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Sciences of Europe
Ключевые слова
начальная школа / дети с особыми образовательными потребностями / инклюзивный класс / эвакуация / натурные наблюдения / эксперимент / скорость / плотность / интенсивность. / primary school / children with special educational needs / inclusive class / evacuation / field observations / experiment / speed / density / intensity.

Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским технологиям, автор научной работы — Ковалышин В.В., Хлевной А.В., Харышин Д.В.

В процессе создания инклюзивной образовательной среды прежде всего необходимо обеспечить безопасные условия обучения. Сбор и обработка статистических данных о параметрах движения эвакуационных потоков с инклюзивных классов является актуальной задачей. В статье представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований параметров движения детей младшего школьного возраста на горизонтальных участках пути при эвакуации из учреждений школьного образования с инклюзивными классами. Установлены зависимости скорости и интенсивности движения от их плотности на горизонтальных участках пути.

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The process of introducing an inclusive educational environment demands providing safe learning conditions. The collection and processing of statistical data on the parameters of evacuation flows movement from inclusive classes is an urgent task. The article presents the results of experimental studies of the movement parameters of primary school-aged children on horizontal sections during evacuation from school institutions with inclusive classes. The dependences of the speed and intensity of evacuation flows on their density have been established.


Из данных эксперимента видно, что вне зависимости от вида привода ток в замкнутых витках уменьшается при их увеличении. Уменьшение тока при малом числе замкнувшихся витков обусловлено влиянием сопротивления проводника закорачивающего витки.

Таким образом, в результате экспериментальных исследований установлено, что при наличии в статорной обмотке автономного асинхронного генератора 3 - 15 % короткозамкнутых витков он не теряет возбуждения и продолжает питать нагрузку. При этом ток в КЗ витках превышает номинальный в 4 - 7 раз. Поэтому для асинхронных генераторов для безопасной эксплуатации асинхронных генераторов в гибридных энергоустановках, они должны иметь надежную защиту от различных неисправностей, возникающих в их обмотках.

В настоящее время имеется возможность использования устройств защиты реагирующих на несимметрию магнитного поля внутри генератора в случае виткового КЗ в статорной обмотке (при размещении кольца, охваченного ферромагнитным сердечником, внутри электрической машины) [5, с.2].

Возможно построение других защит, например, реагирующих на вибрацию корпуса генератора в случае повреждения обмотки статора или роторной обмотки. В качестве чувствительного устройства защиты, позволяющего определять и витковые замыкания обмоток статора автономного асинхронного генератора, имеется возможность использовать устройство, основанное на использовании датчика вибрации, который крепится на корпус генератора.


1. Богдан А.В. Обнаружение виткового замыкания в обмотке статора асинхронного генератора / А.В. Богдан, А.Н. Соболь, Н.С. Баракин // Сельский механизатор, № 7-8, 2018.

2. Богдан А.В. Информационные признаки повреждения обмотки статора для построения релейной защиты автономного асинхронного генератора / А.В. Богдан, А.Н. Соболь // Известия вузов. Электромеханика, № 6, 2017.

3. Богдан А.В. Математическая модель самовозбуждения автономного асинхронного генератора / А.В. Богдан, А.Н. Соболь // Известия вузов. Электромеханика, № 2, 2012.


Ковалышин В.В., Хлевной А.В., Харышин Д.В.

Львовский государственный университет безопасности жизнедеятельности



Kovalyshyn V., Khlevnoy O., Haryshyn D.

Lviv State University of Life Safety Lviv, Ukraine


В процессе создания инклюзивной образовательной среды прежде всего необходимо обеспечить безопасные условия обучения. Сбор и обработка статистических данных о параметрах движения эвакуационных потоков с инклюзивных классов является актуальной задачей.

В статье представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований параметров движения детей младшего школьного возраста на горизонтальных участках пути при эвакуации из учреждений школьного образования с инклюзивными классами. Установлены зависимости скорости и интенсивности движения от их плотности на горизонтальных участках пути.


The process of introducing an inclusive educational environment demands providing safe learning conditions. The collection and processing of statistical data on the parameters of evacuation flows movement from inclusive classes is an urgent task.

The article presents the results of experimental studies of the movement parameters of primary school-aged children on horizontal sections during evacuation from school institutions with inclusive classes. The dependences of the speed and intensity of evacuation flows on their density have been established.

