Научная статья на тему 'Organizational aspects of management education in Russia'

Organizational aspects of management education in Russia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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European science review
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Ключевые слова
the sphere of education / management / accreditation / licensing / state standard

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Smirnova Elena Viktorovna, Eroyan Asya Efimovna

The article examines the main organizational aspects of the education sector in Russia. Organizational management is concerned, above all, the quality of education and methods of evaluation. The analysis of national education policy.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Organizational aspects of management education in Russia»

Section 18. Economics and management

Figure 5: GDP Per Capita, GDP Growth in Argentina

To conclude, Argentinian economic crisis was caused by a numerous internal political factors such as allowance of hyperinflation in the end of 1980s and external economical factors such as unpredictable hard currency peg, currency overvaluation, external shocks caused by trading partners, sudden stop of capital inflow and etc. The

aforementioned reasons together with the social unrests and political events made this crisis one of the most severe among emerging market crises in history. The world economic growth was strong enough in 2000 to allow Argentina’s export to benefit with its devaluated peso, so it was able to recover quickly.


1. Blanchard, Olivier, Alessia Amighini, and Francesco Giavazzi. Macroeconomics. Print.

2. Blustein, Paul. And The Money Kept Rolling In (And Out). New York: PublicAffairs, 2005. Print.

3. Data.worldbank.org,. ‘Argentina / Data’. N. p., 2015. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.

4. Feenstra, Robert C, and Alan M Taylor. International Macroeconomics. New York: Worth Publishers, 2012. Print.

5. Feldstein, Martin. ‘Argentina’s Fall: Lessons From The Latest Financial Crisis’. Foreign Affairs 81.2 (2002): 8. Web.

6. Frenkel, Roberto, and Martin Rapetti. Argentina’s Monetary And Exchange Rate Policies After The Convertibility Regime Collapse’. Political economy research institute 1 (2007): n. pag. Print.

7. Glaeser, Edward. ‘What Happened To Argentina?’. Economix Blog. N. p., 2009. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.

8. IMF,. ‘Lessons From The Crisis In Argentina’. International Monetary Fund (2003): n. pag. Print.

9. Rabobank ‘The Argentine Crisis 2001/2002’. N. p., 2013. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.

10. Tradingeconomics.com,. Argentina Balance Of Trade / 1957-2015 / Data / Chart / Calendar / Forecast’. N. p., 2015. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.

Smirnova Elena Viktorovna, Kuban state technological University associate professor department of state and municipal management

E-mail: evsmirnova28@mail.ru Eroyan Asya Efimovna, Kuban state technological University associate professor department of state and municipal management

E-mail: aru-asya@yandex.ru

Organizational aspects of management education in Russia

Abstract: The article examines the main organizational aspects of the education sector in Russia. Organizational management is concerned, above all, the quality of education and methods of evaluation. The analysis of national education policy.

Keywords: the sphere of education, management, accreditation, licensing, state standard.


Organizational aspects of management education in Russia

Organizational aspects of management education in Russia are aimed primarily at the organization providing quality education. The effectiveness of the quality of education depends largely on the interpretation of its definition.

In this situation, there are three main approaches to the evaluation of the quality of education. The first — the theoretical, in which the study of the problem is on the way of theoretical and methodological research.

Second, practical approach means that its representatives are on the way of creation tools (eg monitoring) to evaluate the training of students, not thinking about the conceptual components of the research.

Representatives of the third pillar combines ongoing research theoretical and methodological and practical components. They go on the most difficult path, but it is an approach to this problem is most acceptable.

So far not developed and approved by a single science-based system of indicators of quality of training of students, as well as there is no single accepted and approved system of education quality assessment.

In considering the concept of “quality education” should take into account a number of points. By “quality” in the general sense means the totality of the properties of the object to meet specific needs. [6] Many authors define the quality of education as the quality of the education system. However, some experts interpret it as an achievement of learners given (statutory) level of training (fitness).

Hence, one of the major problems of higher education, developers of modern Russian state policy in the field of education is associated with the need to achieve and exceed the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher professional education. Moreover, the finality of the standardization process in higher education is directly linked to the certification of compliance of educational services given to state standards. [3]

In this regard, it should be noted that the requirements for graduates and evaluation criteria should be contained in the federal state educational standards (GEF). However, if the minimum requirements (set of disciplines and approximate their content) to what extent they are formulated, the criteria for assessing compliance with those requirements is no graduates.

The regional system of education quality management can be represented as a hierarchy of management levels: regional — sub-regional — local.

The need to control the quality of education at the regional level based on the following postulates. The region continues to operate the outdated principle of governance, where the administration to solve problems, not trying to correct the processes that give rise to these problems.

Strategic management of quality must change the situation, directing managers of the education system in the region to improve the driving dynamics to the set objectives. By focusing on the processes, you can improve the quality of education for a long time. It is necessary to compare the performance of the quality of these processes every year.

