Научная статья на тему 'Overcoming poverty as the main goal in improving the quality of the management of the territory'

Overcoming poverty as the main goal in improving the quality of the management of the territory Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Belyaeva E.S.

The article deals with the issues of inequality and marshals of poverty of the population, the relevance of which increases every year. The solution of these problems is considered as one of the main objectives in improving the quality of the management of the territory. To develop specific measures to reduce income differentiation and reduce poverty, the factors that determine the current situation are identified.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Overcoming poverty as the main goal in improving the quality of the management of the territory»


E.S. Belyaeva, student

Saint-Petersburg state university of economics (Russia, Saint-Petersburg)

Abstract. The article deals with the issues of inequality and marshals of poverty of the population, the relevance of which increases every year. The solution of these problems is considered as one of the main objectives in improving the quality of the management of the territory. To develop specific measures to reduce income differentiation and reduce poverty, the factors that determine the current situation are identified.

Keywords: poverty level, inequality, quality of governance, human parity in society, the dialectic of the development of society.

Every society needs the presence of the poor and the rich, as the contradictions between them are a factor of development. These contradictions are diverse at different levels of evolution of society. They are perceived differently by society and their actions are manifested differently in the process of society's development. Poverty is the economic position of an individual or a social group, in which they can not satisfy a certain range of minimum needs necessary for the survival of work ability, procreation [1]. The problem of poverty is quite relevant all over the world. It limits the access of a large part of the population to development resources, such as high-paying jobs, quality education and health services, the possibility of successful socialization of children, and so on.

Different approaches are used to measure poverty. The first approach is absolute poverty. The poor are called those who are not able to provide themselves with a sum of goods to meet basic physiological needs.

Using the criterion of absolute poverty, the level of poverty depends on the poverty line officially established by the state, which, in turn, depends on the financial capacity of the state. In this connection, in the study of absolute poverty, it is necessary to develop an indicator that can be used as a poverty line, then choose a system of indicators for comparison with the poverty line.

Methods for constructing the poverty line can be grouped into four groups: normative (state-established consumption norms in accordance with expert recommendations or based on their resource capabilities); statisti-

cal (allow to estimate the degree of stratification in terms of the standard of living of different population groups); sociological (based on the opinion of the population about the degree of their financial insufficiency); mixed (a combination of the above methods).

The second approach is relative poverty - a state in which it is impossible to follow the "pattern of consumption" dictated by the environment-modern standards of lifestyle. The poverty line, shows how much the family or individual is poor with respect to a standard of living or with respect to those groups of society that have a certain wealth. To determine the poverty line, the average or median personal disposable income is used.

The third is subjective poverty. This approach is based on research of public opinion on the level of low or inadequate income. The subjective concept of poverty is that individuals consider themselves poor. The poverty estimate should be presented in the form of three ovals. Inside is the smallest circle - poverty (absolute), which is inside relative poverty, and the biggest oval is subjective poverty [1].

In economically developed countries, the relative approach to the definition of the poverty line is prevalent (the exception is the US, where the absolute poverty line is used). In the EU countries, 40%, 50% or 60% of the median income per capita, taking into account the equivalence scale, is used as the poverty line.

According to the World Bank methodology, the population living on less than $1 a day is considered to be poor.

In 2018, the world's population exceeds 7.6 billion people. Only in the past century the number of people in the world has increased by 4.4 billion. Unfortunately, citizens of far from every state are provided with elementary conditions for a normal life. For example, according to recent studies of the University of Oxford, in 103 countries around the world, where 76% of the world's population lives, at least 26.5% of people live below the poverty line. Today, no less than 800 million people live for no more than $ 1.25 in a day. Add another dollar and get 2.7 billion. In general, almost half of the world's population is still in extreme poverty [2].

In Russia over the past ten years, the official methodology for measuring poverty (as a quality of life in the region) has changed already twice. The first time in 1992, when researchers abandoned the Soviet standard for calculating the minimum consumer basket with a minimum consumer budget and switched to the American standard for calculating the poverty line, when the cost of the minimum food basket is calculated, and then the share of the cost of food for the poorest population is estimated as the total cost of the total minimum consumer basket.

In 2000, we returned to the normative method for calculating the poverty line, which led to an increase in the share of the poor from 30% to 39%.

