Научная статья на тему 'Особенности перевода технических текстов'

Особенности перевода технических текстов Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Нишонов Усмонхон Ибрагимович

В данной статье рассматриваются особенности перевода технических текстов с родного языка (узбекского) на русский язык. Актуальность статьи заключается в необходимости повысить качество перевода технических текстов через сбор информации о культурных и экстралингвистических факторах, необходимости повышения качества переводимых текстов, устранения ошибок в переводе. Автор данного исследования поставил цель рассмотреть и разобрать особенности перевода технических текстов, которые оказывают влияние на процесс перевода и выбор переводческой стратегии.

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This article depicts the peculiarities of translation of technical texts from the native language (Uzbek) into Russian. The urgency of the article lies in the need to improve the quality of translation of technical texts through the collection of information about cultural and extra-linguistic factors, the need to improve the quality of translated texts, elimination of errors in translation. The author of this research has set a goal to review and disassemble the peculiarities of translation of technical texts that affect the translation process and the choice of translation strategy.

Текст научной работы на тему «Особенности перевода технических текстов»

Список литературы /References

1. О мерах по созданию экспериментальной площадки для реализации проектов внедрения инновационных подходов в сферу дошкольного образования. ПКМ Республики Узбекистан № 605 от 19.07.2019 // Национальная база данных законодательства, 22.07.2019 г. № 09/19/605/3456.

2. Сибилева Л.В., Быстрай Е.Б., Артеменко Б.А., Путина Е.В. Психолого-педагогические проблемы социально-нравственного развития личности ребенка дошкольного возраста // Вестник ЮУрГГПУ, 2016. № 9. С. 105-110.

3. Якупова Л.М. Проектная деятельность - партнерская деятельность // Проблемы педагогики, 2019. № 6 (45). С. 59-60.



Nishonov U.I. Email: Nishonov692@scientifictext.ru




Abstract: this article depicts the peculiarities of translation of technical texts from the native language (Uzbek) into Russian. The urgency of the article lies in the need to improve the quality of translation of technical texts through the collection of information about cultural and extra-linguistic factors, the need to improve the quality of translated texts, elimination of errors in translation. The author of this research has set a goal to review and disassemble the peculiarities of translation of technical texts that affect the translation process and the choice of translation strategy.

Keywords: quality, translation, technical, text, impact, feature, errors, information, cultural, factor, extra linguistic.


Нишонов У.И.

Нишонов Усмонхон Ибрагимович - старший преподаватель, кафедра узбекского языка и литературы, факультет управления в производстве, Ферганский политехнический институт, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в данной статье рассматриваются особенности перевода технических текстов с родного языка (узбекского) на русский язык. Актуальность статьи заключается в необходимости повысить качество перевода технических текстов через сбор информации о культурных и экстралингвистических факторах, необходимости повышения качества переводимых текстов, устранения ошибок в переводе. Автор данного исследования поставил цель рассмотреть и разобрать особенности перевода технических текстов, которые оказывают влияние на процесс перевода и выбор переводческой стратегии.

Ключевые слова: качество, перевод, технический, текст, влияние, особенность, ошибки, информация, культурный, фактор, экстралингвистический.

UDC 372.881.1

Technical documentation is not just about instructions for household appliances or communication schemes. This term also means any focused narrowly documentation, including contracts, manuals, dictionaries, etc. A translator of technical documentation is faced with the task of comprehensible and accessible text which is not a substring or a free paraphrase of the original [1].

Scientific and technical translation is a means of inter-lingual communication between experts and scientists in their professional field. Through scientific and technical translation, knowledge and technology are disseminated, researchers, designers and engineers have the opportunity to work on joint projects, and others benefit from advanced ideas. It can therefore be reasonably stated that scientific and technical translation is an indispensable element in the engine of scientific and technological progress.

In order to study fully the problem, the concept of "technical translation" should be considered first. This term is used when exchanging special technical information between people who speak different languages.

The term technical translation means the translation of technical and scientific texts. Translation of technical texts is the translation of materials with scientific and technical orientation, which contain scientific and technical terminology. Examples of materials of technical orientation are: scientific articles on technical issues, technical documentation on engineering equipment, manuals for using complex technical products, etc.

Many researchers, comparing technical translation with translation of technical or scientific texts, find both similarities and differences.

