Научная статья на тему 'Особенности перевода американской молодежной лексики на русский язык (на материале романов Ф. К. Каст)'

Особенности перевода американской молодежной лексики на русский язык (на материале романов Ф. К. Каст) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
сленг / разговорные слова / перевод / английский и русский языки / Ф. Каст / американская молодежь / slang / colloquial vocabulary / translation / English and Russian languages / F. Kast / American youth

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Л. А. Нургалиева, З. А. Мотыгуллина, Э. А. Сайдашева

В статье рассматриваются вопросы перевода сниженной лексики американской молодежи и сложности их перевода с английского языка на русский язык. В качестве источника были взяты книги популярной американской писательницы Ф. Каст, написанные совместно с дочерью-подростком. Перевод на русский язык был сделан В.А. Максимовой. В данной статье нами были проанализированы примеры употребления молодежного сленга, из которых большинство можно отнести к вульгарной и бранной лексике. При переводе сленга переводчица часто подбирала функциональные аналоги в русском языке, также мы увидели много вариантов соответствий, опущений, замен и компенсаций. На наш взгляд, переводчик постаралась сделать все необходимое, для того чтобы ее перевод был максимально близок с точки зрения стилистики к оригиналу. Несмотря на это, следует сказать, что в любом случае даже самый мастерски выполненный перевод проигрывает оригиналу, так как ни один переводчик не в силах передать всю специфику и колорит языка подлинника.

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The article deals with the translation of the colloquial vocabulary of the American youth and the complexity of their translation from English into Russian language. As a source of examples was taken the series of books written by the popular American writer F. Kast. A translation into Russian was made by V.A. Maximova. In this article, we analyze examples of the usege of youth slang, most of which can be attributed to the vulgar and abusive vocabulary. Speaking about the Russian translation, it should be noted that V.A. Maksimova most often selected functional analogs, omissions, replacements and compensations. In our opinion, the translator did her best to as close as possible, in terms of stylistics, to the original. Despite this, it should be said that in any case even the most masterfully executed translation loses the original, since not a single translator can convey all the specifics and color of the original language.

Текст научной работы на тему «Особенности перевода американской молодежной лексики на русский язык (на материале романов Ф. К. Каст)»


1. Boltach, YU.V. (2013). Hanmun: Vvodnyj kurs [Hanmun: training course]. St. Petersburg, Giperion. 336 p. (In Russian)

2. Izian. Stela Kvangehtho-vana. Grobnica Kvangehtho-vana. Grobnica Chansu-vana [Izian'. Stele of Kvangehtho king. Tomb of Kvangehtho king. Tomb of Chansu king] // URL: Rezhim dostupa: https://atsman.livejournal.com/1367136.html (accessed: 23.12.2018 ). (In Russian)

3. Kogaj, YU.P. (2014). Korejskaya ieroglifika [Korean hieroglyphics]. 447 p. (In Russian)

4. Li, Lani, Valieva, YU.YU., Alikberova, A.R. (2017). Kitajskie ieroglify v korejskom yazyke: uchebnoe posobie [Chinese characters in Korean language]. Kazan, FEN. 142 p. (InRussian)

5. Novikova, T.A., Pakulova, YA.E. (2011). Kitajskie ieroglify v korejskom yazyke [Chinese characters in Korean language]. Moscow, Muravej. 131 p. (In Russian)

УДК 81" 25


lei.pandora@gmail.com, zuhra711@yandex.ru, esaidasheva@rambler.ru

Казанский федеральный университет, г. Казань, Россия

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются вопросы перевода сниженной лексики американской молодежи и сложности их перевода с английского языка на русский язык.

Автор публикации

Author of the publication

Карамова Юлия Юрисовна -

старший преподаватель Казанский федеральный университет E-mail: Valieva.yul@yandex.ru

Karamova Julia Jurisovna -

Senior teacher

Kazan Federal University

E-mail: Valieva.yul@yandex.ru

Поступила в редакцию 25.01.2019. Принята к публикации 15.02.2019.

