Научная статья на тему 'On current issues modeling and improvement process of formation and financing of small business and entrepreneurship in the Republic of Uzbekistan'

On current issues modeling and improvement process of formation and financing of small business and entrepreneurship in the Republic of Uzbekistan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Abdullayev Zafarbek Sayfullaevich

The article deals with some aspects of the question of the relevance of modeling and improving the processes of formation and financing of small business and entrepreneurship in the country.

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Текст научной работы на тему «On current issues modeling and improvement process of formation and financing of small business and entrepreneurship in the Republic of Uzbekistan»


assistant Abdullayev Zafarbek Sayfullaevich

Namangan State University



Received 12 April 2016 Accepted 22 April 2016 Published 30 April 2016

The article deals with some aspects of the question of the relevance of modeling and improving the processes of formation and financing of small business and entrepreneurship in the country.


modeling of small business and entrepreneurship, improving the processes of formation and small business financing.

© 2016 The Author.

Uzbekistan seeks to ensure the balanced development of its economy to modernize its structure to achieve high competitiveness of basic industries. strategic goal provided for in the Constitution - the formation of civil society and the creation of a socially-oriented market economy -will be achieved by the successive solution of these problems. The continued impact of the global financial and economic crisis, more and more obvious, is the need for comprehensive support of real sector of economy. In this direction consistently implemented a range of measures in the country. It is aimed at the creation of appropriate financial and organizational conditions for the modernization of production, the expansion of cooperation, to establish sustainable cooperation with foreign partners, stimulating domestic demand for domestic products. [4]

Uzbekistan consistently and gradually makes a transition to a market economy. There is a huge creative work, reviving traditions of national enterprise, formed and are actively developing market institutions.

The most important factor in the implementation of sustainable development strategies, and thus the success of the country's economic reforms is the development of small business and private entrepreneurship and formation on this basis of a class of real owners.

Entrepreneurship, as one of the concrete forms of manifestation of social relations, not only creates a fertile ground for the practical implementation of the abilities and talents of young people, but also promotes the inclusion of it as a resource of development of society in the implementation of socio - economic transformation.

As part of the macroeconomic policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, priority is given to encourage the accelerated development and support of small business and private entrepreneurship, as this sector has consistently occupies a decisive place in the creation of new jobs and increase employment, growth of well-being. As a result of implemented measures the share of small businesses in gross domestic product in 2012 - 54.6 percent, in 2013 - more than 55 percent, and in 2015 - more than 57 percent. In the small business development occupies an important place credit system. In 2005-2015, the amount allocated to the sector of commercial banks loans increased by more than 11 times. March 11, 2011 was made President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Decree "On additional measures to increase lending to small businesses and private entrepreneurship." In accordance with the income of banks on lending by the Fund's concessional lending resources on the condition of their target destinations are exempt from income tax for the period until January 1, 2016. On September 1,

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2011 canceled the recovery board with small businesses for opening of bank accounts in national currency, introduced the practice of their application on the allocation of loans to them by banks in the three-day period [1].

The development of small business and entrepreneurship is one of the urgent tasks and priority of the state policy of the Republic. At the same time, the state should aim to stimulate directed development of small business and entrepreneurship in priority, knowledge-intensive, innovative sectors of the real economy. In this regard, in recent years significantly increased the volume of funding to support small businesses and entrepreneurship, change their content, to intensify the work of infrastructure agencies to support small businesses and entrepreneurship. However, practice shows that are still working out the development of management practices of small business and entrepreneurship is predominantly empirically. Do not find a practical use scientific models and methods, revealing the features of motivation of small businesses, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of existing management activities. Do not use scientific methods of development management, allowing to establish and justify the existence of a cause-and-effect relationships between measures undertaken expended resources and correlate the results with them. In the context of the problems outlined, one of the ways to improve the development of management practices of small business and entrepreneurship is to use the basis of their development funds instrumentality theory of utility. This updated search problem, adaptation and modification of general theoretical models and methods of utility theory, control theory, organization theory, allowing to adequately represent and identify the control mechanisms in the forms and methods of interaction between the state and small business and entrepreneurship.

