Научная статья на тему 'On the occurrence of Sisymbrium orientale (Cruciferae) in Middle Asia'

On the occurrence of Sisymbrium orientale (Cruciferae) in Middle Asia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
Alien species / Brassicaceae / floristic finding / Sisymbrium septulatum / Turkmenistan / Uzbekistan / Туркменистан / Узбекистан / флористическая находка / чужеродный вид / Brassicaceae / Sisymbrium septulatum

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — D. A. German, R. Yo. Ruzimatov, H. R. Hoshimov

The matter of presence of Sisymbrium orientale in the flora of Middle Asia long known in the region based on the single gathering from Turkmenistan is clarified. Occurrence of the species in the latter country is not confirmed because of incorrect identification of relevant collection which belongs to S. septulatum. At the same time, S. orientale is a novelty for the region based on its recent (2023) finding in Uzbekistan first reported here. Alien character of the gathering is proposed and further spread of the species in the Middle Asia is assumed.

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О произрастании Sisymbrium orientale (Cruciferae) в Средней Азии

В сообщении уточняется вопрос присутствия во флоре Средней Азии Sisymbrium orientale, долгое время приводившегося для региона на основании единственного сбора из Туркменистана. Показана ошибочность данной информации ввиду принадлежности соответствующего образца к S. septulatum. Вместе с тем S. orientale является новинкой флоры Средней Азии на основании первого сбора вида в Узбекистане, сделанного в 2023 году. Постулируется заносный характер находки, предполагается дальнейшее расселение S. orientale в регионе.

Текст научной работы на тему «On the occurrence of Sisymbrium orientale (Cruciferae) in Middle Asia»

Turczaninowia 26, 4: 105-110 (2023) 1MISSN 1560-7259 (print edition)

DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.26.4.16 ¥щ TURCZANINOWIA

http://turczanin0wia.asu.ru ■¿¿¡Я ISSN 1560-7267 (online edition)

УДК 582.683.2:581.95(575) On the occurrence of Sisymbrium orientale (Cruciferae) in Middle Asia

D. A. German1' 4*, R. Yo. Ruzimatov2' 5, H. R. Hoshimov3' 6

1Altai State University, Lenin Ave., 61, 656049, Barnaul, Russia 2Fergana State University, Murabbiylar str., 19, 150100, Fergana, Uzbekistan 3Namangan State University, Uychi str., 316, 160119, Namangan, Uzbekistan 4E-mail: oreoloma@rambler.ru; ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7951-1644 5E-mail: ruzali.ruzimatov@mail.ru; ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0009-0004-4781-8149 6E-mail: xushbaxt_2090@mail.ru; ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1936-239X

Corresponding author

Keywords: Alien species, Brassicaceae, floristic finding, Sisymbrium septulatum, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.

Summary. The matter of presence of Sisymbrium orientale in the flora of Middle Asia long known in the region based on the single gathering from Turkmenistan is clarified. Occurrence of the species in the latter country is not confirmed because of incorrect identification of relevant collection which belongs to S. septulatum. At the same time, S. orientale is a novelty for the region based on its recent (2023) finding in Uzbekistan first reported here. Alien character of the gathering is proposed and further spread of the species in the Middle Asia is assumed.

О произрастании Sisymbrium orientale (Cruciferae) в Средней Азии

Д. А. Герман1, Р. Ё. Рузиматов2, Х. Р. Хошимов3

Алтайский государственный университет, просп. Ленина, д. 61, 656049, г. Барнаул, Россия 2Ферганский государственный университет, ул. Мураббийлар, д. 19, 150100, г. Фергана, Узбекистан 3Наманганский государственный университет, ул. Уйчи, д. 316, 160119, г. Наманган, Узбекистан

Ключевые слова: Туркменистан, Узбекистан, флористическая находка, чужеродный вид, Brassicaceae, Sisymbrium septulatum.

Аннотация. В сообщении уточняется вопрос присутствия во флоре Средней Азии Sisymbrium orientale, долгое время приводившегося для региона на основании единственного сбора из Туркменистана. Показана ошибочность данной информации ввиду принадлежности соответствующего образца к S. septulatum. Вместе с тем S. orientale является новинкой флоры Средней Азии на основании первого сбора вида в Узбекистане, сделанного в 2023 году. Постулируется заносный характер находки, предполагается дальнейшее расселение S. orientale в регионе.

