Научная статья на тему 'Оценка влияния женщин-лидеров с интеллектуальным потенциалом в управлении человеческими ресурсами'

Оценка влияния женщин-лидеров с интеллектуальным потенциалом в управлении человеческими ресурсами Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
женщины-лидеры / лидерские качества / женщин УЧР / Процессы УЧР. / women leaders / women leadership / characteristics HRM / HRM processes.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Муяссарзода Файзиева, Дилноза Ганиева

Целью данного исследования является оценка влияния женщин-лидеров на управление человеческими ресурсами. В центре внимания исследования были выбраны женщинылидеры с интеллектуальным потенциалом, и соответственно были выбраны лидерские качества женщин в качестве независимой переменной и процессы управления человеческими ресурсами в качестве зависимой переменной. Эта тема актуальна, потому что женщины-лидеры обладают характеристиками, способными успешно управлять кадровыми процессами. Дизайн этого исследования качественный, его тип объяснительное исследование, метод исследования анкетирования. Исследование состоит из нулевых и альтернативных гипотез. Данные этого исследования являются номинальные и порядковые, поэтому исследователи применили непараметрический тест для подготовки раздела результатов в этой статье. В соответствии с этим для анализа данных были выбраны следующие тесты: описательная статистика, альфа Кронбаха и корреляция Спирмена. Главный вывод заключается в том, что такие характеристики женщин-лидеров, как ответственность, уверенность в себе, стратегическое мышление и сочувствие, влияют на управление человеческими ресурсами..

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Assessing the impact of women leaders with intellectual potential in human resources management

The purpose of this research is to assess the impact of women leaders in human resource management. Women leaders with intellectual potential were selected as focus of the research and accordingly women leadership characteristics as independent variable and HRM processes as dependent variable were chosen. This topic is relevance because of women leaders have characteristics which able to manage successfully of human resource processes. The design of this research is qualitative, its type is explanatory research, and research method is questionnaire method. The research consists of null and alternative hypotheses. The data of this research are nominal and ordinal, and therefore non-parametric test was applied by researchers for preparing of the results section in this paper. According to this the following tests were chosen for analyzing data: descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s alpha, and Spearman correlation. The main finding is that the characteristics of women leaders that is responsibility, self-confidence, strategic thinking, and empathy impact on human resources management

Текст научной работы на тему «Оценка влияния женщин-лидеров с интеллектуальным потенциалом в управлении человеческими ресурсами»

Жамият ва инновациялар –

Общество и инновации –

Society and innovations

Journal home page:


Assessing the impact of women leaders with intellectual

potential in human resources management

Muyassarzoda FAYZIEVA 1 Dilnoza GANIEVA 2

Tashkent Institute of Finance


Article history: The purpose of this research is to assess the impact of women

Received January 2021 leaders in human resource management. Women leaders with

Received in revised form intellectual potential were selected as focus of the research and

15 January 2021 accordingly women leadership characteristics as independent

Accepted 20 February 2021

variable and HRM processes as dependent variable were chosen.

Available online

7 March 2021 This topic is relevance because of women leaders have

characteristics which able to manage successfully of human

Keywords: resource processes. The design of this research is qualitative, its

women leaders type is explanatory research, and research method is

women leadership questionnaire method. The research consists of null and


alternative hypotheses. The data of this research are nominal and


HRM processes ordinal, and therefore non-parametric test was applied by

researchers for preparing of the results section in this paper.

According to this the following tests were chosen for analyzing

data: descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s alpha, and Spearman

correlation. The main finding is that the characteristics of women

leaders that is responsibility, self-confidence, strategic thinking,

and empathy impact on human resources management

2181-1415/© 2021 in Science LLC.

This is an open access article under the Attribution 4.0 International

(CC BY 4.0) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.ru)

Интеллектуал салоҳиятли лидер аёлларнинг инсон

ресурсларини бошқаришдаги таъсирини баҳолаш


Калит сўзлар: Ушбу тадқиқотнинг мақсади лидер аёлларни инсон

лидер аёллар ресурсларини бошқаришдаги таъсирини баҳолашдир.

