S.M. Nurdavletova
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Abstract. This article is devoted to the study of the role of the CICA as one of the priority directions of the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The paper examines "confidence-building measures" and their practical implementation in the activities of the CICA, studies the main forms of interaction between Asian countries in the field of security within the framework of the conference, identifies existing problems and offers practical recommendations to increase the effectiveness of the further development of the CICA. The idea of convening the CICA belongs to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev and for the first time this initiative was announced at the 47th session of the UN in 1992. It is known that there is an Organization for Security and Cooperation (OSCE) on the European continent, it became necessary to create a similar organization in the Asian region. In this regard, N. Nazarbayev's proposal is a necessary response to global challenges. In the context of the globalization of the modern world, the increasing interdependence of the states of the world, the search for a joint solution to current problems is acquiring great importance. The main goal of the CICA is to strive to create an effective and acceptable structure for ensuring peace and security in Asia. The member states, reaffirming their adherence to the UN Charter, believe that peace and security in Asia can be achieved through dialogue and cooperation, leading to a common inseparable area of security in Asia, where states will coexist peacefully and their peoples live in an atmosphere of peace. freedom and prosperity. Now CICA has a great potential in ensuring security on the Asian continent. For the Republic of Kazakhstan, the development of this project is the most significant since it was initiated and continues to present ideas for the modernization of the CICA activities. Also, the article pays special attention to the analysis of the priorities of Kazakhstan as chairman of the CICA in 20202022, in particular the issue of further institutionalization of the meeting, which will expand cooperation between the member states, as well as increase the status of the Forum in the international arena.
Keywords: Kazakhstan, CICA, security, confidence-building measures, development, cooperation, Asian region.
Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н. Гумилева, Нур-Султан, Республика Казахстан
Аннотация. Данная статья посвящена исследованию роли СВМДА как одного из приоритетных направлений внешней политики Республики Казахстан. В работе исследуются «меры доверия» и их практическая реализация в деятельности СВМДА, изучаются основные формы взаимодействия азиатских стран в области безопасности в рамках конференции, выявляются существующие проблемы и предлагаются практические рекомендации по увеличению эффективности дальнейшего развития СВМДА. Идея о созыве СВМДА принадлежит Президенту Республики Казахстан Н.А. Назарбаеву и впервые эта инициатива была озвучена на 47-ой сессии ООН 1992 г. Известно, что на европейском континенте существует Организация по безопасности и сотрудничеству (ОБСЕ), настала необходимость создания аналогичной организации в азиатском регионе. В этой связи предложение Н. Назарбаева является необходимым ответом на глобальные вызовы. В условиях глобализации современного мира все большей взаимозависимости государств мира поиск
совместного решения текущих проблем приобретает большое значение. Главная цель СВМДА заключается в стремлении создать эффективную и приемлемую структуру по обеспечению мира и безопасности в Азии. Государства-члены, подтверждая свою приверженность Уставу ООН, считают, что мир и безопасность в Азии могут быть достигнуты через диалог и сотрудничество, ведущие к общей неразделимой области безопасности в Азии, где будут мирно сосуществовать государства, а их народы - жить в атмосфере мира, свободы и процветания. Сейчас у СВМДА большой потенциал в обеспечении безопасности на азиатском континенте. Для Республики Казахстан развитие этого проекта является наиболее значимым, так как он был, инициирован и по сей день продолжает выдвигать идеи по модернизации деятельности СВМДА. Также в статье особое значение уделяется анализу приоритетов Казахстана на посту председателя СВМДА в 20202022 гг., в частности вопросу дальнейшей институционализации совещания, что позволит расширить сотрудничество между государствами-членами, а также повысить статус Форума на международной арене.
Ключевые слова. Казахстан, СВМДА, безопасность, меры доверия, развитие, сотрудничество, азиатский регион.
Kazakhstan's foreign policy was formulated shortly after Kazakhstan gained its independence on December 16, 1991. The President of Kazakhstan, N. Nazarbayev, indicated that diplomacy's main objective was to create and maintain favorable conditions for steady development of the Kazakhstan based on political and economic reforms. The nature of these reforms determines the nation's foreign policy priorities, impartiality, and a desire to be fully involved in both international and regional events.
The primary goals of Kazakhstan's foreign policy are as follows: protect national interests; provide favorable conditions for political and economic development; develop strategic cooperation with leading countries and regions of the world; improve cooperation with international organizations; strengthen democratic principles within the new world order; contribute to global and regional security and stability while opposing new threats such as terrorism, drug trafficking and organized crime; participate in the processes of regional and global economic integration; promote democracy as well as social and human development; protect the environment and sustain development.
