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Science and innovation
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Ключевые слова
inclusive education / Inclusive education theory and technology / inclusion / Integration / social integration / Mainstreaming / Competence / UNICEF / Competence / dialogic nature.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — U. Khafizova, H. Usmanova

This article describes what inclusive education is, its content, and the activity of providing knowledge to children who receive this type of education. At the same time, the Inclusive educational environment, its demands on pedagogues and the essence of inclusive pedagogical competence are mentioned. All the conditions and conditions needed by each teacher to deal with children with learning disabilities have been analyzed materially and not only morally. This field of education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Despite the novelty in the field of education, the work carried out in our country on the education of children with disabilities, the activities carried out in cooperation with the World Organization for the Protection of Children, and the intended program plans are reflected in this article. Globally, inclusive education is developed countries and the results of research conducted in this field, inclusive education remains the most urgent issue of the day in the education of children with physical disabilities. This, in turn, requires a special plan and programmed complex research. .

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1Khafizova Umida Juraboy kizi, 2Usmanova Hulkar Shavkat kizi

1,2Gulistan State Pedagogical Institute teacher https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10402446

Abstract. This article describes what inclusive education is, its content, and the activity of providing knowledge to children who receive this type of education. At the same time, the Inclusive educational environment, its demands on pedagogues and the essence of inclusive pedagogical competence are mentioned. All the conditions and conditions needed by each teacher to deal with children with learning disabilities have been analyzed materially and not only morally. This field of education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Despite the novelty in the field of education, the work carried out in our country on the education of children with disabilities, the activities carried out in cooperation with the World Organization for the Protection of Children, and the intended program plans are reflected in this article. Globally, inclusive education is developed countries and the results of research conducted in this field, inclusive education remains the most urgent issue of the day in the education of children with physical disabilities. This, in turn, requires a special plan and programmed complex research. .

Keywords: inclusive education, Inclusive education theory and technology, inclusion, Integration, social integration, Mainstreaming, Competence, UNICEF, Competence, dialogic nature.

Currently, the course "Theory and Technology of Inclusive Education" has been established, which involves introducing students to the innovative practical psychological field, providing students with an understanding of the essence and methods of implementation of inclusive pedagogy, the theory and understanding of the practice of pedagogical activity in the conditions of educational inclusion. helps to develop, develops creative abilities. The purpose of the course is to develop students' understanding of the theoretical foundations and practical mechanisms of building an inclusive educational environment, to form competencies that ensure solving the problems of monitoring the child, teacher, and family in inclusive education. In modern science and practice, terms such as integration, mainstreaming, and inclusion are used to define and describe the pedagogical process of joint education and upbringing of healthy children and disabled children.

Competency-based approach makes a great impression as it is considered as the foundation of the changes implemented in the educational system, as a resource for the qualitative development of professional skills and the quality of education in general. The implementation of inclusive practice is related to the distribution and meaningful description of the teacher's competence as a set of personal and professional qualities that are clearly realized in the innovative conditions of the inclusive environment, which allows him to successfully solve problems related to the organization of teaching. will give. education and upbringing of all children without exception, taking into account the specific characteristics of their educational needs. The interdependence of the level of the teacher's professional activity as a subject of educational

practice and a child's self-development has been proven in acmeology for a long time. The teacher's competences serve as a means and condition for the development of the competences of his students. To understand the practice of inclusion, it is important in connection with the problems of personal and professional development of disabled people, their quality of life, employment, and prevention of marginalization. Questions about the model of an inclusive school graduate (a set of competencies as educational outcomes), the criteria and parameters of his readiness for life, continuous education, are perhaps one of the problematic and undeveloped topics. We see the importance of the competency-based approach, first of all, in its functionality, focusing on the openness of the educational system to the needs of society. Inclusive processes in education are becoming an object of interdisciplinary research. Since the 40s of the 20th century, the new term introduced abroad, the increased interest in its meaning and practice is not accidental for local science and is an attempt to understand the movement taking place in our country, the reforms implemented in the social and educational spheres. state, changes in people's mentality, etc. The result of the multifaceted reflection of society itself is the birth and development of many categories with defined moments of change. For example, along with inclusion, the concepts of multicultural education, integrative education, innovative education, non-classical education, etc. are relevant for modern pedagogical theory.