В качестве источника были взяты книги популярной американской писательницы Ф. Каст, написанные совместно с дочерью-подростком. Перевод на русский язык был сделан В.А. Максимовой. В данной статье нами были проанализированы примеры употребления молодежного сленга, из которых большинство можно отнести к вульгарной и бранной лексике. При переводе сленга переводчица часто подбирала функциональные аналоги в русском языке, также мы увидели много вариантов соответствий, опущений, замен и компенсаций. На наш взгляд, переводчик постаралась сделать все необходимое, для того чтобы ее перевод был максимально близок с точки зрения стилистики к оригиналу. Несмотря на это, следует сказать, что в любом случае даже самый мастерски выполненный перевод проигрывает оригиналу, так как ни один переводчик не в силах передать всю специфику и колорит языка подлинника.

Ключевые слова: сленг, разговорные слова, перевод, английский и русский языки, Ф. Каст, американская молодежь.

Для цитирования: Нургалиева Л.А., Мотыгуллина З.А., Сайдашева Э.А. Особенности перевода Американской молодежной лексики на русский язык (на материале романов Ф.К. Каст). Казанский лингвистический журнал. 2019; 2 (1): 53-62. (на англ.)


L.A. Nurgalieva, Z.A. Motygullina, E.A. Saidasheva

lei.pandora@gmail.com, zuhra711@yandex.ru, esaidasheva@rambler.ru

Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia

Abstract. The article deals with the translation of the colloquial vocabulary of the American youth and the complexity of their translation from English into Russian language. As a source of examples was taken the series of books written by the popular American writer F. Kast. A translation into Russian was made by V.A. Maximova. In this article, we analyze examples of the usege of youth slang, most of which can be attributed to the vulgar and abusive vocabulary. Speaking about the Russian translation, it should be noted that V.A. Maksimova most often selected functional analogs, omissions, replacements and compensations. In our opinion, the translator did her best to as close as possible, in terms of stylistics, to the original. Despite this, it should be said that in any case even the most masterfully executed translation loses the original, since not a single translator can convey all the specifics and color of the original language.

Key words: slang, colloquial vocabulary, translation, English and Russian languages, F. Kast, American youth.

For citation: Nurgalieva L.A., Motygullina Z.A., Saidasheva E.A. American teenager's vocabulary and peculiarities of translation into Russian (on F. Kast's novels). Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 2 (1): 53-62.

Changes currently taking place in the public and political spheres, the rapid development of new information technologies, means of communication contribute to the expansion of the literary norms of the language and open borders for a new layer of vocabulary that penetrates into all spheres of human life.

The choice of this topic is not accidental, since the reduced vocabulary is the closest to lively communication, as well as the most vividly reflecting the mentality of native speakers. The well-known lexicographer, teacher of the German language, the author of numerous works and dictionaries V.D Devkin in his work "Essays on Lexicography" writes: "It is impossible to manage without knowledge of colloquially-colored vocabulary when learning a foreign language. Acquaintance with colloquial vocabulary is necessary to understand everyday speech in order to master an important part of linguistic studies, to be able to decipher the subtext, acuteness, associative plan of statements, without which a good translator cannot try to bring the reader closer to the author" [3].

A series of novels "House of Night" is interesting in its history of creation. Phyllis Caste, as a writer who created many popular books and received an international vocation, is offered to start writing a series of youth novels, which at first glance is an insurmountable task for her. Deciding to create the first work of such a series, she writes several chapters in order to show them for the approbation of her own daughter. Kristin, a modern twenty-year-old girl, like no one else who understands the life of teenagers of our time, who speaks the modern youth language, managed not only to appreciate the creative potential of the mother, but also to assist in creating this youth series. So, after a while, Fyllis and Christine start working together. The mother draws up the general outline, the plot twists, and the daughter Christine is involved in editing the text, namely, the dialogues and characters of the characters. That is why the author calls his books under the pseudonym of Filise Christine Caste.

