ORGANIZATIONAL PROCESS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF CHANGES AT THE ENTERPRISE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
change management / change management process models / change management concepts. factors in the change management process.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Savosin I.

The article discusses the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation and functioning of the change management process at the enterprise on the basis of a comparative analysis of bureaucratic and adaptive approaches to management. Factors of changes are characterized. They are divided into factors that determine the need for changes, as well as factors that exclude the resistance of groups of personnel and ensure the effectiveness of changes in the enterprise.

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Таким образом, рассматривая эффекты внедрения СЯМ-систем в организациях, можно сделать следующие выводы. СЯМ-системы, автоматизирующие взаимоотношения с клиентами, до недавнего времени были прерогативой крупного бизнеса. Но сегодня внедрение СЯМ-системы - это необходимый этап развития компании любого масштаба, позволяющий преуспеть на рынке в долгосрочной перспективе. Возможности понимания и прогнозирования спроса, эффективного управления продуктовым портфелем, принятия решений, подкрепленных глубоким знанием своего потребителя, также важны для малого и среднего бизнеса, как и для крупнейших корпораций.

Список литературы

1. Коломыц, О. Н. Роль СЯМ-систем в повышении эффективности деятельности компании / О. Н. Коломыц, А. Г. Добрикова, Я. Н. Кошевар // Современные проблемы и пути их решения в науке, производстве и образовании. - 2019. - № 8. - С. 8284.

2. Кострова, Ю. Б. Неценовая конкуренция как управленческая категория и метод конкурентной борьбы / Ю. Б. Кострова // Научные труды Московского университета имени С.Ю. Витте: Сборник

научных статей . - Москва : Московский университет им. С.Ю. Витте, 2019. - С. 85-94.

3. Кострова, Ю. Б. Бренд-менеджмент / Ю. Б. Кострова, Ю. О. Лящук, О. Ю. Шибаршина; Под общ. ред. Ю.Б. Костровой. - Курск: Закрытое акционерное общество "Университетская книга", 2020. - 172 с.

4. Куликов, Н. В. Роль СЯМ-систем для бизнеса / Н. В. Куликов // CoUoquium-journal. - 2019. -№ 24-2(48). - С. 154-155.

5. Лящук, Ю. О. Информационные системы управления рисками / Ю. О. Лящук // Научные достижения и открытия 2017: сборник статей III Международного научно-практического конкурса, Пенза, 05 октября 2017 года. - Пенза: "Наука и Просвещение" (ИП Гуляев Г.Ю.), 2017. - С. 123-124.

6. Шибаршина, О. Ю. Формирование новых подходов к управлению эффективностью / О. Ю. Шибаршина // Актуальные проблемы современного общества и пути их решения в условиях перехода к цифровой экономике : материалы XIV международной научной конференции: в 4 частях, Москва, 05 апреля 2018 года. - Москва: Московский университет им. С.Ю. Витте, 2018. - С. 591597.


Savosin I.

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Kuzbass State Technical University named T.F. Gorbachev


The article discusses the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation and functioning of the change management process at the enterprise on the basis of a comparative analysis of bureaucratic and adaptive approaches to management. Factors of changes are characterized. They are divided into factors that determine the need for changes, as well as factors that exclude the resistance of groups of personnel and ensure the effectiveness of changes in the enterprise.

Keywords: change management, change management process models, change management concepts. factors in the change management process.

The aggravation of competition, the development of information technologies, the globalization of business and many other factors of the market economy create the need for organizational and technological transformations at enterprises that are acquiring strategic importance.

Managers of various levels of enterprise management should be aware that changes are necessary not only in crisis situations, but also in conditions of a completely safe current state, since competition requires the constant readiness of the enterprise to change. At the same time, the main task of change management is to resolve the objective contradiction between stabilization and revitalization of the workforce in the process of enterprise functioning. It is change management that should ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise on the basis of its timely adaptation to the dynamics of the external environment, the implementation of changes

in production processes, structure, organizational culture, socio-economic system of the enterprise, including organizational, personnel, communication, information and other aspects.

Change management determines the success of the functioning of any enterprise, and the need to raise the question of such management is also due to the fact that at present not only the products of the enterprise are becoming the subject of competition, but also the management system capable of ensuring its adaptation to new economic conditions and the most complete satisfaction of the growing demands of consumers.

In any case, no matter what changes are carried out within the enterprise, all of them should be aimed at increasing the degree of adaptability of the enterprise to the dynamics of the external environment.

The effectiveness of the result depends on the quality and consistency of monitoring of legal, economic, technological, socio-cultural, environmental and other components of the external environment.

The need for changes can also be caused by the prospect of innovations developed and implemented at the enterprise. Examples of changes can be the development of a new technology, the creation of a new product, the improvement of the organizational structure, training and professional development of employees, the formation of an appropriate organizational culture. Therefore, all types of changes in the organization can be reduced to the following main types: change in purpose, strategy, technology, structure, manufactured goods, corporate culture [1].