Ключевые слова: начальная школа, дети с особыми образовательными потребностями, инклюзивный класс, эвакуация, натурные наблюдения, эксперимент, скорость, плотность, интенсивность.

Keywords: primary school, children with special educational needs, inclusive class, evacuation, field observations, experiment, speed, density, intensity.

Introduction. Inclusion in education means educational services provided at the state level, based on the principles of non-discrimination and the principles of unhindered involvement of all its participants in the educational process.

Recently, the number of inclusive classes and groups in Ukraine has been growing rapidly. Thus, according to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, in the period from 2015 to 2020 their number increased almost 7 times. As of January 1, 2020, a total of 19,348 children with special educational needs are enrolled in inclusive classes of Ukrainian schools. In January 2020, the total number of registered inclusive classes in our country was 13,782, and inclusive education was organized in 37% of secondary schools [1].

It is worth noting that for Ukraine inclusive education is an innovation in the field of pedagogy. As a rule, in the initial stages of implementation, all such activities face a large number of challenges. One of the main problems in the introduction of inclusive education is the need to adapt staff, facilities, training programs and other documents for the work of children with special needs.

Particular attention should be paid to ensuring safe learning conditions when creating an inclusive educational environment. It should be noted that in Ukraine the mortality of children in fires exceeds the European Union rate by more than 4 times. Children with special needs are more vulnerable during fires, which emphasizes the relevance of research on fire safety in institutions with inclusive groups [2], in particular, the collection and processing of statistics on the parameters of evacuation flows from inclusive classes.

Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. A large number of studies aimed at studying movement of adults during the evacuation from various buildings has been performed. Studies based on the use of the psychophysics laws are presented in the works of V. Predtechensky, V. Kholshchevnikov, D. Samoshin, A. Parfenenko, and others. [3, 4]. A large number of field studies have been described in the works of such scientists as G. Prolux, E. Heyes, G. Hedman [5, 6]. Researchers did not also ignore the problem of evacuation of people with special needs. Such studies are presented in the works of V. Kholshchevnikov, V. Sednev, Yu. Burenko. However, a significant number of works abroad (A. F. Van Bogaert, M. Horasan, D. Bruck, H. Klupfel, R. Ono, A. R. Larusdottir, A. S. Dederichs, etc.) and in the post-Soviet space (V. Kholshchevnikov, D. Samoshin, A. Parfenenko, V. Nizhnyk, O. Teslenko, S. Tsymbalisty) is devoted to the evacuation of children of different ages from educational institutions. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to find data on the study of flow parameters dealing with children with special needs. This is primarily due to the fact that the active implementation of inclusive education is a rather innovative process. In addition, it is quite difficult to ensure the involvement of children with special educational needs in conducting experiments and field observations.

The procedure for organizing inclusive education in secondary schools was approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 15, 2011 #872 (due to Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers #588 of August 9, 2017, a number of changes was made to the Procedure). In accordance with this procedure, the number of children with special educational needs in the inclusive class is as follows:

- not more than three children with musculoskel-etal disorders, mental retardation, impaired vision or hearing, mild intellectual disabilities, etc;

- not more than two children who are blind, deaf, with severe speech disorders, including dyslexia, autism spectrum disorders, other complex developmental disorders (hearing, vision, musculoskeletal disorders in combination with intellectual disabilities or mental retardation) or those who move on wheelchairs [7].

To optimize the educational process in inclusive classes, an additional staff unit is provided - a teacher's assistant. Besides other duties, the teacher's assistant is responsible for evacuating children with special educational needs in case of a fire.

The purpose of the article is to collect and process statistical data on the parameters of movement of primary school-aged children during the evacuation from the inclusive classroom.


Within the work field observations and experimental studies of primary school-aged children in 3 schools with inclusive classes have been conducted, as well as additional experimental studies in several regular schools.

According to the results of initial observations, it was found that the speed of evacuation from inclusive classes, represented by two children in wheelchairs, will be the lowest. Under such conditions, the teacher and the teacher's assistant must ensure the movement of children in wheelchairs and manage the evacuation of other children in the class.

Surveillance camera data were used to collect statistics. The flow density was determined as follows:

1. Since the cameras were fixed statically, the frame from each camera was transferred to the graphic editor Corel Draw, in which the grid was applied to the image. This grid divided the entire observation area into 1x1 m squares.

2. The grid was saved as a graphic file in PNG format. Each camera received its own grid.

3. Using the ShotCut video editing application, the corresponding grid images were superimposed on the recorded video clips.

