OBJECTIVES AND TASKS OF THE ORGANIZATION OF TURKIC STATES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Прочие гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
Region / integration / union / “Turkish World View – 2040” / “Treaty of Nakhchivan”. / Регион / интеграция / союз / «Турецкий взгляд на мир – 2040» / «Нахчыванский договор».

Аннотация научной статьи по прочим гуманитарным наукам, автор научной работы — Azimov Habibullokhon Yakubovich

In this article, the author focuses on the history of the organization of Turkic states and the processes of its formation, as well as the agreements that form the legal basis of the organization.

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В данной статье автор уделяет внимание истории организации тюркских государств и процессам ее формирования, а также договорам, составляющим правовую основу организации.





Glob. J.Arts.Humanit.Soc.Sci ISSN: 2583-2034 Vol-3 Iss-2, page 162-164 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7656548



Habibullokhon Azimov

Lecturer, Independent Researcher, Department of politics and international relations of Eastern countries, Tashkent State

University of Oriental Studies, ORCID 0000-0003-3240-9145


H&ÎÎÏ In this article, the author focuses on the history of the organization of Turkic states and the

Article History Received: 17/02/2023 Accepted: 20/02/2023 Published: 21/02/2023 processes of its formation as well as the agreements that form the legal basis of the organization. Keywords: Region, integration, union "Turkish World View - 2040", "Treaty of Nakhchivan".

Corresponding author:

Habibullokhon Azimov


Today, the international structure known as the Organization of Turkic States was established in cooperation with Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Turkey under the name of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-Speaking States based on the "Treaty of Nakhchivan" signed on October 3, 2009, in order to strengthen relations between the Turkic-speaking peoples. Hungary joined this organization in 2018 with observer status. On April 30, 2018, Uzbekistan also expressed its desire to become a member of this Council, and on September 14, 2019, it became a full member of the organization.

On November 12, 2021, at the VIII Istanbul Summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-Speaking Countries, which was held on the Island of Democracy and Freedom in Istanbul, the name of the organization was changed to the Organization of Turkic States, and Turkmenistan also received the status of an observer state in the organization. Currently, the General Secretariat for coordinating the activities of the organization is located in Istanbul, Turkey.

The main part

The population of member and observer states of the Organization of Turkic States is approximately 150 million people, located in a large and important geopolitical area of 4,200,000 square

kilometers. The role of member states of the organization in the world economy is also very important.

Uzbekistan's accession to the Organization of Turkic States was welcomed by all member countries. Officials and experts recognized the place of our people in the history of the Turks, today's potential, and importance. As a result of the political will of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev and the open and practical foreign policy of our country, the situation in Central Asia has changed, and relations with neighboring countries based on good neighborliness have been strengthened. Friendly relations between the countries of the region have expanded, the practice of resolving existing problems between the countries of the region and the organization and with other countries near and far through diplomatic negotiations has further developed, and this development has proven to be a positive prospect.

As a result of the meetings and dialogues of the head of our state with the Presidents of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Azerbaijan, cooperation in various fields has further developed in Uzbekistan. The results achieved in this regard indicate that it is possible to achieve much higher goals than the intended goals.

The cooperation council of the Turkic-speaking countries had defined important directions for the development of cooperation within the framework of cooperation. First of all, issues such as

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expanding trade-economic and investment cooperation, strengthening cooperative relations between leading industrial enterprises, banking and financial institutions, and business structures, creating new opportunities for further development of logistics, giving impulse to cultural relations were noted as priorities. Special attention was paid to the issue of creating an integrated network of transport routes, deeper penetration into the main markets of the world and the region. It was emphasized the need to develop countries on the basis of innovation, to expand cooperation between agencies responsible for this field, scientific research centers, and venture companies. It is not a secret for the world today that great progress has been made in these issues within the framework of the organization during the past period. Although this causes negative views of some political groups and circles, the Organization has already proved that it can be an international structure capable of solving the relations with other regions in harmony, not only with member and observer countries but also with the entire region.

