Научная статья на тему 'On problems of safe information impact of Internet on students'

On problems of safe information impact of Internet on students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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European science review
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Ключевые слова
Internet / information impact / world view / thought / morality / information security / educational information

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Shadiev Rizamat Davranovich, Yozieva Umida Lutfillaevna

Formation of a new type of social system -information society has increased the role of knowledge, gradually transforming it into main capital, and consequently, changed the role of education in structuring social life, providing fundamentally new possibilities for individualization which enables to take into account the peculiarities of self-consciousness and self-assessment of each student, his/her psychological, physical and mental abilities. In the article special attention is paid to the fact that not all Internet data are positive and can be used in educational purposes, educator must be familiar with the means for preventing negative psychological-pedagogical consequences, simultaneously developing informational culture of students.

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Текст научной работы на тему «On problems of safe information impact of Internet on students»

On problems of safe information impact of Internet on students

- development of strategies and concepts of academic - development of the laws and regulations for the immobility; plementation of joint programs with the possibility of aca-

- switch to the design of practice-oriented educational demic mobility. programs based on the requirements for learning outcomes;


1. Karelina M. Yu., Atamanentko N. V., Cherepnina T. Yu. Formation of the content of a study subj ect as a maj or component of efficiency improvement of the educational process//New challenges in psychology and pedagogy and ways of solutions: Proceedings of international science conference. - Ufa: Aeterna, 2014. - 64 p. - P. 23-27.

2. Karelina M. Yu., Atamanentko N. V., Cherepnina T. Yu. Ways of increasing the effectiveness of the educational process in universities//Methodology, theory and practice in modern pedagogy, psychology, sociology, philosophy: Proceedings of IV international science conference - Novosibirsk: «TSRNI Ltd», 2014. - 100 p. - P. 21-27.

3. Krylov E. Teaching engineering for foreign students//Vysshee Obrazovanie v Rossii (Higher Education in Russia). -Moscow, 2014, - No 2. - P. 146-150.

4. Krylov E. About bilingual teaching at technical university//Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (High School Herald). - Moscow: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, 2014. - No 2. - P. 54-59.

5. Krylov E. Russian-English thesaurus on Machine and Mechanism Science/ - Izhevsk, Kalashnikov ISTU, 2011. - 36 p.

6. Krylov E. Russian-English thesaurus on Theoretical Mechanics/ - Izhevsk, Kalashnikov ISTU, 2012. - 63 p.

Shadiev Rizamat Davranovich, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Qarshi State University E-mail: r.d07@mail.ru Yozieva Umida Lutfillaevna, Teacher of preschool and primary education chair

On problems of safe information impact of Internet on students

Abstract: Formation of a new type of social system -information society has increased the role of knowledge, gradually transforming it into main capital, and consequently, changed the role of education in structuring social life, providing fundamentally new possibilities for individualization which enables to take into account the peculiarities of self-consciousness and self-assessment of each student, his/her psychological, physical and mental abilities.

In the article special attention is paid to the fact that not all Internet data are positive and can be used in educational purposes, educator must be familiar with the means for preventing negative psychological-pedagogical consequences, simultaneously developing informational culture of students.

Keywords: Internet, information impact, world view, thought, morality, information security, educational information.

It is impossible to imagine the modern education development without Internet, which, from a storage system and conveying a great deal of information, is more and more becoming a new psychological medium and lifestyle sphere of the youth, and first of all, students using computer nets run into psychological problem — a change of interest, motivations, goals, needs, directives, forms of psychological and social activities, i. e. Internet makes great changes in their lives which require corrections in education process.

Educational process in our understanding is integrated process of bringing-up and teaching on the bases of pedagogically planned implementation of targets, valuables, contents, technologies and organizational forms which agrees with B. P. Bespalko’s definition that it is a self activity

of students and educators leading to learning social experience by students.

The notion of information impact in psychology is interpreted as a type of social impact, when a person has to ask other people for information how he/she should think and act, if not sure in his/her opinion or choosing best strategy in the existing situation, thus, information impact will become a powerful instrument of persuasion, satisfaction desire to follow other people.

In this case the main question, in choosing communication technologies, is to choose those, which will yield best results, and also how to plan in optimal way and organize the education process and provide appropriate relations, interactions between the teachers and learners. At the same time


Section 7. Pedagogy

the teacher must remember that not all information in Internet can be included in education load. Therefore it is necessary that educators must know methods of interactive limitation in using information reserves of Internet which is the first step to psychological and legal protection of a child, using Internet in education.

Today at the disposal of educators there is a prophylactic program to prevent Internet-dependency, other psychological consequences, and as well as legal violations, directed forming protectiveness of student as active social person. Algorithm program contains the following components, having internal logics and structure to prevent psychological-pedagogical consequences of using information-communication technologies.

We will consider more in detail main items of this program.

