Научная статья на тему 'Три новых вида водяных клещей рода Torrenticola Piersig, 1896 (Acariformes: Hydrachnidia: Torrenticolidae) с Северного Кавказа'

Три новых вида водяных клещей рода Torrenticola Piersig, 1896 (Acariformes: Hydrachnidia: Torrenticolidae) с Северного Кавказа Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Тузовский П. В.

Иллюстрированное описание трех новых видов водяных клещей Torrenticola amplexoides sp. n., T. rara sp. n. и T. simulans sp. n. из проточных водоемов Северного Кавказа.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Три новых вида водяных клещей рода Torrenticola Piersig, 1896 (Acariformes: Hydrachnidia: Torrenticolidae) с Северного Кавказа»

АуК_I © Амурский зоологический журнал IV(2), 2012.122-130 | Accepted: 17.05.2012

W 595.426 i ©Amurian zoological journal W(2), 2012.122-130 ¡ Published-. 2S.06.2012


P. V. Tuzovskij

[Тузовский П.В. Три новых вида водяных клещей рода Torrentícola Piersig, 1896 (Acariformes: Hydrachnidia: Tor-renticolidae) с Северного Кавказа]

Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, Russian Academy of Sciences, Borok, Yaroslavl Province, 152742. Russia. E-mail: tuz@ ibiw.yaroslavl.ru

Институт биологии внутренних вод РАН, Борок, Некоузский район, Ярославская область, 152742. Россия. E-mail: tuz@ibiw.yaroslavl.ru

Key words: Hydrachnídía, Torrentícolídae, Torrentícola, water mítes, new species, North Caucasus Ключевые слова: Hydrachnidia, Torrenticolidae, Torrentícola, водяные клещи, новые виды, Северный Кавказ

Summary: Illustrated descriptions of three new water mite species, Torrentícola caucasica sp. n., T. rara sp. n. and T. simulans sp. n. from running waters of North Caucasus are presented.

Резюме: Иллюстрированное описание трех новых видов водяных клещей Torrentícola amplexoides sp. n., T. rara sp. n. и T. simulans sp. n. из проточных водоемов Северного Кавказа.


The genus Torrenticola Piersig, 1896 is divided into two subgenera, Torrenticola s. str. and Megapal-pis Halbert, 1944 [Gerecke & Sabatino, 1996, Wiles, 1997]. The subgenus Torrenticola is the most diversified and species-rich taxon among the Torrenticoli-dae with more than 200 species described from all continents except Antarctica and Australia [Di Sabatino et al., 2010], but only 13 species of water mites belonging to this subgenus are reported for the fauna of Russia [Sokolow, 1940, Tuzovskij, 2003a, 2003b, 2004, 2005]. In the materials from running waters of the Krasnodar Kray three new species of the genus Torrenticola were discovered. Their description is given in the present paper.


The material was sampled with a common hand net with 250 ^m mesh size. Most specimens were not dissected, thus preserving the natural shape of the body. For several males females the gnathosoma was mounted in a position that allows investigating pedi-palp, chelicera and capitulum in lateral view. All mite specimens were mounted in Hoyer's medium. The type material is deposited in the research collections of the Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, Borok, Russia (IBIW).

Idiosomal setae and lyriform organs are named according to Tuzovskij [1987]: Fch - frontales che-licerarum, Fp - frontales pedipalporum, Vi - verticales internae, Ve - verticales externae, Oi - occipitales internae, Oe - occipitales externae, Hi - humerales internae, He - humerales externae, Hv - humerales ventralia, Sci - scapulares internae, Sce - scapulares externae, Li - lumbales internae, Le - lumbales ex-

ternae, Si - sacrales internae, Se - sacrales externae, Ci - caudales internae, Pi - praeanales internae, Pe - praeanales externae.

Furthermore, the following abbreviations are used: P-1-5, pedipalp segments (trochanter, femur, genu, tibia and tarsus); I-Leg-1-6, first leg, segments 1-6 (trochanter, basifemur, telofemur, genu, tibia and tarsus) i.e. III-L-4 = genu of third leg; n = number of specimens measured. Length of segments was measured along their dorsal length; all measurements are given in ^m.


Family Torrenticolidae Piersig, 1902 Genus Torrenticola Piersig, 1896

Torrenticola (Torrenticola) caucasica sp.n.