аёлларнинг лидеклик


Интеллектуал салоҳиятга эга бўлган лидер аёллар тадқиқот

1 MBA student, Binary Graduate School, Tashkent Institute of Finance, Tashkent Uzbekistan

E-mail: fayzievamuyassar87@gmail.com

2 Junior teacher of the HRM department at Tashkent State University of Economics, Tashkent Uzbekistan

E-mail: d.ganieva@tsue.uz

Жамият ва инновациялар – Общество и инновации – Society and innovations

Special Issue – 2 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

ИРБ маркази сифатида танлаб олинди ва шунга кўра мустақил

ИРБ жараёнлари. ўзгарувчилар сифатида лидер аёллар ҳусусиятлари ва

номустақил ўзгарувчилар сифатида ИРБ жараёнлари

танланди. Бу мавзу долзарб, чунки лидер аёллар инсон

ресурслари жараёнларини муваффақиятли бошқаришга

қодир бўлган ҳусусиятларга эга. Тадқиқотнинг дизайни

сифатли, унинг тури изоҳловчи ва тадқиқот усули

саволнома усулидир. Тадқиқот нол ва муқобил

гипотезиялардан иборат. Тадқиқот маълумотлари номинал

ва тартибли, ва шу сабабли тадқиқотчилар томонидан ушбу

мақола натижалар бўлимини тайёрлаш учун параметрик

бўлмаган тест қўлланилди. Шунга кўра маълумотларни

таҳлил қилиш учун қуйидаги тестлар танланди:

тавсифловчи статистика, Кронбах альфа ва Спирмен

корреляцияси. Асосий хулоса шундан иборатки, лидер

аёлларнинг ўзига хос ҳусусиятлари, бу масъулият, ўзига

бўлган ишонч, стратегик фикрлаш ва ҳамдардлик инсон

ресурсларини бошқаришга таъсир қилади.

Оценка влияния женщин-лидеров с интеллектуальным

потенциалом в управлении человеческими ресурсами


Ключевые слова: Целью данного исследования является оценка влияния

женщины-лидеры женщин-лидеров на управление человеческими ресурсами. В

лидерские качества


центре внимания исследования были выбраны женщины-

УЧР лидеры с интеллектуальным потенциалом, и соответственно

Процессы УЧР. были выбраны лидерские качества женщин в качестве

независимой переменной и процессы управления

человеческими ресурсами в качестве зависимой переменной.

Эта тема актуальна, потому что женщины-лидеры обладают

характеристиками, способными успешно управлять

кадровыми процессами. Дизайн этого исследования -

качественный, его тип - объяснительное исследование, метод

исследования - анкетирования. Исследование состоит из

нулевых и альтернативных гипотез. Данные этого

исследования являются номинальные и порядковые, поэтому

исследователи применили непараметрический тест для

подготовки раздела результатов в этой статье. В соответствии

с этим для анализа данных были выбраны следующие тесты:

описательная статистика, альфа Кронбаха и корреляция

Спирмена. Главный вывод заключается в том, что такие

характеристики женщин-лидеров, как ответственность,

уверенность в себе, стратегическое мышление и сочувствие,

влияют на управление человеческими ресурсами..


Жамият ва инновациялар – Общество и инновации – Society and innovations

Special Issue – 2 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415


Women and women leaders are appreciated by our government and we feel it via our

president Sh.Mirziyoyev’s speeches and Addresses. For example, president of the Republic of

Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoyev congratulated Uzbekistan’s women with “International women

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day” on 07.03.2020 and made a speech. According to Sh.Mirziyoyev’s speech Uzbekistan’s

women leaders - ministers, governors, producing associations, the chairmen of banks and

companies, and women in law enforcement agencies and also in the Armed Forces - are

growing. As well as, the number of women in leadership positions in the system of state and

public organizations exceeded 1380. In addition to this, president Sh.Mirziyoyev expressed

own personal opinions about female governors in the districts. President Sh.Mirziyoyev

explained about woman governors saying that “In these districts, where women are the

leaders, there will be justice and purity”. Our president demonstrates regularly own attention

about women leaders, for instance, president Sh.Mirziyoyev made the Address to the Oliy

Majlis and emphasized several tasks which must be accomplish in 2021. According to this

Address the sixth task is to further enhance the role of women in public administration in


We have personal views about 21st century’s women leaders and their serves for

countries and societies via social media, TV and other information technologies in everyday’s

our life. We know that women leaders can achieve improvements in the various fields in the

society and the main reason for this their intellectual potential. Leaders with intellectual

potential show themselves capability through personal leadership characteristics, qualities,

and traits. They may be congenital or form in the period of experience.