Educators and psychologists must form learner’s attitude to Internet not as ready reference information with exact answers for information needs, but as reference information and control training materials, subject to information reliability assessment, conscious reflex and correlation with his/her own knowledge. Analytical critical, constructive thinking is the precise index of learners’ information culture. From the pedagogical point of view it is the active process of cognition. And here we do agree with T. G. Galaktionova [1], that this type of thought helps person: a) to determine own priority in personal and professional life; b) responsibility for choice made; c) increase the level of personal culture. One more task is form identity of the teenager by moving out the state of “anonymity illusion" (M. Banks) in communication and putting information in Nets.

Net communication, protectiveness of anonymity, as psychodrama, allows to experience, modulate and enter the social relations, which in out of virtual world could lead to irreversible consequences. On the other hand, virtual experience allows to use stylistic features of electronic letter writing, jargon, modules, abundance of quotations and cruelty due to lack of verbal aspects of communication and practically complete irresponsibility as a result of anonymity. And herewith the behavior strategy is caused by the multiply iteration possibility of the subject matter. So, etiquette may be changed not by the etiquette or rules formed by certain group, or by the user himself, or moderator. The Net, as a communication base, is too complicated for teenager could independently make reductions of the situation or form up his/her own view on the matter. Here main role plays the emotional-moral aspect of critical thinking of students, laid by parental up-bringing. By parental up-bringing (as to M. Patter) it is understood, in pedagogy, up-bringing in the family, which encourages socially approved modules of behavior of a child, corresponding to his/her age, and reprimands habits, which were tolerable before or even desirable as an up-bringing step [4]. Parents of students, using Internet at home, must understand their task and promote to development of students communication habits and forming autonomous ethics [as to M. Corduell], which includes aspects of moral up-bringing characterizing changing of a child from

unconditional obeying to the rules of the old on problems based on their own experience, on experience of friends, fiction heroes etc., when to resolve moral conflicts, showing care for other people, but not only for himself [2].

Using new technologies in education process requires from educators application of particular techniques of pedagogical work, special habits, but it is important to know didactics of psychological and age peculiarities of learners.

Expression of any reaction on complicated life situations depends on the level of development of personality- the more higher the level the more successfully person overcomes difficulties he faced. Both protective and controlling style of reaction is connected with the received directives, with relations himself or others, with the structure of life experience,

i. e. with cognitive, affective and behavioristic level of psyche. Consequently, compulsory psychological accompanying of students “risk group” is absolutely necessary for organization of therapeutic environment, which is according to M. Corduell it is a humanitarian approach to treat mental disorder, stress reactions, phobia, aimed creating the circumstances promoting to develop personality self-respect and conscious activities [2].

Psychological accompanying means: psychological diagnosing, including consultations for students, parents and educators; psychological support in the process of introduction and mastering informational technologies, va-leologic monitoring and conducting psycho gymnastic exercises, communication training, legal training, joint submersion into information space Net with compulsory participation of school psychologist, which creates the state of protectiveness of students in education process, but does not exhaust security functions.

Today the most important task of a teacher is to support learners, help them understand in abundant educational and scientific information, make easy to solve facing problems, promote in every way mastering lots of new information.

Summing up all above said, we underline the main points:

1. Gaining of new knowledge, information, ability, skills and orientation towards their renewal and development is impossible information, due to the fact that it has become new psychological surroundings and sphere of everyday life activities of the youth, including students. Internet gas actually become a new type of system forming and integrating education and led it out onto a qualitatively new level.

2. Information revolution and formation of a new type of social system -information society has increased the role of knowledge, gradually transforming it into main capital, and consequently, changed the role of education in structuring social life, providing fundamentally new possibilities for its development and first of all for individualization which enables to take into account the peculiarities of self-consciousness and self-assessment of each student, his/her psychological, physical and mental abilities.

3. In choosing communication technologies a teacher must choose those which would yield best result, organizing the education process so that the interaction between the


On problems of safe information impact of Internet on students

educator and learner will be more complete and effective. Since not all Internet data are positive and can be used in educational purposes, educator must be familiar with the means for preventing negative psychological-pedagogical consequences, simultaneously developing informational culture of students and their parents.

4. The main in forming pedagogical-psychological protection of students is to remove emotional stress, applying health saving technology, valeologization, preserving resistance to influences of aggressive environment, created by enormous and simultaneous influence of sensor, verbal and information stream.


1. Galaktionova T. G. Technology of developing of critical thinking. Realization of ideas//Modern student in information and communication field. - Coll.: Petroc, 2000. - Р. 5-6.

2. Corduell M. Psychology. A-Z: Reference dictionary./Trans. from Eng. by N. S. Tkachenko. - M.: FAIR-Press, 1999. -448 p.: with ill.

3. Maslou A. Further limits of human psyche. - Coll., 1997. - 356 p.

4. Ratter M. Help for difficult children. Trans. from Eng./Ed. by Spivakova A. S., - M.: Progress, 1987. - 424 p.


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