Thus, the joint work of mother and daughter allowed the whole world to look at the world of modern American youth with its inherent habits, interests and non-

standard vocabulary, through the eyes of teenager vampire Zoya Redbred, with the problems and hobbies inherent in her teenage age.

Now let's take a closer look at the most vivid expressions of reduced vocabulary and features of their translation. Most of the following examples relate to leisure: parties, entertainment (circus - "any bright occasion", peeling dance -"striptease"); leisure time (to cruise - "to drive the streets", big buzz - to "loudest current rumour", to ankle to "to walk", to hit a nerve - to get on nerves " of smb. -"to play tricks on smb, to deceive"); bad habits (bogue - "a cigarette", Colorado koolaid - "beer", grape - "wine, champagne"); computer (to google - "to search information using Google", to boot - "to start computer operating system", to lash out - "to attack verbally"). The group "Leisure" also includes the names of various objects and phenomena of reality surrounding the youth: money (bank, berry, cabberry, cabberry, cab- ca- cabbage); life, household items (red paint - "ketchup", thread (s) - "clothes").

Here are some of the most vivid examples of books suitable for this subject group:

He played nasty gloomy video games [8] - он играл в свои гнусные и жестокие видеоигры.

It is well known that the basic meaning of the word gloomy is gloomy, gloomy, sad, but the translator in order to display the author's intention, namely to show the relation of the main character to her brother in question in the above phrase, uses in this case a coarse translation of the word - гнусные with bright expressive color. Thus, she manages to increase the expressiveness of the translation without violating its norms. It is noteworthy that in the Russian language, in modern youth vocabulary, you can also find a slang expression derived from the word gloomy - "to mock" -to dirty and mock.

How about Barbie-like vampire cheerleaders? [8] - Есть ли у вампиров команда

черлидеров, как две капли воды похожих на куклу Барби?

Stupid Barbie named Afrodite [8] - барбиобразная дура по имени Афродита.

It is worth noting that in the books of the "House of Night" series there is a frequent use of the word Barbie in the address, as she herself seems more beautiful than the main character herself girls who differ from the rest in their manner of dress, make up and have easy behavior, as a rule, not emotional and stupid: her sister is a cheerleader on the school team, one of the high school students of her former school, and Aphrodite, the leader of the Daughters of Darkness of the high school students in the house of the night. It should be noted that the word Barbie in the dictionary of slang is given the following definition: an uneducated, stupid young girl, trying to imagine herself more adult and clever. For example: "Yesterday I picked up one girl, not just a blonde, but a natural Barbie." The word Barbie, or rather the abbreviated name Barbara is transmitted by transcribing, which facilitates the work of the translator. However, it is worth noting that Barbie is a very common word among young people. Thanks to the popularity of this doll, which has become the standard of beauty for many girls, it's not difficult for the reader to understand this word in context. However, the older generation uses this word to express the negative assessment of modern girls, imitating the Barbie doll in real life. Thus, as noted above, Barbie's expression in the novels is extremely negative for girls of easy virtue, as soulless as the doll itself. My cool Maui Jim sunglasses - Мои крутые солнцезащитные очки.

The translator in this transformation omits the translation of the words Maui Jim which means in America a manufacturer of lenses with a polarized filter that is popular among modern youth, in this case the translator could use the transcription technique, however, considering it inappropriate and lowering it, in our opinion reduced the translation adequacy. In this case, it was appropriate to use the following translation: «Мои крутые дизайнерские солнцезащитные очки от Мауи Джим».

The second most popular group of words and expressions used is a group that characterizes the mental abilities of others: Barbie Doll - "a mindless man or woman", fucktard - "a stupid person, loser", dummy, dumbass - "a stupid person". Her typical shallowness [8] - типичная для нее тупость.

The word shallowness in the dictionary is translated as superficiality, limitation. In the context of the novel is used to identify stupid teenagers. The translation completely conveys the expressive and stylistic coloring of the word. Clueless Heath [8] - тупоголовый Хит.