The Government made key decisions and adopted policies regarding: the military, politics, economics, democratic reforms, and a new state governing system.
These decisions were essential in easing Kazakhstan's transition to the world
community and helped create a foreign policy in harmony with the global political trend towards liberalization.
One of the most important decisions Kazakhstan was to become a non-nuclear state and pursue a policy of nonproliferation. Kazakhstan's diplomacy was successful in developing positive relations with more than 140 countries and helping it to become a member of 64 international political and economic organizations. In March 1992, Kazakhstan was accepted into the United Nations Organization and has played an active role. There have been no conflicts or confrontations between Kazakhstan and other countries to date, thus further underscoring the effectiveness of the nation's diplomacy [Laumulin 2008: 14].
When independence was declared after the USSR's collapse, Kazakhstan inherited more than 1400 warheads, numerous delivery systems, and an extensive nuclear infrastructure that included the main Soviet nuclear test facility - The Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. The former Soviet republic was faced with the choice: whether to keep these weapons and claim nuclear power status or to give up those weapons and become a non-nuclear weapon state. As a result, by May 1995, Kazakhstan had disarmed and had signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as a non-nuclear weapon State. Kazakhstan's efforts in the sphere of disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons should be considered as one of the largest foreign policy initiatives undertaken by
the State. Kazakhstan is the first country that voluntarily renounced nuclear weapons and confirmed its choice of a nuclear weapon free world, desisting from the implementing of the fourth largest nuclear-missile arsenal in the world. All those years Kazakhstan was devoted to the principles of non-proliferation and nowadays the country is a strong and effective leader in the international non-proliferation community.
History of the establishment of the CICA
The idea of convening the CICA was first proposed by N. Nazarbayev, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on 5 October 1992, at the 47th Session of the United Nations General Assembly1. The moving spirit behind this initiative was the aspiration to set up an efficient and acceptable structure for ensuring peace and security in Asia. Unlike other regions in the world, Asia did not have such a structure at that time and earlier attempts to create a suitable structure had not been very successful.
The CICA's main purpose is to promote peace, security, and stability in the region by means of cooperation. As CICA includes states that experience deep political problems in their relations (Pakistan and India, Iran, and Israel), the organization avoids discussing certain political issues. However, many international organizations that unite diverse states encounter with the same challenge. Bearing in mind that Asia is a very diverse continent with significant religious, political, and economic differences, relatively modest progress of CICA is natural.
From the very beginning the idea of convocation of CICA has found support of some the Asian states defining a political climate on continent, and the international organizations (the United Nations, OSCE, LAS). Following the results of the given meetings a Special Working Group was established to make preparation for the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs of the states interested in convening the Conference.
Preparatory process. During the first phase of the evolution of CICA (1992-1994), Kazakhstan organized three meetings of the representatives of foreign ministries of Asian states interested in CICA. The first meeting
1 Kazakhstan: Week by Week // News Bulletin Released by the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the State of Israel No 12. - June 20, 2005.
with 12 participants was held in April 1993; the second meeting with 28 participants was held in August-September 1993; and the third meeting with 29 participants was held in October 1994. The main achievement of the first phase was an agreement that discords existing in region could not be an obstacle to finding common approaches to the problems concerning security and cooperation among the states2.
During the second phase (1995-1999), a Special Working Group was established to make preparation for the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs of the states interested in convening the Conference. The first meeting of the SWG took place in March 1995. Participating states were represented at the level of Ambassadors, and experts from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs. In the various sessions of the SWG during 1995-1999 drafts of the basic CICA documents such as "The Rule of Procedures", "Declaration on the Principles", "CICA Structure and Institutes" were considered.
Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs of 23 Asian countries met in Almaty on February 7-8, 1996 to further elaborate on the basic principles and documents of CICA. The participants agreed that the development of CICA process needed long term joint efforts of all the interested states. On December 3, 1997 the second meeting of the Deputy Foreign Ministers of the interested states was held. Representatives from 27 countries and international organizations took part.
The international colloquium "Asian Security in the Context of Convening CICA", held in Almaty October 21-22, 1998, was an important moment in the development of CICA. The heads of leading scientific and research centers and institutions from 16 countries of Asia, Europe and the USA took part in the colloquium. The main goal of this event was to exchange opinions on all aspects of Asian security with an emphasis on pursuing the idea of creating a regional security system.