Further revision of Cruciferae Juss. (Brassicaceae Burnett) collections from the Middle Asia in the herbaria LE, MW and TASH (coupled with the study of an image from BRNM) in connection with 'Flora of Uzbekistan' project along with floristic

examination of Fergana Valley enabled clarifying the item of occurrence and current status of eastern rocket (Sisymbrium orientale L.) in the region. Results of this study are briefly presented below.

Поступило в редакцию 13.12.2023 Принято к публикации 17.12.2023

Submitted 13.12.2023 Accepted 17.12.2023

Sisymbrium orientale L., 1756, Cent. Pl. II: 24.

Provenance in the protologue: "Habitat in Oriente. Miller".

Lectotype (Jonsell, 1982, Fl. Trop. East Africa, 78: 64): Herb. Linn. 836.43 (LINN!).

Sisymbrium orientale L. is one of the most widespread representatives of relevant genus. While, like in many congeners, its natural range is predominantly confined to Mideterranean and SW Asian regions, nowadays it is introduced in other parts of Eurasia and Africa as well as in all other continents, except Antarctida (Al-Shehbaz, 2012, 2015; POWO, 2023) where it behaves as a weed occupying various types of open, chiefly disturbed habitats. The species demonstrates tendency of further expansion, in particular, in Asia. For example, it was first recorded from China some 20 years ago based on gatherings from Fujian and Shanxi (Zhou et al., 2001) and subsequently found in yet another province, Yunnan (Zhou et al., 2007).

In the Middle Asia, the species has been hitherto known only from Turkmenistan (Hedge, 1968; Bondarenko, 1974; Nikitin, 1983; Gudkova, 1985; Nikitin, Geldikhanov, 1988; POWO, 2023) where it was first recorded by Litwinow (1902) based on his own gathering № 534 from Ashkhabad and Freyn (1903) who added two collections (from Ashkhabad and Kizil-Arwat, №№ 125 and 1656, respectively) by P. Sintenis. Both latter authors named relevant gatherings "S. columnae forma glabrescens, floribus majoribus Litw." and Freyn provided further details such as petals to 15 mm long indicating that these plants might belong to S. septulatum DC. rather than to S. orientale. Such a viewpoint was soon published by Bornmuller (1904: 1263) who definitely assigned Litwinow's collection № 534 to S. erucastroides (Stapf) Bornm. [= S. septulatum] and mentioned that the gathering of Sintenis from the same locality [i. e., exsiccate № 125] belongs to the same species, but he did not comment on the plant from Kizil-Arwat. Similarly, Schulz (1924: 122) explicitly attributed both of the above collections from Ashkhabad to S. septulatum, said nothing about the gathering of Sintenis № 1656 and did not cite a single collection of S. orientale from Turkmenistan. Accordingly, the latter species was not reported for the region in subsequent treatments (Vassilczenko, 1939, 1948). In contrast, Hedge (1968: 317), obviously not taking into account conclusions of Bornmuller and Schulz, cited all three discussed Turkmenian collections as S. orientale. Bondarenko (1974: 54) assigned both above-mentioned gatherings from Ashkhabad to S. septulatum and left for S. orientale the single locality, Kizil-Arwat, corresponding to Sintenis's

collection № 1656; in this, she was followed by more recent authors (Gudkova, 1985; Nikitin, Geldikhanov, 1988).

As reviewed here, the fact of occurrence of S. orientale in Turkmenistan and Middle Asia as a whole is based on the single gathering of Sintenis from Kizil-Arwat which was not checked by any of the above-cited authors after Freyn (1903). This picture is fully reflected by the material stored at LE: it lacks the gathering № 1656, but other two collections are available and represented by two duplicates each. Both gatherings were misidentified in 1902 by V. I. Lipsky as S. pannonicum Jacq. [= S. altissimum L.] and correctly annotated in 1932 by I. T. Vassilczenko as S. bilobum (K. Koch) Grossh. [= S. septulatum],predated by E. G. Czerniakowska's revision of one of Sintenis's specimens as S. erucastroides in 1923. Absence of material on S. orientale from Turkmenistan in other relevant herbaria such as ASH (Gudkova, 1985: 112), MW and TASH, proves that no collections have been made from the country after Sintenis and revision of his specimen from Kizil-Arwat is critical for resolving the question.