We chose this topic for our research for assessing the impact of women leaders with

intellectual potential on human resources management activities in the organizations and

entities. According to Nayak (2015) women are more effective than men in human resource

functions due to their superior interpersonal skills, ability to deal and engage with human

beings for higher performance. Professional education such as MBA with specialization in HR

helps women to be more effective in managerial roles. Women are also found to be effective

in leadership roles, especially at middle level, in customer relationship management jobs and

in terms of maintaining better work-life balance than their men counterparts.

Why this topic is important for us because informing to the society and its participants

about the impacts of women leaders on HRM processes in the organizations and entities. In

this aim we adopted the survey method for collecting data via social media because only this

path way can help us to gather individuals’ opinions who live in the different parts in the

country. It is known phenomena that women leaders with intellectual potential influence on

the processes of HRM but there was unknown phenomena that which characteristics of

women leaders with intellectual potential affect to which HRM’s processes.

Therefore, it is necessary to know how effectively women work in leadership positions,

and in order to analyze this here should be study the relationship with female leaders and

HRM in the organizations/entities.

We created our research objectives, research questions, and hypotheses on the based

on this research topic.

According to the research, the research objectives were formed in the following order:

-To identify the characteristics of women leaders that affect on HRM;

-To assess the impact of women leaders in managing human resources processes in the



Жамият ва инновациялар – Общество и инновации – Society and innovations

Special Issue – 2 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

According to the research objectives, the research questions were formed in the

following order:

1. Do the characteristics of women leaders impact on HRM?

2. How women leaders affect in managing human resources processes in the


Based on the research objectives and the research questions we formed our research

hypotheses, and they include:

H0-There is no significant relationship between the characteristics of women leaders

and HR processes in the organizations/entities;

HA-There is a significant relationship between the characteristics of women leaders and

HR processes in the organizations/entities.

The main purpose for conducting this research is to assess the impact of women leaders

in HRM.

This research is based on the empirical study and it divided into five sections:

introduction, literature review, methodology, analysis and results, recommendations and



2.1. Empirical framework

Feminist leadership is ‘women with a feminist perspective and vision of social justice,

individually or collectively transforming themselves to use their power, resources and skill in

non-oppressive, inclusive structures and processes to mobilize others – especially other women

– around a shared agenda of social, cultural, economic and political transformation for equality

and the realization of human rights for all.’ According to Batliwala (2010) there are three

common features of the feminist understanding of leadership: (i) a set of attributes and

behaviors, commonly including inclusiveness, collaboration, empowering and consensus-

building; (ii) recognition of, and reference to, power and politics ‘that are almost invisible in

mainstream definitions of leadership, even of feminine [i.e. women’s] leadership’; and (iii)

critical reflection of ‘feminist leaders own use of and practice of power when they occupy

leadership positions’ (Batliwala, 2010).

Moore et al. (2005) conducted a self‐report survey through the male (n=328) and female

(n=222) managers, who had either a male or a female supervisor and found that subordinate

males and females reported higher levels of social support for the solution of problems related

to work, fewer conflicts between work and family, a higher level of skill, and lower levels of

depression when their leader/supervisor was a woman. The results show that there are some

small advantages associated with getting a female boss and operating in a more female-

dominated atmosphere for both men and women.

Botsjancic (2010) surveyed through the method questionnaire the role of emotional

intelligence in the performance of managers and identified that female managers have better

control over their emotions and are less sensitive to conflict or emotional situations than men,

although they are influenced by stronger feelings.

