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Ergasheva N.N. , Khamdamova S.O. , Bobokhujaev B.B. Email: [email protected]
1Ergasheva Nargiza Numonjohnovna - Teacher; 2Khamdamova Sevara Oybekovna - Teacher; 3Bobokhujaev Bokhodirjohn Boqirjohn ugli - Teacher, TEACHING LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT, MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION FACULTY, FERGHANA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, FERGHANA, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN
Abstract: the article under discussion describes paralinguistic features of written language. The authors of the article confirm that up to 90 percent of communication is nonverbal. Getting one's message across is made easier through voice inflection, facial expression and body gestures. Paralanguage includes accent, pitch, volume, speech rate, modulation and fluency. Some researchers also include certain non-vocal phenomena under the heading of paralanguage: facial expressions, eye movements, hand gestures, and the like. The aim of the article under discussion is to review the classifications of paralinguistic means of written speech proposed by researchers at different stages of the study of non-verbal components of communication. By paralinguistic means of written communication we understand the means of information transferred without using words as a code system. The set of such tools is not rigidly fixed and may vary depending on the nature of the text. Keywords: paralinguistic, speech, written, communication, vary, means, information, gestures, verbal, classification, nature, research, revise, functioning, tempo, voice.
Эргашева Н.Н. , Хамдамова С.О. , Бобохужаев Б.Б.
1Эргашева Наргиза Нумонжоновна - преподаватель; 2Хамдамова Севара Ойбековна - преподаватель; 3Бобохужаев Боходиржон Бокиржон угли - преподаватель, кафедра обучения языкам, факультет управления в производстве, Ферганский политехнический институт, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в обсуждаемой статье описываются паралингвистические особенности письменной речи. Авторы статьи утверждают, что 90 процентов общения является невербальным. Передача информации облегчается благодаря голосовым изменениям, мимике лица и жестам тела. Паралингвистика включает акцент, высоту тона, громкость, частоту речи, модуляцию и беглость речи. Некоторые исследователи также включают некоторые невокальные явления под названием паралингвистика: мимика, движения глаз, жесты рук и тому подобное. Целью обсуждаемой статьи является обзор предложенных исследователями классификаций паралингвистических средств письменной речи на разных стадиях изучения невербальных компонентов коммуникации. Под паралингвистическими средствами письменной речи мы понимаем средства передачи информации без использования слов в качестве кодовой системы. Набор таких методов не является жестко фиксированным и может варьироваться в зависимости от характера текста.
Ключевые слова: паралингвистический, речь, письменная, коммуникация, различаться, средства, информация, жесты, словесность, классификация, природа, исследование, пересмотреть, функционирование, темп, голос.
UDC 81.26
The development of communication at the present stage of development determines the growing interest in the possibilities of using non-verbal (paralinguistic) means along with verbal ones. The universal orientation towards the visual presentation of information leads to the need for a clear and objective systematization of such means.
However, at the moment there is no single generally accepted classification of paralinguistic tools. This phenomenon is explained by a complex and multi-temporal process of formation of paralinguistic means as an object for study. In addition, new knowledge and new ways of presenting them require more and more new means of transmitting and receiving information, which leads to the expansion of the field of paralinguistic means, and therefore, the need to revise the existing classifications.
The purpose of the article under discussion is to review the classifications of paralinguistic means of written communication or speech proposed by researchers at different stages of the study of non-verbal components of communication. By paralinguistic means of written communication we understand the means of information transferred without using words as a code system. The set of such tools is not rigidly fixed and may vary depending on the nature of the text.
During the research of paralinguistic communication as a separate type of communication, this concept has been significantly expanded. For example, the first studies of paralinguistic means affected the functioning of these means mainly in oral speech, which made it possible to distinguish three types of paralinguistic means:
1. background - tempo, timbre, speech volume, pause fillers (for example, ee, mm), speech melody, dialectal, social features of sound articulation;
2. kinetic - gestures, posture, speaker's facial expressions;
3. graphical - handwriting features, graphic additions to letters, letter substitute [2].
