PECULARITIES OF THE ORGANIZATION OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES IN ENGLISH LESSNS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kulmagambetova S., Baidullayeva N.

This article discusses the features of the organization of project activities in English lessons for students of the senior stage of education, the goals and advantages of using this method in the school curriculum, and its impact on the educational process in educational institutions of secondary general education was identified, the conditions that should be taken into account were also identified in the process of organizing project work and the stages of its implementation are proposed.

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- Encourage students to self-study and self-train, and encourage them to help one another in self-study and self-training.

In addition to the above-described measures, in order to develop the autonomy and self-study competency for students well, it is necessary to ensure the favorable conditions for this activity (about the school's facilities such as the libraries, classrooms, teaching equipment etc.), especially the close coordination between educational forces in and outside the school, first and foremost, that is students' families, to educate them. Each force (homeroom teachers, Youth Union, students' families etc.) plays a different role in educating students in general and in developing autonomy and self-study competency for them in particular, in which, it can be said that the facilitation, support and supervision from families for students' learning and training are the most important, having the greatest influence on the development of students' autonomy and self-study competency. Therefore, the schools need to promptly inform students' parents on their learning and training at school, at the same time, have a mutual agreement with students' families on organizing educational activities at school and at home in order to create favorable conditions for students to practice their autonomy and self-study competency. Besides, encouraging students to self-study and self-train is also a particularly important measure in developing students' autonomy and self-study competency because the final end of education is self-education.

3. Conclusion

Management measures to develop autonomy and self-study competency for secondary students in Quang Ninh province have been proposed based on the reality of how this competency has been showed in students. Measures can have a comprehensive impact on the management process, including raising awareness for management staff and teachers of the importance of developing students' autonomy and self-study competency, directing to innovate teaching and educational methods, organizing these activities in schools towards promoting autonomy and self-study attitude for students, ensuring favorable conditions on facilities, close coordination between educational forces and encouraging students to self-study and self-train. The proposed measures are in a close relationship with one another and they become effective only when implemented synchronously at secondary schools in Quang Ninh province.


1. Bo GD&BT (2018), Chuang trinh giáo duc pho thong, Ban hánh kem Thong tu so 32/2018/TT-BGDBT ngáy 26 tháng 12 nam 2018.

2. Tran Trung Vy, Vü Thanh Hoa (2021), Factors affecting educating qualities, general core competencies for secondary school students through experiential career-oriented activities, Sciences of Europe, Vol 3, No 65.


Kulmagambetova S.,

candidate of pedagogical sciences,ass. prof., M. Utemisov WKU Baidullayeva N. Master student of M. Utemisov WKU


This article discusses the features of the organization of project activities in English lessons for students of the senior stage of education, the goals and advantages of using this method in the school curriculum, and its impact on the educational process in educational institutions of secondary general education was identified, the conditions that should be taken into account were also identified in the process of organizing project work and the stages of its implementation are proposed.

Keywords: project, education system, modernization, English lesson.


At the present stage, the education system sets itself the most relevant, one might even say new goals in education, which presuppose, first of all, the formation of a creative personality in students capable of constant self-development, self-improvement, and independent determination of the directions of their activity, which will certainly become important factors for a person's success. All this is facilitated by the information and knowledge gained in the learning process.

At present, the quality of education depends not only on the organization and conduct of the educational process but above all on the interest of students, which

is determined by the manifestation of activity, cognitive independence in the learning process. [2]

Following the introduction of new educational standards into the educational system, it is necessary to develop innovative learning technologies aimed at developing the versatile qualities of the student's personality.

One of these areas is design and research activities, which are directly aimed at the formation and development of such personal qualities in students as well, determination, activity, independence, creativity, initiative, diligence, discipline, the ability to learn and apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities.

The main goal of design and research activities is to create conditions for students to understand and apply the knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired in the study of various subjects.

Many believe that the acquired knowledge is subject to change every year, young people must be able to think independently, learn, work with information, independently improve their knowledge and skills in various fields, acquiring, if necessary, new knowledge, professions, because this will have to do for the rest of your life. [8]

The modernization of education inevitably entails the need to find new approaches to teaching a foreign language. Appeal to non-traditional forms of education implies the influence of the teacher on the activities of each student and his involvement in active educational and practical activities. One of the most organic and effective forms of teaching English is the project method.[12]

Let's take a look at the organization of project activities in English lessons together with me as a means of developing the cognitive activity of students.

In the project work, students are included in the search educational and cognitive activity organized by the teacher. The teacher relies on the existing opportunities, the ability of children to think creatively.

The project activity of schoolchildren helps to develop the following general educational skills:

1. Social (the ability to work in a group, to cooperate, the ability to accept and fulfill a certain role: to be a leader or performer, the ability to build your relationships with people who surround you).