Zenger and Folkman (2019) investigated leadership skills both in men and women. As a

result of the analysis of thousands of 360-degree ratings, women were rated as outstanding in

showing initiative, resilience, the practice of self-development, the pursuit of results, and display

of high integrity and honesty. The value of this study is that researchers studied the link between

age and self-confidence among women. They have lower scores than men in the confidence


Жамият ва инновациялар – Общество и инновации – Society and innovations

Special Issue – 2 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

rating, especially when they are less than 25 years. In 40 years, confidence ratings merge. Men

score just 8.5 percentile confidence points between the ages of 25 and 60. Women score 29

percentile points. According to those who work most closely with them, women make highly

qualified leaders, and what is holding them back is not a lack of ability, but a lack of opportunity.

Davis et al. (2010) analyzed gender differences in reactions to conflicts in workstations.

They found that all groups rated women as more active and constructive, and men as more

active destructive. Women are superior to men in avoidance and self-criticism. In terms of

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hiding emotions, there was no difference between the genders.

Goodman et al. (2003) studied the variables that differentiate workplaces in which

women are in top management positions from those in which they do not and found that

women are more likely to hold senior management positions in companies where lower

management positions are held by women, have higher turnover, have lower average executive

salaries, pay more attention to employee development and promotion, and work in a non-

production area.

Garikipati and Kambhampati (2020) examined that if there is a significant and

systematic difference by gender of the national leader in the number of COVID-cases and deaths

in the first quarter of the pandemic. As well as, the researchers also examined differences in

policy responses by male vs. female leaders as plausible explanations for the differences in

outcomes. They use a specifically constructed dataset for 194 countries for their analysis.

Garikipati and Kambhampati (2020) found that COVID-outcomes are systematically and

significantly better in countries led by women and, to some extent, this may be explained by the

proactive policy responses they adopted. Even accounting for institutional context and other

controls, being female-led has provided countries with an advantage in the current crisis.

2.2. Theoretical framework

Human Resource Management is the process of recruiting, selecting, inducting

employees, providing orientation, imparting training and development, appraising the

performance of employees, deciding compensation and providing benefits, motivating

employees, maintaining proper relations with employees and their trade unions, ensuring

employees safety, welfare and healthy measures in compliance with labour laws of the land and

finally following the Orders / Judgements of the concern High Court and Supreme Court, if any

(Human Resource Management). The field consists of the various practices and associated

functions used to manage people in organizations. These practices have commonly been groups

into functional areas such as selection, training, appraisal and rewards, and staffing (Wright and

McMahan, 1992).

Human resource management process is a systematic process of managing people

working in the organization (Anshika S, 2020). HRM process is a strategic approach which

helps the business or the organization to achieve the competitive advantage by maximizing

the performance of employees. It indirectly contributes achieving the goals of organization


Жамият ва инновациялар – Общество и инновации – Society and innovations

Special Issue – 2 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

(HRM - Human Resource Management Process). According to Figure 1, HRM process

includes the following activities:

Figure 1. HRM process (source http://www.whatishumanresource.com/)

2.3.Conceptual framework





Strategic thinking


Self-confidence DEPENDENT variable

Stress resistance


Recruiting and selection

Adaptation employees


Job analysis and design

CONTROL variables Performance appraisal

Career planning and

Age development



Occupation (for all


Occupation (for women


Work experience of leader


Figure 2. Conceptual framework


Жамият ва инновациялар – Общество и инновации – Society and innovations

Special Issue – 2 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415


3.1. Participants

This research’s population is women leaders/executives and employees of all

organizations and entities. The sampling technique of research is non-probability sampling

technique and its method is voluntary response sampling. The organizations and entities were

not separated to public and private organizations/entities, and men leaders and employees also

participated in this research. In addition, unemployed people were not engaged to this research

by researchers.

3.2. Procedure

Non-probability sampling technique and voluntary response sampling method were

chosen for research because online questionnaire was used for distributing to respondents via

social media such as Telegram, Facebook, Linkedin and etc. The online questionnaire was

created in Google Forms and its link was sent to respondents in unlimited quantities. And at the

same time, the participants were asked that distribute the online questionnaire to their contacts

and as a result 182 responses were gathered in this research. The size of respondents is 182

and it includes 44 (24,2 %) male and 138 (75,8%) female respectively. All respondents

participated in this research with optionally and unethical questions were not intended in

online questionnaire by researchers.

