PEDAGOGICAL ANALYSIS STUDY OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kasimova Zebo

This article is devoted to the pedagogical analysis of increasing the effectiveness of the educational process. The educational process has a complex structure, and the theoretical and methodological analysis of this topic is an urgent problem.

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Kasimova Zebo, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan,

E-mail: zebokasimova@mail.ru

Abstract. This article is devoted to the pedagogical analysis of increasing the effectiveness of the educational process. The educational process has a complex structure, and the theoretical and methodological analysis of this topic is an urgent problem.

Key words: pedagogy, pedagogy analysis, efficiency, analysis, process, psychological analysis.

Most teachers strive to determine the effectiveness of their work and the processes with which their professional activities are associated. Educational is one of the most important processes in the sphere of professional pedagogical activity. Leaders and teachers of educational institutions are trying to identify the effectiveness of the process of educating students.

First, it is necessary to define the concept of "the effectiveness of the educational process." In most sources, the content of the concept of efficiency is revealed through such words as effective, effective, giving effect. In pedagogical publications, the effectiveness of the educational process, as a rule, means the effectiveness, efficiency of educational work, the ability to ensure the achievement of the goal. Scientists propose to define it as the ratio of the achieved result to the target guidelines of educational activity. They advise to carry out one more operation - to correlate the results obtained with the achievements of past years, so that the tendencies of the changes that are taking place become more obvious. Thus, the effectiveness of the educational process is the correlation of the results obtained with the goals and past achievements in educational practice.

Here are the theoretical provisions that can be considered as principles (main requirements, basic rules) for constructing the activities of teachers to study the effectiveness of the upbringing process. The following provisions can be named:

1. The methodological basis for determining the effectiveness of educational work is the paradigm of personality-oriented education and upbringing, in which the


child's personality is considered as the goal, subject and result of the educational process.

2. When selecting criteria, indicators and methods for studying the effectiveness of educational activities, it is necessary to use a systematic approach that allows you to establish the relationship of the evaluative-effective component with the goals, objectives, content and methods of organizing the pedagogical process. It is necessary to abandon the study of the effectiveness of the process of educating students by random selection of diagnostic tools, which is based on a subjective attitude to the study tools: whether one likes or dislikes one method or another.

3. Diagnostics of the results of the development of the student's personality is the main content of the activity to determine the effectiveness of the educational process. The main purpose of upbringing is its developmental influence, therefore only the changes occurring in the child's personality can testify to the effectiveness of this process.

4. Diagnostics of changes in the child's developmental situation over several years, and not one-time sections, even if very deep and detailed, should underlie the development of recommendations and conclusions based on the results of studying the effectiveness of the educational process. It is advisable to conduct a long-term diagnostic study with unchanged criteria and methods throughout the entire study period. In this regard, it is necessary to think over and create a system for storing and interpreting information obtained over several years.

5. In the course of diagnostics, it is necessary to determine the most effective pedagogical tools and those forms and methods of organizing the educational process that have the least impact on the development of the personality of students.

6. The evaluative-effective component of educational activity in a particular educational institution should have individual, special and general features determined by the uniqueness of the educational institution and the surrounding social and natural environment, the specifics of the type of educational institution, the nature of educational relations in it.

7. Diagnostic tools should not be cumbersome and require a lot of time and effort to prepare and conduct the study, and to process the results.

8. The maximum involvement of teachers in the diagnostic process is required. This helps to improve the quality of diagnostics, reduce the time spent by the main organizers of the study, and expand the opportunities for teachers, students and parents to familiarize themselves with the results of the study.

9. The process of studying the effectiveness of educational activities should not harm the subjects, and its results cannot become a means of administrative pressure on a teacher, parent or student. Otherwise, it will become impossible to obtain reliable results at subsequent stages of diagnosis. When conducting a diagnostic study, it is necessary to observe the pedagogical tact. It is unacceptable without the consent of the subjects to publicly announce the answers to the questions of the questionnaire or conversations, the announcement of results that humiliate the dignity of individual teachers or schoolchildren.