2. Communicative (learning not only to speak, but it is also important to develop the ability to listen, accept a different opinion and calmly defend your own).

3. Thinking (students learn to analyze, generalize, compare, classify, etc.)

4. Research (learn to conduct research, be able to observe, identify, correlate).

The study of the experience of using project technology in English lessons showed its effectiveness in teaching practice. The quality of translation is improving, the content of which corresponds to the topics of the projects, the skills of oral and written speech, the skills of computer processing of text information are significantly improved, the horizons of students are expanding, the development of communication skills, the ability to conduct a discussion in English are noted. [13]

Project activity in foreign language lessons is the most relevant for me at present, since this method is relatively new in teaching a foreign language.

Modern students are very knowledgeable and able to work with computers a lot. Our task is to help them realize their abilities, using the skills of using a PC in the classroom, in this case, in foreign language lessons, to reveal all their inner potential, to realize all their potential in their future profession. Modern modernization of education is aimed at personal orientation, individualization. [1]

Project activity is one of the most important areas of student-centered learning. The task of the teacher in the process of student-centered learning is to identify the selectivity of the student to the content, type, form

of educational material, the process of self-realization, and the type of activity. [3]

The value of the project method lies in the fact that it is implemented in activities. Students work on the project in a group or individually. Only their personal interest in obtaining results and positive motivation can support the independence of the child. No less significant is the fact that the student is expanding ways of working with information sources: search, collection, analysis, presentation, information transfer, modeling (including computer), design, reflection, self-study.

We can distinguish the following skills that contribute to the successful mastery of project activities: intellectual (the ability to work with information, with the text (highlight the main idea, search for information in a foreign text), analyze information, make generalizations, conclusions, etc., the ability to work with various reference materials) creative (the ability to generate ideas, which requires knowledge in various fields; the ability to find not one, but several options for solving a problem; the ability to predict the consequences of a particular decision); communicative (the ability to conduct a discussion, listen and hear your interlocutor, defend your point of view, supported by arguments; the ability to find a compromise with the interlocutor; the ability to concisely express your thoughts).

The project is an opportunity for students to express their own ideas in a creatively thought-out form that is convenient for them: making collages, posters, announcements, research with subsequent design, etc. In the process of project work, the responsibility for learning lies with the student himself. He himself must determine what the project will contain, in what form and how its presentation will take place.

Why do we need a project method? The most important thing is to teach students independent, critical thinking, navigate the information space, think based on knowledge of facts, the laws of science, draw informed conclusions, make independent reasoned decisions, teach them to work in a team, perform different social roles.

Analyzing my professional activities, I can say for sure that the results of the project methodology are more obvious. The usual method of teaching a foreign language is often built on "dry" material, which is difficult for students to perceive. [4]

What can't be said about project activities? It enables students to study the topic more and more deeply, significantly expands their general horizons, teaches communication, and much more. This technique allows me to implement not only the educational tasks that I face as a teacher of a foreign language but also educational ones. Students can take a fresh look at themselves and the realities of their everyday life, at the history and culture of their country and, of course, learn "first hand" what interests them about life in the country of the language being studied. All this, ultimately, is designed to promote a deeper understanding of the role in an increasingly interdependent world, the formation of active citizenship of students, and the maximum development of the individual abilities and talents of each. Each project is the result of the great and difficult work of students.

Project activity is a highly adapted technique. It can be used at any stage of education and any age. Students, having received the task, begin to approach it more consciously. They learn to plan and organize their work themselves, distribute tasks, and develop communication skills. They learn to evaluate their abilities and those of their comrades, to diagnose and evaluate intermediate results to get a good result.

For a teacher, project activity is a way of organizing work with different groups of students, which means the way for each student to move from a lower to a higher level of education (from reproduction to creativity).^]

In practice, the following types of projects are used:

Research. This type requires a well-thought-out project system, clearly formulated goals before the start of the project, the interest of each project participant, social significance, well-thought-out methods of experimental and experimental work, methods for processing results.

Creative. Creative projects do not have a detailed structure, it is only outlined and developed, obeying the scheme adopted by the students themselves. It is necessary to agree in advance on the desired, planned results. These can be essays, wall newspapers, videos, etc.

Role playing. In such projects, too, the structure is only outlined and remains open until the end of the project. Each participant chooses for himself a certain role, due to the nature and content of the project. These can be any heroes imitating social and business relations, complicated by situations invented by the participants.

Practice-oriented. This type is distinguished by a clearly defined goal of the project participants from the very beginning, which, in turn, should be focused on the social interests of the participants themselves. The result of the work can be a newspaper, a document, a video film, a sound recording, a performance, an action program, a draft law, etc.

