Научная статья на тему 'Outsourcing as a tool of modern development of supply at industrial enterprises'

Outsourcing as a tool of modern development of supply at industrial enterprises Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Deynichenko G.V., Kolesnichenko T.A., Dyatchenko K.A.

The necessity of improvement of catering services at industrial enterprises using outsourcing services, which will be focused on improving the efficiency of services in order to meet the best needs of working collectives.Organized nutrition at industrial enterprises is an important part of modern organization of material production. The practice of outsourcing will help manufacturing enterprises to solve the problems of nutrition organization and provide savings of budget funds. By using outsourcing of secondary functions, enterprises can focus on their core business. Attraction the catering company for nutrition organization at industrial enterprises will have a beneficial economic impact as a whole. Such innovation increases the chance of providing the quality and safety of food for the employees of the customer, budget savings at industrial enterprises due to exemption of non-core functions, the maximum use of innovation potential available at the restaurant management enterprises. Organization of corporate nutrition is the most effective solution for basic social package. By satisfying, thereby, one of the most important needs of employees, industrial enterprise increases loyalty of the staff and creates more comfortable working environment.Actualized organization of corporate nutrition at industrial enterprises that is solved by attracting outsourcing catering company. Proved, that this type of nutrition organization is an efficient, productive and profitable for the production.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Outsourcing as a tool of modern development of supply at industrial enterprises»




Deynichenko G.V, Kolisnichenko T.A, Dyatchenko K.A. Outsourcing as a tool of modern development of supply at industrial enterprises// Сетевой журнал «Научный результат».

Серия «Технологии бизнеса и сервиса». - Т.1, №4(6), 2015.


UDK 338.467 DOI: 10.18413 /2408-9346-2015-1-4-48-51



Dyatchenko K.A.___________________________________________________________________________________________

1) Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Head of Department of Food and Hospitality Industry Equipment named after M.I Belyaeva, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade. 333 Klochkovskaya Str., Kharkov, 61051,

Ukraine. E-mail: DeynichenkoGV@rambler.ru

2) PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Food Technologies,

Dnipropetrovsk National University named after Oles Gonchar. 72 Gagarin Ave., Dnepropetrovsk, 49000, Ukraine

E-mail: ktatyna_74@mail.ru

3) Degree-seeking Student. Dnipropetrovsk National University named after Oles Gonchar 72 Gagarin Ave., Dnepropetrovsk, 49000, Ukraine. E-mail: karina-dyatchenko14@rambler.ru

Abstract. The necessity of improvement of catering services at industrial enterprises using outsourcing services, which will be focused on improving the efficiency of services in order to meet the best needs of working collectives.

Organized nutrition at industrial enterprises is an important part of modern organization of material production. The practice of outsourcing will help manufacturing enterprises to solve the problems of nutrition organization and provide savings of budget funds. By using outsourcing of secondary functions, enterprises can focus on their core business. Attraction the catering company for nutrition organization at industrial enterprises will have a beneficial economic impact as a whole. Such innovation increases the chance of providing the quality and safety of food for the employees of the customer, budget savings at industrial enterprises due to exemption of non-core functions, the maximum use of innovation potential available at the restaurant management enterprises. Organization of corporate nutrition is the most effective solution for basic social package. By satisfying, thereby, one of the most important needs of employees, industrial enterprise increases loyalty of the staff and creates more comfortable working environment.

Actualized organization of corporate nutrition at industrial enterprises that is solved by attracting outsourcing catering company. Proved, that this type of nutrition organization is an efficient, productive and profitable for the production.

Keywords: outsourcing; catering service; production; food.



Дятченко К.А.___________________________________________________________________________________

1) заведующий кафедрой оборудования пищевой и гостиничной индустрии им. М.И. Беляева, доктор технических наук, профессор, Харьковский государственный университет питания и торговли, ул. Клочковская, 333, Харьков,

61051, Украина. E-mail: DeynichenkoGV@rambler.ru

2) заведующая кафедрой пищевых технологий, кандидат технических наук, доцент Днепропетровский национальный университет имени Олеся Гончара, проспект Гагарина, 72, Днепропетровск,

49000, Украина. E-mail: ktatyna_74@mail.ru

3) соискатель. Днепропетровский национальный университет имени Олеся Гончара, проспект Гагарина, 72, г. Днепропетровск, 49000, Украина. E-mail: karina-dyatchenko14@rambler.ru.

Аннотация. Обоснована необходимость совершенствования организации питания на производственных предприятиях путем использования услуг аутсорсинга, который будет ориентирован на повышение эффективности услуг в целях наиболее полного удовлетворения потребностей рабочих коллективов. Правильно организованное питание на производственных предприятиях является важной составляющей современной организации материального производства. Практика аутсорсинга поможет производственным предприятиям решить проблемы организации питания, обеспечит экономию бюджетных средств. Используя аутсорсинг второстепенных функций, производственные предприятия смогут сконцентрироваться на своей основной





Deynichenko G.V, Kolisnichenko T.A, Dyatchenko K.A. Outsourcing as a tool of modern development of supply at industrial enterprises// Сетевой журнал «Научный результат».

