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Ключевые слова
inclusive competence / integration / teachers / inclusive education / development / training / children with disabilities / cooperation

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — S. Safarova, I. Yuldashova

This article discusses the prospects for the development of inclusive competence of future teachers when introducing inclusive education in educational institutions. Caring for children and adolescents in need of special assistance, social support for their rights, organizing the educational process in accordance with the needs and capabilities of these children, equating them to a healthy society are the tasks of our time. Problems. The article presents the results of various studies and highlights the main information about the development of inclusive competence. In addition, it is comprehensively explained what needs to be emphasized to develop the inclusive competence of the future teacher, and also presents conclusions and proposals for the development of inclusive competence in this regard.

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1Safarova Sanobar Omontashevna, 2Iroda Yuldashova Dilshodovna

1Associate professor, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology 22nd year master's student of the Department Pedagogy and Psychology

1,2Alfraganus University https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10365033

Abstract. This article discusses the prospects for the development of inclusive competence of future teachers when introducing inclusive education in educational institutions. Caring for children and adolescents in need of special assistance, social support for their rights, organizing the educational process in accordance with the needs and capabilities of these children, equating them to a healthy society are the tasks of our time. Problems. The article presents the results of various studies and highlights the main information about the development of inclusive competence. In addition, it is comprehensively explained what needs to be emphasized to develop the inclusive competence of the future teacher, and also presents conclusions and proposals for the development of inclusive competence in this regard.

Keywords: inclusive competence, integration, teachers, inclusive education, development, training, children with disabilities, cooperation.

Inclusive education is a philosophy and approach that promotes the participation and achievement of all students, regardless of their different abilities, backgrounds, and characteristics. She strives to create an inclusive learning environment where every student feels valued, respected and supported. However, the successful implementation of inclusive education requires different needs of teachers and students including the knowledge, skills, attitudes and practices required to meet requires inclusive competence.

Caring for children and adolescents in need of special assistance, social support of their rights, organization of the educational process in accordance with the needs and abilities of these children, equalizing them to a healthy society are the tasks of today. is one of the urgent issues. Currently, there are special pre-school educational institutions and boarding schools in our Republic, and these educational institutions have all the conditions for children with disabilities. But for many reasons, some children with disabilities are studying at home alone or some are left out of full education. In addition, although the quality of correctional-pedagogical work of special preschool education and upbringing is at a high level, children with special needs face many difficulties and problems in adapting to our social life due to the fact that they do not receive education and upbringing in a healthy environment. Therefore, it was recognized by the world community that education of children with disabilities in a closed-segregation education system causes many negative consequences.

In order to successfully introduce and implement inclusive education in educational institutions, it is very important to develop inclusive competence in teachers. Inclusive competence refers to the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that teachers must possess in order to effectively meet the diverse needs of all learners, including those with disabilities and other special educational needs.

The issue of organizing the education of children with disabilities began to be considered among the most urgent issues. As a result, in 1990, a very important World Conference was held

in Thailand. The Universal Declaration "Education for All" was adopted at this conference. The Universal Declaration "Education for All" was adopted by 155 governments and more than 150 non-governmental organizations. The Universal Declaration "Education for All" guaranteed that every child will receive a complete and excellent education.

In this Declaration, it is stated as follows: "Schools are characterized by the quality of work and response to school education, not by children's capabilities."

They consist of:

- every child's right requires education in a public school;

- teaching methods and methods are selected depending on the child's disability;

- full correctional pedagogical support is organized in the school;

- the decision on children is taken in a comprehensive manner;

- every personal right of the child is guaranteed;

- the principle of integration is considered as the basis of the curriculum at school;

- the financial estimate of inclusive schools will improve".

Inclusive education (derived from the English language, inclusive, inclusion means the words "to adapt, to harmonize, to cover, to cover" is a state policy, to eliminate barriers between children with normal development and children with special needs, is an educational system that represents the full integration of children and adolescents with special education needs into the general education system and adaptation to social life with the active participation of the family, regardless of developmental disabilities or economic difficulties.

On the basis of the above-mentioned regulatory documents, the issue of education and upbringing of children and adolescents with disabilities in general education institutions on the basis of equal rights is legally guaranteed.

As a result of effective organization of inclusive education of children with special needs:

• the financial and moral problems of families with children with disabilities will be eliminated and the opportunity will be created to get rid of the yoke of segregation in the localities;

• discrimination of disabled children in schools and the public is prevented, equal rights are ensured among children, and friendly relations are formed;

• a great opportunity is created for a child with special needs to be in the circle of his family and society;

• leads to more inclusive society;

• the quality of education for all will improve;

• disabled children adapt to living and working in natural conditions among their healthy


• early and effective adaptation of children with disabilities to social society is expected, that is, the number of people dependent on the help of others in society will decrease.