In January-February 1999, bilateral consultations were held in the capitals of some of the interested Member States. During these consultations, agreements were reached on the
2 Katya Fisher Yoffe. Kazakhstan Passes New Internet Law // Official website: www.s-cica.org - July 15, 2005.
rapprochement of positions of the participants concerning several disputed provisions of the Declaration on Principles.
First Ministerial Meeting: The First Meeting of CICA Ministers of Foreign Affairs was held in Almaty on September 14, 1999.
The First Ministerial Meeting laid the foundation of CICA with the signing of the Declaration on Principles Guiding Relations between CICA Member States by the Ministers. The Ministers, while reaffirming commitment to the United Nations Charter, agreed that the Member States will respect each other's sovereign equality; refrain from the threat or use of force; respect the territorial integrity of each other; settle disputes in accordance with the Declaration, UN Charter and international law; refrain from any intervention in the internal affairs of each other; reaffirm their commitment to the goal of achieving general and complete disarmament under effective control; enhance the process of economic, social and cultural cooperation; and respect human rights and fundamental freedoms of all individuals.
First Summit: The First CICA Summit was held in Almaty on June 4, 2002 with participation of the Heads of Government of Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan; and Special Envoys of the Heads of Government of Egypt, Iran, Israel and Palestine1. The Summit was also attended by the representatives of the Observer States and Organizations. At this meeting, the Almaty Act and CICA Declaration on Eliminating Terrorism and Promoting Dialogue among Civilizations were adopted. The Within a short span of ten years after initiation of the idea, CICA became a full-fledged functioning forum for dialogue and for seeking mutually acceptable measures for resolving problems and conflicts in the region.
The fledgling forum's main purpose of bringing peace to all, including bringing together seemingly irreconcilable countries and interests, - it unites India and Pakistan, Iran,
1 CICA Istanbul summit marks new age in Asian Security dialog // http://www.s-cica.org/index.html
Palestine and Israel, among others, - was immediately put to a real life test.
The gathering, taking place amid heightened tensions in South Asia and elsewhere, provided a unique occasion for leaders of India and Pakistan to sit in the same room and to hear each other speak directly for the first time in five months.
Second Ministerial Meeting: The Second Meeting of CICA Ministers of Foreign Affairs was held in Almaty on October 22, 2004. At this meeting, CICA Catalogue of Confidence Building Measures (CBMs), CICA Rules of Procedure and Declaration of CICA Ministerial Meeting were adopted. Thailand was admitted as the seventeenth member of CICA.
CICA Catalogue of Confidence Building Measures became the most important document of the forum after Almaty Act. It was for the first time in the history of the Asian continent that there was such a comprehensive document envisaging multilateral cooperation among states on wide range of issues relating to stability and security. Within the framework of the Catalogue, the Confidence Building Measures were categorized into five basic dimensions, namely, economic; environmental; human; fight against new challenges and threats; and military political. Under each category, specific measures for implementation were listed. The Member States agreed to implement the Confidence Building Measures on gradual and voluntary basis. It was also agreed that any Member State could select certain measures identified in the Catalogue for implementation, where feasible and appropriate.
CICA Rules of Procedure laid down ground rules for decision making, membership, observer status, chairmanship, types of meetings and procedure for conducting meetings. One of the most important aspects of the Rules of Procedure is that decisions and recommendations at all levels are taken by consensus. Consensus is reached in the absence of objection by any Member State at the stage of adoption of decisions and recommendations.
Declaration of the Second Ministerial Meeting included assessment of the situation at that time at the regional and global levels including Afghanistan, Iraq, Middle East, South Caucasus, and Korean peninsula. Member
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States once again condemned terrorism in all forms and manifestations and reiterated their commitment to fight this menace.
Second Summit: The Second CICA Summit was held in Almaty on June 17, 2006 with participation of the Heads of Government of Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Thailand and Uzbekistan and Special Envoys of the Heads of Government of Egypt, India, Iran, Israel, Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Palestine and Turkey. Republic of Korea was admitted as the eighteenth member of CICA1.
The Second Summit adopted the Statute of CICA Secretariat and Declaration of the Second CICA Summit. With the adoption of the Statute, CICA Secretariat was established with its seat in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Functions of the Secretariat specified in the Statute include: providing support for CICA meetings; maintenance of archive of CICA documents; acting as clearing house for the documents and information provided by the Member States; disseminating information on CICA; disseminating information on the implementation of CBMs among Member State; and performance of other tasks and duties assigned by the decision making bodies of CICA.
