Научная статья на тему 'On the formation of soil moisture'

On the formation of soil moisture Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Kamalov Bakhodir Asamovich, Abdurahmanov Sohib Turdialievich

As a result of the discussion of the experimental material it was concluded about tangible role of condensation and adsorption of atmospheric moisture in the formation of soil moisture

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Текст научной работы на тему «On the formation of soil moisture»

ever, there are significant differences in the chronological course. the groundwater level in the period to 1945 warming deep dip in Especially striking is the presence in the chronological course of the middle of the period.


1934-1945 years.

y = 0,0453x - 0,2954

1,00 0,00

4,00 2,00 0,00 -IgJF -2,00 9 ! -4,00

1946-1975 years.

y = -0,0337x + 0,523

- runoff of rivers Isfairam -trend

1976-2004 years.

y = 0,0362x - 0,5421

3,00 2,00 1,00 0,00

' 7 7 8 8 ^ •> to >J>

- runoff of rivers Isfairam -trend





Figure 2. The chronological charts of annual runoff of rivers Isfairam, the water level of wells and their trend

To determine the prevalence of these changes, such charts were made and other river basin. Figure 2 shows similar charts for Isfairam nearby river, it is also a river glacier-snow feeding. As seen in Figure 2, the trend indicators of the runoff of the river Isfairam and groundwater levels in wells in its basin resembles what was observed in the Sokh River.


1. Солиев. Э.А. "Фаргона водийси дарёлари суви ок;имини икдим узгариши шароитида бахрлаш" География фанлари номзоди илмий даражасини олиш учун таедим этилган диссертация автореферата: - Т. - 2008. - 32 бет.

2. Шерматов. М.Ш, Умаров. УУ Рахмедов. И.И:. "Гидрогеология" - Т,: УзМУ, - 2007. - 116 бет.

3. Солиев Э. А. "Фаргона водийси дарёлари суви ок;имини икдим узгариши шароитида ба^олаш". География фанлари номзоди илмий даражасини олиш учун тайёрланган диссертация. - Наманган - 2008. - 89 бет.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-16-9.10-34-36

Kamalov Bakhodir Asamovich, Namangan State University, professor of the department of ecology E-mail: kamolov-1942@ inbox.ru Abdurahmanov Sohib Turdialievich, Namangan State University, teacherof the department of ekology E-mail: sohib-1978@ inbox.ru

On the formation of soil moisture

Abstract: As a result of the discussion of the experimental material it was concluded about tangible role of condensation and adsorption of atmospheric moisture in the formation of soil moisture

Keywords: Adsorption, atmospheric moisture, condensation, limnogram, soil moisture, surface air layer, the diurnal variation of the water level.

On the formation of soil moisture

As is known, the sources of the formation of soil moisture may be infiltration of precipitation and condensation of water vapor entering the soil from the surface of air layer. However, about condensation of water vapor there are different points of view in the scientific literature, rejecting each other, although from ancient times water vapor was considered as a source of groundwater. A detailed review of the history of the problem is given in the monograph A. F. Lebedev [4], A. A. Rode [7], and others [9]. The role of condensation and adsorption in the formation of soil moisture has a powerful confirmation in the "hanging gardens of Babylon", in water supply of Feodosiya in the Crimea, in numerous experiments on the condensation of moisture in the sand and coarser materials, loam and clay soils. In fairness it should be noted that these experiments are sometimes given a negligible effect. In contrast, the more impressive atmospheric moisture capacitors supplying Feodosiya in XIII-XIX centuries, which are a powerful argument for the development of ways to use air condensation for economical purposes. According to notes of B. A. Apollova [1] in November 1903 after a four-month drought period F. I. Zibold measured the water flow from two pipes in Feodosiya, coming from the capacitors installed on the mountain. One drain pipe was 1400 m 3/day, the other — 720 m 3/day. About the role of condensation of moisture in the soil can still be seen from the following example.

As is known, the diurnal variation of the level and flow of water in mountain rivers are always explained with the change in snow and ice melting associated with fluctuations in air temperature during the day. However, observations at mountain flow station Kzyl-cha in the basin Akhangaran it is shown that this is not always the case. This is evidenced by limnogram of water level of rivers Che-tyksay and Golovnaya shown in Fig. 1.

Watersheds features of these rivers are: water catchment area of 8.0 km 2, respectively, and 10.2 km 2, the average height of -1860 m and 2700 m, the average water consumption during the period April-September is 0.10 and 0.33 m 3/s. Limnogram analysis shows the following.

On river Chetyksay on February 19, 23 and April 18 dropped heavy rains, which have dramatically increased the flow of the river, and the spring rain rush on April 18 gave a long trail, indicating long run-off rain water due to underground regulation. Since May the diurnal variation of almost disappears and appears in the second half ofJune. In July and August the diurnal variation of river flow has the right kind with a maximum at noon and later with a minimum 19 o'clock, after which begins the rise of water level in the river. This is probably due to the condensation by temperature decreasing at night. It should be noted that P. M. Mashukov [5] explains such a daily course with the evaporation from the surface of watercourses.