(Figs. 1-7)

Type series. Holotype: male (1579a -IBIW), Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodar Kray, Seversk District, Ubin stream near settlement Ubinskaya; substrates: stones, gravel, sand; depth 0.3-0.5 m, 07.05.1976, leg. P.V. Tuzovskij. Paratypes: 5 males from Ubin stream, same locality as holotype, 3 males 07.05.1976 and 2 males 16.06.1976, leg. P.V. Tuzovskij.

Male. Description. Idiosoma wide, oval-shaped; frontal edge between setae Fch wide and straight (Fig. 1). Dorsum with main dorsal shield; in two pairs anterior platelets (medial and lateral) and long narrow sclerotized strip surrounded by the lateral and caudal portions of the main shield, this strip usually concealed by dorsal shield; both pairs of platelets are separated from main dorsal shield. Anteromedial platelets narrow, shorter than anterolateral platelets; the latter tapering posterolaterally. Dorsal shield

wide, covering about 5/6 of dorsal surface (length/ width ratio 1.16-1.30), bearing single pair of setae (Sci); secondary sclerotization very weakly developed. Glandularia Sci open distant from lateral margins of dorsal shield. Two muscle attachment sites with a rough sculpture between and slightly posteriorly to setae Sci. Setae Vi located on anteromedial platelets, setae Oi and Hi on anterolateral platelets; Li and Si on secondary sclerotization of dorsal shield; Fch, Fp, Ve, Oe, He, Le occupy peripheral position on idiosoma.

Coxal shield large (Fig. 2), covering about 4/5 ventral area, capitular bay U-shaped. Suture line between coxae II+III is 1.3-1.7 time shorter than medial portion of coxae I. Genital field almost subrectangular in shape. Suture lines of coxae IV well developed, starting at right angle from genital field, laterally slightly curved anteriorly. Glandularia and setae Sce slightly separated, glandularia Pe open at tips of anterolateral processes of coxae II. Postgenital area extended. Excretory pore not distanced from the line of primary sclerotization of ventral shield. Setae Ci and Se placed on zone secondary sclerotization, and Pi on zone of

primary sclerotization of ventral shield.

Capitulum (Fig. 3) with moderately long rostrum, its tip curved dorsally. Rostrum 1.5 time shorter than the capitular base, and ventrally non-distinctly set off from capitular base.

Chelicera (Fig. 4) elongated and slightly thickened proximally; stylet short, crescent, with two rows of fine teeth on the concave side.

Pedipalp (Fig. 5) robust; P-1 short, with a single dorsodistal setae; P-2 large, with slightly convex ventral margin, with five dorsal subequal setae, and one further seta laterally at the base of the ventrodistal conic projection; P-3 considerably shorter than P-2, with concave ventral margin, with three dorsal setae (one proximal and two distal unequal setae), ventral side of P-3 with a projection and single seta similar to that of P-2; P-4 with more-or-less equally convex dorsal side, one heavy seta and several thin setae on dorsodistal portion, ventral side concave, with a single small tubercles near middle of segment, bearing four setae of different length.

Morphology and chaetotaxy of leg IV as illustrated in figure 6. All legs without swimming setae.

Tarsi of legs II-IV gradually thickened to distal end, their ventral margin straight. Ambulacrae with long external and short internal clawlets, ventral margin of blade slightly concave (Fig. 7).

Measurements (n=6). Length of dorsum idiosoma 560-680, width 475-575; length of anteromedial platelets 120-125, width 48-63; length of anterolateral platelets 165-180, width 50-70; length of dorsal

shield 500-575, width 385-475, distance from glan-dularia Sci to lateral margin of dorsal shield 65-72, length of median portion of coxae I 125-140, length of suture line of coxae II+III 75-95; length of genital field 140-160, width 120-140; distance from posterior margin of genital field to excretory pore 100-120, distance from posterior margin of genital field to caudal edge of idiosoma 155-215; length of capitulum

275-290; length of basal segment of chelicera 285300, length of stylet of chelicera 42-54; lengths of pedipalpal segments (P-1-5): 30-32, 95-102, 60-63, 90-108, 12-15; lengths of leg segments: I-Leg-1-6 — 35-42, 75-95, 70-80, 90-95, 60-110, 75-90; II-Leg-1-6 — 40-48, 80-100, 70-80, 90-110, 100115, 105-125; III-Leg-1-6 — 40-48, 80-90, 70-85, 105-120, 130-150, 135-155; IV-Leg-1-6 — 100120, 90-115, 120-135, 150-170, 160-195, 155-185.

