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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Krysova Victoria, Nekrasova Galina

The paper deals with conditions of design of differentiated tasks for technology lessons in conditions of informatization of education.

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ISSUE 3, 2015




The paper deals with conditions of design of differentiated tasks for technology lessons in conditions of informatization of education.


differentiated training, technological preparation, informatization of education


Victoria Krysova

PhD in Education, Associate Professor

Department of Technology and Technique of Teaching Technology Vyatka State University of Humanities Kirov, Russia tid@vshu.kirov.ru

Galina Nekrasova

PhD in Education, Professor Department of Technology and Technique of Teaching Technology Vyatka State University of Humanities Kirov, Russia techno@vshu.kirov.ru

At the present stage of society evolution the education system of Russia endures essential changes. Use of information technologies strengthen the role of pedagogical technologies focused not only on transfer a certain sum of knowledge to pupils and its assimilation, but also on development of a personality taking into account his specific features. One of effective technologies allowing to consider specific features of personal development of a school student due to information technologies acts the differentiated training.

Since 70-es of the XX century, scientists (I. D. Butuzov, E. S. Rabunsky, A. A. Kirsanov, I. E. Unt, N. S. Purysheva, I. M. Osmolovskaya) studied theoretical bases of differentiated training, thus the attention is paid to pupil's identity and conditions of educational process promoting increase of organizational efficiency of educational activity taking into account specific features of pupils. Pedagogical researches noted that such training can successfully be realized through individual tasks for pupils at different stages of a lesson, organization of independent work and homework differing in volume, complexity, way of performance, degree of independence of pupils, and also through a combination of frontal, group and individual work at a lesson.

In the educational area "Technology", ideas of an individualization and differentiation were investigated by such scientists, as P. R. Atutov, V. P. Bespalko, I. V. Vlasov, V. M. Kazakevich, O. A. Kozhina, N. V. Matyash, L. K. Patrusheva, A. V. Pakhomov, V. A. Polyakov, G. V. Tereshchuk, Yu. L. Hotuntsev, M. R. Schukin, etc. Scientists paid much attention to realization of differentiated training at a stage of practical activities of pupils.

In researches of the last period, approximately since 2000 (S. V. Gorshenin, Yu. S. Ivanov, S. V. Panyukova, etc.), questions of differentiated training are considered from positions of informatization of educational process as computer technologies give to teachers additional opportunities for creation of individual educational trajectories of pupils. In our research we place emphasis on possibility of implementation of differentiated approach by technological training of school students in the course of practical works with the use of means of information technologies (Nekrasova, Krysova, 2008).

Success of informatization of technological education, in our opinion, depends on a number of conditions, which, in turn, influences on a choice of organizational forms, methods and didactic means of organization of educational process when using information technologies. Such conditions are the following: organizational-methodological conditions (level of proficiency of pupils, specific features of pupils, level of information training of pupils), material-technical conditions (technical condition of computer equipment, educational opportunities of electronic resources, including inappropriate didactic appointment). We consider these conditions during the design of educational process and justification of expediency of combination of individual and group forms of organization of pupils' practical activities at a lesson.

Use of group forms of work allows to alternate technological and information activities of pupils that promotes the effective organization of training process. Besides, having the different level of information preparation, working in group, together at initial stage pupils can master electronic resources, get skills and abilities of use of information technologies at the level of a user that further allows to place emphasis on an individual form of work.

For organization of differentiated training of pupils at technology lessons taking into account the allocated conditions as a didactic model, we offer system of split-level tasks with use of means of information technologies. Combination of differentiated and integrative approaches is the basis for the developed system of tasks. We revealed and proved conditions of differentiation and integration, which need to be considered while choosing tutorials and forms of organization of educational practical activities of school students.

Integration in our case is understood as a process of complex information and technological preparation for technological training of pupils at technology lessons due to expansion of system of traditional tasks. The differentiated approach allows individualizing educational process through variability of educational tasks for practical works depending on purposes of a lesson, character of a task and personal purposes of a pupil, using thus traditional or information sources for information processing and materials. Such organization of educational process gives to pupils opportunity to choose a way of performance and level of complexity of a practical task traditionally or in combination with the computer equipment that promotes increase of informative activity of pupils, and, therefore, better assimilation of knowledge and abilities, increase level of independence when performing practical works (Nekrasova, Krysova, 2008).

