ОСНОВНІ ЕТАПИ РОЗВИТКУ НАТО І СПІВРОБІТНИЦТВА УКРАЇНИ ТА НАТО Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
міжнародна безпека / європейська безпека / співробітництво у галузі безпеки / НАТО / співробітництво України та НАТО / вступ до НАТО / членство у НАТО / альтернативні військово-політичні організації / заходи гарантування міжнародної безпеки. / international security / European security / security cooperation / NATO / cooperation between Ukraine and NATO / accession to NATO / NATO membership / alternative military-political organizations / measures to ensure international security

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Книш В.В., Федорович О.В.

На авторське переконання, Україна перебуває в збройному конфлікті з Російською Федерацією (у стані латентної російсько-української війни). Даний збройний конфлікт триває з 20 лютого 2014 року, тобто понад 7 років. Росія є однією з найпотужніших військових сил на політичній арені сучасності, відповідно, після захоплення півострову Крим та початку військової діяльності на територіях Донецької та Луганської областей України, наша держава стикнулася з рядом проблем які могли бути критичними для зберігання цілісності державних територій та захисту населення України, а саме: нереформована військова система та критична нестача кадрів; відсутність належного фінансового ресурсу; політична невизначеність та відсутність очільника держави. Дана ситуація показала неспроможність України боротися з силами Російської Федерації без підтримки від волонтерів, волонтерських організацій та європейсько-американських союзників. У зв’язку з цим, Україна протягом 7 років веде посилену міжнародну співпрацю з державами-партнерами та різногалузевими міжнародними організаціями, а особливо з НАТО як одним з провідних гарантів визначених стандартів міжнародної та європейської безпеки.

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According to the author, Ukraine is in armed conflict with the Russian Federation (in a state of latent RussianUkrainian war). This armed conflict has been going on since February 20, 2014, ie for more than 7 years. Russia is one of the most powerful military forces in the political arena of modern times. namely: unreformed military system and critical shortage of personnel; lack of adequate financial resources; political uncertainty and the absence of the head of state. This situation showed Ukraine's inability to fight the forces of the Russian Federation without the support of volunteers, volunteer organizations and European-American allies. In this regard, Ukraine has been conducting enhanced international cooperation for 7 years with partner countries and various international organizations, and especially with NATO as one of the leading guarantors of certain standards of international and European security.




Книш В.В.

доктор юридичних наук, доцент, професор кафедри конституцшного, адмШстративного та м1жнародного права Навчально-наукового Юридичного тституту Прикарпатського нацюнального унгверситету 1мет Василя Стефаника,

1вано-Франювськ, Украша Федорович О.В.

студент 3-го курсу Навчально-наукового Юридичного тституту Прикарпатського нацюнального унгверситету шет Василя Стефаника,

1вано-Франювськ, Украша



Knysh V.

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Educational and Scientific Law Institute, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of constitutional, administrative and international Law

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine Fedorovych O.

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Educational and Scientific Law Institute, student, 3-th year

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine


На авторське переконання, Украша перебувае в збройному конфткп з Росшською Федеращею (у сташ латентно! росшсько-украшсько! вшни). Даний збройний конфлжт тривае з 20 лютого 2014 року, тобто понад 7 рошв. Рост е одтею з найпотужшших вшськових сил на полггачнш ареш сучасносп, вщповвдно, тсля захоплення твострову Крим та початку вшськово! дiяльностi на територiях Донецько! та Лугансько! областей Украши, наша держава стикнулася з рядом проблем яш могли бути критичними для зберiгання цiлiсностi державних територш та захисту населения Украши, а саме: нереформована вшсь-кова система та критична нестача ка^в; ввдсутшсть належного фiнансового ресурсу; полтгачна невизна-ченiсть та вiдсутнiсть оч№ника держави.