The Declaration of the Second CICA Summit reflected the general view of the Member States on key problems of security and cooperation in Asia and in other parts of the world. The Declaration also reiterated the desire of the Member States to continue the efforts to move forward CICA process to achieve its shared objectives; and noted with satisfaction the establishment of CICA Secretariat in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan as an important milestone in the evolution of CICA process.
Development of the Confidence Building Measures. At the Senior Officials Committee meeting (SOC), held in 12-14 March 2007 in Bangkok, a document "Cooperative Approach for the implementation of the CICA CBMs" was adopted. Thus, the beginning phase of practical implementation of the CICA Catalogue of confidence building measures and
various projects aimed at strengthening cooperation in a multilateral format and specifying the individual directions of the CICA Catalogue2.
22-23 December 2007 in Tehran, the First Specialized Expert Meeting (SEM) in the field of illicit drug trafficking was conducted, and in the period from 31 January to 1 February 2008 in Ankara was held CICA Experts Meeting on the Implementation of Confidence Building Measures in the Area of New Challenges and Threats. At these meetings, the project of the Concept papers in the above-mentioned fields were elaborated. 6-7 May 2008 in Almaty, a regular meeting of the CICA Special Working Group (SWG) was held. Participants of the meeting discussed such issues as the implementation of the CICA Catalogue of CBMs, establishment of the CICA Secretariat and preparations for the 3rd Meeting of CICA Foreign Ministers.
The most of these meetings were held in 2008, for example, June 11, 2008 in Seoul, a regular meeting of the CICA Senior Officials Committee (SOC); September 27-28, 2008 in Dushanbe SEM for discussing the project of the Concept paper on the Cooperation among the CICA Member States in the field of tourism was held.
26-29 October 2008 in Tel-Aviv was the CICA seminar on advanced agriculture was held, in which experts exchanged views and national experiences on common challenges, innovative technologies and effective methods of agriculture.
Ministry of Culture and Information of Kazakhstan, as the coordinating body for the implementation of the CICA CBMs in human dimension, is implementing the Concept paper and the Action Plan for 2008-2009 in this dimension, under which, in 2008 on the territory of Kazakhstan two international conferences were held.
The other Member-States as the coordinators of individual CBMs in economic, environmental dimensions, as well as new challenges and threats, developed the concept papers in their respective areas: the Republic of Korea - in the field of energy security,
1 OSCE-CICA Forum can become a permanent dialogue 2 Kazakhstan hands over CICA presidency to Turkey, 08 platform // June 2010 //
http://www.cicaistanbul.org/pages/about_cica_page.html http://www.worldbulletin.net/news_detail.php?id=59663
Tajikistan - in the field of tourism, Iran - in Combating Illicit Drug Production and Trafficking and Precursors, Russia - in the area of development of small and medium enterprises, Turkey - Action Plan for the implementation of CBMs in the field of new challenges and threats.
Third Ministerial Meeting: The Third Meeting of CICA Ministers of Foreign Affairs was held in Almaty on August 25, 2008, was attended by delegations of 19 Member States, 7 observer countries and 6 international and regional organizations. Just prior to the Ministerial Meeting Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and United Arab Emirate were formally admitted to CICA taking the membership to twenty. The State of Qatar was conferred the status of observer.
The Conclusions and Declaration of the Ministerial Meeting, titled CICA Progress in Implementation of CBMs were adopted at the Meeting. The Ministers also adopted the Protocol Amending the Statute of the Secretariat of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia which provides for shifting of CICA Secretariat from Almaty to Astana.
The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan as the current CICA Chairman, welcoming the beginning of the implementation of confidence measures in the human, economic and environmental dimensions as well as in combating new challenges and threats, suggested to begin the practical work on developing and strengthening cooperation in the politico-military dimension, which in perspective should be one of the main directions of the CICA Catalogue of CBMs.
Further Development of the Confidence Building Measures. SOC Meeting on 20 February 2009 in New Delhi: Special working group (SWG) of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) held its regular meeting in New Delhi, India on 18-19 February 2009, followed by meeting of Senior Officials Committee (SOC) under the chairmanship of N.Yermekbayev, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan on 20 February 2009.