Female. Unknown.

Habitat. Running waters.

Distribution. Europe (Russia: Krasnodar Kray).


The nw species is similar to Torrentícola elliptica Ma-glio, 1909, T. meridionalis Di Sabatino & Cicolani, 1990 and T. brevirostris (Halbert, 1911). The dorsal shield in T. elliptica and T. meridionalis bears two pairs of setae (Sci, Li) [Cicolani & Sabatino, 1990]; in contrast, the dorsal shield in T. caucasica sp. n. bears only one pair of setae (Sci). The excretory pore in T. brevirostris stays away from the line of primary sclerotization of the ventral shield, the capitular rostrum shortened, P-2 shorter than P-4 [Di Sababatino et al., 2010]; in contrast, the excretory pore in T. caucasica sp. n. is not distanced from the line of primary sclerotization of the ventral shield, the capitular rostrum long, P-2 and P-4 are equal in length.

Torrentícola (Torrentícola) rara sp. n.

(Figs. 8-14)

Type. Holotype: male (9665-IBIW), Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodar Kray, Seversk District, Ubin stream near settlement Ubinskaya, 07.05.1976. The river bottom pebble and sand, depth 0.3-0.5 m, leg. P.V. Tuzovskij.

Male. Description. Idiosoma wide and oval-shaped, its frontal edge between setae Fch wide, with small median protrusion (Fig. 8). Dorsum with main dorsal shield, in two pairs anterior platelets (medial and lateral) and long, narrow sclerotized U-shaped strip surrounded by the lateral and caudal portions of the main shield; this strip concealed by dorsal shield; both pairs of platelets separated from main dorsal shield. Anteromedial platelets narrow, shorter than anterolateral platelets; the latter tapering posterolat-erally. Dorsal shield wide (length/width ratio 1.2), covering about 5/6 dorsal surface, bearing single pair of setae (Sci), secondary sclerotization very slightly developed. Glandularia Sci open distant from lateral margins of dorsal shield. Two muscle attachment sites with rough sculpture between and slightly posteriorly to setae Sci. Setae Vi located on anteromedial platelets, Oi and Hi on anterolateral platelets; Li and Si on secondary sclerotization of dorsal shield; Fch, Fp, Ve, Oe, He, Le occupy peripheral position on idiosoma.

Coxal shield large (Fig. 9), covering about 4/5 ventral area, capitular bay U-shaped. Suture line between coxae II+III is 2.7 time shorter than the medial portion of coxae I. Genital field almost subrectangular

Figs 8-9. Torrentícola rara sp.n.,male: 8-dorsal view; 9-ventral view. Scale bar: 200 |im.

Рис. 8-9. Torrentícola rara sp. n, самец: 8 - дорсальная сторона; 9 - вентральная сторона. Шкала: 200 |itn.

Figs 10-14. Torrentícola rara sp. п., male: 10 - capitulum, lateral view; 11 - chelieera, lateral view; 12 -pedipalp, lateral view; 13-genu, tibia, and tarsus of leg IV; 14-claw of leg IV. Scale bars: 10-11,13=100 цт, 12,14 = 50 цт.

Рис. 10-14. Torrentícola rara sp. п., самец: 10 - капитулум, вид сбоку; 11 - хелицера, вид сбоку; 12 -педипальпа, вид сбоку; 13-колено, голень и лапка ноги IV; 14-коготок ноги IV. Шкалы: 10-11, 13=100 jiin, 12,14 = 50 цт.

in shape. Glandularia See open at the level of middle of genital flaps, glandularia Pe open at tips of anterolateral processes of coxae II. Suture lines of coxae IV well developed, starting at right angle from genital field, laterally slightly curved anteriorly. Postgenital area extended. Excretory pore slightly distanced from the line of primary sclerotization of ventral shield. Setae Ci and Se placed on zone of secondary sclerotization, and Pi close to zone of primary sclerotization of ventral shield.

Capitulum (Fig. 10) with long rostrum, its tip curved dorsally; capitular base relatively short, with convex

ventral margin and rather long posterior apodemes.

Chelicera (Fig. 11) elongated and slightly thickened proximally; stylet short, crescent, with two rows of fine teeth on the concave side.