The research’s design is qualitative research design because of the research is based on

qualitative data which consisted of ordinal and nominal data. The qualitative research design’s

type is explanatory research design and research method is questionnaire method.

The research’s organization was accomplished in the following order:

- Sources were selected for creating a questionnaire;

- The questionnaire was posted on Google Forms and its link was distributed to

participants via social media;

- Results were collected and analyzed;

- Full research paper was prepared on the basis of results.

The purpose for conducting this research is:

- Assessing the impact of women leaders in HRM.

This research consists of three types of variables, independent variable, dependent

variable, and control variables:

-INDEPENDENT variable is women leadership characteristics;

-DEPENDENT variable is HRM processes;

-CONTROL variables: age, gender, education, occupation (for all respondents),

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occupation (for women leaders), and work experience of leader women.

The researchers used both primary and secondary data in this research. The primary

data (based on results of this study) were collected via social media using an online

questionnaire, and the secondary data (relevant books, journals, papers, international

organizations’ survey results and etc.) were gathered via Google scholar and other web sites.

3.3. Measures

The research questionnaire consists of two parts, the first one is demographic part and

the second one is main part. The demographic part involves seven questions and its

measurement scales are both nominal and ordinal. And the main part involves two questions

and its measurement scale is nominal.


Жамият ва инновациялар – Общество и инновации – Society and innovations

Special Issue – 2 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

3.4. Statistical Analysis

The statistical analysis tools were chosen based on questions measurement scales, the

types of collected data, and statements of research hypotheses. According to questions’

measurement scales, the statistical tools of this research were chosen in the Non-Parametric

equivalent. The following tests were used for determining this research’s results:

-Descriptive statistics for analyzing demographic and main part data;

- Cronbach’s alpha for testing the reliability of research data;

-Spearman correlation for testing hypotheses.

All the above statistical analyses were calculated with the IBM SPSS Statistics.


In the beginning of the results section in research paper we preferred to restate the

purpose of this research, it includes:

- Assessing the impact of women leaders in HRM;

We highlighted the descriptive statistics for all variables (independent, dependent, and

control variables), the Reliability and Hypotheses tests in the results section.

5.1.Descriptive statistics

Table 1. Statistics of control variables


What is position do

your you hold in Your work

position in the experience

the organization as a leader Your

organizatio (for women (for women leader a

n / leaders leaders woman or

Age Gender education enterprise? only)? only)? man?

N Valid 182 182 182 182 64 53 182

Missed 0 0 0 0 118 129 0

Mean 2,5549 1,2418 3,3462 3,4231 2,0938 2,9434 1,5385

According to Table 1, it is clear that 182 respondents participated in this research

and 64 respondents are women with occupation in the senior management in the

organizations/entities, from them 53 women leaders responded about their work

experience as a leader.

Table 2. Respondents’ age

Frequen Percentag Valid Cumulative

cy es percentage percentage

Valid 18-25 25 13,7 13,7 13,7

26-35 76 41,8 41,8 55,5

36-45 43 23,6 23,6 79,1

46-55 31 17,0 17,0 96,2


Жамият ва инновациялар – Общество и инновации – Society and innovations

Special Issue – 2 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

56 and 7 3,8 3,8 100,0


Total 182 100,0 100,0

Table 2 provides information about respondents age, we can see that most of the

participants in this research were between 26-35 years old, namely 76 (41,8%) and least

participants in this research were between 56 and over, namely 7 (3,8%).

Table 3. Respondents gender

Frequen Percentag Valid Cumulative

cy es percentage percentage

Valid Female 138 75,8 75,8 75,8

Male 44 24,2 24,2 100,0

Total 182 100,0 100,0

In the Table 3 respondents gender was described, according to the table female

respondents are 138 (75,8%) and male respondents are 44 (24,2%).

