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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Tuzovskij P. V.

First illustrated description of male and redescription of female of the water mite Feltria ishikariensis Imamura, 1954 from running waters of Primorye Territory of Russia is given. Dorsum of male with large shield and two narrow posterior platelets. Dorsal shield bearing four pairs of setae, posterior plates with one glandularia each. Coxal plates in four groups. The genital field with deep posteromedian indentation, 40-50 pairs of acetabula and four pairs fine medial setae. III-Leg-6 with short ventrodistal projection bearing four to five slender setae. Excretory pore in posteroventral position.

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Амурский зоологический журнал, 2022, т. XIV, № 2

Amurian Zoological Journal, 2022, vol. XIV, no. 2


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https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2022-14-2-180-185 http://zoobank.org/References/dda0d842-2876-42e1-9a70-2ff464f75186

UDC 595.426

On the systematic of the water mite Feltria ishikariensis Imamura

(Acari, Hydrachnidia, Feltriidae)

P. V. Tuzovskij

Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 152742, Borok, Russia


Petr V. Tuzovskij

E-mail: [email protected] SPIN: 4101-5460 Scopus Author ID: 57190753429 ResearcherID: C-3184-2017 ORCID: 0000-0001-5002-2б79

Abstract. First illustrated description of male and redescription of female of the water mite Feltria ishikariensis Imamura, 1954 from running waters of Primorye Territory of Russia is given. Dorsum of male with large shield and two narrow posterior platelets. Dorsal shield bearing four pairs of setae, posterior plates with one glandularia each. Coxal plates in four groups. The genital field with deep posteromedian indentation, 40-50 pairs of acetabula and four pairs fine medial setae. III-Leg-6 with short ventrodistal projection bearing four to five slender setae. Excretory pore in posteroventral position.

Copyright: © The Author (2022). Published by Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. Open access under CC BY-NC License 4.0.

Keywords: Acari, Feltriidae, Feltria ishikariensis, male, female, morphology, running waters, Primorye territory

К систематике водяного клеща Feltria ishikariensis Imamura

(Acari, Hydrachnidia, Feltriidae)

П. В. Тузовский

Институт биологии внутренних вод РАН им. И. Д. Папанина, 152742, пос. Борок, Россия

Сведения об авторе Тузовский Петр Васильевич E-mail: [email protected] SPIN-код: 4101-5460 Scopus Author ID: 57190753429 ResearcherlD: C-3184-2017 ORCID: 0000-0001-5002-2679

Аннотация. Первое иллюстрированное описание самца и переописание самки водяного клеща Feltria ishikariensis Imamura, 1954 из проточных вод Приморского края России. Дорсум самца с крупным щитом и двумя узкими задними пластинками. Дорсальный щит несет 4 пары щетинок, задние пластинки с одной щетинкой каждая. Коксальные пластинки в четыре группы. Генитальное поле с глубокой заднемедиальной выемкой, 40-50 парами присосок и четырьмя парами тонких медиальных щетинок. Лапка ноги III с коротким вентродистальным отростком, несущим 4-5 стройных щетинок. Экскреторная пора в задневентральной позиции.

Права: © Автор (2022). Опубликовано Российским государственным педагогическим университетом им. А. И. Герцена. Открытый доступ на условиях лицензии СС БУ-ЫС 4.0.

Ключевые слова: клещи, ЕекгШае, Feltria ishikariensis, самец, самка, морфология, проточные воды, Приморский край


The species was described by Imamura (1954) on basis of five females collected in running waters of Japan. However, the description of female is short, which makes difficult identification of the species. The aim of this paper is to study the morphology, first description of male and redescription of female F. ishikariensis collected by T. S. Vshivkova in running waters of the Ussurijsky State Nature Reserve in the Primorye Territory of Russia. The material was sampled with a common hand net with 250 |im mesh side and fixed in 75% ethanol.