Pedipalp (Fig. 12) moderately slender; P-1 short, with a single dorsodistal setae; P-2 large, with straight ventral margin, with six dorsal subequal setae, and a further one laterally at the base of ventrodistal conic projection; P-3 considerably shorter than P-2, with concave ventral margin, with three dorsal setae (one proximal and two distal unequal setae), ventral side of P-3 with a projection and single long seta similar

to that of P-2; P-4 shorter than P-2, with more-or-less equally convex dorsal side, one heavy seta and several thin setae on dorsodistal portion; ventral side concave, with a single small tubercles near middle of segment, bearing four setae of different length.

Morphology and chaetotaxy of leg IV as illustrated in figure 13. All legs without swimming setae. Tarsi of legs II-IV gradually thickened to distal end, their ventral margin straight. Ambulacra (Fig. 14) with long external and short internal clawlets, ventral margin of blade concave.

Measurements, (n=1). Length of dorsum idiosoma 605, width 510; length of anteromedial platelets 120, width 55; length of anterolateral platelets 150, width 65; length of dorsal shield 470, width 390, distance from glandularia Sci to lateral margin of dorsal shield 60; length of median portion of coxae I 160, length of suture line of coxae II+III 60; length of genital field 140, width 130; distance from posterior margin of genital field to excretory pore 100, distance from posterior margin of genital field to caudal edge of idiosoma 190; length of capitulum 275; length of basal segment of chelicera 270, length of stylet of chelicera 48; lengths of pedipalpal segments (P-1-5): 35, 90, 54, 85, 18; lengths of leg segments: I-Leg-1-6 — 35, 78, 78, 90, 100, 95; II-Leg-1-6 — 40, 65, 72, 95, 108. 125; III-Les-1-6 — 48. 65. 78. 115. 138. 150;

IV-Leg-1-6 — 105, 100, 115, 150, 168, 160.

Female. Unknown.

Habitat. Running waters.

Distribution. Europe (Russia: Krasnodar Kray).


The present species is similar to Torrentícola anomala (Koch, 1837). The genital field in male T. anómala almost round (length/width 114-133/90-117 ^m); P-2 (length 84-112 ^m) shorter than P-4 (length 92116 ^m), length ratio P-2/P-4 0.86-0.96); the medial suture between coxal plates II+III length 130-160 ^m, the postgenital area short (length 80-130 ^m), the excretory pore and setae Cí (=Vgl-2) located near posterior margin of the idiosoma [Di Sabatino et al., 2010]. In contrast, the genital field in male T. rara sp. n. subquadratic (length/width 138/130 ^m); P-2 (length 90 ^m) longer than P-4 (length 85 ^m), length ratio P-2/P-4 1.05); the medial suture between coxal plates II+III length 60 ^m, the postgenital area rather long (length 190 ^m), the excretory pore and setae Cí (=Vgl-2) located away from the posterior margin of the idiosoma.

Torrentícola (Torrentícola) simulans sp.n.

(Figs. 15-21)

Type - Holotype: male (9666-IBIW), Russia,

Figs 15-21. Torrentícola simulans sp.n., male: 15-dorsal view; 16-ventral view. Scale bar: 200 |um.

Рие. 15-16. Torrentícola simulans sp. n, самец: 15 - дорсальная сторона; 16 - вентральная сторона. Шкала:

200 цт.

Figs 17-21. Torrentícola simulans sp. п., male: 17 - capitulum, lateral view; 18 - chelicera, lateral view; 19 -pedipalp, lateral view; 20 - genu, tibia, and tarsus of leg IV; 21 - claw of leg IV. Scale bars: 17-18,20=100 цт, 19,21 = 50 цт.

Рис. 17-21. Torrentícola simulans sp. п., самец: 17 - капитулум, вид сбоку; 18 - хелицера, вид сбоку; 19 -педипальпа, вид сбоку; 20-колено, голень и лапка ноги IV; 21 - коготок ноги IV. Шкалы: 17-18,20= 100 цт, 19,21 =50 цт.

North Caucasus, Krasnodar Kray, Seversky District, Ubin stream near settlement Ubinskaya, 07. 05. 1976. The river bottom pebble and sand, depth 0.3-0.5 m, leg. P.V. Tuzovskij.