One of main issues on the agenda was consideration of implementation of Confidence Building Measures (CBMs). Kazakhstan and
Turkey briefed the Member States about the proposed course of action for implementation of action plans in the areas of human dimension and new challenges and threats. Other coordinating countries informed about the course of action for adoption of concept papers and action plans for implementation of CBMs in the areas of development of secure and effective systems of transport corridors; illicit drug trafficking; information technology; energy security; and small and medium enterprise.
Mongolia confirmed its intention to act as the coordinating country for CBMs in environmental dimension.
It is known that the Kazakhstan's mandate of the CICA Chairman expires in 2010. In this regard, at the Third Meeting of CICA Ministers of Foreign Affairs on August 25, 2008 the First President of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev proposed to elect for this post one of the most active participants of the CICA - Republic of Turkey. This initiative was launched in view of the high-level relations between the two fraternal countries and considering the vast experience of the Turkish side in various international and regional associations.
In January 2009, following internal procedures, Ankara has expressed agreement with the proposal of Kazakhstan, which was announced in a message of President of the Republic of Turkey A. Gul addressed to the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev, as the CICA Chairman.
At SOC Meeting, held in New Delhi, Republic of Turkey announced its candidacy for Chairmanship of CICA in 2010-2012, which was agreed with all Member States. In accordance with the CICA Rules of Procedure, the next 3rd Summit of Heads of States and Governments of the CICA Member States will be held in 2010 in Turkey.
If earlier in the CICA framework annually was hold only 2-3 specialized activities, in this year is planned to hold several different meetings, seminars and forums, in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Azerbaijan, Republic of Korea, Turkey, Iran and Israel. Thus, the current year becomes the «breakthrough» in the context of the further development of the Conference.
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Kazakhstan was assigned to prepare the Chairman's Draft Perception Paper on Confidence Building measures in Military-Political Dimension. Later, that basis will be elaborated document titled «The Cooperative Approach», which reflect shall the common position of all the Member States.
In the economic dimension the Concept paper on Cooperation among CICA Member States in tourism, prepared by Tajikistan was approved.
Kazakhstan as coordinator of the project for the implementation of CBMs in the human dimension distributed plan of activities for 2009 in the framework of the CICA Action Plan on CBMs in the humanitarian sphere.
Mongolia was adopted as the coordinator of the environmental dimension, and Turkey, as coordinating country in the field of new challenges and threats, announced its intention to hold in 2009 the meeting of police chiefs of the member countries.
The participants also discussed common issues of CICA activities. At the meeting, the CICA Calendar of Events for 2009-2010 was adopted and analysis titled «The study of the CICA development» was approved1.
On June 9, 2009 in Moscow the SEM for the implementation of CICA Catalogue of CBMs in the field of promoting business opportunities and information exchange in Development of Small and Medium Enterprises. During the meeting, the draft Concept paper and Action plan for the 20092010 were discussed.
On June 23-24, 2009, the regular Meeting of the CICA Special Working Group (SWG) took place in Almaty. During the meeting, Member States considered the issues of realization of the CICA Catalogue of CBMs in the environmental, economic, and military-political dimensions, the general issues related to CICA, as well as Issues related to CICA Secretariat.
In addition, the SWG accepted the request of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for observer status at CICA and submitted it for approval by SOC.
1 Habibe Ozdal. "The Fifth International Asian Congress Was Held in Istanbul". Turkish Weekly. - 9 June 2010.
The Kingdom of Thailand, in its capacity as the ARF Chairman, expressed its willingness to share its views and experiences on implementation of CBMs in military-political and economic dimensions with the CICA Chairman.
Thus, the participants take practical steps for implementation of the decisions of the Second Summit (2006) and the Third Ministerial Meeting (2008), as well as to prepare for the Third Summit, which was held in 2010.
The third CICA Summit was held in Istanbul on June 8, 2010. The summit took place to welcome new members Iraq and Vietnam, who became a permanent member from its observer status.
The third CICA summit took place outside Kazakhstan, with the chairmanship baton being passed to Turkey for the next two years. Such a development seems to be logical: Ankara plays an active role in establishing new security strategies on a regional level and consistently supported Kazakhstan's efforts in turning CICA in an effective platform.
The peculiarity of the meeting was given by the chairmanship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the OSCE at that time. On June 7, 2010, under the auspices of the European organization, a special event was held in Istanbul: "Cooperation in the field of economy and security in the XXI century in the Eurasian space". It was attended by the heads of the OSCE foreign ministries, the countries of the OSCE Asian Partners Group and the CICA member states. The event was very useful from the point of view of the development of interaction within the OSCE-CICA.
