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science preparation / science competence / future psychologists

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Bilyk V.

In accordance with the above tasks, structure of future psychologistsscience competence was substantiated, which includes motivational-value, cognitive-content, operational-activity, emotional-volitional and reflexive components. It is noted that the concept «science competence of future psychologists», is expedient to define as an integral characteristic of future specialist qualities, which is formed in the process of science preparation and is characterized by the depth of special knowledge and subject skills, science worldview and ability to carry out professional activities that is based on fundamental ideas and principles of sciences. There was described a concept «formation of future psychologists science competence in higher education institutions» which is considered as a continuous purposeful process, which is carried out during a certain period of study, in order to acquire science skills and abilities, their implementation in future professional activities, development scientific worldview and creative potential. Using theoretical, empirical and statistical methods, there was conducted a research towards the state of science competence of future psychologists formation at the search-and-analytical stage of the pedagogical experiment. Results of the study confirmed that formation of science competence among future psychologists is, unfortunately, at a low level. Analysis of experiment results made it possible to outline the directions for improvement of the process of science competence formation among future psychologists. Presented research provides basis for scientific development of pedagogical conditions for scientific competence of future psychologists’ formation in higher education institutions and suggests the need to find effective technologies to achieve a high level of its effectiveness.

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Bilyk V.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,



In accordance with the above tasks, structure of future psychologists' science competence was substantiated, which includes motivational-value, cognitive-content, operational-activity, emotional-volitional and reflexive components. It is noted that the concept «science competence of future psychologists», is expedient to define as an integral characteristic of future specialist qualities, which is formed in the process of science preparation and is characterized by the depth of special knowledge and subject skills, science worldview and ability to carry out professional activities that is based on fundamental ideas and principles of sciences. There was described a concept «formation of future psychologists science competence in higher education institutions» which is considered as a continuous purposeful process, which is carried out during a certain period of study, in order to acquire science skills and abilities, their implementation in future professional activities, development scientific worldview and creative potential. Using theoretical, empirical and statistical methods, there was conducted a research towards the state of science competence of future psychologists formation at the search-and-analytical stage of the pedagogical experiment. Results of the study confirmed that formation of science competence among future psychologists is, unfortunately, at a low level. Analysis of experiment results made it possible to outline the directions for improvement of the process of science competence formation among future psychologists. Presented research provides basis for scientific development of pedagogical conditions for scientific competence of future psychologists' formation in higher education institutions and suggests the need to find effective technologies to achieve a high level of its effectiveness.

Keywords: science preparation, science competence, future psychologists.

Introduction. The problem of relevance the science preparation of future specialists in higher education institutions in the context of modernizing the system of national education has become a topic of discussion for scientists in the field of philosophy of education, pedagogy and psychology.

To the questions about the state of science preparation in higher education institutions, today appeals a lot of native and foreign scientists. Thus, the scientific works of G. Beletskaya [1], A. Fastivetz and P. Khomenko [12] and others, devoted to questions of science preparation of specialists in higher education institutions. G. Beletskaya [2], T. Gladyuk [4] and others studied professional orientation of teaching sciences. We consider it necessary to point out that the problem of science preparation of future psychologists has remained unattended by native researchers.

Foreign scholars (E. Audisio [13], R. Scaglia and M. Terradez [16], etc.), stating the low level of science preparation of future psychologists, argue that the reason for this situation is lack of motivation for students to study sciences. This, according to E. Audisio, is due to lack of relationship between science education and professional activity [13, p. 101]. The solution of the above-mentioned range of problems, M. Terradez, R. Scaglia and E. Audisio, see in the integration of science and professional preparation of future psychologists [16, p. 227].

Conducted analysis of the state of science preparation of future specialists in different countries of the world has shown that not only scientists, but also leaders and public figures insist on its significance in the system of higher education. In particular, B. Obama, speaking at a meeting of the National Academy of Sci-

ences of the USA, emphasized the need to improve science education by raising standards, upgrading training laboratories, updating curricula, improving teachers' preparation and attracting new highly qualified science specialists who could make students interested in disciplines and to intensify teaching of these disciplines [15, p. 41].

Taking into account orientation of new strategy of higher education reform to realization of humanitarian paradigm and substantial growth of interest in the developed countries of the world to science preparation of specialists of all branches, we consider it expedient to investigate the peculiarities of sciences competence formation among future psychologists in higher education institutions.

Aim and tasks. Purpose of the article is to characterize peculiarities of nice competence formation among future psychologists in of higher education institutions.