Дана ситуацiя показала неспроможшсть Укра!ни боротися з силами Росшсько! Федерацп без шдтримки вiд волонтерiв, волонтерських органiзацiй та европейсько-американських союзников. У зв'язку з цим, Украша протягом 7 рок1в веде посилену м1жнародну ствпрацю з державами-партнерами та рiзно-галузевими м1жнародними органiзацiями, а особливо - з НАТО як одним з провщних гаранта визначених стандарпв мiжиародноi та европейсько! безпеки.


According to the author, Ukraine is in armed conflict with the Russian Federation (in a state of latent Russian-Ukrainian war). This armed conflict has been going on since February 20, 2014, ie for more than 7 years. Russia is one of the most powerful military forces in the political arena of modern times. namely: unreformed military system and critical shortage of personnel; lack of adequate financial resources; political uncertainty and the absence of the head of state.

This situation showed Ukraine's inability to fight the forces of the Russian Federation without the support of volunteers, volunteer organizations and European-American allies. In this regard, Ukraine has been conducting enhanced international cooperation for 7 years with partner countries and various international organizations, and especially with NATO as one of the leading guarantors of certain standards of international and European security.

Ключовi слова: мiжнародна безпека, европейська безпека, сшвробггаицтво у галузi безпеки, НАТО, сшвробггаицтво Украши та НАТО, вступ до НАТО, членство у НАТО, альтернативш вшськово-полггачш оргашзацп, заходи гараитувания мiжиародноi безпеки.

Keywords: international security, European security, security cooperation, NATO, cooperation between Ukraine and NATO, accession to NATO, NATO membership, alternative military-political organizations, measures to ensure international security.

The aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, its illegal annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the so-called "hybrid war" against our state, military intervention in the eastern regions of Ukraine, constant military, political, economic and information pressure from Russia necessitate more effective guarantees of independence, sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Given that our country's opponent is one of the leading militarily secure, influential and influential structures, Ukraine has no options but to seek allies to defend its own interests and preserve its territorial value and inviolability.

International military blocs act as an opportunity for Ukraine to gain support not only militarily but also politically. However, the process of joining such formations is quite complex and long, our country's path to NATO membership has been going on for more than 10 years.

It is difficult to note the exact time period of the idea of forming an international military alliance for the collective protection of its members, as this issue was acute after the First World War in 1918, but none of the ideas was properly implemented.

It is safe to say that one of the main factors in the formation of the International Military Organization (WMO) was World War II. Wehrmacht troops made it clear that European states could not defend their territories on their own. The unification of forces by the allied states was able to bring victory in this conflict, but already during the war there was a split between the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition. Relations between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Western democracies, led by the United States, have been particularly strained since the victory in the war. The common enemy was overcome and the goal of uniting countries with different social systems disappeared.

The period of the Cold War began - the confrontation between the ideologies of socialism and totalitarianism, led by the United States and the Soviet Union, respectively. This confrontation can be considered another reason for the formation of the WMO, as it led to the formation of two military-political blocs, which later opposed each other.

The Soviet Union sought to expand its sphere of influence in Europe. To this end, pro-Soviet undemocratic regimes were established in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which came under the influence of the USSR because they were liberated from German troops by the Red Army. In 1948, a coup d'état was carried out in Czechoslovakia and Poland. The direct threat of violent change of government (with the support of the USSR) loomed over Norway, Greece and Turkey. In April 1948, the Soviet Union laid siege to West Berlin, which was controlled by Western democracies (the United States and Great Britain).

In such conditions of aggressive policy of the Soviet Union, the countries of Western Europe signed on March 17, 1948 the Brussels Agreement on Cooperation in Economic, Social and Cultural Spheres and Collective Self-Defence. The treaty was officially called the Western European Pact, and the organization it cre-

ated was called the Western Union. The agreement provided for two strategic goals. The first is to prevent the revival of German military power as a threat to Europe. The second is joint opposition to the Soviet military threat. The treaty provided for automatic assistance in the event of aggression against any of the participating countries. The Western Alliance became a prototype of NATO and lasted until 2011.