On the basis of the listed provisions, which are strategic guidelines in the organization of diagnostic research, a technology for studying the effectiveness of the educational process is being developed. When developing technological aspects, it is necessary to determine what, how and when is diagnosed, who is the organizer and participant of the study.

The algorithm for studying the effectiveness of the upbringing process can be presented as follows:

- definition of the goal and objectives of the study;

- selection of criteria and indicators to determine the effectiveness of the process of educating students;

- choice of study methods;

- preparation of diagnostic tools;

- research of subjects;

- processing and interpretation of research results;

- analysis, assessment and discussion of the study results.

Determination of the goal and objectives of the study. The main purpose of the study is to identify the ability of the educational institution or its structural unit to contribute to the development of the child's personality. Depending on the level of formation of this ability, it is possible to determine the degree of effectiveness of the educational process: the higher the level of formation of the ability, the higher its effectiveness, and vice versa.

Selection of criteria and indicators. This stage is one of the most important, since it determines specific characteristics and indicators that allow in the future to make informed judgments about the effectiveness of the process of educating students. The content of the criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of the educational process is determined by a set of goals and objectives solved by the school team or an individual teacher. Each goal and task should be supported by a certain set of criteria and indicators, on the basis of which it would be possible to judge the success of the implementation of targets.

Often, the criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of the educational process are the formation of the whole school collective, the satisfaction of students, teachers and parents with the life activity in an educational institution, which helps to assess the effectiveness of work on creating a favorable moral and psychological climate in an educational institution. Along with the above, other criteria and indicators are used, which to the greatest extent reflect the specifics of the educational institution and the originality of the educational process carried out in it.

The choice of study methods. You should start working at this stage only after determining the criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of the upbringing process. The selection of methods should not be random - they must be selected in accordance with the selected criteria and indicators. Diagnostics of the educational process is a new branch of pedagogical science. However, a significant number of diagnostic techniques have already been accumulated that can be used in the research and practical activities of teachers.


Preparation of diagnostic tools. To conduct a diagnostic study, it is necessary to prepare in a timely manner the necessary tools - forms for the subjects, study protocols, special equipment, etc. Such training is carried out both by representatives of the school administration, as well as by individual teachers involved in the diagnostic process. The subjects of diagnostic research can be the director and his deputies, school psychologist, class teachers, social educator, librarian, school health worker, teacher of physical education, music, fine arts, leaders of circles and sections, some parents and high school students.

Study of the subjects. When studying the effectiveness of the educational process, several diagnostic methods (techniques) are used. The use of each of them occurs in accordance with the requirements for the procedure for applying a particular diagnostic method. The subjects of diagnostics should be well aware of and comply with these requirements, which will allow them to obtain reliable information and not harm the subjects.

Processing and interpretation of research results. After the study of the subjects, a working group is created to process and interpret the results of the study. It consists of three to four people. It includes, as a rule, a school psychologist, a social educator, and a deputy headmaster for educational work. After processing the results, the research data are entered into tables, graphs, diagrams.

Analysis, evaluation and discussion of the results of the study. When analyzing the research results, special attention should be paid to identifying trends in indicators over several years. This will make it possible to more accurately determine: in what situation (development, stable functioning, regression) the educational system of the school is, what degree of efficiency is characteristic of it. It is important to get a holistic view of the state of the system in order to more objectively and reasonably assess its effectiveness, to outline the ways and means of its further development. It is better to discuss the results at a meeting of the pedagogical council or a production meeting, so that each teacher has an idea of the state and directions of improving educational activities, is able to determine his place and role in updating the process of educating students. Pupils and parents should be informed about the main results of the diagnostic research.

Each pedagogical team needs to develop diagnostic tools, because in the absence of reliable, thoroughly analyzed information about the development of the child's personality, the formation of the team of the educational institution, and other results of the educational process, the expediency of all pedagogical activities is questioned.


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