Научная статья на тему 'Optimization of labor organization among bullet trains'

Optimization of labor organization among bullet trains Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским технологиям, автор научной работы — Jiang Xiaoguang

Bullet trains are featured by high speed and safe & comfortable service. At the same time, they reduce staff workload and labor intensity. In contrast to what is usually done with ordinary trains, optimization of labor organization among bullet trains can be focused on service and maintenance.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Optimization of labor organization among bullet trains»

UDK 623.330.629 Jiang Xiaoguang,

East China Jiaotong University



Abstract. Bullet trains are featured by high speed and safe & comfortable service. At the same time, they reduce staff workload and labor intensity. In contrast to what is usually done with ordinary trains, optimization of labor organization among bullet trains can be focused on service and maintenance.

Keywords: bullet trains, labor organization, maintenance.

Bullet trains, as a means of transport providing service between cities and suburbs, are characteristic of small grouping, large density, and high-efficiency. They have received wide recognition among train and rail transport departments of many countries because of their flexibility in grouping, efficiency in running, strength in safety and comfort. On April 18, 2007, China railway accomplished the sixth speed-raising and home-made bullet trains - «Harmony», with a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour, were put into large-scale operation on the existing railway lines. This means that the railway technical equipment and information level have been rapidly improved, yet the current labor organization, which no longer meets the requirements, need improvement and optimization.

1. The main features of bullet train and the impact on the labor organization

1.1. The main features of bullet trains

(1) High speed operation

Bullet trains, by means of international advanced technologies, such as a high-speed bogies, streamlined and sleek front section, and smooth and circular-shaped body, are featured by their smooth and high-speed performance. On April 11, 2009, homemade CRH3 «Harmony» bullet train, with a speed of 350 km per hour, was put into operation in China North Railway Group, Tangshan Railway Vehicle Co., Ltd. During a test operation in Wuhan-Guangzhou passenger line, the maximum speed is up to 390 km per hour, which indicates that China's railway technology and equipment have leapt to a new stage, or to the world's advanced level.

(2) High safety

The high-strength aluminum alloy and stainless steel body of bullet train ensures its safety. Large-capacity tightlock coupler can effectively cushion

shocks. The structures and components related to the safety of bullet train are equipped with a self-contained failure-guiding security measures. There is no human intervention, which improve the safe operation of bullet train. Sophisticate high-power AC transmission technology and the world's most advanced components guarantee a high reliability. The established train network system can control various systems of bullet train in order to realize information management. Meanwhile, a self-diagnostic function enables bullet trains to self diagnose system faults and to communicate with the ground, thus bullet trains can be monitored by ground. The equipment in bullet train is modular in structure, so in most cases, handling failure simply means component replacement or partial repairs only.

(3) High degree of comfort

By using automatic climate control air conditioning system, bullet train ensures that the compartment temperature and humidity are controlled at a constant range. Air tightness body structure and a series of acoustic noise reduction measures effectively reduce the interior noise. Leak tightness of damper plates has also been increased to improve greatly sound insulation performance of the compartment. Automatic pressure protection device can prevent the passengers from being affected by air pressure fluctuations generated at high-speed train crossing or when trains enter tunnels, thus guaranteeing a high degree of comfort. It also has emergency ventilation function to ensure a two-hour emergency ventilation in case of power failure. All the seats are soft and the width and slope are adjustable. A mere stamp on the pedal installed beneath the seat, will turn the chair seat back so that travelers can always sit in the same direction as the direction of the running train. By doing this, passengers may not feel dizzy even when train runs at a high speed. Various human-oriented designs are implemented in bullet train to meet the requirements of passengers with special needs.

1.2. Impacts of bullet train on labor organization

(1) Reduction in workload

The use of new technologies and equipments has changed the work content and working conditions of trains. Take CRH1 and CRH2 for example, there

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are no sleeping berths, no dining car and the toilet is installed with collective device, pumped by vacuum. Compared with an ordinary train, the crew's workload is greatly decreased. In addition, due to the high density of integration of bullet trains, the workload of repairs and maintenance during the train operations is also substantially reduced.

(2) The decline in labor intensity

Bullet train has reduced unnecessary operating procedures --- no dining car means no dining services; no soft or hard sleeping berths means the reduction of the workload amount of baggage and parcel operations and sanitation. As bullet train use advanced automation technology, the safety of train operation and door opening are strengthened. The workload in driving a train and opening doors is reduced. In fact, the amount of manual work for the driver and the crew is greatly reduced. The reduction in the amount of manual labor and the improvement of working conditions have decreased the labor intensity of employees.

(3) The impact on environment

The different working environments also have influence on the organization of work. China's bullet train technology is mainly introduced from Japan and Europe, who set standards of practice on the basis of their own environment. However, China's external environment is quite different. Therefore, the operating standards should be amended accordingly. For example, the frequency of cleaning air-conditioning filters must be adjusted since we have different air cleanliness. In Japan, the filters are cleaned once a month, but in China, they must be cleaned about every seven days.

2. Strategies to optimize labor organization

2.1. Optimization of crew personnel

Crew personnel of bullet train can be optimized in the following aspects: ® single-driver-on-duty system can be implemented; © every service unit can have only two attendants, one of whom is the conductor; © every maintenance unit can have only I repairperson (or mechanic); @ no policemen for trains whose scheduled running time is less than 5 hours (inclusive) and for those more than 5 hours, every unit 1 policeman; © no operating conductors.