As the members of the alliance were weakened, it quickly became clear that the available military resources of the participating countries were clearly insufficient to ensure security without US support. In the spring of 1948, consultations began between Western European countries and the United States on the expansion of the Brussels Pact. There is an opportunity to expand the Western Union to two North American countries - the United States and Canada. This is how the idea of creating a common system of collective security in the Euro-Atlantic region came about.

On March 18, 1949, the text of the future treaty was published for the general public. The treaty emphasized "the desire to live in peace with all peoples and governments", "to promote stability and prosperity in the North Atlantic", determination to "protect the freedom, common heritage of its peoples and their civilization based on democracy, individual freedom and supremacy". The participants joined forces to "carry out collective defence and maintain peace and security."

Despite all the objections from the USSR, on April 4, 1949, a treaty was signed in Washington by representatives of 12 countries: Belgium, Great Britain, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Canada, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United States and France. This date is the official founding day of NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The process of ratification of the signed document took about six months and on August 24, 1949 the treaty entered into force.

At the beginning of its creation, NATO was not one of the most famous and reliable military organizations it is today. As noted in the paper, April 4, 1949 is considered the date of NATO's founding and marks the beginning of the first of eight stages in the development of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Each of the stages was characterized by certain features, taking into account the military-political situation at a particular time.

The first period lasted from 1949 to 1956. In October 1949, the US Congress decided to provide $ 1 billion in military aid to European members of the Atlantic Pact. Combined with economic commitments under the Marshall Plan, US military aid was an additional source of security and stability. at the same time, their central role in the defence of Western Europe and the Atlantic was established [1].

In May 1951. reorganization of the management structure of the organization began. On 18 February 1952, Greece and Turkey joined NATO

One of the most historically important events of this period is the accession of Germany to NATO on October 23, 1954. This event received a sharp backlash from the Soviet Union and led to the creation of

NATO's opponent - the Warsaw Pact Organization (ATS).

The next stage in the development of the organization began with the approval by the North Atlantic Council in December 1956 of the recommendations set out in the report of the so-called Committee of Three on non-military cooperation within NATO. A key feature of this period was the development of political consultations between Member States on the full range of East-West relations. These consultations gradually became a continuous process and provided a high level of mutual understanding and consideration of the interests of each party to the Treaty at the stage of policy development. In this way, it is possible to reach a consensus in making decisions that are undoubtedly truly common and at the same time take into account the specific positions of each member state of the organization [1].

December 1967 marked the beginning of NATO's third period of development. The reason was the approval by the North Atlantic Council of the report "On the future tasks of the Alliance." The report was the result of the Caribbean crisis of 1963, when two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, admitted that they did not want to take part in a war that could not be won - a nuclear war.

Both sides showed a willingness to reach an agreement on the destruction of the nuclear confrontation, as reflected in the Moscow Agreement of 1963. This period was marked by France's withdrawal from NATO's military structure in 1966. a number of important reasons for France. This period can also be called a period of "detente" in relations between East and West.

The fourth period, which lasted from 1975 to 1985, was marked by a new round of political confrontation and military confrontation due to the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan, the deployment of new medium-range ballistic missiles in the USSR RSD-10 "Pioneer" (SS-20 according to NATO classification) and, in response, the deployment of the US in Europe ICBM MGM-31A "Pershing-1A", the beginning of the development in the United States SOI program Resumes its activities Western European Union. 1982 Spain joins NATO. NATO enshrines the "protective" nature of the use of nuclear weapons, that is, the use of such weapons only in response to their use.

The next period is directly related to the policy of Perestroika and the subsequent collapse of the USSR from 1985 to 1990. As early as December 1987, Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan signed an agreement in Washington on the complete elimination of medium-range and short-range missiles. This was the first real destruction of a whole class of modern nuclear weapons. Shortly afterwards, the process of radical change in East-West relations took on an unexpectedly rapid scale.

