ORGANIZING PERIODIC COMPARISON OF ACCOUNTING INSTRUMENTS IN THE FIELD OF STANDARDIZATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Ergasheva K.N.

Periodic comparison of metering devices is organized by the electricity supply company. In this case, a plan for the comparison of measuring devices for the next year will be developed and approved by the head of the regional power grid company by December 20 of each year. At least one month before the end of the intercomparison interval of the metering device, the electricity supply company shall provide the consumer with a signed notice.

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Ergasheva K.N.

Islam Karimov Tashkent Technical University


Abstract. Periodic comparison of metering devices is organized by the electricity supply company. In this case, a plan for the comparison of measuring devices for the next year will be developed and approved by the head of the regional power grid company by December 20 of each year. At least one month before the end of the intercomparison interval of the metering device, the electricity supply company shall provide the consumer with a signed notice.

Key words: Account, tools, consumer, data, electricity supply, notification.

Introduction: The notification is made in two copies. One copy of it is given to the consumer, and the second copy, signed by the consumer, is left at the electricity supply company. The following information should be indicated in the notification: the time when the inter-comparison interval of the accounting instrument expires; the amount to be paid according to the established tariff for the comparison of the accounting instrument; the day when the employee of the electricity supply company goes to remove the recording device; requisites of the electricity supply company to which the notice is sent; other necessary information. A payment document indicating the amount to be paid according to the established tariff for comparison shall be attached to the notice. If the person who brought the report does not find the consumer at his place of residence, the report is sent to one of the older family members who live with him or to an adult person who lives in the same house with him, or if they are not available, to the self-government body of citizens. In such cases, the person who received the notification must indicate his surname, first name and patronymic, as well as the identity of the consumer to whom the notification was sent (husband or wife, father, mother, son, daughter, etc.) in the second copy.. The person who received the notification must deliver it to the consumer as soon as possible. If the consumer has gone somewhere temporarily, the person who brought the notification shall write on the second copy where the consumer has gone and when he is expected to arrive. This information must be confirmed by the self-governing bodies of the relevant citizens. Payment for the comparison must be made by the consumer before the comparison begins. Low-income consumers, based on a document confirming their low income, can pay the amount due for the comparison of the accounting instrument within 6 months. In this case, the payment for the comparison is carried out at the expense of the electricity supply company, based on the agreement concluded between the electricity supply company and the consumer on the performance of the comparison works.

Removal (dismantling) of the consumer's metering device, delivery of the meter that has passed the comparison to the consumer, installation (assembly) of the metering device in place is carried out by the employee of the state electrical engineer of the electricity supply company (hereinafter referred to in the text is carried out by an authorized employee). The comparison work must be completed within 15 days after the registration instrument is removed. removal of accounting instruments for periodic comparison After the payment for the comparison is made by the consumer, an authorized employee is sent by the electricity supply company to remove the meter within three working days. An authorized employee has the right to come from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. to remove and install the consumer's accounting device. In this case, the authorized employee must show his service certificate to the consumer. When removing the accounting instrument, the authorized employee checks the integrity of the accounting instrument and installed seals in the presence of the consumer, and draws up a document in three copies stating that the accounting instrument has been removed. In this case, one copy of the document is given to the consumer, the second copy remains at the electricity supply company, and the third copy is submitted to the state metrology service. All copies of the document are signed by the authorized employee and the consumer. The type of recording device, factory number, manufacturer's trademark and indicators at the time of removal, as well as other necessary information are recorded in the document. The consumer must create the necessary conditions for the authorized employee to perform his duties. When there is a replacement fund of the benchmarked metering devices at the electricity supply enterprise, after the consumer's metering device is removed, a benchmarked metering device is installed in its place from the replacement fund in the prescribed manner, and a certificate will be issued in the prescribed manner. In the absence of a replacement fund of the electricity supply company, after removing the metering device, the authorized employee shall connect the consumer's electrical devices directly to the power grid for the period of the comparison work. connects without a recording device. When the measuring instrument is accepted for comparison, a contract on the comparison of measuring instruments is concluded between the enterprise of regional electric networks and the body of the state metrology service. Periodic comparison and repair of accounting equipment The measuring instrument will be compared by the state metrology service within three working days. If, according to the results of the comparison, the measuring instrument is found suitable for use, the employee of the state metrology service shall draw up a certificate confirming that the measuring instrument has been compared and hand it over to the authorized officer. In order to prevent unauthorized interference with the calculation mechanism and adjustment elements of the recording device, the place where the boxes of the recording device are fixed is sealed by the state metrology service body. If, according to the results of the comparison, the measuring instrument is later found to be unusable, the

employee of the state metrology service body shall notify the authorized officer that the measuring instrument is unusable. The notification indicates the reasons for the invalidity of the recording device, as well as whether the recording device can be repaired or not. If it is possible to repair the recording device based on the notification issued by the employee of the state metrology service, the authorized employee will inform the consumer about this and hand it over to the repair organization on the basis of the contract. After the recording instrument is repaired, a certificate of its repair is drawn up in two copies, and one copy is given to the authorized employee, and the second copy is left at the repair organization. After the recording device is repaired, it must be submitted to the state metrology service body for comparison by an authorized employee. 16 If the result of re-calibration of the recording instrument is positive, the employee of the state metrology service shall issue a certificate on the same day that the recording instrument has been compared and seal the place where the recording instrument's sockets are fixed. In cases where the metering device is found to be unusable even after re-comparison, it is included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the procedure established by the electricity supply company for the consumer and the automated system of accounting and control of electricity consumption another accounting tool that can work with it will be installed. In cases of violation of the electricity metering device provided for in the rules of electricity use, approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated August 22, 2009 No. 245, replacement, comparison, repair, installation of the metering device costs and fees for services provided are paid by the consumer. Interested persons or their representatives can directly participate in the expert comparison of the accounting instrument.Installing the comparative calculation instrument. An authorized employee installs the calibration device, seals its terminal cover (circuit) and gives the consumer the original copy of the calibration certificate. After the recording device is installed, a deed is drawn up in duplicate. The type of recording device, factory number, manufacturer's trademark and indicators at the time of its installation, as well as other necessary information are recorded in the document. The document is signed by an authorized employee and the consumer. One copy of the document is given to the consumer, and the second copy is kept at the electricity supply company.

CONCLUSION: The teacher presents the conclusions for students to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills on this subject based on the information given to the students on the subject, analysis in the form of modern pedagogical interactive technologies during the training session.


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