The need for such a change to be successful is clear. Equally obvious is the need for successful implementation of smaller, permanent changes — changes in working methods, in routine clerical procedures, in the placement of machines and machines, in the appointment of managers and job titles. Such changes may not be of great importance to the enterprise as a whole, but they are important to those people whom they specifically concern. And since it is individuals who help achieve the goals of the enterprise, management cannot afford to ignore their potential responses to change.

When talking about changes in the enterprise, one should bear in mind the management's decisions to change one or more internal variables: goals, objectives, structures, technologies, etc. In making such decisions, management must either be proactive or respond to the demands of the situation. When considering a change in any variable, the leader should remember that all variables are interrelated and a change in one will inevitably affect the others. For example, all types of relations between departments and members of labor collectives within the framework of

traditional bureaucratic structures practically block managerial efforts aimed at accelerating the implementation of innovative developments. Nevertheless, in many domestic enterprises, the management system does not need a radical reform, but an effective adaptation to the modern realities of a market economy.

Most managers are aware of the need for such adaptation to new economic conditions, to transformations based on rethinking the role, place and mission of an enterprise in a competitive environment. However, when analyzing the activities of an enterprise and its organizational structure, they often focus only on shortcomings and problems, not paying attention to the present and past achievements of the team. At the same time, it is obvious that it is the results of the analysis of the strengths of the enterprise that serve as a guideline when choosing areas of activity in crisis situations.

Thus, the management of changes in domestic enterprises should be more focused on using the existing capabilities and strengths of the enterprise, tk. the underestimation by the management of the potential of production and personnel, leads to inefficiency of material and intellectual resources. Consequently, the approach to organizational changes should be adaptive in nature, the main characteristics of which are presented in table. 1 [2].

Making changes on the basis of an adaptive approach requires targeted management actions in the form of organizing appropriate processes, starting with planning the actions of the members of the labor collective and their motivation, and ending with the control of the results obtained. Thus, the change management process includes: changing or adjusting the goals and strategies of the enterprise, organizational structure, production technology, elements of personnel management and control systems.

Table 1.

Characteristics of the traditional (bureaucratic)

Characteristics Traditional Approach Adaptive approach

Management purpose Identification of existing management problems Search for achievements in various fields of activity

Top-management vision Awareness of limitations and obstacles Focusing on the vision of the future of the enterprise, denying the insurmountable obstacles and looking for unconventional approaches to solving the assigned tasks

Tasks and control algorithm Movement along a given trajectory, striving for stability and balance Control action near points of instability

Objects and management functions Separate functions and processes. Planning and foreseeing the behavior of the system The system as a whole. Stochasticity management

Adaptation Based on the model "outrage - reaction" Stochasticity is compensated by a permanent increase in sustainability through the improvement of business processes and structures

Quality of management Stability, absence of crisis situations and instability Sustainable development through innovation

A set of measures to ensure the achievement of the goals of change, as a rule, is more effective to carry out on the basis of strategic planning. Moreover, the very methodology of change management is an element of the model of the strategic planning process [3].

It follows from the model that the development and implementation of strategies is a continuous, cyclical and sequential process, designed for the medium or long term. Even with a very high competence of managers, the creation of a highly effective strategic planning system takes a lot of time, and it would be a mistake to expect immediate results. At the same time, the use of a strategic planning system not only ensures the development of an enterprise and its adaptation to rapidly changing environmental conditions, but also allows eliminating the contradictions of innovative transformations, for example, while simultaneously introducing a quality system and diversifying activities.

Strategic planning, like the process of change in general, refers to a participatory method of management, i.e. requires the participation of personnel in the development and adoption of management decisions. It cannot be implemented by relying only on top managers. even the acceptance or change of the mission already affects all, without exception, members of the work collective of the enterprise. At the same time, there is always a high risk of resistance to changes in some groups of personnel. Thus, it is necessary to involve the overwhelming part of the enterprise personnel in the process of changes, otherwise all undertakings will be doomed to failure.

In accordance with the model of the strategic management process, the management of the organization must periodically evaluate and change the tactical and operational goals in accordance with changes in the external and internal environment of the enterprise. Goal modification is necessary even for the most successful enterprises, if only because the current goals have already been achieved. Often the need to change goals is revealed with the help of a control system, which should inform management about the relative efficiency of the enterprise as a whole and of each division separately. However, it must be borne in mind that radical changes in goals will affect all other variables and, above all, changes in the structural elements of the organization.

Changes in the organizational structure as part of the organizational process of implementing changes should be attributed to changes in the system of distribution of powers and responsibilities, in the management hierarchy, in coordination and integration mechanisms. Structural change is one of the most common and visible forms of change in an enterprise. When an enterprise opens a new direction of activity, a subdivision is created that oversees this activity, i.e. the integration of the leadership of this direction with the leadership of other structural divisions is carried out.

Structural changes have an obvious impact on the human component, since new people can join the enterprise, the chain of command can change. Resistance to such changes often stems from concerns that structural changes will undermine established power and social relationships.