Objectives of the research: 1) to determine a content of the concepts «science competence of future psychologists», «formation of science competence of future psychologists in higher education institutions» and to substantiate the structure of science competence of future psychologists; 2) to conduct a search-analytical stage of pedagogical experiment and analyze its results; 3) to determine directions for improvement of the process of science competence formation among future psychologists.

Research methods and main results. One of the most crucial stage in determining the state of science competence formation among future psychologists in higher education institutions is the choice of research methods. First of all by choosing research methods we

evaluated a degree of their necessity, objectivity, reliability and validity. Therefore in accordance with the outlined problem, we used a set of methods namely: theoretical: systematic analysis of scientific and methodological literature, bibliographic analysis of works written by classics of pedagogy - in order to determine state of study of the phenomenon under investigation; method of terminological analysis related to the definition of categorical status of the concepts «future psychologists' science competence» and «formation of future psychologists' science competence in higher education institutions» in the system of pedagogical definitions; comparative analysis, comparison and generalization - to systematize results of the study, formulate conclusions and identify the directions for further scientific research. Empirical part of our research was conducted using the methodology proposed by T. Eh-lers (test for assessment the motivation to achieve the goal and success); methods of diagnosing the level of empathic abilities according to V. V. Boyko; methods of diagnosing the level of communicability proposed by V. F. Ryakhovsky; methods of self-assessment of a creative potential of an individual; methods of diagnostics of reflexivity by A. V. Karpov; test tasks for assessment the level of science knowledge formation; diagnostic map for estimation the level of formation of abilities and skills of science competence application in practice. In order to analyze data of experimental research and substantiation of the obtained results probability, statistical methods were used: mathematical calculation of pedagogical experiment results, qualitative pedagogical analysis of quantitative statistical parameters.

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature has shown that during preparation of future psychologists in higher education institutions, establishment of a fully developed psychologist, creative, capable for innovative activity, self-development and competitive in the labor market becomes of paramount importance. Fundamental and science preparation acquires a special significance for solving the above-mentioned problem.

We believe that historical aspect of this issue is associated with stages of sciences development and dates back to its roots in ancient times. Ancient Greek scholars Hippocrates, Gerofil and Erazistrat, Roman scholar Galen tried to discover dependence between people behavior and their temperament and expressed guesses about connection of mental activity with the brain [3].

Before proceeding to consideration of contemporary general pedagogical and psychological aspects of the problem of future psychologists' science competence formation, we consider it necessary to determine the essence of this phenomenon.

Considering ambiguity and multidimensionality of the concept «science competence formation», we turn to etymology of the concepts «science preparation», «science competence» and «science competency».

Conducted scientific investigations point to the lack of clear definition in scientific literature of the term «science preparation». Thus, V. I. Makarenko defines

the concept «science preparation» as «a purposeful process and a result of formation of a system of fundamental science knowledge, skills, experience of cognitive and practical activity, value orientations, motivation, personal and professional qualities, awareness of a person as a subject of professional activity and a subjective attitude towards himself» [10, p. 189]. A. Fastivetz and P. Khomenko interpret it as «a dynamic process of mastering substantive medical and biological competencies and formation of professionally important characteristics and personality traits that allow to solve problems of future professional activities in the field of healthcare» [12, p. 363]. G. Beletskaya characterizes science education as «a purposeful process and a result of formation of a system of fundamental sciences, skills, and experience of cognitive and practical activity, value orientations and relations sufficient to carry out professional and social activity in a modern society» [1, p. 62].

Summing up various approaches to the definition of science education, we define the concept «future psychologists' science preparation» as an organization of an educational process of future psychologists in higher education institutions, in which a system of professionally directed sciences competencies is formed which are the basis for mastering professionally oriented disciplines, mastering the profession and the ability to apply them in future professional activities.

We consider it is necessary to specify the definition of «science competences of future psychologists» and «science competency of future psychologists».

In the studies of G. Beletska the concept «science competence» is considered as «a fundamental knowledge in science in the volume that is necessary for mastering professional disciplines and their usage in a chosen profession (cognitive aspect); understanding of the importance of science knowledge in professional activity and personal development (motivational aspect); ability to use knowledge of science to solve professional problems (activity aspect); readiness and desire to scientifically substantiate their professional actions, to increase their professional level (personal aspect)» [2, p. 73]. In scientific works of S. O. Kasya-rum, science competencies are defined as «basic knowledge of science in the amount that is necessary for effective mastering of general professional disciplines; ability to apply basic knowledge of fundamental science to solve professional problems; ability to use basic knowledge to master professional-oriented disciplines; ability to use the acquired skills in science in the process of mastering the cycle of professionally oriented disciplines» [8, p. 143].