Types of tasks, in the offered system, are allocated taking into account that practical activities of school students according to features of technological activity conditionally is divided on four stages, at which pupils carry out search of necessary information, develop objects, make products and make out results of work in the form of explanatory note of technological project. At each stage independent task with a certain algorithm of work, tools, form of organization of educational activity of pupils is performed. Thus quality of performance of each task influences on result of technological object in general. In system of tasks three levels of complexity are allocated: 1) on a sample (reproductive), 2) with creative elements (peculiar-searching), 3) independent (creative). Let's notice that rigid division of school students into groups depending on the level of complexity is not provided as at change of nature of educational practical activities there is their redistribution in educational groups and share of information and technological components can change.

Thus, usage of means of information technologies for solution of technological tasks, on the one hand, provides variability of educational tasks for practical works and acquaintance of pupils to new ways of processing of technological information and materials that allows to individualize practical activities of school students; on the other hand, it promotes formation of technological skills in combination with information

ISSUE 3, 2015


preparation. For definition of pupil's level of technological and information preparation we developed criteria and indicators opening the content of practical activities.

Advantages of the developed system of tasks consist in the following:

- use of information technologies allows to increase educational potential of educational tasks, expands system of traditional tasks for practical works and tools of their performance, besides, pupil has an opportunity to get and critically estimate knowledge of subject independently that promotes development of educational competences, stimulates independent work of pupils;

- use of information technologies gives opportunity not only to accept the fixed information, but also actively participate in information search of theoretical data, original forms of products, designs and so on, drawing attention to study as the creative process; such educational activity possesses bigger efficiency due to active application of knowledge and their assimilation in the course of activity;

- when using electronic encyclopedias, the Internet and other help and specialized software, opportunities in studying of analogs of existing objects and acquaintances to new ways of processing of materials and information, ways of automation of technological processes extend;

- information processing on computer allows to solve in a complex many technological problems, saving educational resources (time, materials, physical and emotional expenses of work of teacher and pupils), quality of pupil's works increases as a result;

- performance of multilevel practical tasks with use of information technologies promotes increase level of informative activity of pupils, independence when performing tasks and qualities of practical works, allowing pupils to improve consistently the skills of technological and information preparation, gradually complicating algorithm of actions and increasing the volume of use of information support when performing practical works;

- formation of higher level of technological and information culture of pupils is carried out.

At a search stage the developed technique of differentiated training of school students with use of spit-level variable tasks and means of information technologies before it was transferred to schools, passed an expert assessment, these experts are teachers of high qualification from Vyatka State University of Humanities, Perm State Pedagogical University, Shadrinsk State Teacher Training College, Institute of Professional Development and Retraining of Educators of the Kurgan Region, technology teachers from Kirov and the Kirov Region and the Troitsk-Pechersk Region of the Komi Republic. Selection of structure of expert group was carried out on the basis of documentary data: experience pedagogical works in the field of teaching methodological bases and questions of information technologies at school and higher education institution; existence of an academic degree and rank; number of publications on the studied subject; experience of development of methodological materials for technological training of school and university students with use of information technologies; knowledge of specifics of technological training of school students.

After a positive expert assessment all developed materials (thematic planning taking into account split-level tasks, abstracts of lessons with detailed planning of practical work of school students, educational films, instructive cards, etc.) underwent practice-experimental testing. The developed and approved methodical materials found the reflection in a methodological tutorial for technology teachers "Technique of Differentiated Training with Use of Computer at Technology Lessons at Rural Schools" (Nekrasova, Krysova, 2008) (authors G. N. Nekrasova, V. A. Krysova) and were transferred for introduction at rural schools of the Kirov region.


1. Nekrasova, G. N. & Krysova V. A. (2008) "The differentiated training in the conditions of informatization of technological training of pupils of rural schools", Bulletin of Vyatka state humanities university, No. 3 (1), pp. 112-122.

2. Nekrasova, G. N. & Krysova V. A. (2008) "Integrated and differentiated approaches in desi gn of tasks for information-technological training of pupils of rural schools", Science and education, Ural office of Russian Science Academy, No. 2 (50), pp. 109-118.

3. Nekrasova, G. N. & Krysova V. A. (2008) Methodology of differentiated training with use of computer at technology lessons at rural schools, methodical grant for teachers of technology, Kirov, VSHU, 147 P.

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