Idiosomal setae are named according to Tuzovskij (1987): Fch — frontales chelicera-rum, Fp — frontales pedipalporum, Vi — verticales internae, Ve — verticales externae, Oi — occipitales internae, Oe — occipitales externae, Hi — humerales internae, He — humerales externae, Hv — humerales ventralia, Sci — scapulares internae, Sce — scapulares externae, Li — lumbales internae, Le — lum-bales externae, Si — sacrales internae, Se — sacrales externae, Ci — caudales internae, Pi — praeanales internae, Pe — praeanales ex-ternae. Setae Fp and Oi are trichobothria and not associated with glandularia, setae Pi are simple and they are also not associated with glandularia.

Furthermore, the following abbreviations are used: P-1-5 = pedipalp segments (trochanter, femur, genu, tibia and tarsus); I-Leg-1-5 = first leg, segments 1-5 (trochanter, femur, genu, tibia and tarsus), i.e., III-Leg-3 = genu of third leg; H — height; L — length; n — number of specimens measured; W — width. All measurements are given in micrometers (^m); length of appendage segments is given as dorsal length.


Family Feltriidae K. Viets, 1926 Genus Feltria Koenike, 1882 Feltria (Feltria) ishikariensis Imamura, 1954 (Figs. 1-8)

Material examined. Asia, Russia, Primorye Territory, Ussurijsky State Nature

Reserve, 1 male 17.07.1983, 2 females 27.11.1983, 2 females 20.09.1984, 1 female 30.07.1986, Komarovka stream, depth 4050 cm, substrates: stones, gravel, sand, leg. T. S. Vshivkova.

Description. Male. Idiosoma flat and almost circular (L/W ratio 1.08), all frontal setae (Fch, Fp, Vi, Ve) located on separate sclerites (Fig. 1). Dorsum with a large shield and one pair of narrow posterior plates. Dorsal shield broad (L/W ratio 1.17), occupying almost all dorsal idiosoma surface, and bearing four pairs of setae: Oi, Oe, Sci and Li, Sci thicker than other setae. Setae Hi, He, Sce and Le located on soft integument along dorsolateral portions of dorsum. Posterodorsal pair of plates narrow (L/W ratio 3.4), bearing seta and glandularium Si on each side. First pairs of slit organs free or fused with sclerite bearing seta and glandular-ium Vi on each side; second pair of slit organs fused with glandularia Hi, other slit organs (i3-i5) lying free on soft integument along lateral portions of idiosoma.

Leg coxae incorporated into four groups, close to each other, and occupy more than half of the idiosoma ventral surface (Fig. 2). Anterior coxal groups with moderately developed posterior apodemes, seta and glan-dularium Hv situated laterally on posterior margin of coxal plate II on each side. Coxal plates IV subrectangular, posterior margin perpendicular to longitudinal axis. Medial margins of coxal plates III/IV straight, medial margin of Cx-IV longer than medial margins of Cx-III. Genital plate large transverse, anterior margin convex and slightly undulating, posteromedial margin deeply indented, close to coxal field, leaving a narrow membranous interspace containing the paired glandularia (Se, Pe) and ventrolateral platelets; gonopore small and narrow, slightly shifted anteriorly; 40-50 pairs of subequal acetabula scattered over the whole plate, and four pairs of thin medial setae. Seta Pi fused with glandularia Ci, located close to genital plates posterior margin on each side. Excretory pore in pos-teroventral position and fused with genital field posterior margin. Capitulum with short anchoral process.