However, the increasing role of visual information (largely due to the spread of electronic
communication in the 1970s) has drawn the attention of researchers to the need for a separate study of the problem of paralinguistic design of written (printed) texts. At present, paralinguistic tools are being intensively studied in the context of paragraphs as a special section of linguistics about written language. Paralinguistic (or paragraph-based) tools are defined as tools that exist near the grapheme system of language, accompanying verbal speech and serving to express various connotations [2].
The "Dictionary of pedagogical linguistics" distinguishes the paralinguistic means directly adjoining and indirectly interacting with verbal signs by the degree of "attachment" to verbal signs. The role of paralinguistic media in revealing the content of the text and expressing the author's idea is emphasized by the following: independent media (drawing, photography); media that bring additional semantic and expressive shades to the content of the text (font variation, discharging, etc.); media that are not related to the content of the text, but that create optimal conditions for its perception (sheet format, paper quality, etc.). In general, taking into account this typology, we are talking about texts that are paralinguistically active and paralinguistically passive [3].
Khalifa, Elsadig Mohamed distinguishes between the paralinguistic means that determine the external organization of written text, its "optical image", and form the field of paralinguistic means of text, by the following criteria:
1) the degree of "attachment" to verbal means of text;
2) the role in the organization of the content structure of the text;
3) the functions in the text [1].
The spread of the Internet as a new type of channel, communication environment and its independent participant changes the model of communication in principle. If in the traditional interpretation of written texts the non-verbal component was understood exclusively as a graphic one, then with the appearance of electronic texts there is a need to expand the content of the concept of "paralinguistic means", because the field of such means includes not only graphic, but also audio and multimedia components. Hargie, Owen suggests the following classification of paralinguistic means of electronic text design: 1)
iconic (graphic) means, namely: photographs, drawings, tables, formulas, symbols; 2) auditory (sound) means: musical and speech fragments; 3) multimedia means, which represent the integration of graphics, sound and dynamics [3].
Thus, the inclusion of all new elements in the system of paralinguistic means of written communication requires the creation of a clearer classification and expands the boundaries of existing attempts to systematize these means. Therefore, we can talk about the need to revise the previously created classifications in order to adapt them to the modern paradigms of communication.
References / Список литературы
1. Khalifa Elsadig Mohamed and Faddal Habib. "Impacts of Using Paralanguage on Teaching and Learning English Language to Convey Effective Meaning." Studies in English Language Teaching, 2017. P.p. 4-9.
2. Hargie Owen, Saunders Christine and Dickson David. "Social Skills in Interpersonal Communication", 3rd ed. Routledge, 1994. London. P.p. 32-37.
3. Ergasheva N.N., Mamatov Н.А. Paralinguistic features in written speech. // Проблемы педагогики,
2017. № 6 (29). p. 3031. [Electronic Resource]. URL: DF/2017/29/Problemy-pedagogiki-6-29.docx1.pdf/ (date of access: 27.11.2019).
Ismoilova F.A. Email: [email protected]
Abstract: the article under discussion deals with the use of video material in a foreign language teaching. The author of the article believes that the use of video material in English lessons is an important component of the education system and represents an unconventional approach and a way to organize learning through active methods of action, which are aimed at the implementation of an individual-centred approach. The use of video material also contributes to the development of motivation (the ability to understand English) and motivation of the learner (the material is interesting in itself), which contributes to better learning of a foreign language and the development of various aspects of mental activity (development of attention and memory, the use of various channels of information). Successful achievement of these goals is possible only with systematic video demonstration and methodically organized demonstration.
Keywords: use, video material, foreign language, development, motivation, activity, achievement, approach, non-traditional, memory.
Исмоилова Феруза Ахматжоновна - преподаватель, кафедра обучения языкам, факультет управления в производстве, Ферганский политехнический институт, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: данная статья рассматривает вопросы использования видеоматериала в обучении иностранному языку. Автор статьи считает, что использование