Серия «Технологии бизнеса и сервиса». - Т.1, №4(6), 2015.

деятельности. Привлечение кейтеринговой компании для организации питания на производственных предприятиях будет оказывать благоприятный экономический эффект в целом. Такая инновация увеличивает шанс обеспечить качество и безопасность питания для сотрудников заказчика, экономию бюджетных средств на производственных предприятиях за счет освобождения от непрофильных функций, максимальное использование инновационного потенциала, имеющегося на предприятии ресторанного хозяйства. Организация корпоративного питания является наиболее выгодным решением для базового соцпакета. Удовлетворяя, таким образом, одну из самых важных потребностей сотрудников, производственное предприятие повышает лояльность персонала и создает более комфортные условия труда.

Таким образом, актуализирована организация корпоративного питания на производственных предприятиях, которая решается с помощью привлечения аутсорсинговой кейтеринговой компании. Доказано, что данный вид организации питания является эффективным, продуктивным и выгодным для производств.

Ключевые слова: аутсорсинг; кейтеринг; производство; питание.

Introduction. Scientifically grounded provision of mankind with the highest-quality food is a mass issue of formation of the international community. Nowadays nutrition industry became a part of people everyday life. One of the leading trends of world economy development is a rapid expansion of the service sector. Competition between the organizations of service sector forced business to adapt to rapidly changing external conditions, find new ways and methods to take more stable positions in the market. Restaurant management enterprises are occupying a special place in the system of service sector.

There are several basic variants of arrangements of feeding for employees at manufacturing enterprises. In order to choose the most appropriate one, a huge number of moments should be taken into account, including presence or absence of specially equipped dining areas, maximum amount of money which the management agrees to allocate for cooking and food delivering. Presently food services either are not being provided at all or there are only dinners at the majority of manufacturing enterprises. In such cases workers have to resort to services of surrounding food companies or use snacks.

Organization of corporate nutrition at the enterprise as an element of a social package is a progressive solution of the existing issue. Despite there is the initial stage of industrial nutrition formation in our country, the wish to increase the culture of employers and management companies, which realize that high-quality and cheap food contributes to labour efficiency and increases employee’s loyalty, is obvious. Organization of employees’ industrial nutrition for enterprises with personnel from few hundred to several thousand employees is a single opportunity to maintain employees’ health and operability, without failing into the loss of working time and optimize the schedule of working day. Key principle of corporate nutrition is a provision of enterprise staff with a balanced meal cooked from high-quality and fresh products.

Thus, there is a need in research and reorganization of the system of workforce nutrition at manufacturing enterprises in present situation.

Analysis of recent studies and publications. Analysis of literature sources showed that workforce nutrition in modern economic realities is not only a part of social package stimulating to work but an essential condition of staff performance ensuring. During the period of crisis, which was being observed in 2008 in the country, a subsidization of employees’ nutrition was stopped almost on all production enterprises. As a result employees had to incur expenses for meals themselves. Unfavourable changes in employees’ financial standing, wage reductions forced the majority of them to refuse from food service, provided by restaurant facilities institutions at production enterprises. Semi-finished products, purchased meals or homemade dinners carried with employees became basic food products for staff during lunch breaks. Nutrition, the diet of which includes products of inappropriate quality and often unreheated ones has a devastating impact on health and is a demotivating factor [6,8].

Personnel are often dissatisfied with the level of arrangements of feeding in the company. Presently one of the first factors at service selection is a pricing for acquired quality that does not meet expectations of employees at restaurant management institutions and entails a decision to abandon the use of service provided. Manifestation of indifference in nutrition service providing in long-term period can lead to accumulation of public discontent and degraded performance [10].

Premises which provide daily meals to staff were built at the moment of enterprise construction. Thus, deterioration and obsolescence of food institutions equipment reached their peak. Restaurant management institutions themselves are subsidized or unprofitable.


Deynichenko G.V, Kolisnichenko T.A, Dyatchenko K.A. Outsourcing as a tool of modern development of supply at industrial enterprises// Сетевой журнал «Научный результат».

Серия «Технологии бизнеса и сервиса». - Т.1, №4(6), 2015.


Leading technologies, material base, qualified personnel, logical organization of labour, effective management are necessary for enterprises in providing with appropriate quality services.

There is a need in development and implementation of quality management systems of catering services, which allow increasing efficiency of customer-service suppliers interaction, ensuring planned quality level depending on its cost through harmonization of economic interest of the parties, controlling services quality on all stages with the purpose of early identification of reducing the level of quality within the permissible range [3,6].

In order to reach maximum concentration on core activities of the company and achieve high results it is worth to resort to one of the most successful schemes - outsourcing services. If the company gives its non-core functions to the work of professional business partners, the efficiency of core business is increasing.

The aim of the article is to improve the efficiency of outsourcing services in the arrangements of feed at industrial enterprises.

Materials and research methods. Scientific concepts and theoretical workings of local and foreign scientists on the matter of outsourcing efficiency in service area are the theoretical and methodological foundation for research. General scientific and special methods of investigation are used as a basis for research. Abstraction, analysis and synthesis, comparison, systematization and generalization methods are applied to clarify the conceptual apparatus, determining the nature and content of food outsourcing at industrial enterprises and rationale of corporate nutrition implementation.