Russia is a poor country in terms of the level and quality of life of its citizens. 39 million people live below the poverty line [8]. Poverty in Russia has two deep reasons - it is an unobtrusive social policy of the state and a negative psychological attitude of the majority of Russians, which prevents them from achieving success, including in the professional field.

The main reason for poverty in Russia is that the bar of claims of a huge number of Russians to the content and quality of their lives is extremely low by the Soviet tradition.

More than 40% of the poor believe that their work is unpromising, more than 70% notes low wages and irregular payments. The poor pay much less attention to their professional growth, only 8% of them devote part of their free time to self-education. One in three of the poor is almost resigned to the low qual-

ity of their lives and does not believe that they are able to change anything. The majority of the poor constantly feel a sense of injustice of everything that is happening around them and they realize their own helplessness because of the inability to influence what is happening. The majority of the Russian poor are dominated by the psychological attitude rather to "survival", rather than to success, the realization of oneself as a person [8].

Another reason for poverty in Russia is connected with our history and Christian ideology: the poor are pleasing to God, the rich are not. In fact, this was also propagated under the Soviet regime, since it was believed that one can not get rich by an honest way [8].

According to the latest research of the All-Russian Center for Living Standards, only 9% of Russians can now be included in the middle class. The middle class is a relative concept, each country has its own specificity and its own "norms" for income, housing quality and education level [7].

For Russia, a good salary is about $ 300, which is approximately one and a half to two times higher than the average salary in the regions. In large cities, this amount grows to $ 500. In America, the average salary starts at $ 1,500 a month. In one of the most prosperous states of Latin America - Chile, middle-class families are classified as having income ranging from $ 600 to $ 1600 per month. But in China, its representatives are determined by the ability to purchase a vehicle. To date, less than 1% of the population belongs to the middle class in China [9].

The main factors of poverty reduction (for all three assessments) are: 1) the concentration of resources most favorable for investment in regions with developed infrastructure and productive forces, that is, with minimal costs to business; 2) reduction of capital outflow from the region; 3) capitalization of all major resources (reduction of "dead" capital in the region, 4) motivation for the development of all forms and types of business in the regions; 5) the all-round development of the tripartite partnership format in investment processes [5].

In accordance with this, three groups of poverty criteria are defined:

1. Level and severity of poverty. We took indicators of the proportion of the population with incomes below the subsistence minimum and the share of the population with incomes below half of the subsistence minimum.

2. The dynamics of income and consumption. It shows the time series of indicators of the ratio of per capita monetary incomes to the subsistence level and the consumption of meat products per capita.

3. The dynamics of the labor market. The share of the economically active population, ILO unemployment rate and the level of tension in the labor market are estimated [3].

The problem of poverty and inequality should be assessed in each region in the context of the quality of management of socioeconomic processes. Power does not work well if the number of poor grows. The authorities should fully encourage the individual's desire for entrepreneurship, the desire to move from the poor to the middle class and to promote successful business and the growth of incomes of the inhabitants of the region. The number of successful residents should be a source of pride for those who manage the

Therefore, to solve the problem of poverty, it is not enough for the state and public organizations to simply implement social programs to support the poor, but it is also necessary to stimulate an increase in the number of middle class representatives. Poverty is an acute social problem. According to sociological surveys, the value and life attitudes of the rich and poor in Russia differ extremely far. Change the situation for the better can only joint efforts of the state and society. Along with the development of social assistance programs for the poor, the state should be interested in progress and in the progress of the vital and behavioral attitudes of Russians. The first and main humanitarian problem in overcoming poverty is not to leave a person at the first (lower) level of the social pyramid. The presence of confidence in the future is the goal of the majority of the population. It is the "confidence" of the population in the future of children and grandchildren that is the main factor in the development of society. This motivation, becoming dominant, is fixed in the society of the humanitarian component [4].

processes in the region.

Библиографический список

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Е.С. Беляева, студент

Санкт-Петербургский государственный экономический университет (Россия, г. Санкт-Петербург)

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются вопросы неравенства и маршалов бедности населения, актуальность которых возрастает с каждым годом. Решение этих проблем рассматривается в качестве одной из главных целей в повышении качества управления территорией. Для разработки конкретных мер по снижению дифференциации доходов и сокращению уровня бедности населения выявляются факторы, обуславливающие существующее положение.

Ключевые слова: уровень бедности, неравенство, качество управления, паритет человека в обществе, диалектика развития общества.

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