Научная статья на тему 'Особенности развития креативных способностей у современного педагога в условиях инновационной среды'

Особенности развития креативных способностей у современного педагога в условиях инновационной среды Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
готовность / психологически творческая готовность / структура психологической готовности к инновационной деятельности / инновационная деятельность / творческий подход. / readiness / psychologically creative readiness / structure of psychological readiness for innovative activity / innovative activity / creative approach.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ихтиёр Курбанов, Васила Каримова

Статья посвящена рассмотрению теоретических аспектов изучения психологически творческой готовности педагогов к инновационной деятельности. Анализируются психолого-педагогические исследования, посвященные изучению этого феномена. Предпринята попытка выявить структуру психологической готовности учителя к инновационной деятельности, что позволит определить и разработать психолого-педагогические технологии ее формирования у педагогов. Также затрагивается понятие уровня педагогической деятельности, которое требует перестройки мотивационной сферы личности учителя, его ценностных ориентаций, целей, установок, иерархии внешних и внутренних стимулов, ориентации, стремлений, интересов. Современная образовательная политика предъявляет новые требования не только к содержанию и технологиям преподавания, но и в первую очередь, к личности преподавателя.

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Похожие темы научных работ по наукам об образовании , автор научной работы — Ихтиёр Курбанов, Васила Каримова

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The main features of the development of creative abilities of a modern teacher in an innovative environment

The article is devoted to the consideration of the theoretical aspects of studying the psychologically creative readiness of teachers for innovative activities. Psychological and pedagogical studies devoted to the study of this phenomenon are analyzed. An attempt has been made to identify the structure of the teacher’s psychological readiness for innovative activity, which will make it possible to determine and develop psychological and pedagogical technologies for its formation among teachers. The concept of the level of the pedagogical activity, which requires a restructuring of the motivational sphere of the teacher’s personality, his value orientations, goals, attitudes, the hierarchy of external and internal stimuli, orientation, aspirations, interests, is also touched upon. Modern educational policy makes new demands not only on the content and technologies of teaching but also, first of all, on the personality of the teacher. The teacher is required to be able to realize and transform himself in the process of performing professional activities, to rethink his professional expectations, to feel his involvement in what is happening, to be able to see and predict the results of his work. Only such a teacher is able to solve the urgent problems facing modern education, to create effective pedagogical conditions for ensuring the spiritual and moral development and education of schoolchildren.

Текст научной работы на тему «Особенности развития креативных способностей у современного педагога в условиях инновационной среды»

Жамият ва инновациялар -Общество и инновации -Society and innovations

Journal home page: https://inscience.uz/index.php/socinov/index

The main features of the development of creative abilities of a modern teacher in an innovative environment

Ikhtiyor KURBANOV1 Vasila KARIMOVA 2

Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino


Article history:

Received August 2021 Received in revised form 20 August 2021 Accepted 15 September 2021 Available online 11 October 2021



psychologically creative readiness,

structure of psychological readiness for innovative activity,

innovative activity, creative approach.


The article is devoted to the consideration of the theoretical aspects of studying the psychologically creative readiness of teachers for innovative activities. Psychological and pedagogical studies devoted to the study of this phenomenon are analyzed. An attempt has been made to identify the structure of the teacher's psychological readiness for innovative activity, which will make it possible to determine and develop psychological and pedagogical technologies for its formation among teachers. The concept of the level of the pedagogical activity, which requires a restructuring of the motivational sphere of the teacher's personality, his value orientations, goals, attitudes, the hierarchy of external and internal stimuli, orientation, aspirations, interests, is also touched upon. Modern educational policy makes new demands not only on the content and technologies of teaching but also, first of all, on the personality of the teacher.

The teacher is required to be able to realize and transform himself in the process of performing professional activities, to rethink his professional expectations, to feel his involvement in what is happening, to be able to see and predict the results of his work. Only such a teacher is able to solve the urgent problems facing modern education, to create effective pedagogical conditions for ensuring the spiritual and moral development and education of schoolchildren.

2181-1415/© 2021 in Science LLC.

This is an open access article under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.ru)

1 Lecturer, Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino, Bukhara, Uzbekistan. E-mail: ihti07@mail.ru.

2 Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino, Bukhara, Uzbekistan.

E-mail: ihti07@mail.ru.