Male. Description. Idiosoma wide, oval-shaped, its frontal edge between setae Fch wide, convex (Fig. 15). Dorsum with main dorsal shield, in two pairs anterior platelets (medial and lateral) and long narrow sclerotized strip surrounded by the lateral and caudal portions of the main shield; this strip concealed by dorsal shield, both pairs of platelets are separated from main dorsal shield. Anteromedial platelets narrow, shorter than anterolateral platelets; the latter tapering posterolaterally. Dorsal shield wide (length/width ratio 1.28), covering about 5/6 of dorsal surface, bearing single pair of setae (Sci); secondary sclerotization very weakly developed. Glandularia Sci open distant from lateral margins of dorsal shield. Two muscle attachment sites with rough sculpture between and posteriorly to setae Sci. Setae Vi located on anteromedial platelets, setae Oi and Hi on anterolateral platelets; Li and Si on secondary sclerotization of dorsal shield; Fch, Fp, Ve, Oe, He, Le occupy peripheral position on idiosoma. Eyes lenses very small, located on small protrusion of frontal margin near setae Fp.

Coxal shield large (Fig. 16), covering about 4/5 ventral area, capitular bay U-shaped. Suture line between coxae II+III 2.17 time shorter than medial portion of coxae I. Genital field subquadratic, located in anterior portion of posterior half of ventral surface. Suture lines of coxae IV well developed, starting at right angle from genital field, laterally slightly curved anteriorly. Postgenital area extended. Glandularia Pe open at tips of anterolateral processes of coxae II. Excretory pore, setae Ci and Se distanced from the line of primary sclerotization of ventral shield, Pi situated near posterior margin of zone of primary sclerotiza-tion.

Capitulum with moderately long rostrum, the latter twice shorter than the capitular base, and ven-trally non-distinctly set off from capitular base (Fig. 17).

Chelicera (Fig. 18) elongated and slightly thickened proximally; stylet short, crescent with two rows of fine teeth on the concave side.

Pedipalp (Fig. 19) robust; P-1 short, with a single dorsodistal setae; P-2 large, with slightly convex ventral margin, with five dorsal subequal setae, and one further seta laterally at the base of the ventrodis-tal conic projection; P-3 considerably shorter than P-2, with concave ventral margin, with three dorsal setae (one proximal and two distal unequal setae), ventral side of P-3 with a projection and single long seta; P-4 and P-2 equal in length, with more-or-less equally convex dorsal side, one heavy seta and sev-

eral thin setae on dorsodistal portion; ventral side concave, with two small tubercles near middle of segment, bearing four setae of different length.

Morphology and chaetotaxy of leg IV as illustrated in figure 20. All legs without swimming setae. Tarsi of legs II-IV gradually thickened to distal end, their ventral margin straight. Ambulacra (Fig. 21) with long external and short internal clawlets, ventral margin of blade slightly concave.

Measurements, (n=1). Length of dorsum idiosoma 710, width 585; length of anteromedial platelets 125, width 62; length of anterolateral platelets 200, width 85; length of dorsal shield 610, width 475; distance from glandularia Sci to lateral margin of dorsal shield 85, length of median portion of coxae I 185, length of suture line of coxae II+III 85; length of genital field 185, width 170; distance from posterior margin of genital field to excretory pore 50, distance from posterior margin of genital field to caudal edge of idiosoma 210; length of capitulum 265; length of basal segment of chelicera 245, length of stylet of chelicera 55; lengths of pedipalpal segments (P-1-5): 335, 90, 65, 90, 20; lengths of leg segments: I-Leg-1-6 — 50, 85,85, 115, 110, 110; II-Leg-1-6 — 50, 85, 85, 125, 135, 150; III-Leg-1-6 — 60, 85, 85, 135, 170, 180; IV-Leg-1-6 — 130, 115, 135, 200, 200, 210. Female. Unknown. Habitat. Running waters. Distribution. Europe (Russia: Krasnodar Kray).


The new species is similar to Torrenticola brevi-rostris (Halbert, 1911). The suture line between coxal plates I in T. brevirostris not developed, P-2 shorter than P-4, ratio P-2/P-4 is 0.85-0.92; the postgenital area length in mature males is up to 235 ^m [Di Sabatino et al., 2010]. In contrast, the short suture line between coxal plates I in T. simulans sp. n. is present, P-2 and P-4 are equal in length, ratio P-2/P-4 is 1.0; the postgenital area length in mature males is 210 ^m.


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