As a result of the negotiations, at the end of the Summit, a Declaration was adopted, in which, along with regional issues (the Middle East, Afghanistan, Iraq), it was possible to reflect topical issues in the field of peace, security and stability, socio-economic development and culture. The provision on the need to resume negotiations on the creation of a Palestinian state, included in the document, was a significant achievement of the Summit.
Thus, the Third CICA Summit made a significant contribution to further strengthening the international authority of Kazakhstan.
In general, Kazakhstan highly appreciated the third CICA Summit results. In the joint declaration issued at the end of the third CICA summit the member states committed to disarmament, non-proliferation, efforts to establish Nuclear-Weapons-Free zones, combating and eradicating the illicit trade and trafficking of small arms and light weapons (SALW), tackling catastrophes caused by climate change, economic co-operation and cultural exchanges promotion.
The fourth ministerial meeting of the CICA took place on September 12, 2012 in Astana, which was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the initiative to convene the Meeting. The heads of the foreign affairs agencies of the CICA member states exchanged views on regional and global issues, discussed ways to further strengthen cooperation, peace and security in Asia, as well as prospects for the further development of the CICA process.
Following the results of the Jubilee Session and the 4th Ministerial Meeting of the CICA, a Declaration was adopted, in which, along with regional issues, it was possible to reflect topical issues in the field of peace, security, stability and socio-economic development of the region. The declaration was intended to give new impetus to the efforts of the Conference to strengthen peace and security in Asia.
The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev, in his speech at the Jubilee session, for the first time proposed in the future to transform the CICA into an organization [Isagaliev 2016: 14].
The fourth CICA Summit was held on May 20-21, 2014 in Shanghai, during which the chairmanship of the CICA was transferred from Turkey to China. The Summit was attended by 47 states and international organizations. For the first time, the UN Secretary General took part in the Summit, Qatar and Bangladesh joined the ranks of the Meeting as full members, a number of important documents were signed and approved, namely the Memorandum of Understanding between the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the CICA Secretariat and the new CICA Rules of Procedure, significantly concretizing the legal framework of its activities.
As a result of the Summit, the political Declaration "Strengthening dialogue, trust and
coordination for the sake of a new Asia, peace, stability and cooperation" was adopted. The goals and objectives set out in the Declaration give a clear understanding that the Chinese chairmanship in the CICA will be aimed at strengthening political and socio-economic security measures in Asia, increasing trust and mutual respect through building its new architecture1.
In his speech at the Summit, N. Nazarbayev came up with an initiative to create an Organization for Security and Development of Asia (OSDA) based on the CICA.
The Fifth Ministerial Meeting of the CICA was held on April 28, 2016 in Beijing, in which the heads and representatives of the foreign affairs agencies of 26 member states, 8 observer countries and a number of international organizations (UN, OSCE, LAS, OIC etc.).
For the first time, a ministerial meeting of the CICA was chaired by the PRC. Speaking at the opening of the meeting, President of China Xi Jinping stressed the importance of further strengthening regional cooperation to ensure common, indivisible, comprehensive and sustainable security, including through the mechanisms and institutions of the CICA.
The head of the People's Republic of China also proposed to develop new approaches of equal, mutually beneficial and peaceful cooperation, taking into account the peculiarities of the Asian region, to expand the dialogue of civilizations, and to resolve differences in Asia exclusively by peaceful means through consultations in accordance with international law.
In general, the meeting participants exchanged views on key issues of the global agenda, joint measures to ensure regional security, counter new challenges and threats, etc. Particular attention was paid to the prospects for building up practical cooperation within the CICA, further implementation of the achieved confidence-building measures in all five dimensions, including on the issues of improving the activities of the Forum.
1 Официальный сайт Президента Республики Казахстан // URL:
http://www.akorda.kz/ru/national_projects/ soveshchanie-po-vzaimodeistviyu-i-meram-doveriya-v-azii 1340726104.
As a result of the Ministerial Meeting, a political Declaration "Promoting Peace, Security, Stability and Sustainable Development in Asia through Dialogue" was adopted.
The fifth CICA summit was held on June 15, 2019 in Dushanbe. The Summit was attended by member states, states and international observer organizations, as well as one organization partner of the CICA.
The leaders attending the Summit expressed their views on such pressing issues as security in Asia and measures to promote dialogue, trust and coordination of the CICA, regional cooperation, environmental issues and further development of the region.