Innovativ muhitda zamonaviy o'qituvchining ijodkorlik qobiliyatlarini rivojlantiruvchi taraflar


Kalit so'zlar:

tayyorlik, psixologik ijodiy tayyorgarlik, innovatsion faoliyatga psixologik tayyorlik tuzilmasi,

innovatsion faoliyat, ijodiy yondashuv.

Maqola o'qituvchilarning innovatsion faoliyatga psixologik ijodiy tayyorgarligini o'rganishning nazariy jihatlarini ko'rib chiqishga bag'ishlangan. Ushbu hodisani o'rganishga bag'ishlan-gan psixologik va pedagogik tadqiqotlar tahlil qilinadi. O'qituv-chilar orasida uning shakllanishi uchun psixologik va pedagogik texnologiyalarni aniqlash va ishlab chiqish imkonini beradigan o'qituvchining innovatsion faoliyatga psixologik tayyorligi tuzilmasini aniqlashga urinishdi. Shuningdek, pedagogik shaxs-ning motivatsion sohasini, uning qadriyatli yo'nalishlarini, maqsadlarini, munosabatlarini, tashqi va ichki stimullar ierarxi-yasini, yo'nalishini, intilishlarini, qiziqishlarini qayta qurishni talab qiladigan pedagogik faoliyat darajasi kontseptsiyasiga ham to'xtaliladi. Zamonaviy ta'lim siyosati nafaqat o'qitishning mazmuni va texnologiyasiga, balki birinchi navbatda, o'qituvchining shaxsiga yangi talablar qo'yadi.

Особенности развития креативных способностей у современного педагога в условиях инновационной среды

Ключевые слова:



творческая готовность,



готовности к





творческий подход.


Статья посвящена рассмотрению теоретических аспектов изучения психологически творческой готовности педагогов к инновационной деятельности. Анализируются психолого-педагогические исследования, посвященные изучению этого феномена. Предпринята попытка выявить структуру психологической готовности учителя к инновационной деятельности, что позволит определить и разработать психолого-педагогические технологии ее формирования у педагогов. Также затрагивается понятие уровня педагогической деятельности, которое требует перестройки мотивационной сферы личности учителя, его ценностных ориентаций, целей, установок, иерархии внешних и внутренних стимулов, ориентации, стремлений, интересов. Современная образовательная политика предъявляет новые требования не только к содержанию и технологиям преподавания, но и в первую очередь, к личности преподавателя.


Due to rapid and constant changes in the education system of Uzbekistan (the formation of universal educational actions, changes in the requirements for the exam), new requirements are put forward for the personality and professional competence of the teacher, prompting him to actively and continuously participate in innovative activities. ness. There is no doubt that successful pedagogical activity is based not only on innovative approaches, but also on the teacher's readiness to take part in innovative pedagogical work.


Ull lv"'" Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - Society and innovations

Special Issue - 9 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

At the same time, the pace of changes in the education system does not allow the teacher to consciously and timely rebuild his knowledge and skills, to master new professional experience, the result of which is the "innovative fatigue" of the teacher, which manifests itself in the rejection of innovations or in the imitation of innovative activities.

Almost all teachers see two main components in this concept: this is something new in comparison with the previous one, and this new one is aimed at improving the quality of education. In general, the essence of the definition is indicated quite correctly. In the modern sense, innovation is "the manifestation of new forms or elements of something, as well as a newly formed form, element". Synonymous with innovation is the concept of "innovation".

In pedagogy, the concept of "innovative activity" is considered somewhat deeper and has a wide semantic range. This is a purposeful pedagogical activity based on comprehending one's own pedagogical experience by comparing and studying the educational process in order to achieve better results, obtain new knowledge, introduce new pedagogical practice, this is a creative process for planning and implementing pedagogical innovations aimed at improving the quality education. This is a social and pedagogical phenomenon that reflects the creative potential of a teacher.

As a pedagogical category, this term is relatively young, and this is one of the reasons that there are different approaches to the definition of this concept. The modern pedagogical dictionary interprets this term as follows: "Pedagogical innovation is an innovation in pedagogical activity, a change in the content and technology of teaching and upbringing, with the aim of increasing their effectiveness".


