvijenie / extrennaya coordination / mejdistiplinarnaya integration.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kobilova Sh.Kh.

In the article, the author analyzes the pedagogical, psychological and technical safety issues of ensuring the life safety of students studying in the process of continuous inclusive education, and comments of scientific and practical importance are put forward.

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Kobilova Sh.Kh., doctor of philosophy in pedagogical sciences (PhD)

Faculty of Pedagogy Department of Special Pedagogy Chirchik State Pedagogical University


Abstract. In the article, the author analyzes the pedagogical, psychological and technical safety issues of ensuring the life safety of students studying in the process of continuous inclusive education, and comments of scientific and practical importance are put forward.

Key words: non-interruptive inclusive education, pedagogical, psychological, technical, safety, architectural, physical, meditsinskaya, obuchayushchiysya s ogranichennymi vozmojnostyami, pedagogic process, bezbarernoe peredvijenie, extrennaya coordination, mejdistiplinarnaya integration.

It is known that until the introduction of continuous inclusive education in our society, in order to ensure the pedagogical and psychological safety of students with disabilities, education was started in special schools and boarding schools and through individually organized education at home. the bride. In most cases, this process could not provide the opportunity to create conditions for children with disabilities to show their full potential and to provide the necessary pedagogical and psychological support. Education of this category of children at home or in special schools does not have the opportunity to form skills and competences for integration with society, to implement communication relations with others, and to eliminate problems related to socialization.

There are a number of disadvantages of individually organized education in special schools and boarding schools and at home, and students with disabilities have problems with coordination of activities with their peers and friends, integration with society, and socialization.

Maria S.Pak put forward a scientific opinion that ensuring pedagogical safety in the educational process is a social necessity, and it is desirable to ensure the personal factor in the organization of the educational process and the integrated integration of existing knowledge and concepts [10], N.N. Malofeev that educating students with disabilities is one of the current and controversial problems of modern education, and many restrictions associated with social inequality prevent students with disabilities from receiving quality education and indicates a scientific opinion that it threatens the effectiveness of the educational process.[9]

Based on these scientific considerations, we put forward a scientific hypothesis that ensuring the safety of students with disabilities in continuous inclusive education should be implemented through the following coordination and interdisciplinary integration.

Technical security in continuous inclusive education, from the architectural construction of the educational institution where students with disabilities study, to the free and barrier-free movement of students (a student studying in continuous inclusive education from his home transport vehicles, traffic corridors, elevator, conditions in the rooms, kitchens and libraries that fulfill their "natural needs" until the arrival at the educational institution) includes all factors technical logistics.

Special corridors for the safe movement of students with disabilities, obstacles that create dangerous situations that have a negative effect on their physiological health, signs in the areas recommended and not recommended for their movement, special instructions for the use of electrical equipment, installation of ramps, separate special traffic lanes for them in emergency situations, conditions aimed at minimizing physical injuries in emergency situations and accidents, organizational and technical measures of factors that are dangerous and harmful to health system is important. Also, in the organization and design of general engineering works of continuous inclusive educational institutions, factors such as heat and light supply, room ventilation, security systems and fire alarm systems should be taken into account.

Pedagogical safety in continuous inclusive education is the pedagogical content of the knowledge and information transmitted to the learner, the pedagogical approach to personal education, noxological (danger) knowledge, educational logistics, necessary for the successful education of students with disabilities. it is understood that there are special classrooms equipped with tools. Also, in continuous inclusive education, creating a barrier-free learning environment between the teacher and the student, solving problems related to reading and mastering, the presence of special blackboards and educational equipment in classrooms, the professional competence of the teacher, ensuring the academic mobility of students with disabilities, the availability of

scientifically based programs for special materials for students with disabilities, pedagogical education innovative cluster (higher educational institutions, scientific research institutes, professional education, lyceum, coordination of schools, MTT, organizations responsible for typography), adaptation of information resource centers to students with disabilities, introduction of modern educational technologies, special electronic technical equipment of classrooms for continuous inclusive education based on individual disability characteristics of students with disabilities is explained by the presence of conditions such as the provision of equipment.

It should be noted that pedagogical safety in continuous inclusive education means determining the scope of tasks and tasks for students with disabilities during lessons based on their disability characteristics, determining the nature of dynamism, not creating antipathy in them towards the lesson and textbooks. Factors such as the color of pictures and graphics should be taken into account so as not to cause aggression in them.

In continuous inclusive education, psychological safety, positive attitudes of the participants in the learning process, mental stability, guaranteed social and psychological environment and conditions for quality education, purposeful use of educational technologies that serve the socialization of the individual, negative learning of the social environment It is characterized by activities aimed at forming resistance immunity, maintaining and strengthening the physical, mental, and social health of educational subjects, as well as developing a "sense of satisfaction" in a person.

Also, to eliminate the discriminatory approach towards children with disabilities, to ensure psychological safety in continuous inclusive education, to implement the psychoprophylactic program of psychological traumas, to program the factors of positive development of communication relations into the minds of students, to correct internal anxiety, to meet educational needs, to teach the technology of self-psychological and spiritual stimulation, to turn the negative avoidance and blocking mechanism into a character trait on the basis of social psychological training, and to overcome the artificial barriers of socialization and integration. contains z.

Psychological safety eliminates the emotional stress of students with disabilities in the educational environment. It also creates conditions for the full realization of their existing abilities, prevents negative thinking and making decisions that harm themselves and others, motivates them to be active members of society, inappropriate behavior and corrects behavior, provides socialization with micro and macro groups, forms an adaptive character and an optimistic view, serves an adequate perception of the environment, reveals purposefulness and consistency of activity.

It should be noted that psychological safety is physical, mental, spiritual impact, emotional discomfort, reluctance to express one's opinion, disrespectful attitude towards oneself, loss of personal dignity, reluctance to ask for help,

ignoring the personal problems and difficulties of the students around them, discrimination, insults, excessive demands, negative evaluation, loss of confidence in oneself and others, sleep disorders, loss of appetite, stress, depression, aggression, serves as a factor of psychoprophylaxis and correction of low self-esteem, psychosomatic illness and irresponsibility.

It is appropriate to introduce the concept of "Safety pedagogy" into the process of continuous inclusive education. The object of this article should be defined as the process of education and upbringing of a person who is immune to medical, natural, man-made, psychological, ideological, ideological and socioeconomic risks. As its subject, it is desirable to acquire the laws necessary for the formation of a personal experience of a safe life in real conditions.

Teaching "Safety pedagogy" in the conditions of continuous inclusive education serves to increase the quality of the educational process, stabilizes the motivation of educational and professional activity and increases the cognitive knowledge of students. Also, the existing pedagogical-psychological approach in the field of continuous inclusive education forms immunity in educational subjects, ensures mental stability and forms the necessary competencies that guarantee life safety.

In conclusion, based on this scientific opinion, it can be noted that the continuous inclusive education organized in our society today is fully compatible with modern pedagogical principles, everyone has the opportunity and ability to study according to the general program. it is necessary to guarantee the full rights and freedoms of students with disabilities who show normal academic results.


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