Analyzing the essence of the definition «science competency», T. Hladuk defined it as «integral quality of the individual, which appears in the ability to carry out activities based on knowledge, skills, values and experience that future specialists acquired during the process of teaching science, personal attitude to the activity and the subject of activity» [4, p. 153]. L. Nepo-gozhnya notes that science competency covers «a holistic system of value semantic orientations, knowledge, abilities and attitudes of the individual, that mobilized in the specific spheres of his life activities

associated with the field of natural science» [11, c . 96].

R. W. Bybee notes that in PISA (Program for International Student Assessment), science and technology competency is considered as the ability: 1) to understand science notion; 2) apply science knowledge and methods; 3) make conclusions on the basis of scientific evidence; 4) to give a scientific explanation of various phenomena; 5) to identify or formulate questions that science may answer; 6) to use scientific facts, data or evidence to solve problems or make decisions in various life situations [14, p. 16].

Consequently, analysis of the concepts of «sciences competence» and «science competency» makes it possible to argue that these concepts have both common and distinctive features. We believe that these concepts are closely interrelated, but not identical.

The concept «science competences of future psychologists» is considered as a set of interrelated results of theoretical and practical science preparation that are necessary for successful mastering of professionally oriented disciplines and to perform professional activity.

The concept «science competency of future psychologists» is considered as an integral characteristic of future specialist' qualities, that is formed in the course of science preparation, and is characterized by the depth of special knowledge and subject skills, science worldview and the ability to perform professional activities based on fundamental ideas and principles of science.

We cannot overlook the work of scientists N. V. Kosilo, O. B. Nich and K. S. Balayev, which states that «in scientific researches of recent years the notion «competence», «competency» and «readiness for activity» are interchangeable» [9, p. 88]. We emphasize the fact that sometimes scientists themselves do not share such an opinion and emphasize that «these concepts are closely interrelated ... and yet essentially different and not substitute one another ... because, according to scientists, readiness is characterized by a stable motivation and willingness to work, and competence is based on experience» [9, p. 88].

Analysis of scientists' researche shows a variety of approaches to characterize conceptual-categorical apparatus of forming the readiness of future psychologists to different types of activities.

We are impressed by the thought of G. F. Goncha-rovska, which considers formation of future specialists' readiness as a «long-term process of a systemic nature, which depends on specially organized educational activities using the appropriate means and created psychological and pedagogical conditions» [5].

Under the formation of science competency of future psychologists in higher education institutions, we are considering an ongoing purposeful process that takes place during a certain period of study in order to acquire the science skills and abilities, their implementation in future professional activities, development of scientific outlook and creative potential.

Nowadays, there are many approaches to define structure of readiness. In particular, scholars (M. I. Dyachenko and L. O. Kandybovich [6], L. V. Kodrasheva

[7], etc.) determine structure of readiness in the context of characteristics the readiness for activity. Thus, M. I. Dyachenko and L. O. Kandybovich in the structure of readiness for activity distinguish: the motivational component (positive attitude to the profession, responsibility in performing professional tasks, sense of duty); orientation component (knowledge and ideas about features and conditions of activity, requirements for the person); operational component (development of abilities, possession of methods and techniques of professional activity, necessary competencies: knowledge, skills, synthesis, analysis, comparison, generalization, etc.); volitional component (self-control, ability to manage actions, of which the fulfillment of labor duties is formed); estimation component (self-assessment of their professional preparation, compliance of solving professional problems process with optimal models) [6, p. 337].

L. V. Kodrashova, analyzing the structure of readiness of M. I. Dyachenko and L. A. Kandybovich, believes that «such a structure of readiness does not reveal all the substantive aspects of this phenomenon, since the human capacity for professional and pedagogical judgments can not be considered in isolation from active attitude of an individual to the chosen profession» [7, p. 440]. The scientist complements the proposed structure of readiness with an emotional component, characterized as the influence of emotions and feelings on ensuring successful flow and performance of a teacher, and psychophysiological components [7, p. 440]. We share this opinion of the scientist.

The results of a conducted scientific research indicate the lack of research concerning the structure of science competency of future psychologists. Therefore, taking into account the results of theoretical studies, we made an attempt to develop it and included such components as: motivational-value (combines complex of motives to cognitive activity in the process of studying science, presence of interest and needs to form their own science competency), cognitive-content (reflecting the degree of formation science knowledge), operational-activity (associated with skills to apply science competency to successfully perform professional preparation and activity), emotional-volitional (is characterized by the influence of emotions on ensuring the successful formation of science competence and the desire to use it in the process of professional preparation and professional activity) and the reflective component (reflects the ability of future psychologists to assess level of formation own sciences competency and their own potential to apply it in the process of preparation and professional activity).