If we look at the content of the "Treaty of Nakhchivan" consisting of 22 articles, which forms the legal basis of the organization, it is clear that it is aimed primarily at establishing comprehensive cooperation and deepening these relations, based on the historical ties between the peoples, common language, culture, and traditions. This document also outlines the mission and goals of the organization, structure, types of cooperation, councils, and committees within the organization, budget, benefits, international relations, and conflict resolution issues.

The goals and tasks of the organization are stated in Article 2 of the Nakhchivan Treaty, including the following: strengthening mutual trust, friendship, and good neighborly relations between the parties; Ensuring peace and strengthening security in the region and beyond; adoption of common positions on foreign policy issues; development of effective regional and bilateral cooperation in all areas related to common goals; creating favorable conditions for trade and investment between member states; discuss the issues of ensuring the rule of law, effective governance, and protection of human rights; expansion of mutual cooperation in the fields of science, technology, education, and culture; development of mutual cooperation and more intensive communication with mass media; facilitating the exchange of information on legal issues.

It can be seen that the member states aim for comprehensive cooperation in the political, economic, educational, and cultural spheres, which are of particular priority in today's international relations.

In 2021, at the summit of the heads of state in Istanbul, one of the most important documents in the activities of the Organization, the strategic document "Turkish World View - 2040" was signed. Taking into account the processes taking place in today's world life and international relations in the near future, four main areas such as politics and security, economic sphere, public diplomacy, and cooperation in foreign partnership form the basis of this document.

In order to implement it, it was decided to prepare the "Strategic Road Map of the Organization of Turkic States in 2022-2026" at this summit. Because the creation of a vision with certain goals and

the planning of the steps to be implemented in this framework is a natural sign of the formation of political commonality. It should be said that there are many attempts to include Central Asia in international structures for various purposes in the world experience. The processes taking place in this strategic region are of great importance in the life of the peoples of the world. However, in this regard, in the relations of a number of politically influential countries, attempts to keep the region as an area that cannot impose its political will were a priority. The organization of Turkic states was one of the steps that put an end to this attitude. At the same time, the reorganization of the Council of Elders within the organization reveals the historical roots of the political decision-making mechanism of the Turkish state tradition.

The whole world is watching the formation of concrete and systematic infrastructures that the Turkic world will achieve together within the framework of the Organization of Turkic States. The necessary measures for the development of mutual trade are being developed by the member states in the declarations expressing the adopted plans and many cooperations to be established in the future.

At the summit in Baku in 2019, the head of our country, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, put forward a proposal to establish an investment fund of Turkish states. In many countries of the developed West, such a system is in effect, and it actually creates favorable opportunities for the development of those countries, relying on each other. Due to this, the idea of forming such a system put forward in Sh. Mirziyoev's proposal will become one of the most important issues for the development of cooperation and further cohesion of the Organization of Turkic States and its member states.

Currently, within the framework of the organization, work is being carried out on large cooperation projects in the areas of transport and logistics, security, and cultural integration.

More than 10 important documents were signed as part of the first summit of the Organization of Turkic States held in Samarkand on November 11, 2022. In particular, important agreements were signed on the Transport Dependency Program of the Organization of Turkic States and the Agreement on the Formation of Simplified Customs Corridors, Trade Strategy.

Also, another important document - the strategy of the Organization of Turkic States for 2022-2026 was signed. The main document of the summit, the Samarkand Declaration, was adopted.


In conclusion, it should be said that the goal of the states, which are the leading subjects of international relations, is to protect and develop their national interests. The fact that all member states of the Organization of Turkic States rely on mutual trust within the organization and conduct foreign policy effectively using available opportunities is not only a guarantee of the existence of the organization, but in the near future, it is also important for strengthening the economic position and political will of these countries.

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