The study of the image of Sintenis's plant № 1656 from Freyn's herbarium (Fig. 1), kindly provided by colleagues from BRNM, demonstrates that it cannot be attributed to S. orientale and, just like other two above-mentioned collections, belongs to S. septulatum. Although it lacks flowers with fully developed petals, most readily distinguishing the latter species from morphologically similar S. orientale and S. altissimum, a combination of strongly cucullate lateral sepals and deeply bilobed stigmas (Fig. 1, insertion) along with relatively short, 3-5.5 mm, pedicels unambiguously excludes other identifications. Hence, occurrence of S. orientale in Turkmenistan and Middle Asia in general by now is not confirmed.

Curiously enough, simultaneously with clarifying this item, the following collection was made in Fergana Valley (foothills of Kurama Range) by one of the present authors: "Uzbekistan. Namangan Province, natural monument Chust, vicinities of Kushtepa, [loose sagebrush community on very gentle stony slope, locally common]. N 41.050507, E 71.076648, h = 804 m a. s. l. 09. 04. 2023. R. Ruzimatov, S. Ruzimatova" (TASH 054575 [Fig. 2] & 054577; a duplicate to be transferred to LE). All characters suitable for identification (soft pubescence, simple and linear-lanceolate or hastate with 1-2 pairs of linear lobes upper leaves, short, 2-4 mm, pedicels as thick as fruits, non-cucullate sepals, siliques up to 10 cm and more, subclavate styles,

Fig. 1. Herbarium specimen of Sisymbrium septulatum from herb. Freyn collected by P. Sintenis (№ 1656) in Kizil-Arwat (BRNM 16568/33); insertion - close up view of sepals and stigmas.

Fig. 2. Herbarium specimen of Sisymbrium orientale from Fergana Valley (TASH 054575); insertion - close up view of fruit and pedicel pubescence.


etc.) indicate that it belongs to S. orientale. Pedicels and fruits covered with minute soft trichomes very characteristic of this species and untypical for S. septulatum and S. altissimum are shown on Fig. 2, insertion. Locality is shown on Fig. 3.

Regarding the status of the finding, despite it was made in more or less natural habitat within the protected area, S. orientale can only be considered a recent occasional introduction here as evidenced by the lack of other collections of the species from Uzbekistan and its current and previous absence in all neigbouring countries. Hence, the flora of Middle Asia is replenished by another alien weedy species. Since the population in vicinities of Kushtepa was found to include a number of fruiting plants with normally developed siliques and seeds, its establishment in Uzbekistan may well be expected and finding in other countries of the region is also possible.


Curators and responsible managers of the visited herbaria are deeply thanked for the opportunity of working with the collections. We are grateful to

V. Taraska and K. Sutory for providing the image of the specimen from BRNM and to J. A. Karimov and A. G. Karimova for scanning the specimen from TASH. Organizational help of K. Sh. Tojibaev is highly appreciated as well. The study was supported by the project "Taxonomic revision of polymorphic plant families of the flora of Uzbekistan (FZ-20200929321)" of the Agency for Innovative Development under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. / Выражаем признательность кураторам посещённых гербариев и их отделов за возможность работы с коллекциями. Благодарим В. Тарашку и К. Сутори за предоставление изображения образца из BRNM, Ж. А. и А. Г. Каримовых - за сканирование экземпляра из TASH, К. Ш. Тожибаева - за организационную помощь. Работа выполнена в рамках проекта «Таксономическая ревизия полиморфных семейств флоры Узбекистана» (Ф3-20200929321), поддержанного Агентством инновационного развития при Министерстве Высшего образования, науки и инноваций Республики Узбекистан.

Fig. 3. Locality of the first collection of Sisymbrium orientale in Middle Asia.


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