Fig. 1 a. Diurnal variation in the level of the river Fig. 1 b. Diurnal variation in the level of the river Chetyksay, 1962 Golovnoy, 1962

of moisture into the soil. These sources may be water capillary. However, for Uzbekistan tangible height of capillary rise of water is almost not more than 2 m [2]. Then there is only one source of additional water revenues — condensation (and adsorption) of atmospheric moisture in the soil.

About the role of condensation and adsorption in the formation of soil moisture can be judged by Table 1, which shows the soil moisture at the beginning of the growing season and the amount of precipitation during the period October-March. As can be seen, in most cases, soil moisture greatly exceeds the amount of rainfall from October to March, which indicates the presence of some other source

Table 1. - Soil moisture at the beginning of the growing season and the amount of rainfall from October to March, mm.

Years Moisture Precipitations X-III

2001 178 99,7

2002 176 134,5

2003 186 204,8

2004 192 253,2

2005 181 208,4

2006 196 101,5

2007 197 148,2

2008 176 78,2

2009 210 150,4

2010 173 135,4

2011 200 76,2

2012 193 189,7

2013 193 111,6

2014 199 103,5

2015 180 134,8

As for the case of a large amount of precipitation than the moisture in the soil, it may be noted the increased intensity of rainfall in

2003-2005. As is known, when rain is less than 0.5 mm/min to couple infiltration is observed, all evaporates, and infiltration of the plow is 55%; at an intensity of 0.75 mm/min, and steam, and the plow -70-80% at 1.0 mm/min, respectively 19 and 29% with 1.5 mm/min — 15 and 28%, with 2.0 mm/min — 12% and 22 [6]. The possibility of increasing the intensity of the rainfall in these years limited infiltration into the soil.

And so, we can conclude that in the arid conditions of the Fergana Valley to the beginning of the vegetation in the first meter of soil due to precipitation, condensation and adsorption accumulates pretty solid moisture — 150-200 mm. In order to use this moisture at most to grow crops it is necessary to drastically reduce the amount of moisture evaporation. As is known, this can be accomplished by using a plastic mulch film, the buried layer 3-5 cm of soil. Such experiments have been carried out by us in 2011-2013 in Chartak district of Namangan region of Uzbekistan. Which are given positive results [3; 8].

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that condensation and adsorption of atmospheric moisture makes a significant contribution to the formation of soil moisture. This is when mulching allows you to grow crops in arid conditions.


1. Аполлов Б. А. Учение о реках. - М.: Изд. - МГУ, - 1963. -423 с.

2. Бабушкин Л. Н. Основы агрометеорологии в Узбекистане - Т.: УзГИМЕТ, - 2004. - 288 с.

3. Камалов Б. А., Абдурахманов С. Т. О возможности развития растениеводства в аридных условиях без ирригации//Устойчивое развитие горных территорий. - № 1. - 2015. С. 57-61.

4. Лебедев А. Ф. Почвенные и грунтовые воды. - М.-Л.: Изд. АН СССР, - 1936.

5. Машуков П. М. Суточный ход уровня на малых горных реках как новый источник гидрологической информации. Тр. САНИГМИ. - в. - 32 (47). - 1968. - С. 34-41.

6. Роде А. А. Водный режим почв и его регулирование. - М.: Изд. АН СССР, - 1963. - 112 с.

7. Роде А. А. Вопросы водного режима почв А.: Гидрометеоиздат, - 1978. - 213 с.

8. Kamalov B.A, Abdurahmanov S.T, Koriyev M. Possibility of crop in arid conditions without irrigation. European applied sciences. -№ 11. - 2015. - Р. 13-17.

9. Kamalov B. A. The Ancient Methods ofWater Enhancement from the Atmosphere and their use//Seventh WMO scientific conference on weather modification (Chiang Mai, Thailand, 17-22 February 1999), - 1999, WMO/TD, - № 936, - Geneva, - 154-155 бетлар.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-16-9.10-36-37

Rajapov Furkat Turakulovich, Scientific researcher, the Geology and Geography, the National university of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan E-mail: manbekman@gmail.com

Development Uzbekistan farm enterprises and specialization of the geographical factors

Abstract: This article highlights development geographical factors and specialization of farm enterprises in the regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Keywords: agriculture, farm enterprises, land area, development, specialization, agricultural products.

The Republic of Uzbekistan became independent in 1991. It was been paid lot of attention as priority level for implementation of large-scale reforms in agriculture of the leading sector of the national economy.


In particular, on basis of the Directives of the first President of the Republic of Uzbaksitana — Islam Karimov and on international experience were been created farm enterprises. In addition, it was been paid special attention to optimize farm

enterprises. Currently, it is developing more the reforms on the farm enterprises.

Development and specialization of agricultural enterprises are conducted in accordance with different natural and socio-economic factors in the various regions of the country. In this case, most of all: a) the natural geographical situation, the relief of the place (surface structure), the provision of land and water resources, ecological situation, agroclimatic resources: humidity, temperature and soil cover;

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