The turning point came in 1989, which began with the complete withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Gradually, non-communist forces began to come to power in countries controlled by Soviet policy, the Berlin Wall fell, and later the Federal Republic of Germany was restored. 1989 marked the end of the first-ever visit by the USSR Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze to NATO Headquarters in Brussels and talks

with NATO Secretary General Manfred Werner and the Permanent Representatives of Allies [1].

The period from 1991 to 2002 was one of the most fundamental for NATO as an organization in its current form. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the North Atlantic Organization was forced to adapt to new circumstances on the political map of the world.

The following key events can be identified:

1) holding the London Summit and approving the Rome Strategic Concept.

2) the establishment of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (NACC) to provide multi-sectorial consultations to Central and Eastern European countries

3) the launch of the Partnership for Peace program (1994), which was joined by both Ukraine in 1994 and Russia, with which the Basic Act on NATO-Russia Relations, Cooperation and Security was signed and On the basis of this act, a new forum was established - the Permanent Joint Council

4) transformation of the EAPC into the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC), joined to the EAPC states that had observer status in the EAPC

5) The Balkan crisis, which led to the first combat in the history of NATO with the involvement of its units

6) In 1999, the first members of the post-socialist countries were admitted, namely the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland [2].

The penultimate period took place from 2002 to 2014. The Prague Transformation Program is being adopted in response to the new challenges facing the organization. This program assigned responsibilities to the member states of the organization in order to improve government capacity in various sectors. As a result, the North Atlantic Organization has achieved its goals, namely:

1) improvement of air and sea units;

2) development of combat and logistics units;

3) the system of communication and protection against nuclear, chemical and biological threats has reached an evolutionarily new level;

4) division of responsibilities for Joint Armed Forces (JFO) into two commands;

Despite the diversity of views of NATO member states, the organization has been able to maintain a balance between the influence of the United States and European countries and has continued to expand. Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Albania and Croatia join the organization. Georgia and Ukraine are applying for a NATO Membership Action Plan.

The Russian-Georgian war began in 2008, as a result of which Georgia lost part of its territories (Abkhazia and South Ossetia). As a result of this conflict, a special NATO-Georgia Commission was set up to ensure, in accordance with the Framework Agreement, the following:

1) deepening political dialogue and cooperation between NATO and Georgia;

2) monitoring the implementation of the decisions of the NATO summit in Bucharest;

3) coordinating the Alliance's efforts to assist Georgia in its post-conflict reconstruction;

4) support for Georgia's efforts to advance its political, economic and defense reforms related to Euro-Atlantic aspirations for NATO membership, with a focus on democratic and institutional goals [3].

This document reinforces the position of the North Atlantic Alliance on the integrity of Georgia, which puts Russia in a somewhat hostile position not only with Georgia but also with all NATO members.

And the next step by Russia is turning NATO-Russia relations into a political interstate conflict. This step was the annexation of Crimea and the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war in the eastern territories of Ukraine. This event also led to NATO's transition to the latest period of development, which is currently underway.

Comprehensive cooperation with Ukraine is deepening in 2018 it was granted the status of a graduate student country, and later, in 2020, it was granted the status of a partner with enhanced opportunities, which became Ukraine's chance to join the North Atlantic Organization. Joint military exercises are being held, and multidisciplinary assistance is being provided to maintain the territorial integrity of our state.

In conclusion, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has come a long and difficult way, resulting in the status of one of the world's most powerful military organizations, a guarantor of international security and a reliable partner not only in military but also in economic and scientific fields.


1. Швшчноатлантичний альянс: icTopia, функ-цд, структура, ввдносини з Украшою / За заг. ред. проф. Д. I. Дзвiнчука. 1вано-Франшвськ: Micro НВ, 2012. 604 с.

2. The Alliance's New Strategic Concept agreed by the Heads of State and Government participating in the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council (1991). URL:

https://www.nato.int/cps/uk/natohq/official_texts_238 47.htm.

3. Framework document on the establishment of the NATO-Georgia Commission (2008). URL: https://www.nato.int/docu/pr/2008/p08-114e.html.

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