Substantiation of the structure of science competence of future psychologists in higher education institutions has allowed to proceed to experimental work aimed at identifying and assessing the level of formation of science competency of future psychologists at the search-and-analytic stage of the experiment.

There were 180 students of 1-2 courses, studying in the specialty 053 Psychology that took part in an experiment.



cognitive-content H_

operational-activity WvVWTi


reflexive ^vvvvvvvW^I

overall index aaaaä^


Bhigh level □ medium level Dlow level


Pict. 1. Level of science competency offuture psychologists formation, % (search and analytical stage ofpeda-

gogical experiment)

Level of science competency formation of future psychologists was determined by: quality indicators (high, medium, and low), quantitative composition, in % (pict. 1) and coefficient of formation of each of its components (pict. 2).

State of motivational-value component formation was diagnosed using the method offered by T. Ehlers (test for assessing motivation to achieve the goal and success) and calculating the student's motivation group (km) by the formula:

km = (0xn1+1xn2+2xns) / 100%,

where n1, n2, n3 - percent of students with low, medium and high level of motivational-value component formation, respectively.

Analysis of the results of motivational-value component formation with the help of T. Ehlers technique showed that only 2% of future psychologists have a high level of its formation, 14% - medium and 84% -low level, respectively (pict. 1). Coefficient of formation of the investigated component is km = 0,18 (pict. 2).

To diagnose the status of cognitive-content component, we used such a criterion characteristic as a coefficient of mastering of educational material.

Coefficient of mastering of educational material was determined by the results of control works at the end of each topic of relevant disciplines and was calculated using the formulas:

kmast. = N/n ,

where kmast. - is a coefficient of mastering by each student, N - a total number of proposed tasks, n - a number of correctly performed tasks.

If the absorption coefficient is 0.9 < kmast <1, this means that the students have mastered the training material at a high level, 0.7 < kmast < 0.9 - the average level of mastering the material, kmast < 0.7 - low level.

kmast. gr. (kmast 1 + kmast c2+ kmast 3+ kmast 4+. • • + kmast.n) / N,

where kmast. gr. - coefficient of mastering by the group the educational material (from each discipline), N - total number of participants in the experiment,

kmast 1, kmast 2, kmast 3, kmast 4,. •., kmast. n - coefficient of

learning the material by each student

kcogn.- cont. (kmast. gr..1+ kmast. gr..2+ kmast. gr..3,+ .,+ kmast. gr.. n) / n,

where kcogn.- cont - general coefficient of cognitive and content component formation of science competency structure among future psychologists, kmast. gr.1,

kmast. gr.2, kmast. gr. 3, kmast. gr.4, kmast. gr.n - coefficient of

mastering the material by the group of the corresponding discipline, n - quantity disciplines.

Analysis of diagnostics results of the cognitive-content component level of formation showed that the medium level of its formation obtain 3% of students, 97% respondents have a low level, and unfortunately no student showed a high level of formation (pict. 1). Coefficient investigated component formation is kcogn. cont. = 0,5 (pict. 2).

The data obtained during the research showed that at the beginning of the pedagogical experiment, 7% of future psychologists had a high level of operational-activity component formation, the medium level of formation was among 24% of students, and low - 69% of respondents (pict. 1).

Calculation of coefficient of operational-activity component formation was carried out by the formula:

kop. activ.= (0xn: + 1xn2+2xn3) / 100%,

where m, n2, n3 - percent of students with low, medium and high level of operational-activity component formation, and is kop. activ. . = 0,62 (pict.2).

The study of level of emotional-volitional component formation of science competency structure of future psychologists we conducted in three methods: methodology for diagnosing the level of empathic abilities according to V. V. Boyko the method of diagnosing the level of communicability proposed by V. F. Ryakhovsky and method of creative potential self-assessment.

Results of the study showed that 5% of students had high levels of empathy, 21% of respondents reported a medium level, and 74% had a low level.

Diagnosing the level of communicability of future psychologists, we have found that high level is observed between 6% of students, medium - among 28%,

and unfortunately a low level between 66% of interviewed students.

High level of creative potential was found among 4% of future psychologists, medium - among 22% of respondents, respectively, 74% of students have low level of creativity development.

Summarizing indexes of three methods of studying the level of emotional-volitional component formation, its qualitative and quantitative characteristics can be represented as follows: a high level of formation obtain 5% of future psychologists, medium - 24% of the interviewed students and accordingly a low level is observed among 71% of respondents (pict. 1).