Figs. 1-2. Feltria ishikariensis, male: 1 — idiosoma, dorsal view; 2 — idiosoma, ventral view. Scale bar: 100 |im

Рис. 1-2. Feltria ishikariensis, самец: 1 — идиосома, дорсальная сторона; 2 — идиосома, вентральная сторона. Шкала: 100 |im

Shape and chaetotaxy of pedipalp as in (Fig. 3): P-1 short, with single dorsodistal seta; P-2 expanded (L/H ratio 1.09), with slightly concave ventral margin, two proximal and three thick subequal dorsodistal setae; P-3 short (L/H ratio 0.82), with single short, thick proximal seta and two thin dorsodistal setae; P-4 slightly tapering distally, with straight ventral margin (L/H ratio 2.72), longer than P-2 (P-2/P-4 ratio 0.9), with two unequal dis-toventral setae, two thin dorsal ones, mediodistal seta thin and short; P-5 a little shorter than P-3, with three pointed distal spines.

III-Leg-6 with short ventrodistal projection directed to distal part of segment, bearing four to five slender pointed setae (Fig. 4). First four segments of all legs with mainly thick setae, terminal segments (especially tarsi) with several thin setae. Leg claws with three pointed clawlets: median clawlet largest, internal claw-let thicker and longer than external one (Fig. 5).

Measurements (n = 1). Idiosoma L 325, W 300; dorsal shield L 288, W 245; capitulum L 108; pedipalp segments (P-1-5) L/H: 19/25,

58/48, 35/36, 70/32, 32/15; leg segments L: I-Leg-1-6: 35, 40, 38, 50, 58, 60; II-Leg-1-6: 35, 38, 38, 56, 67, 74; III-Leg-1-6: 48, 40, 45, 67, 75, 83; IV-Leg-1-6: 70, 45, 48, 70, 83, 93.

Female. Idiosoma flat and nearly circular (L/W ratio 1.03-1.05), frontal setae (Fch, Fp, Vi, Ve) located on separate platelets (Fig. 7). Dorsum with large shield and four pairs of unequal lateral plates. Dorsal shield broad (L/W ratio 1.08-1.15), anteriorly narrowed, distally widely rounded, bearing two pairs of pairs of setae (Oi, Sci). Setae He, Sce and Le located on soft integument along lateral portions of dor-sum. Posterior pair of plates largest (L/W 2.53.3), bearing seta and glandularium Si in medial half, anterior pair plates bearing seta and glandularium Oe on each side. First pair of slit organs located close to glandularia Vi, second pair of slit organs free or fused with glandu-laria Hi, i3-i5 lying free on soft integument along lateral portions of dorsum. Capitulum with short anchoral process. Pedipalps, especially P-4, more slender than in male (Fig. 6). III-Leg-6 without modified setae.

Figs. 3-6. Feltria ishikariensis: 3, 6 — pedipalp; 4 — III-Leg-5-6; 5 — leg claw; 3-5 — male; 6 — female. Scale bar: 50 цт

Рис. 3-6. Feltria ishikariensis: 3, 6 — педипальпа; 4 — колено, голень и лапка ноги III; 5 — коготок ног; 3-5 — самец; 6 — самка. Шкалы: 50 цт

Figs. 7-8. Feltria ishikariensis, female: 7 — idiosoma, dorsal view; 8 — idiosoma, ventral view. Scale bar: 100 |im

Рис. 7-8. Feltria ishikariensis, самка: 7 — идиосома, дорсальная сторона; 8 — идиосома, вентральная сторона. Шкала: 100 |im

Leg coxae incorporated into four groups and covering about half of ventral surface (Fig. 8). Anterior coxal groups with short posterior apo-demes directed laterally. Coxal plate IV with slightly convex medial margin which is much longer than coxal plate III medial margin. Ace-tabular plates wider than long, with straight or weakly convex medial margin, 40-50 genital ace-tabula and four to six thin setae on each side, go-nopore usually surrounded by frame. Pregenital sclerite small, fused to anterior genital sclerite. Setae Pi fused with glandularia Ci and placed on common sclerite on each side. Excretory pore surrounded by sclerotised ring contiguous or fused with posterior margin genital frame. Ven-trolateral plates relatively large triangular and lying free between posterolateral extensions of fourth coxae and acetabular plates.