4. The grid made it possible to determine both the path traveled by the participant of the flow for a certain point in time (hence, the speed of movement), and the number of people in a certain area, i.e. the density of the flow.

This method made it possible to determine the parameters of evacuation in horizontal areas.


According to the results of processing videos made during the movement of primary school-aged children in horizontal areas during the evacuation from educational institutions with inclusive classes, a total of 232 speed measurements were performed at different values of human flow density. The values of the area of the horizontal projection of the participants of the experiment were taken according to DSTU 8828: 2019.

To establish the calculated relationships between speed and flow density, the method proposed by V. Kholshchevnikov was used [8]. The dependence of the human flow speed on its density is described in the general case by the formulas:

V» = V0j

, 1 D

1 - a. ln-


npu D > Dq (1)


Vdj = VDjD (2)


is the speed of movement in the flow along

the j-th section of the route at the corresponding flow density D;

. - the intensity of the movement in the flow on

the j-th section of the route at the corresponding flow density D;

D - density of human flow in the area of the route; Dq - the value of the density of human flow in

the j-th section of the route, at which the density of the flow begins to affect the speed of people (m2/m2);

V0 ■ - the average value of the speed of free movement of people on the j-th section at the corresponding value of flow density, m/min.;

a. - coefficient that reflects the degree of influence of human flow density on its speed during movement on the j-th section of the route.

According to the results of research, the dependences of the speed and intensity of the of primary school-aged children flow during evacuation from inclusive classes on their density (on the horizontal sections of the route) were established (Fig. 1-2).

Figure 1 - Dependence of the primary school-aged children flow speed during evacuation from inclusive classes

on their density (horizontal sections)

Figure 2 - Dependence of the primary school-aged children flow intensity during evacuation from inclusive

classes on their density (horizontal sections)

The obtained values of a., D^ , V0 ■ are presented in table 1.

Table 1

Values of a ., D0 ., V0 ■

Route type Flow type a J DOJ , m2/m2 Vo J , m/min

Horisontal Primary school-aged children (2 people on wheelchairs in the flow) 0,288 0,04 46


The results of studies show that the average speed of the primary school-aged children flow (including 2 pupils on the wheelchairs) depends on the actions of teachers and teacher's assistants and is lower than the average speed during evacuation from regular school. It can be calculated by the formula:



1 - 0,288 • ln



The paper defines the parameters of evacuation only for horizontal areas (which is natural, since the classrooms for children using wheelchairs can be located only on the first floors of schools).

The task of the further research is to establish the similar movement parameters for children with special educational needs representing other age groups and disability type, to determine the impact of the presence of such children on the speed of evacuation from educational institutions with inclusive classes and groups.


1. Statistics of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. URL: https://mon.gov.ua/ua/statis-tichni-dani

2. Gorban V. B., Zhezlo N. V., Khlevnoy O. V. (2015) Estimation of normative-legal maintenance of children's traumatism during fires prevention according

to the TACTICS method (Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Ensuring fire and man-made safety", Kharkiv, October 29 - 30, 2015) (in Ukr.).

3. V.M. Predtechensky. A.I. Milinskiy. (1979) Design of buildings taking into account the organization of the movement of human flows: A textbook for universities, Moskow, (in Russ.).

4. Kholshchevnikov V. V, Samoshin D. A Par-fenenko A. P, Kudrin I. S, Belosokhov I. R. (2015) Evacuation and behavior of people during fires: Textbook, Moscow - 262 p (in Russ.).

5. Mr. Prolux. Evacuation by elevators - who goes first? Workshop on the Use for Elevators in Fires and Other Emergencies, Atlanta, Georgia, pages 1-13, March 2004. (in Eng.).

6. G. Prolux, E. Heyes, G. Hedman, J. Averill, J. Paules, D. MCColl, and P. Johnson. The use of elevators for egress. Proceedings of Human Behavior in Fire Symposium, p. 97-110, July 2009. (in Eng.).

7. On approval of the Procedure for the organization of inclusive education in secondary schools: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 15 August. 2011 № 872 // Government Courier. - 2011. - 10 ver. - P. 8-11. (in Ukr.).

8. Kholshchevnikov V. V, Parfenenko A. P, (2011) Evacuation of children from educational institutions: Fire safety in construction, Moscow - P. 49-51 (in Russ.).

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