Currently, in the psychological and pedagogical literature, the problem of psychological readiness for activity is considered from the position of the functional and personal approaches. Within the framework of the functional approach, psychological readiness is understood in its relationship with the psychological functions necessary to achieve high results in activity (E.S. Kuzmin, V.A. Yadov). In the studies of M.I. Dyachenko and L.A. Kandybovich, the dynamic structure of psychological readiness is determined, including the following components:

1) awareness of their needs, the requirements of society, team or task;

2) awareness of goals, the solution of which will satisfy the needs of the task;

comprehension and assessment of the conditions of activity, actualization of

experience, which is associated with solving problems in the past and fulfilling similar requirements;

Based on the experience and assessment of the conditions of E.M. Kryukov, activities, the most optimal ways of solving tasks are determined;

1) predicting the manifestation of their intellectual, emotional-volitional, motivational processes, assessing the ratio of their capabilities, the level of attempts and the need to achieve a certain result;

2) mobilization of forces in accordance with the conditions and tasks, self-hypnosis regarding the achievement of goals [1].

According to this approach, the state of psychological readiness has a complex dynamic structure and expresses the intellectual, emotional-volitional and motivational aspects of the human psyche in their relation to the emerging conditions and future tasks.

The highlighted components of a person's psychological readiness for activity determine the success of a person's performance of professional functions, while the dialectical unity of long-term and situational readiness is indicated - namely, that long-term readiness is determined by the effectiveness of the implementation of situational readiness in specific circumstances. Researchers M.I. Dyagchenko and L.A. Kandybovich also indicate that the most important indicators of long-term readiness are associated with the motivational sphere of the personality and are manifested in the need to successfully complete the assigned task, in interest in the object of activity and the way it is implemented, as well as in the pursuit of success. At the same time, a sense of responsibility, confidence in one's actions, belief in success, self-regulation, mobilization of all forces to solve a task and the ability to concentrate on it are associated with the emotional and volitional components of psychological readiness.

Considering the psychological readiness for innovations in pedagogical activity, E.N. Frantseva defines it as "integrative mental education, representing the unity of the cognitive (knowledge of innovations, ways of their application, etc.), affective (positive attitude to pedagogical innovations , empathy, the predominance of positive emotions in professional activity, etc.) and conative (activity) components, where the activity component acts as a system-forming component, and the main characteristic of the system is creativity "[2, P. 17].

Modern educational policy makes new demands not only on the content and technologies of teaching, but also, first of all, on the personality of the teacher. The teacher is required to be able to realize and transform himself in the process of performing professional activities, to rethink his professional expectations, to feel his involvement in what is happening, to be able to see and predict the results of his work. Only such a teacher is able to solve the urgent problems facing modern education, to create effective pedagogical conditions to ensure the spiritual and moral development and education of children.

Preparedness for innovations is such a personal manifestation of the creative style of activity, which in a peculiar way combines a certain personal orientation, aspiration, and the need to introduce new methods and forms of professional activity ("combination" of psychological, theoretical and practical readiness).

A lecturer who owns modern pedagogical technologies and has a technological culture should be flexible in using teaching methods and means, be able to modify his professional actions, while developing his own pedagogical technology.

The teacher's readiness to create an author's technology, characterized by the consistency of methodological techniques, the originality of their combination in an integral system corresponding to a single concept and personal experience of the teacher, the author's style of his pedagogical activity is one of the most important indicators of the teacher's personal development, his pedagogical creativity. Pedagogical creativity is a higher level of teacher qualifications. It is connected not so much with the production of new ideas and principles, but with their modernization, modification.

• Only at the highest level of his professional activity-innovation - the teacher puts forward and implements new, progressive ideas, principles, techniques in the process of teaching and upbringing.

• Translated from Latin, the word "innovator" means "renovator", that is, a person who introduces and implements new, progressive principles, ideas, techniques in a particular area of activity.

• An innovative teacher is the author of a new pedagogical system, that is, a set of interrelated ideas and related technologies.

The professional skill of the teacher is polished mainly in practical activities. However, when mastering new pedagogical principles and technologies, a necessary condition is not only the improvement of technical pedagogical techniques, but also the personal self-development of the teacher, the self-actualization of his personality. The process of self-actualization includes the transition of potential human features into actual ones. The dynamics of the transformation of potential features into actual ones acts as the main mechanism of self-development.

I.V. Nikishin noted in his work the following: "The innovative activity of a modern teacher in the system of school-wide methodological work" identifies the following basic psychological requirements for the personality of a teacher mastering new pedagogical technologies:

- variability of thinking; empathy (ability with empathy); syntony (the ability to tune in to the "wave" of another person); tolerance (tolerance for dissent);

- communication (culture of dialogue).