Projects can be:

Monoprojects. These projects are best carried out on the most complex topics related to regional studies, social topics. They require a clear structuring, better with lesson planning, with a clear designation of the final goals and objectives, as well as the knowledge and skills acquired by students during the development of the project. The form is also indicated in advance.

Interdisciplinary projects. Such projects are carried out outside school hours. They can combine several subjects. Such projects require clear coordination of the work of all subject teachers, well-developed forms of intermediate control and final presentation.

Main stages of project activity

- Determination of the thematic field and theme of the project, search and analysis of the problem, setting the goal of the project, choosing the name of the project;

- Discussing possible research options, comparing proposed strategies, choosing methods, collecting and studying information, determining the form of the product and product requirements, drawing up a work plan, assigning responsibilities;

- Implementation of planned technological operations, making the necessary changes;

- Preparing and defending a presentation;[9]

When performing project work, which can be presented orally and in writing, it is necessary to adhere, in my opinion, to the following recommendations:

First, since project work enables students to express their ideas, it is important not to overtly control and regulate them, it is desirable to encourage their independence.

Secondly, the design work is mostly open, so there can be no clear plan for its implementation. In the process of performing design assignments, some additional material can also be introduced.

Third, most projects can be done by individual students, but a project will be most creative if done in groups. This is especially important, for example, when selecting pictures for collages and other work of this kind. Some projects are carried out independently at home, some of the project tasks take part in the lesson, others take the whole lesson, so it is also advisable to keep old magazines, scissors, and glue in the classroom. The third recommendation re-emphasizes the importance and effectiveness of learning collabora-tion.[10]

By communicating to others about themselves and the world around them in English, students discover the value of English as a language of international communication. They may find themselves in a situation where they need to describe their family or city to foreigners, talk about their future profession, and project work prepares them for this.

When starting to implement the project method in your training sessions, you must remember that, along with the advantages, project work contains certain difficulties.

1. The most difficult thing for the teacher during the design process is the role of an independent consultant. It is difficult to resist prompting, especially if the teacher sees that the students are "going the wrong way." But it is important during the consultations only to answer the questions that students have.

2. Not an easy task - and the evaluation of project work. The way it is assessed conflicts with the official procedure for grading work. The language is only an integral part of the whole project. It is a mistake to evaluate a project only based on linguistic orientation. Evaluation should be given for the project as a whole, the versatility of its nature, the level of creativity shown, the clarity of the presentation.

3. When carrying out a research project, it is important to avoid turning it into an abstract. The student must develop and present his point of view on the sources of information, determine the purpose of the study and its methodology.

4. Language mistakes are also inevitable: after all, students find some additional information in Russian sources. Therefore, the repetition and generalization of the necessary grammatical material should precede the development of projects, and it is more expedient to develop the projects themselves at the final stage of work on the topic when conditions have already been created

for free improvisation in working with language and speech material.

The role of the teacher is changing: I do not control and direct each subsequent step of the student's work, but I pay more attention to the process of motivating learning. The student turns into an interlocutor, a partner who helps to jointly identify effective ways to achieve results. I teach children to set realistic goals and achieve results.

I can't say that the first projects were very successful, but I realized that this is one of the most successful forms of control that arouses great interest and healthy excitement among students. Students are happy to take part in the preparation of the next project, as the collective form of work makes it possible to find application for their abilities, needs, interests and talents.

The children are happy to participate in creating projects on the topics: "Guide to the country of the language being studied", "Family Tree", "House of my dreams", "My future profession" and others. I think the most important thing is to give students the impression that English is a journey, a color, an activity, a pleasure.


It must be said that with the introduction of the project method in the educational process, significant changes are taking place: students increase their reading speed, the quality of translation improves, the content of which corresponds to the topics of projects, their oral and written speech skills, computer processing skills of text information,

The horizons of students are expanding, the development of communication skills, the ability to conduct a discussion in English are noted. And most importantly - the guys become more confident in themselves.

The use of innovative technologies in teaching not only fuels the motivation of children, not only makes the lessons more varied and interesting, but also contributes to self-development.


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Kulmagambetova S.,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor Makhambet Utemisov West Kazakhstan University

Kazakhstan, Uralsk Uteshova A.

Master student of Makhambet Utemisov West Kazakhstan University

Kazakhstan, Uralsk


This article "Use of business game in English lessons" is devoted to the business game which is the effective methods of conducting practical English classes in general educational school. Unlike other traditional teaching methods, the business game allows you to fully reproduce practical activities, identify problems and their causes, develop solutions to problems, evaluate each solution to the problem, make a decision and determine the mechanism of its implementation.

The advantages of business game are learning to identify, analyze and solve specific tasks in English lessons, self-organization of students' activities, the development of personal qualities such as personal responsibility, the development of mutual understanding between students. And this determines the purpose of using business game in English lessons.

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