Inclusion means the full involvement of a child with special educational needs in school life. The meaning of inclusion is not to place the child in a regular class for part of the day or for the whole day, but to change the organization of the classroom space in this way, and also to fully involve the child with an unusual learning process in the classroom life.

Inclusive education seeks to develop a child-centered methodology in which all children are individuals with different educational needs. Inclusive education seeks to develop an approach to teaching and learning that is more flexible to meet diverse learning needs. If teaching and learning become more effective as a result of the changes that inclusive education introduces, then all children (not just children with special needs) will benefit.

Eight principles of inclusive education:

1. The value of a person does not depend on his abilities and achievements;

2. Everyone has the ability to feel and think;

3. Everyone has the right to communicate and be heard;

4. All people need each other;

5. Real learning can only be done in real relationships;

6. All people need the help and friendship of their peers;

7. For all students, progress can be more than what they cannot do;

8. Diversity enhances all aspects of human life.

The main disadvantage of raising disabled children is the significant distance of correctional institutions from the place of residence of a family with a disabled child. Placing a schoolchild or a preschool teacher in one of these institutions deprives the family (parents and child) of full communication, breaks family ties even more.

Integrated education. Currently, in Russia, integrative models of education of children with educational needs based on the principle of normalization are rapidly developing. The advantage of this model is the opportunity for the educational organization and parents to choose the form of integration that is convenient for the child. Various integrated models of teaching children with developmental disabilities have been developed in educational practice.

Permanent partial integration is effective for children who, along with their normally developing peers, can acquire only a small part of the necessary skills and abilities, and can spend only a part of their study and extracurricular time with them.

Temporary partial integration, in which all students of a special group (class), regardless of the level of psychophysical and speech development, are combined with healthy children at least 2 times a month to conduct various educational activities.

Permanently full-time for children whose mental development is slightly below the age norm, who need systematic and substantial remedial support, but who are able to study together and equally with their normally developing peers in a number of subjects non-integrated. areas and also spends most of his time with them.

Episodic integration is the purposeful organization of minimal social interaction of disabled children with their peers.

Continuous full integration can be effective for children who correspond to age norms in terms of psychophysical and speech development and are psychologically ready to learn together with healthy peers. This model of integrated education is close to adding its own characteristics.

Protecting the rights and interests of persons with disabilities is a large and multifactorial field. Therefore, today I would like to focus on one of its areas - inclusive education. Inclusive education is much broader than formal education. This education mainly works with children with learning disabilities.

Family participation is important in increasing self-confidence, developing skills and abilities, and encouraging learning from a young age in a child with disabilities.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to explain to parents with special needs that their children have the right to be a part of society, to convey this belief to their minds. Special attention is paid to this issue in the educational system of our country.

Research shows that inclusive competency development programs contribute significantly to improving teachers' knowledge and skills in meeting the diverse needs of students. These programs include specialized training, co-op teaching opportunities, and ongoing support from experts in the field. Teachers who participate in such programs demonstrate improved teaching practices, increased confidence, and student engagement and achievement.

In order to achieve the above efficiency, the following tasks are carried out in inclusive education:

- creation of necessary material-technical, psychological-pedagogical and correctional conditions for the education of students with disabilities in all educational institutions;

- guaranteeing the right to equality in education among students;

- ensuring the right of disabled children and adolescents to live without separation from their families;

- formation of a friendly and loving attitude towards children and teenagers with disabilities in the society;

- elimination of barriers between disabled and healthy children with the active participation of society and family, early adaptation to social life;

- increase the number of active participants in the development of society, further reduce the number of unemployed;

- on the basis of improving the quality of education for all, to grow the state economy and raise the morale of the people.

Inclusive education of children with disabilities is mainly organized in institutions close to the place of residence of children with special needs. Such institutions determine the differences in the various physical needs, individual characteristics, abilities, teaching methods and educational stages of all children and create a differentiated educational system, taking into account their capabilities and levels of mastery.

In order to improve inclusive competence, it is recommended that educational institutions provide comprehensive and continuous professional development opportunities for teachers. This can include workshops, mentoring programs, and collaborative learning teams. In addition, fostering a culture of inclusiveness in educational institutions, developing cooperation between teachers and sharing best practices, involving students, families and community members in this process is the way to achieve the goals of inclusive education. are important steps.

In conclusion, the development of inclusive competence among teachers plays a crucial role in the successful implementation of inclusive education. By equipping teachers with the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes, and practices, we can create educational environments that embrace diversity, empower all students, and prepare them for a more inclusive and just society.


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