The development of these qualities, a high level of general culture, psychological, pedagogical and technological competence, creative abilities of a teacher. All this contributes to an increase in the level of his readiness for innovation in general and for mastering new pedagogical technologies in particular. Readiness is defined as a condition for the successful performance of an activity, as selective activity that tunes a person to future activity, as a qualitative indicator of the maturity of a teacher's self-regulation, as an active-active state of a person, expressing the ability to solve pedagogical problems, taking into account the specific conditions and circumstances of practical activity.

A teacher who owns modern pedagogical technologies and has a technological culture should be flexible in using teaching methods and means, be able to modify his professional actions, while developing his own pedagogical technology. The teacher's readiness to create an author's technology, characterized by the consistency of methodological techniques, the originality of their combination in an integral system, corresponding to a single idea and personal experience of the teacher, the author's style of his pedagogical activity, is one of the most important indicators of the teacher's personal development (V.V. Serikov).

As never before, a teacher is now required not only to be able to realize and transform himself in the process of performing professional activities, to rethink his professional expectations, to feel his involvement in what is happening, but also to be able to see and predict the results of his work. The change in the general paradigm of education implies the ability of the teacher to be the subject of his professional development and to fight against professional conservatism, which leads to stagnation in pedagogical activity. A modern teacher is required to be able to translate and constantly enrich his professional experience, revise it in accordance with the changing conditions of the educational environment, master and introduce new technologies into educational practice. Professional stereotypes are an integral reflection of the professional skill achieved.

It has become a tradition to hold joint pedagogical forums and events in which both teachers and students, under the guidance of their teachers, and teachers of the district,

participate. Joint events are held: round tables, meetings of the regional methodological association of foreign language teachers, scientific and practical Internet conferences. The structure of readiness turns out to be identical to the structure of the functional psychological system of innovative pedagogical activity and includes the following components: motives, goals, information basis and program of activities, as well as a decision-making block and a subsystem of professionally important qualities personality.

In her study of psychological readiness for innovative activity as a characteristic of the educational environment, O. M. Krasnoryadtseva notes that "psycho-logical readiness for innovative activity reflects the dynamic characteristics of the multidimensional human life world (initiative as a person's readiness to act in conditions of unpredictability results of activity, rely on one's own strengths (self-confidence) and be responsible for the results; openness to changes; readiness for changes; ease of restructuring)" [3, P. 152].

V.I. Dolgov's factors in the manifestation of readiness for innovative activity include activity, focus, individual psychological characteristics, individual style of activity, attitude, self-concept, value orientations and attitudes, ability to creative activity, innovative important personality traits, professionalism, willingness to take risks. Considering the structure of a teacher's readiness for innovation, we relied on the approach of V.A. Slastenin and L.S. Podymova, according to which the teacher's innovative activity has four components: motivational, creative, technological and reflective. [4, P. 152].

Having analyzed the existing approaches to the study of psychological readiness for innovative activity and its components, taking into account the possibilities of psychological support of its development, we think it expedient to single out the following components of psychological readiness for innovative activity:

1) motivational component - attitude to pedagogical innovations, as well as the teacher's motivational readiness to improve their own professional activities;

2) the cognitive component - the teacher's knowledge and ideas about innovative technologies and about their own innovative potential;

3) volitional component - the ability to arbitrarily control one's actions, feelings, behavior in conditions of innovative activity;

The pedagogical process, built taking into account the modern educational needs and characteristics of students, stimulates the interest of students in academic subjects, contributes to an increase in academic performance, the development of professional competencies of a teacher. [5, P. 165-170].

Recently, the desire of theorists and practitioners to study reflection, along with the individual experience of innovators, problems of a theoretical and methodological nature related to innovations, creative pedagogical activity and the personality of a teacher (L.I. Antsiferova, E.V. Bondarevskaya, A.V. Brushlinsky, V.S. Dudchenko, V.P. Kvasha, etc.) Innovative activity is implemented largely due to the existing psychological readiness for it (G.V. Golovin, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, L.M. Mitina, etc.)

Turning to the analysis of the problems of higher education inevitably raises the task of assessing and developing the foundations for the formation of psychological readiness for innovative activities of future teachers. This task has a deep social and pedagogical meaning, since the success of transformations in educational practice and the prospects for the development of educational institutions depend on its solution.

The growing need of society for a new quality of education is a powerful and dynamic factor that prompts researchers to deal with the problems of innovation in new conditions.


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