Inclusive educational environment is a type of educational environment that provides opportunities for effective self-development to all subjects of the educational process. This is to adapt the educational space to the needs of each child, including the reform of the educational process, methodological flexibility and variability, a favorable psychological climate, and to solve the problem of educating children with disabilities by redesigning classrooms to meet the needs of all children. includes. without exception and allows children to fully participate in the educational process. Inclusive education is a certain innovation for the local education system, so it requires competent management at all stages of its modeling and implementation. The effectiveness of inclusive education includes the creation of a number of conditions, the main ones of which are:

- the readiness of specialists to implement the inclusive pedagogical process (includes all types of preparation:

-personal, professional, psychological, etc.), humanitarianism, humanity. educational system, including the formation of a moral and psychological environment in the community;

- organization of correctional support and psychological pedagogical support for the development and socialization of children.

UNICEF's support is an example of how we ensure that the 5-year action plan for inclusive education is included in the general plan of the education sector. In addition, UNICEF, the global organization for the protection and support of children in schools in the field of inclusive education, advises the government of Uzbekistan to improve the quality and efficiency of general secondary education and to give equal opportunities to all children in basic education. working with partners and donors on development issues for the purpose of coordination. This includes the implementation of the Quality Secondary Education (QSE) program in Uzbekistan and the implementation of the Child-Friendly School (CBSM) program, which is a powerful tool for ensuring not only quality education, but also children's rights. achieved by the concept of SOE places children at the center of the educational process and the quality of education is defined as high achievement, health, safety and security, participation, gender equality and inclusion (i.e. children with disabilities are educated in mainstream schools). In addition, in this concept,

teachers must have appropriate skills and can use individualized teaching methods to increase the effectiveness of education, as well as create a comfortable, healthy and safe environment for children at school and therefore, it is envisaged that they will have the opportunity to fully express their potential with the support of their parents. It was developed in accordance with the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 13, 2020 "On measures to further improve the system of education for children with special educational needs". The concept of development of inclusive education in the public education system in 2020-2025 includes the development of inclusive education in Uzbekistan, improvement of the education system for children with special educational needs, and educational services provided to them. implies the following main priority tasks for quality improvement:

• developing and approving requirements for the buildings of educational institutions attended by children with special educational needs;

• implementation of measures aimed at providing these educational institutions with the necessary literature, educational tools, material and technical base and equipment for training in various professions;

• organization of an inclusive education system, provision of educational institutions with special equipment (lifting devices, ramps, fences, etc.), as well as with appropriate personnel (special teachers, children's psychological-pedagogical control specialists);

• gradual provision of boarding schools with special equipment for adaptation and integration of children with special educational needs, etc.


In conclusion, the development of inclusive training for students in the process of pedagogical higher education based on a compensatory approach holds great potential for promoting equity and improving educational outcomes. By adopting a compensatory approach, pedagogical institutions can identify and address the diverse learning needs of students, ensuring that every learner has equal opportunities to succeed. Inclusive training strategies can involve providing additional support and accommodations, fostering inclusive classroom environments, and promoting inclusive teaching practices. By embracing inclusivity in pedagogical higher education, institutions can contribute to the development of skilled and empathetic educators who are prepared to meet the needs of all learners in diverse educational settings. In conclusion, the development of inclusive training for students in the process of pedagogical higher education based on a compensatory approach is a valuable approach that aims to provide equal opportunities and support for all learners. By recognizing and addressing the diverse learning needs of students, pedagogical institutions can create inclusive environments that foster growth and success. This approach involves implementing strategies such as differentiated instruction, individualized support, and accessible resources to ensure that every student can thrive. By embracing inclusivity in pedagogical higher education, institutions can contribute to the development of competent and empathetic educators who are equipped to meet the needs of all students in an equitable manner.


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