The summit adopted a declaration "A common vision for a secure and more prosperous CICA region". The Declaration reflected the position and views of the CICA members on such important issues of security and cooperation in Asia as terrorism, disarmament, drug trafficking, organized transnational crime, food and energy security, human rights, information and communication technologies, the environment, as well as the situation in Afghanistan and the Middle East. The declaration also noted the personal role of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev, as the Founder of the CICA and his significant contribution to building the capacity of the CICA.
In the declaration, the member states reiterated their commitment to advancing the CICA process and reaffirmed the importance of implementing the agreed confidence building measures in all dimensions.
Priorities of Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the CICA
In September 2020, Kazakhstan was elected as the State Chairman of the CICA. As chairman, the Republic of Kazakhstan will continue to work on the institutionalization of the meeting, which will improve the status of the organization in the international arena. In addition, Kazakhstan will promote the initiative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Tokayev to transform the forum of analytical centers of the alliance member states into a permanent expert platform.
The main task of the Forum was to create favorable conditions for the discussion of
topical issues and problems in the field of security between the states of Asia through an open and constructive dialogue based on principles of international law and the unacceptability of politics from a position of strength, differences in economic development, racial, ethnic and religious affiliation.
For 28 years of its existence, the Forum has become a dialogue a platform for a frank exchange of views on problematic issues of international politics, helped to strengthen mutual understanding between them.
An increase in the number of CICA members to 27 states, along with eight countries and five organizations with observers, is a confirmation of the relevance and the demand for this platform.
At the same time, today's realities require the development of new priorities and more effective mechanisms of cooperation between the CICA member states.
Kazakhstan, building on the positive experience of previous chairpersons - Turkey, China and Tajikistan, plans intensify work on further advancement of the CICA process. Kazakhstan's chairmanship will be carried out at principles of openness, impartiality and in accordance with the norms of international law.
In the context of globalization, the world is becoming more interconnected and interdependent. As a result, today's challenges are becoming universal.
The system of strategic stability and control over nuclear weapons is being dismantled, accompanied by an arms race and the development of new systems and types of weapons. Terrorism, extremism and drug trafficking are becoming more and more transnational in nature, mastering modern technologies and new spheres of influence.
Changes in the global economic architecture. Trade, investment and technological protectionism is replacing multilateral cooperation within the framework of global platforms. The effectiveness of the WTO is decreasing, the attractiveness of regional and bilateral alliances is increasing.
On the example of the spread of coronavirus infection Covid-19 has made it clear that the outbreak of epidemic diseases and pandemics around the world could pose an extreme biological threat not only to human
survival, but also to national, regional and global economies and security. Problems of providing food, energy, water and environmental security. The scale of illegal and uncontrolled migration is growing.
In these conditions, only active collective interaction and an open dialogue of civilizations can determine the right decisions that ensure stability and sustainable development of all states.
The theme of the chairmanship of Kazakhstan will be: "Partnership for security and development in Asia".
Kazakhstan's chairmanship will focus special attention on the implementation of the Catalog of Confidence Building Measures, which is a fundamental tool for promoting the goals and objectives of the CICA. Also, Kazakhstan, as Chairman, plans to continue strengthening dialogue with international and regional organizations and forums.
It is necessary to note, that at the 62nd session of the UN General Assembly, CICA received observer status at the UN. In order to develop ties with other organizations, CICA signed Memorandums of Understanding with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).
Kazakhstan plans to devote the development of a three-level and multidimensional dialogue within the framework of the "Three D" initiative launched by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev in 20191.
In the coming biennium, the development of the concept of a new global architecture of relations between world powers, regional entities and organizations, which is so necessary in today's geopolitical reality, will continue. At the same time, attention will be focused on the Eurasian subcontinent, where the CICA and the OSCE could closely cooperate to agree on their mandates and goals.
In addition to cooperation with the UN, it is important for CICA to develop cooperation with organizations such as the Eurasian Economic Union, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Regional Cooperation Association in South Asia, the League of Arab States etc.
Cooperation with these international structures will contribute to the further expansion of joint efforts to strengthen security and sustainable development in Eurasia. And further institutional development of the CICA requires careful reflection and discussion by all member states, considering the existing global and regional challenges and threats.