2.2. Optimization of personnel of bullet train operation section

The personnel of bullet train operation section usually include managerial staff, technicians and maintenance personnel. According to the number of bullet train groups, each bullet train operation section can have 2-8 personnel, including one director and 1-6 technical staff. For those sections with more than 12 staff members, a deputy director can be added.

The following measures can be taken to optimize the process of bullet train maintenance: first, adjust the workload by way of column graphs in order to improve the balance rate of production and to reduce staffing. After proper adjustment, maintenance personnel can be reduced from 21 to 16 people. Second, change the layout of work sites for operators to perform their tasks within a short distance, thus improving operational efficiency. Third, improve auxiliary working tools to reduce labor intensity and operating hours. Fourth, improve the operating standards, strengthen the training of operating personnel, and establish evaluation mechanisms to improve labor efficiency. During the production workflow, every process should complement each other, so that a balanced workflow can be formed to obtain better results. After the optimization of repair process, the number of personnel for operational section can be determined according to the number of daily maintenance groups. If daily maintenance group number is less than 10, the ratio of maintenance personnel and group can be set at 1:2; of daily maintenance group number is more than 10, a recommended ratio is 1 : 1.7-1.9.

2.3. Optimization of other personnel

Personnel concerning cleaning bodywork, decontamination, filter cleaning and other related work can be optimized by adjustment within the section or by way of commission; Personnel concerning the operation of axle detectors and other equipments, the management of station yards, security protection and parts handling can be adjusted internally within the relevant workshops of vehicles section; the personnel concerning the examination of oil and fat, the maintenance of equipments such as LKJ-2000, ATP, CIR, must be internally transferred within sections such as locomotive terminal, electric section or railway communication company.

Through the constant optimization of personnel within bullet train system, employees are transferred across the various working procedures and form a dynamic personnel flow. Thus staffs have an access to a variety of skills, and at the same time, the employment mechanism «positions can be promoted or demoted, personnel can be hired or fired» is established. During the process of assigning maintenance and service personnel, one can systematically master general rules of work organization in bullet train, and accumulate valuable experience in human resources, thus making good preparations for accurately forecasting human resources demand for high-speed railway. This will form a solid foundation for further human resource planning and for the strategic storage of human resources.

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3. Supportive measures to optimize bullet train labor organization

The optimization of labor organization in bullet trains is a systematic project. The institutional reform of railway organizations must be carried out simultaneously, taking into account the personnel, equipment, venues and other factors. An integrated approach must be adopted to reorganize the labor division, the design of group size and group number, etc. in order to maximize labor efficiency. The optimization of work organization should also be combined with the establishment and the improvement of incentive mechanism. Dynamic evaluation should be strengthened and internal distribution system should be improved. In this way, the income of employees can be linked to their labor contributions. The optimization of the labor organization is concerned with the vested interests of staff, therefore, proper guidance is necessary and a proper placement of surplus workers should also be considered.


1. Wu Qiao Shan. With regard to bullet trains [J]. Integrated Transport. 2008 (12).

2. Zhang Chongtian. Railways reform of labor organization Investigation and thoughts[J]. Railway Transport and Economy. 2009 (1).

3. Wu Zhenglin. On the optimization of production and labor organizations in railway transportation [J]. Shanghai Railway Technology. 2005 (2).

4. Wang Guang, Zhang Ying-Qiang, Yuan Lunqu. Railway Technical Progress and Labor Organization Optimization [J]. Logistics Technology. 2009 (9).

5. Ye Wen-Hua. Exploring the state of repairing bullet train. Shanghai Railway Science and Technology [J] 2009 (2).

УДК 62 - 531 + 534 А.Д. Мижидон,

д.т.н., проф., каф. «Прикладная математика» ВСГТУ (г. Улан-Удэ)

М.Б. Имьхелова,

преподаватель, каф. «Прикладная математика» ВСГТУ (г. Улан-Удэ)


A.D. Mizhidon, M.B. Imykhelova



Аннотация. В статье рассматривается задача об оценке предельных свойств виброзащитной системы твердого тела при гармонических возмущениях. Для ее решения развивается подход, позволяющий оценить предельно достижимые количественные значения критерия качества без определения оптимального управления для многомерных виброзащитных систем. При этом при решении вспомогательной задачи оптимального управления используется специфика гармонического воздействия.

Ключевые слова: предельные свойства, оценка, оптимальное управление, виброзащита, гармоническое воздействие

Abstract. A problem about limiting properties estimation of solid vibroprotection system under har-

monic disturbance is considered. For its solving the method allowing to estimate extremely achievable quantitative values of quality criteria without definition of optimal control for multidimensional vibropro-tection systems is developed. The solution of the auxiliary problem of optimal control is used specific of harmonic impact.

Keywords: limiting properties, estimation, optimal control, vibroprotection, harmonic impact


Наиболее типичными задачами о предельных свойствах являются следующие: задача о минимизации габаритных размеров при заданной допустимой перегрузке и задача о минимизации перегрузки при заданном свободном ходе амортиза-

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