Table 4. Respondents education

Percentag Valid Cumulative

Frequency es percentage percentage

Valid College degree 7 3,8 3,8 3,8

Undergraduate 1 ,5 ,5 4,4


Bachelor 99 54,4 54,4 58,8


Master degree 73 40,1 40,1 98,9

Doctorant 1 ,5 ,5 99,5


Doctor of 1 ,5 ,5 100,0


Total 182 100,0 100,0

We can see from the Table 4 the education level of respondents, according to data

99 (54,4%) respondents received bachelor degree and 73 (40,1%) respondents of master


Table 5. What is your position in the organization / enterprise?

Frequen Percentag Valid Cumulative

cy es percentage percentage

Valid Leader/Executive 16 8,8 8,8 8,8

Deputy executive 20 11,0 11,0 19,8

Head department 25 13,7 13,7 33,5


Жамият ва инновациялар – Общество и инновации – Society and innovations

Special Issue – 2 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

Department 113 62,1 62,1 95,6


Others 8 4,4 4,4 100,0

Total 182 100,0 100,0

As it may be seen from the Table 5 that the most respondents are department

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specialists, their index is 113 (62,1%), remaining respondents: leader/executives, deputy

executives, and head of departments are 16 (8,8%), 20 (11%), and 25 (13,7) respectively.

Table 6. What position do you hold in the organization (for women leaders only)?

Frequen Percentag Valid Cumulative

cy es percentage percentage

Valid Leader/Executi 19 10,4 29,7 29,7


Deputy 20 11,0 31,3 60,9


Head 25 13,7 39,1 100,0


Total 64 35,2 100,0

Missed 118 64,8

Total 182 100,0

The Table 6 presents data that women leaders’ occupation in the

organizations/entities, according to table 64 (35,2%) women leaders completed this

question and for this reason 118 responses were missed.

Table 7. Your work experience as a leader (for women leaders only)?

Frequen Percentag Valid Cumulative

cy es percentage percentage

Valid Less than 14 2,2 7,5 7,5


1-3 years 19 10,4 35,8 43,4

3-5 years 6 3,3 11,3 54,7

5 years and 24 13,2 45,3 100,0


Total 53 29,1 100,0

Missed 129 70,9

Total 182 100,0

The Table 7 clearly showed that 53 respondents answered to this question,

according to data 24 women leaders have 5 years and over experience, 19 women leaders

have 1-3 years of experience, remaining participants have 3-5 years and less than 1 year

of experience.


Жамият ва инновациялар – Общество и инновации – Society and innovations

Special Issue – 2 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

Table 8. Your leader a woman or man?

Frequen Percentag Valid Cumulative

cy es percentage percentage

Valid Woman 84 46,2 46,2 46,2

Man 98 53,8 53,8 100,0

Total 182 100,0 100,0

As it is evident from the Table 8 that 84 respondents’ leader is women and 98

respondents’ leader is man in the organizations/entities.

Table 9. Women leadership characteristics

Frequen Percentag Valid Cumulative

cy es percentage percentage

Valid Responsibility 46 25,3 25,3 25,3

Strategic 36 19,8 19,8 45,1


Initiative 10 5,5 5,5 50,5

Self-confidence 44 24,2 24,2 74,7

Stress 14 7,7 7,7 82,4


Empathy 32 17,6 17,6 100,0

Total 182 100,0 100,0

In this Table 9 women leadership characteristics were highlighted which affects

HRM in the organizations/entities. According to this data we may know that women

leaders’ main characteristics are responsibility-46 (25,3%), self-confidence-44 (24,2),

strategic thinking-36 (19,8%), and empathy-32 (17,6%).

Figure 3. Women leadership characteristics


Жамият ва инновациялар – Общество и инновации – Society and innovations

Special Issue – 2 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

According to the Figure 3, we know that the characteristics of “initiative” and “stress

resistance” are less important for women leaders according to respondents.

Table 10. HRM processes

Frequen Percentag Valid Cumulative

cy es percentage percentage

Valid Recruiting and 39 21,4 21,4 21,4


Adaptation 23 12,6 12,6 34,1


Mentoring 32 17,6 17,6 51,6

Job analysis and 23 12,6 12,6 64,3


Performance 34 18,7 18,7 83,0


Career planning and 31 17,0 17,0 100,0


Total 182 100,0 100,0

Table 10 showed about HRM processes are the most active in the

organizations/entities as a result of impact of women leadership characteristics.