Measurements (n = 5). Idiosoma L 450470, W 435-450; dorsal shield L 280-310, W 220-275; capitulum L 95-110; cheliceral segments: base L 75-80, chela L 23-25; pedi-palp segments (P-1-5) L/H: 18-24, 42-50, 3036, 60-69, 33-35; leg segments L: I-Leg-1-6:

35-37, 35-42, 35-42, 54-60, 54-66, 60-72; II-Leg-1-6: 35-42, 35-42, 38-48, 48-60, 57-69, 70-78; III-Leg-1-6: 40-45, 35-45, 45-48, 6067, 65-85, 70-90; IV-Leg-1-6: 65-75, 48-52, 50-58, 75-85, 75-95, 85-95.

Remaks. The present species is closely related to F. minuta Koenike, 1892. Differences between F. ishikariensis and F. minuta are found in the following characters (character states of F. minuta are given in parentheses, data from Gerecke 2009 and Gerecke et al. 2016): Male: The genital field with 40-50 pairs of acetabula (with 65-82 pairs of acetabula); III-Leg-6 with short stout projection bearing four to five slender setae, Fig. 4 (with finger-shaped projection bearing two to three setae, Fig. 9); Female: The dorsal shield anteriorly narrowed, Fig. 7 (widely rounded, Fig. 10), the genital field with 40-50 pairs of acetabula (with 62-110 pairs of acetabula); the excretory pore plate relatively small in posteroventral position, Fig. 8 (large in terminal position, Fig. 11).

Habitat. Running waters.

Distribution. Asia, Japan, Russia: Primo-rye territory.

Figs. 9-11. Feltria minuta: 9 — III-Leg-6; 10 — idiosoma, dorsal view; 11 — idiosoma, ventral view; 9 — male; 10-11 — female (after Gerecke et al. 2009)

Рис. 9-11. Feltria minuta: 9 — лапка ноги III; 10 — идиосома, дорсальная сторона; 11 — идиосома; вентральная сторона; 9 — самец; 10-11 — самка (по Гереке и др. 2009)


This research was performed in the framework of the state assignment of FASO Russia

(theme No. 0122-2014-0007). The authors express sincere gratitude to T. S. Vshivkova for the material supplied and referees for reviewing the manuscript.

For citation: Tuzovskij, P. V. (2022) On the systematic of the water mite Feltria ishikariensis Imamura (Acari, Hydrachnidia, Feltriidae). Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. XIV, no. 2, pp. 180-185. https://www.doi. org/10.33910/2686-9519-2022-14-2-180-185

Received 9 February 2022; reviewed 14 March 2022; accepted 28 March 2022.

Для цитирования: Тузовский, П. В. (2022) К систематике водяного клеща Feltria ishikariensis Imamura (Acari, Hydrachnidia, Feltriidae). Амурский зоологический журнал, т. XIV, № 2, с. 180-185. https://www.doi. org/10.33910/2686-9519-2022-14-2-180-185

Получена 9 февраля 2022; прошла рецензирование 14 марта 2022; принята 28 марта 2022.


Gerecke, R., Schatz, H., Wohltmann, A. (2009) The mites (Chelicerata: Acari) of the Crenodat project: Faunistic records and ecological data from spring on the autonomous province of Trento (Italian Alps). International Journal of Acarology, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 303-333. https://doi. org/10.1080/01647950903059452 (In English) Gerecke, R., Gledhill, T., Pesic, V., Smit, H. (2016) Acari: Hydrachnidia III. In: R. Gerecke (ed.).

Süßwasserfauna von Mitteleuropa. Vol. 7/2. No. 3. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 429 p. (In English) Imamura, T. (1954) Studies on water-mites from Hokkaido. Journal Hokkaido Gakugei University.

Section B, vol. 1, pp. 1-148. (In English) Tuzovskij, P. V. (1987) Morfologiya i postembrional'noye razvitiye vodyanykh kleshchej [Morphology and postembryonic development in water mites]. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 172 p. (In Russian)

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