Changes in closely related variables - technology and tasks - refer to changes in the process and schedule of tasks, the introduction of new equipment or methods, changes in standards and the nature of the work itself. Like structural change, technological change often destroys social stereotypes, usually triggering rethinking. a change in technology may require modifications in structure and workforce. The introduction of new methods of quality control and inventory control will require a large number of changes in personnel tasks.

Changes affecting people imply the modification of the capabilities, attitudes or behavior of the organization's personnel in the following aspects: technical training; preparation for interpersonal or group communication; motivation; leadership; assessment of the quality of work performance; training; formation of target working groups; introduction of programs to improve the quality of working life and job satisfaction. It is necessary that all members of the labor collective act as a single team, since the human potential for most domestic enterprises can be considered the main competitive advantage. It should be noted that the involvement of personnel in the transformation process should aim not only to overcome resistance to innovations, but also to expand the directions of flows of innovative ideas. At the same time, a specific employee, solving an innovative problem, will be motivated by a general vision of the future of his enterprise and how his activities contribute to the achievement of ultimate goals. Therefore, the management of the enterprise, as part of the implementation of an adaptive approach to changes, should provide a favorable motivating environment through the creation of group organizational forms. The use of group organizational forms gives advantages due to the fact that members of target groups, being the initiators of the development and implementation of change programs, act not only as subjects of the innovation process, but also as the main structural units of new organizational formations of the enterprise. With the help of such target groups, working in close cooperation with each other and with the management, any complex of transformations can be implemented at the enterprise with the creation of a favorable psychological climate and the formation of an effective organizational culture. Along with this, the widespread use of various methods of group dynamics will make it possible to achieve a synergistic effect through the development of solidary motivation among members of small groups.

These changes are especially difficult to make effective. The leader can never assume that objectively favorable changes will be adequately perceived by subordinates. Not everyone, for example, will want more responsibility or want to learn. Learning is one of the most constructive ways to overcome resistance to change.

The personnel training process must constantly accompany and anticipate the entire process of changes taking place at the enterprise. However, very often when introducing changes, the most difficult decision is the issue of allocating the necessary resources for training. This happens for two reasons: managers' underestimation of the need for training and their lack of

faith in the effectiveness of training. A clear definition of learning objectives, selection of the highest quality programs and strong teacher-consultants can provide very effective training in a short time without interruption from the main job.

The choice of appropriate teaching methods in the form of counseling is very important. For the successful implementation of complex changes, it is necessary to use process and expert consulting. The process consultant provides consulting support for the entire process of implementing the strategic planning system and bears responsibility together with the head of the enterprise. An expert consultant is involved to assist in resolving certain problem situations.

In the case of sufficiently high competence of the personnel, it is quite possible to use internal consultants. However, the use of external consultants gives a certain advantage, since it allows you to get a more complete and objective picture of the problems of the enterprise, as well as to use their neutral status to clarify the positions of all persons affected by the changes.

Thus, the essence of the change management process at the enterprise consists in the implementation of the function of strategic planning through the formation of solidary motivation of people, which is guaranteed to be achieved in the process of their training and consulting.


1. Oshmarina O.I., Khaliullin D.M. The need to manage changes in the enterprise. Enterprise development problems: theory and practice [Text]: materials of the 6th International. scientific-practical conf., 11-12 nov. 2007: 2 hours - Samara: Publishing house Samar. state econom. University, 2007. - 276 p.

2. Tekhomirova O.G. Adaptive management of business structures as open dynamic systems // Fundamental Research. - 2012. - No. 9-2. - S. 495-499;

3. Bowman K. Fundamentals of strategic management. - M.: "Banks and stock exchanges". Publishing Association "UNITI", 1997.



Федоренко Р.В.

Самарский государственный технический университет, теплоэнергетический факультет, к.э.н,

Тойменцева И.А.

Самарский государственный экономический университет, профессор кафедры маркетинга, логистики и рекламы, д.э.н,

Цегледи Т.

Университет Шопрона, Венгрия



Fedorenko R.

Samara State Technical University, Faculty of Heat and Power Engineering,

Candidate of Economics Toymentseva I.

Samara State University of Economics, Professor Department of Marketing, Logistics and Advertising,

Doctor of Economics Czegledy T.

University of Sopron, Sopron, Hungary


В статье рассматриваются вопросы влияния транспортно - логистической инфраструктуры Самарской области на реализацию процессов интеграции в систему мировых хозяйственных связей, дается ее оценка, также представлена динамика внешнеторгового оборота Самарской области, экспортно - импортных операций. Выявлены факторы, оказывающие сдерживающие воздействие на реализацию процессов интеграции в систему мировых хозяйственных связей.


The article discusses the impact of the transport and logistics infrastructure of the Samara region on the implementation of integration processes into the system of world economic relations, gives its assessment, and also presents the dynamics of foreign trade turnover of the Samara region, export - import operations. The factors that have a restraining effect on the implementation of integration processes into the system of world economic relations are identified.

Ключевые слова: транспортно - логистическая инфраструктура, грузооборот, пассажиропоток, экспортно - импортные операции, рынок транспортных услуг, конкурентоспособность.

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