Organizational management education of the Russian Federation is carried out by the accreditation and licensing of educational institutions, which carries FSI “National Accreditation Agency in the field of education (NAA).”

Licensing of educational activities in the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the RF Government Decree of 31.03.2009 № 277 “On Approval of Regulations on the licensing of educational activities.”

It establishes the procedure for the licensing of educational activities of educational institutions and educational institutions created in other organizational and legal forms, as well as scientific organizations implementing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the main and (or) additional educational programs and training programs.

The licensing authority shall verify the completeness and accuracy of any information presented on the license applicant, as well as checking the possibility of the license applicant’s licensing requirements and conditions. The license is issued by the licensing authority on the advice of the expert committee.

State accreditation is carried out by the federal executive authority responsible for the control and supervision in the field of education, or the executive authority of the Russian Federation, engaged in management education, in accordance with their competence at the request of state accreditation, presented the educational institution or scientific organization agreed with the founder (s).

State accreditation of educational institutions and research organizations, including their branches, is over all they implement basic and (or) additional educational programs.

The accreditation body of the Russian Federation is the state accreditation of educational institutions and scientific organizations and their affiliates, except for educational institutions and research organizations, state accreditation within the competence of the authorized federal executive body.

State-accredited educational institution or scientific organization includes the legislation of the Russian Federation of conformity assessment content and quality of training of graduates of the educational institution or scientific organization the federal state educational standards or federal government requirements, conformity assessment implemented by the educational institution of educational programs at different levels and orientation of the federal government requirements, as well as the examination performance of the educational institution, needed to determine the type or category.

In addition to organizational management in education in the Russian Federation elaborates federal state educational standards, which create the conditions for maintaining the quality of education in the Russian Federation following the international level through continuous correlation with educational standards in the country occupies a leading position in the international rankings.

Federal government standard — it rules and requirements governing the mandatory minimum content of core educational programs of education, the maximum volume


Section 18. Economics and management

of an academic load of students, the level of preparation of graduates of educational institutions, as well as the basic requirements to ensure the educational process (including his logistics, teaching laboratory, information and methodical, staffing).

On the basis of the standard developed specific educational programs, educational complexes, which can implement educational programs; built control system.

State educational standards exist at all levels of education. They set the standards for general, secondary vocational, higher professional and postgraduate education.

State educational standards are not frozen once and for all entities. Time imposes new requirements, changing lives, changing the flow of information, so the need to develop new models of standard, future-oriented.

In modern conditions, management of education — is, above all, control of the process of its development, and not just institutions and people. Measures of state support for education must be combined with the strengthening of the role of government in ensuring that the needs of the educational activities of individuals and society [4].

The most important task and one of the priorities of modernizing the educational system — modernization of the existing sectoral management model of the system.

Conducting a unified state policy in the education system is an important task of management education, both in Russia and in many other countries. Only high priority to education in public policy can provide the necessary level of management in the sphere of education in the modern world. The priority of education should not only be proclaimed, but consistently implemented in political practice.

The global nature of the emerging educational system requires effective management of development processes at the international, internationally. This requires not just the in-

ternational contacts of the ministries of education, and implementation of major interstate, global programs in the field of formation of a new educational system.

Education Management in modern conditions is focused mainly on solving problems:

- the organization of access to education, which would satisfy the educational needs of people in the XXI century (education should be available from early childhood throughout life);

- ensure equal access to education for all people at all levels of education;

- improve the quality of education and achieve a more complete its compliance with the needs of society;

- sharp increase efficiency, productivity of the education system [2].

These problems should be resolved in a increase in the number of students with almost universal reduction of public spending per student.

One form of implementation of the state educational policy, which has the legal and substantive in nature, may be an agreement on the delimitation of powers between the federal authorities and the authorities of the Russian Federation. These agreements are designed to implement a flexible policy, differentiating and individualizing work with the regions, while preserving a single educational space by the presence of agreements shared content blocks, combine efforts to improve the work of regional educational systems.

Agreements between federal authorities and state authorities of the Federation, creating a real basis of interagency coordination effort, the responsibility for solving the problems of education lies not only in education authorities, but also directly to the highest executive authority of the Federation. This should give clarity and validity of the prospects for the development of education in the regions.


1. Abraham E.M. and others. The requirements of employers to the system of vocational education. - M.: MAX Press, 2006.

2. Andiev M. S. Features of management education in the Russian Federation: legal aspects//Law and Education. - 2003. - № 6.

3. Bratanovsky S. N. State management of education in Russia. Saratov, 2003.

4. Korotkov A. V. Quality management education. - M.: Academic Project, 2006.

5. Kurton E. B. Education Management in the market. - M.: The New School, in 2007.

6. Potashnik M. Quality of education: problems and management technology. - M.: Russian Pedagogical Society, 2005.

Lazarev Aleksandr Dmitrievich, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, undergraduate student, Faculty of Business E-mail: alexlz56@me.com

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