In such scientists' works as Miram, Retzker, Minyar-Beloruchev, Fedorov, Schweitzer, Breus, Komissarov, and Nelyubin, the definition of translation and technical translation looks like this: "Translation is one of the most complicated types of human intellectual activity" [3]. Although they usually talk about translation "from one language to another", in reality, the translation process does not just replace one language with another. Different cultures, different personalities, different ways of thinking, different literature, different eras, different levels of development, different traditions and attitudes are encountered in translation. Culturologists, ethnographers, psychologists, historians, literary scholars are interested in translation, and different aspects of translation can be studied within the framework of the relevant sciences.

Technical translation of texts conveys a close sense of the original. Any deviations from the original can only be justified by the peculiarities of the Uzbek and Russian languages or the requirements of the translation style.

The technical translation is based on the formal and logical style. This style is characterized by accuracy, impersonality and unemotionality. However, these characteristics cannot fully reflect all the scientific style requirements that must be met when translating technical texts.

The scientific style can be characterized by the following factors:

1) language selection;

2) monological statement;

3) preliminary reflection on the statement;

4) normalized speech.

To denote these concepts, one should refer to the etymology of the words "technical and scientific". The lexema "scientific" implies a connection to science. This connection is described in Chambers' dictionary and is defined as "knowledge obtained through experimentation and observation, critically analysed, systematized, and subject to general principles". The lexema "technical" is associated with technology, which is defined in the Brief Oxford English Dictionary as "the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes" [4].

Thus, we can conclude that the translation of scientific texts is related to science in all its theoretical manifestations, and the translation of technical texts is related to the way scientific knowledge is used for practical purposes.

The main feature of translation of technical texts is that this type of information translation orients the translator to the knowledge of specialized terminology. It does not matter what language is used for translation, be it Chinese, English, Spanish, French or German, when translating technical texts the translator may lack his own knowledge without knowledge of special terminology.

A translator who translates technical and scientific texts must have an excellent knowledge of the terminology of the field of science to which the text to be translated belongs. The correct translation of a term is a very difficult task, but despite this, the terms have more semantic certainty and independence than the words of spoken speech.

In addition to all the above, it is worth noting that in each text of the scientific and technical style, we encounter jargonisms (professional), which can not be found in the dictionaries. In translating technical terminology it is important to remember to pay attention to the context that limits the terminology. And even if the translator is able to find a suitable terminological meaning, due to the lack of narrow technical dictionaries, the found meaning may not have the necessary contextual meaning and errors will be made in the future because of this issue.

The main task of the technical documentation translator is to convey the meaning of the original as accurately as possible. Legal or technical documentation contains a lot of nuances that affect the lexical meaning. It is impossible to miss or distort them. Only one error in terminology and concepts can completely change the meaning of the text [4].

Text drawing up demands strict performance of all standards applicable to the given kind of the documentation. The translator has no right to change text construction and features of registration and should use the original as a sample.

Technical text translation requires logic and clarity. It is important to avoid ambiguity, i.e. situations in which the meaning of the text may be misunderstood. This is especially true for contracts, contracts and agreements expressing commercial interests of the parties. A mistake in a contract may cause it to be terminated. The same applies to errors in the instructions for one or another equipment, because they can lead to a halt in production.

Thus, translation is one of the oldest human activities, it is a complex and multifaceted process. Usually they talk about translation "from one language to another", but in reality, the process of translation is not just replacing one language with another. Different cultures and traditions, different ways of thinking, different literature, different epochs and different levels of development are encountered in translation.

References / Список литературы

1. Akramova N.M., Nigmatullina A.Sh., Galiakberova A.R., 2019. Fostering the process of learner autonomy in foreign languages classrooms // Problems of science. № 11-2 (144). [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/fostering-the-process-of-learner-autonomy-in-foreign-languages-classrooms/ (date of access: 10.07.2020).

2. Nishonov U.I, Parpiyeva M.M. Linguistic problems of translation: text as a object of translation activity // Problems of Science, 2019. № 11-2 (144). [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/lingvisticheskie-problemy-perevoda-tekst-kak-obekt-perevodcheskoy-deyatelnosti/ (date of access: 10.07.2020).

3. Miram G.E. Profession: Translator. Nika-Center Publishing House, 1999. P. 160.

4. Shcherbakova I.V. ESTABLISHMENT OF TECHNICAL TEXTS // Modern problems of science and education, 2015. № 2-2. P. 67.

5. Umaraliev Z.B., To'ychiev I.B., Akramova N.M., 2019. Problems encountered in learning English for specific purposes // Science and Education. № 3 (47). [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n7problems-encountered-in-learning-english-for-specific-purposes/ (date of access: 10.07.2020).

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