The basic meaning of the word Clueless is clueless, stupid. However, the author selected the most appropriate in the context analogue that conveys the speaker's emotional attitude to the object - the word dull-headed - which is more common among young people.

One of the most frequently used phrases by the author of the original text is the phrase "Stupid loser"; we will give one of the many examples of using this word in context: Heath played on my nerves. I realized he was stupid loser [8] - Хит снова играл на моих нервах. Тогда я поняла, какой же он тупой идиот. In our opinion, the functional analogue was not well chosen by the translator. It is worth noting that, like most of the words that came into the Russian spoken language, the word loser has more than one meaning. If the word "loser" is entered in the translator online from English into Russian, you can see several meanings of this word. And the word loser has the first meaning, as a loser of something or into something. Further, the word loser has the meaning, as a noun - a loser. It is in these initial meanings that this word came into Russian spoken language. Currently, the word loser has a few more meanings. Since the Russian person has limitless fantasies, such words as the sucker, dumb, nerd, etc. have been attributed to this word. If you continue to enumerate the values, then you get a large enough list. But it should be understood that the word loser does not refer to those people who have done something wrong, but to those to whom fortune has not turned in life, i.e. these people do not see good luck. F. Cast attributed these people the image of Heath, who drinks the captain of the school football team, who distinguished himself by his indecent behavior and constant stupid antics, which lead Zoya Redbred to the main character of the novel. So, the modern dictionary of youth slang gives us the following definitions of the word loser: 1) a loser who is not socially successful;

Казанский лингвистический журнал, 2019, том 2, № 1

2) loser, fool;

3) a complete sucker;

4) loser;

5) loser, loser;

6) a person who often loses in games, in a casino;

7) a person who is unlucky;

8) a nerd;

9) unlucky, stupid person, inappropriate to modern requirements;

10) weak, unable to stand up for themselves or to defend their point of view;

11) a loser, a man who has nothing;

12) Pony, dork;

13) loser, stupid;

14) a person who did not succeed.

As for the perception of this word by Americans, here it should be said that for them it is extremely important to be a winner. It does not matter what exactly. It is not even very important whether the American is really a winner. It is important whether he looks like a winner. Because victory (preferably at any cost) is the basis of American psychology. As football coach Henry Sanders said, "Winning is not the most important thing. This is the only thing that matters. " And this rule is projected literally on everything in the life of the United States: from competitions in kindergarten, who quickly ate a donut, to solving foreign policy issues.

That is why American popular culture - movies, books, television - is focused on the success story, the success story. You have to be a winner - because the worst thing is that losing can happen to you. Being a loser - and even more defeated -worse than this American cannot imagine anything. Loser is not so much a word in a language as a stigma, a terrible and indelible seal: "Loser!" In our opinion, in order to fully convey the emotional expressiveness of this expression and not reduce the adequacy of the translation, V.A. Maksimova should have chosen a rougher analogue to this loser word, so popular among Americans: «И тогда я поняла, каким же полным лохом являлся Хит».

She sounded really silly and gushing [8] - она произнесла это нарочито глупым и визгливым голоском. In this case, the translation is completely similar to the values given in the dictionary. In our opinion, it could be less cumbersome and accessible to the modern reader, if we omit the word "deliberately".

Youth slang combines quite diverse subject groups that characterize the speech activity of representatives of various youth subcultures, as well as their types of thinking. Along with the style of behavior and clothing, the style of communication of young people is characterized not so much by their involvement in certain informal groups as the type of thinking of young people, which is transformed over time.


1. Вендина Т.И. Введение в языковедение. М.: Высшая школа, 2002.

228 с.

2. Верещагина Е.М., Косомаров В.Г. Лингвострановедческая теория слова. М.: Русский язык, 2000. 320 с.

3. Девкин В.Д. Немецкая разговорная речь. М.: Международные отношения, 2001. 257 с.

4. Заботкина, В.И. Новая лексика в современном английском языке. М.: Высшая школа, 2001. 126 с.

5. Залевская А.А. Слово в лексиконе человека: Психолингвистическое исследование. Воронеж: Изд. Воронежского Универститета, 2001. 207 с.