Issues of improvement in market conditions of management of development of small business and entrepreneurship has been widely discussed by Russian scientists, starting with the 90-ies of XX century. Studies highlighting the current state, a range of problems, causes and prospects for the development of small businesses, are presented in the works of such scholars as Yu.K.Yuldashev, D.M.Rasulev, A.S.Kucharov, A.A. Kaboulov, S.D.Ayrapetyan, G.A.Akramova, Sh.A.Toirov, H.T.Zhumanov, I.N. Gerchikova, A.B. Krutik, E.G. Nicholas, L.J. Andreeva, V. Smirnova, Yu. Kolesnikov, G.B. Kleiner, V.N. Ovchinnikov, M. Messinger, N.E. Tikhonov and others.

The fundamental research of motivation of small business and entrepreneurship in the economic and management aspects, are devoted to:. J.M. Keynes, F Knight K.R. McConnell, C.JI. Bru, A. Gibb, G.B. Kosharnaya, R. Damari, D.V. Maslov, M.G. Zavelsky, P.C. Pershin, E.A. Belokorovin.

Also, the results of studies of mechanisms and management decision-making are reflected in the works of F. Knight, J. O'Connor, Ian McDermott, B. Roy, Mr. Tullock, T.N. Taydmana, E.A. Smirnova, P.A.. Fatkhutdinova, I.P. Shubkina, H.JI. Kardanskoy, BG Litvak and others.

Organizational and instrumentality aspects of improving the governance process in social and economic systems covered in the papers: B. Anderson, B. Phelps, J. O'Shaughnessy, C.B.. Ustinkina, V.A. Lapidus, A.B. Kormishovoy, V.V. Shcherbina [5].

Despite the presence of a large number of publications, the development of the problem of managing a small business and entrepreneurship remains poorly understood due to its high growth dynamics of the sector. There is a need for research efficiency and find ways to improve the activity of authorities exercised in the management of small business development and entrepreneurship. In modern conditions, one of the main areas to stimulate economic growth of the republic is the question of the revitalization of small business and entrepreneurship.

The last few years, the dynamics of small business development and entrepreneurship in the Republic of Uzbekistan has a stable upward trend. A special place in the development of small business and entrepreneurship is the problem of financing, which is expressed in short supply of funds for investment and management of the current activity. However, access to the involved sources is very limited. As a result, funding research issues for small businesses not only does not lose its relevance, but on the contrary, become more and more significant.

The specifics of small businesses is that without proper construction of the financial regulatory system and state support it is unable to function normally and develop at an accelerated pace.

Despite the fact that the part of state authorities regularly declared measures of financial support of small businesses, the main sources of funding remain own funds of owners and profits earned as a result of business activity, which leads to a lack of own funds at the stage of setting up a business, and in the process of enterprise development [3].

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Recent studies have shown that the problem of finding sources of financing small businesses quite substantial and can't be solved without the participation of state and local authorities. In this regard, we can speak about the need to transform the current situation and the introduction of progressive methods of financing both on the part of economic agents, as well as by public authorities having real financial leverage to stimulate the activity of small business and entrepreneurship in the country.

In addition, the sustainable growth of small business and entrepreneurship is expedient to implement and use, yet limited demanded national small businesses such effective and modern technology funding and forms of business organization as factoring, forfeiting, franchising, leasing, venture capital and foreign investment. [2]

The analysis showed that it is now necessary to develop a holistic concept of the financial regulation of small business and entrepreneurship in market conditions. This requires the further development of the theory, methodology and mechanisms for implementation of the strategy and tactics of the financial regulation of small businesses and entrepreneurship, with an emphasis on government support for innovation, research, science and technology enterprises, entities operating in the sphere of high technologies in the sectors (areas) countries and territories covered by national projects and special government programs. The above determines the relevance of the research topic and justifies its theoretical and practical significance.


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