As the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Tokayev notes, "Today the CICA is an authoritative multilateral structure uniting 35 states of the Asian region and about half of the population of our planet. We call on all friends and partners to join forces to increase the efficiency and international competitiveness of the Forum. For this we need its step-by-step, gradual transformation into a full-fledged regional organization. For the institutional formation of the CICA, all the necessary conditions have been created, a legal base has been developed, its permanent structures are working"2.
At the beginning of March 2020, an important event took place for the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan -President K. Tokayev signed the Concept of Foreign Policy of Kazakhstan for 2020-2030. The main principles of the implementation of Kazakhstan's foreign policy include the continuity of the foreign policy course of the First President N.A. Nazarbayev at the new stage of the country's development. This means the continuation of the Asian vector of Kazakhstan's foreign policy in a direction whose importance is growing day by day.
Understanding the Asian vector at the current difficult stage in the development of Kazakhstan's foreign policy is impossible
1 Концепция председательства Республики Казахстан в Совещании по взаимодействию и мерам доверия в Азии (СВМДА) в 2020-2022 гг. // http://www.s-cica.org/docs/1601285055The%20Conception%20rus.pd f
2 СВМДА //
https://kazembassy.ru/rus/sotrudnichestvo/mnogostoronn ee sotrudnichestvo/svmda/
without understanding the place and role of Kazakhstan in Asia, participation in Asian and Eurasian structures and organizations such as the CICA, SCO, EAEU, BRI, OIC, etc.
Thus, over more than two decades, the CICA, thanks to its constructive role in strengthening the architecture of regional security, has proven its relevance and viability. From a geographical and geopolitical point of view, Central Asia occupies a central position in the implementation of almost all major continental projects of a strategic, transport and economic nature. That is, the further fate of the CICA will depend on the will, efforts and influence of great and average players and international organizations - Russia, China, India, Iran, Turkey, Kazakhstan, etc.
Considering the forthcoming chairmanship of Kazakhstan in the CICA, a restart of the Meeting will be necessary soon. The transformation of the CICA into the Organization for Security and Development of Asia, proposed by Kazakhstan, means an expansion of the format of the Conference and a turn towards solving new problems. For this, by analogy with the OSCE, it is necessary not
dimensions, but, first of all, to significantly intensify activities in the military-political field. Currently, the urgent task of the CICA is the transition to qualitatively new levels of cooperation - preventive diplomacy and conflict prevention.
Kazakhstan, as an initiator country, should intensify discussion of this issue between the CICA participants. This task should become one of the priorities of Kazakhstani foreign policy. Consistent advancement of the Kazakhstani initiative to transform the CICA is important for ensuring peace and security throughout the Eurasian space. Its implementation can contribute, at the first stage, to the synchronization of the processes of ensuring security in Asia and Europe, and subsequently to the creation of a unified Eurasian security system.
The high dynamics and instability of the geopolitical situation in Asia requires Kazakhstan to multi-level work with its partners within the CICA, other international organizations and regional associations in the interests of forming a common Eurasian security system.
only to expand cooperation in all five
Fisher Yoffe K. Kazakhstan Passes New Internet Law // Official website: www.s-cica.org. July 15, 2005.
Habibe O. "The Fifth International Asian Congress Was Held in Istanbul". Turkish Weekly. 9 June 2010.
Isagaliev K.I. Kazakhstan - iniciator sozyva SVMDA // Vestnik KazNPU, Seriya MO. 2016. S. 14-18.
Laumulin M. New Emphasis in Foreign Policy of Kazakhstan // Kazakhstan News Bulletin. Special Issue, No 12. August 27, 2008. P. 14.
About the author: Nurdavletova S. M. - Cand. of Science (History), Associate Professor at Department of International Relations, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian national university (e-mail: saniyanm83@mail.ru).
Библиографический список
Fisher Yoffe K. Kazakhstan Passes New Internet Law // Official website: www.s-cica.org. July 15, 2005.
Habibe O. "The Fifth International Asian Congress Was Held in Istanbul". Turkish Weekly. 9 June 2010.
Исагалиев К.И. Казахстан - инициатор созыва СВМДА // Вестник КазНПУ, Серия МО. 2016. C. 14-18.
Laumulin M. New Emphasis in Foreign Policy of Kazakhstan // Kazakhstan News Bulletin. Special Issue, No 12. August 27, 2008. P. 14.
Сведения об авторе: Нурдавлетова Сания Моряковна - кандидат исторических наук, доцент факультета международных отношений ЕНУ им. Л.Н. Гумилева (e-mail: saniyanm83@mail.ru).