Having pre-determined the coefficient of each indicator formation of emotional-volitional component by the formulas:

kem- = (0xni + 1xn2+2xn3) / 100%,

kcom.- = (0xn: + 1xn2+2xn3) / 100%,

kcreat.= (0xn: + 1xn2+2xn3) / 100%,

where n, n2, n3 - percent of students with low, medium and high levels of empathy, communicability and creativity, respectively, we established a general coefficient of its formation.

kem. vol. (kem. + kcom. + kcreat) / 3

where kem, kcom.. , kcreat - coefficient of empathy formation, communicability and creative potential, respectively.

Consequently, coefficient of emotional-volitional component formation is - kem. vol = 0,58 (pict.2).

To determine the level of reflexive component formation of the investigated structure, we used the A. V. Karpova methodology.

The obtained data make it possible to state that high level of reflexive component formation was observed among 3% of future psychologists; medium level among - 37% of respondents, respectively, the low level of formation - among 60% of the interviewed students (pict. 1).

Calculation of coefficient of reflexive component formation was carried out by the formula:

kref. = (0xn1 + 1xn2+2xn3) / 100%, where m, n2, n3 - percent of students with low, medium and high level of reflexive component formation, and makes up - kref.= 0,4 (pict.2).

Obtained numerical characteristics of the coefficients of formation of each individual component of science competence structure of future psychologists have made it possible to determine the overall index of science competence formation of future psychologists, which was calculated by the formula:

K (km + kcogn. cont. + kop. active. + kem. vol + kref..) / 5

K= (0,18 - + 0,5+ 0,62+ 0,58+ 0,4) / 5 K = 0,46

Thus, general indicator of science competency of future psychologists formation at the search-analytical stage of the experiment is - K = 0.46 (pict. 2), indicating a low (insufficient) level of its formation (formation

is considered sufficient if 0.7 < K <1).

0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0

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0,5 f













Pict. 2. Coefficients of science competence offuture psychologists ' formation (search and analytical stage of

pedagogical experiment)

Detailed analysis of research results shows that current state of science competence formation among future psychologists in national higher education institutions is inadequate and cannot satisfy neither student nor society or state.

Results of the research allow us to outline directions for its improvement (pict. 3).

Pic. 3. Directions for improvement of the process of science competence formation among future psychologists

in national higher education institutions

We believe that improvement of the process of science competence formation of future psychologists in national higher education institutions should be carried out in the following directions:

- increasing motivation of future psychologists to study fundamentals of science by ensuring the integrity of science and professional preparation;

- modernization of the content of science preparation, which will be aimed at gaining future psychologists a holistic experience in solving life problems and professional tasks;

- raising the level of science culture of future psychologists;

- creation, in course of science preparation, conditions aimed at self-development, self-determination and self-improvement of future psychologists.

Conclusions. Study of the peculiarities of science competency of future psychologists in higher education institutions formation makes it possible to formulate the following general conclusions. Formation of science competence of future psychologists should be considered as an ongoing purposeful process, which is carried out during a certain period of study, in order to acquire science knowledge, skills and abilities, their implementation in future professional activities, development of scientific outlook and creative potential. Science competency of future psychologists is an integral characteristic of future specialist's qualities, which is formed in the process of science education and is characterized by a depth of special knowledge and subject skills, science worldview and ability to perform professional activities based on fundamental ideas and principles of the sciences.

Results of the conducted search-and-analytical stage of pedagogical experiment indicate that science competence formation of future psychologists is at a low level, which confirmed the relevance of the study.

It is determined that improvement of the process science competence formation among future psychologists in national higher education institutions is to be done in the following direction: increasing motivation of future psychologists to study fundamentals of science, modernizing the content of science education,

raising the level of science, creating conditions aimed at self-development, self-determination and self-improvement of future psychologists.

Presented research provides the basis for scientific development of pedagogical conditions for science competence formation of future psychologists in higher education institutions and suggests the need to find effective technologies to achieve a high level of its effectiveness.


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Козубовська 1.В.,

доктор пед. наук, професор, зав1дувач кафедри загально'1' педагогiки та педагогiки вищо'1' школи Ужгородського нацюнального ^верситету,

Козубовський Р.В., кандидат пед. наук, доцент кафедри соцiологii та соцiальноiроботи Ужгородського нацюнального утверситету,

Постолюк М.1. кандидат пед. наук, завiдувач астрантури Тернотльського нацiонального педагогiчного унiверситету

iменi Володимира Гнатюка

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