Results of research and discussion. Basic issues which are met during arrangements of feeding at industrial enterprises are the following: imperfection of the legal framework in the field of food organization at enterprises, lack of the required number of qualified professionals, poor quality of the raw materials used.

Requirements to services quality can be specified by national standards, technical guidance documents of international organizations including professional ones and also be formed within quality systems operating on the enterprise.

By its nature outsourcing is a transfer of certain business processes or production functions by organization to other company specializing in the correspondent area for their maintenance.

In relation to industrial enterprises outsourcing is a method of their work optimization due to focusing on the ongoing work and transferring of

non-core, auxiliary functions to external specialized organizations (outsourcers) on a contractual basis with a corresponding reduction of personnel performing non-core and auxiliary functions of the enterprise [3, 4].

Outsourcing catering company works with numerous amounts of institutions providing them with food services and concentrating on them solely. All that allows accumulating relevant experience and possessing all aspects of knowledge in the arrangements of feeding. Also it allows catering companies to implement advances of science efficiently and use innovative techniques.

Outsourcing practice will help industrial enterprises to solve food organization issues. Production enterprises can focus on their core activities by using outsourcing of secondary functions [5].

The process of outsourcing can be divided into 4 stages conditionally: initiation, research of

practicability, implementation and monitoring.

Outsourcing company staff consists entirely of qualified specialists, which are engaged into the development of balanced diet and calculation of energy value of dishes for employees on production. Outsourcer adheres to a strict compliance with technological processes and has a proven control system, mandatory components of which are quality inspection (daily check of quality compliance) and taking daily samples of each dish (in the case of complaints) for further independent expertise.

Competition on the market of services makes catering operator to increase efficiency through optimization of internal processes, conducting permanent works with suppliers on improving of cooperation conditions, using leading technologies in the area of food. Due to professional specialization outsourcer achieves higher efficiency the part of which a customer receives as well. Main savings come from the fact that they render similar services to multiple customers at once which allows them to save money on bulk purchases of raw materials, increase a load of fixed assets, optimize the quantity of managerial staff, and almost immediately solve issues with the replacement of temporary absent employee.

Modern development of social nutrition industry provides quality changes of strategic purposes in that field. However, development trends of restaurant management enterprises in countries demonstrate that feeding of organized population subgroups with possible full or partial reimbursement of funds from state budget most appropriately is to be developed as the activity of low-cost catering sector.




Deynichenko G.V, Kolisnichenko T.A, Dyatchenko K.A. Outsourcing as a tool of modern development of supply at industrial enterprises// Сетевой журнал «Научный результат».

Серия «Технологии бизнеса и сервиса». - Т.1, №4(6), 2015.

Arrangements of feeding with the help of outsourcing catering company are a corporate nutrition.

Corporate nutrition is beneficial both for employees and managers of industrial enterprises. They receive the ability to impact the growth of work performance of their employees by paying for food.

Engagement of catering company for arrangements of feeding at industrial enterprises will have a beneficial economic effect as a whole. Such an innovation increases a chance to ensure quality and security of nutrition for customer’s staff, savings at industrial enterprises due to release from non-core functions, maximum usage of innovation potential available at restaurant management enterprise [9].

Outsourcing of work teams feeding organization was investigated and differences in working with specialized company-outsourcer comparing with own food service were identified.

In market competition conditions a company-outsourcer strives to constantly improve and maintain adequate quality at a lower cost unlike own food service.

To exclude the need to maintain staff, performing the same work on one object, a company-outsourcer has reserves on other objects, and in the event of vacations, increase of services turnout can allow moving the personnel between the facilities.

Company-outsourcer maintains only high-quality professionals with work experience in the area of nutrition who take constant refresher course unlike own food service.

Own food service has a limited range of food due to the small volumes of purchased raw materials. Company-outsourcer supports long-term partner relationship with existing raw materials supplier and also is always working on the expansion of new types of food in their range and raw materials being purchased.

Presence of own equipment repair service in a company-outsourcer excludes long down time of the shop and ensures quick replacement of the existing prototype of equipment from company fund as well as quality repair of failed device.

Companies-outsourcers work on favourable conditions with suppliers, providing with food services, and agree on fair price and deferred payments, which are reflected in the cost of services.

One of the basic criteria for company-outsourcer is obtaining a long-term profit which is achieved due

to providing customer’s employees with quality and moderate food service. Such companies are not interested in one-time profit gain.

Taking into account the above-mentioned, we see that there are a lot of advantages in the real activities which encourage industrial enterprises to use outsourcing services.

Conclusion. Analysis of services quality showed that there is a need to improve the arrangements of feeding at industrial enterprises, to focus on improving the efficiency of services to best meet the needs of the working teams. Engagement of outsourcing catering company services for the solution of work teams’ nutrition issue will let industrial enterprises to focus on their core business. Presence of quality staff, clear system of control over the full cycle of food services, implementation of leading technologies are the factors which separate and become the basic ones during advantages identification of a specialized company-outsourcer over an own food service.


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