According to this table the most active HRM processes are recruiting-39 (21,4%),

performance appraisal-34 (18,7), mentoring-32 (17,6), and career planning and

development-31 (17%).

Figure 4. HRM processes


Жамият ва инновациялар – Общество и инновации – Society and innovations

Special Issue – 2 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

Figure 4 described that adaptation employees and job analysis and design are less

important for women leaders according to respondents who responded in this research.

5.2.Reliability test

Table 11. Reliability statistics


Alpha N

,983 2

The Table 11 clearly showed about the research’s reliability and according to the

test the reliability of research is r=0.98. The Reliability test result is denoted by the letter

r and represented in the range from 0 to 1. According to range, if r = 0 it does not show

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reliability and if r = 1 it shows perfect reliability. So, this research’s reliability is excellent.

5.3.Testing hypotheses

Table 12. Spearman correlation result for the significant relationship between

women leadership characteristics and HR processes in the organizations/entities


ership_chara hrm_process

cteristics es

Spearman women_leadership_ch Correlation coefficient 1,000 ,972**

aracteristics Sig. ( 2-tailed) . ,000

N 182 182

hrm_processes Correlation coefficient ,972 ** 1,000

Sig. ( 2-tailed) ,000 .

N 182 182

**. Correlation is significant at the 0,01 level (2-tailed).

Table 12 represents the relationship between independent and dependent variables

in this research. Spearman correlation is denoted by rs and this research’s rs=0.97 which

means the relationship between variables is a very strong correlation. The probability

value “p-value” is 0,000 and this p-value less than 0,01. Less than 0,01 p-value, namely

p<1% means that there is very strong evidence for rejecting H0. If H0 is wrong, that the data

are statistically significant and that independent and dependent variables showed a true

relationship (Fig.5).


Жамият ва инновациялар – Общество и инновации – Society and innovations

Special Issue – 2 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

Figure 5. A scatter plot of independent and dependent variables


Women leaders own significant leadership characteristics and their qualities play

an important role in the management of organizations/entities. Human resources are the

main asset that provides survives of the organizations/entities. Our aim was to identify

and assess the impact of women leadership characteristics on HRM. According to research

topic and research objectives two research questions were formed for this research and

they include:

1.Do the characteristics of women leaders impact on HRM?

2.How women leaders affect in managing human resources processes in the


We conclude the following findings for both research questions in the research that

the characteristics of women leaders impact on human resources management, such as

responsibility, self-confidence, strategic thinking, and empathy. These four women

leadership characteristics are strongly positive correlate with human resources

management processes, such as recruiting, performance appraisal, mentoring, and career

planning and development. The characteristics of responsibility and self-confidence of

women leaders together play a major role in the successful and effective organization of

recruitment and performance appraisal processes in the organizations or enterprises

which they lead. Both the recruitment and performance appraisal processes do not include

only one element, on the contrary, these processes consist of several human resources

activities, such as identifying, attracting, interviewing, selecting, hiring, promotion, career

development employees and others. There should be noted that the recruitment process

is involved in the human resource planning. The HR planning is a process that ensures the

right number and kinds of people at the right place at the right time. So, the characteristics

of responsibility and self-confidence influence positively to the recruitment process which

participates in building an organization’s human capital.

Based on the results of this study, we consider the following recommendations to be

appropriate, they include:


Жамият ва инновациялар – Общество и инновации – Society and innovations

Special Issue – 2 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

-Independent study of modern knowledge on human resource management and

human capital by women leaders and organization of regular training sessions for HR staff

in the organizations/entities. In this process, women leaders will have additional

leadership qualities and characteristics.

- Participation in international and local conferences, training seminars in the field

of modern and strategic human resource management which are organized by

governmental and non-governmental organizations. As a result, women leaders will have

the opportunity to master many processes of human resource management that are

unfamiliar to them.

The future research should be conducted by linking each the characteristics or

qualities of women leaders to individual human resource management activities or tasks.


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