6. Каст Ф. Меченая // URL: http://knizhnik.org/f-k-kast/imechenaja (дата обращения: 20.11.18).

7. Маяковский М.М. Современный английский сленг: Онтология, структура, этимология. 2-е изд. М.: Едиториал УРСС, 2005. 168 с.

8. Cast F. Marked // URL: http://18novels.com/2434817-marked.html (дата обращения: 20.11.18).

9. Urban dictionary // URL: https://www.urbandictionary.com/ (дата обращения: 05.12.18).


1. Cust, F. Marked [Mechenaya] // URL: http://knizhnik.org/f-k-kast/imechenaja (accessed: 20.11.18). (In Russian)

2. Cast, F. Marked // URL: http://18novels.com/2434817-marked.html (accessed: 20.11.18). (In English)

3. Devkin, V.D. (2001). Nemetskaya razgovornaya rech' [German colloquial speech]. M.: Mezhdunarodnyye otnosheniya. 257 p. (In Russian)

4. Mayakovsky, M.M. (2005). Sovremennyy angliyskiy sleng: Ontologiya, struktura, etimologiya [Modern English Slang: Ontology, Structure, Etymology]. 2nd ed. M.: Editorial URSS. 168 p. (In Russian)

5. Vendina, T.I. (2002). Vvedeniye v yazykovedeniye [Introduction to linguistics]. M.: Vysshaya shkola. 228 p. (In Russian)

6. Vereshchagina, Ye.M., Kosomarov, V.G. (2000). Lingvostranovedcheskaya teoriya slova [Linguistic theory of words.]. M.: Russkiy yazyk, 2000. 320 p. (In Russian)

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9. Urban dictionary // URL: https://www.urbandictionary.com/ (accessed: 05.12.18).

Авторы публикации

Authors of the publication

Нургалиева Лейла Айвазовна -

кандидат филологических наук, доцент

Nurgalieva Leila Aivazovna -

Doctor of Philology, Ass.Professor Kazan Federal University E-mail: lei.pandora@gmail.com

Казанский федеральный университет E-mail: lei.pandora@gmail. com

Мотыгуллина Зухра Айвазовна -

кандидат филологических наук, доцент

Казанский федеральный университет E-mail: zuhra711@yandex.ru

Сайдашева Эльмира Аглиулловна -

кандидат филологических наук, доцент

Казанский федеральный университет E-mail: esaidasheva@rambler.ru

Motygullina Zukhra Aivazovna

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Doctor of Philology, Ass.Professor Kazan Federal University E-mail: zuhra711@yandex.ru

Saidasheva Elmira Agliullovna -

Doctor of Philology, Ass.Professor Kazan Federal University E-mail: esaidasheva@rambler.ru

Поступила в редакцию 10.01.2019. Принята к публикации 15.02.2019.

УДК 81


Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, г. Казань, Россия

Аннотация. Естественный язык является основным способом человека для общения и понимания явлений и процессов. Ускоренное внедрение информационных и коммуникационных технологий во все сферы жизни общества способствует формированию больших объемов данных, содержащих слова, коды, символы и цифры. Однако первоначально лишь небольшая часть этих данных может быть понята и использована людьми. Существуют вычислительные методы, которые, используя методы мягких вычислений и естественный язык, строят резюме в виде предложений, описывающих большие объемы данных. Целью данной работы является краткое описание метода, используемого при построении лингвистических резюме, с акцентом на использовании естественного языка для предоставления важной и полной информации о данных. Во-первых, представлен общий обзор лингвистического резюмирования. Затем анализируются два примера применения этого метода к различным базам данных. В обоих случаях получаются короткие предложения на естественном языке, содержащие суммированную информацию о данных. Во втором примере бенефициары показали индекс удовлетворенности по логической схеме Ядова на уровне 0,7.

Л.Р. Сакаева, К.Р. Родригес

charlyr98 @gmail.com

Университет информационных наук, г. Гавана, Куба

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