OBJECTIVES AND PRINCIPLES OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
pollution / environment / protection / ecology / sources of pollution / air. / загрязнение / окружающая среда / охрана / экология / источники загрязнения / воздух.

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Байрамова Айтан Рамиз Кызы

In this essay, we looked at the concept of environmental protection, which is important to know when studying this topic. We also tracked how nature conservation is organized. We have taken note of the basic principles of environmental protection. We examined the types of pollution and the directions of their protection. We also noted which government bodies are actively working in the field of environmental protection. The problem of pollution remains relevant today. It is important to know how to protect nature from chemical and other influences and how not to lead the planet to an ecological disaster. Protecting your nature is very important at every stage of life.

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В этом эссе мы рассмотрели концепцию защиты окружающей среды, которую важно знать при изучении этой темы. Мы также отслеживали, как организована охрана природы. Мы приняли к сведению основные принципы защиты окружающей среды. Мы рассмотрели виды загрязнения и направления их защиты. Мы также отметили, какие государственные органы активно работают в сфере охраны окружающей среды. Проблема загрязнения остается актуальной и сегодня. Важно знать, как защитить природу от химических и других воздействий и как не привести планету к экологической катастрофе. Защита своей природы очень важна на каждом этапе жизни.


XIIIМеждународная научно-практическая конференция UDC 632.154

Bayramova Aytan Ramiz qizi Байрамова Айтан Рамиз кызы

Senior laboratory assistant Старший лаборант Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Азербайджанский государственный университет нефти и промышленности




Abstract: In this essay, we looked at the concept of environmental protection, which is important to know when studying this topic. We also tracked how nature conservation is organized. We have taken note of the basic principles of environmental protection. We examined the types of pollution and the directions of their protection. We also noted which government bodies are actively working in the field of environmental protection.

The problem of pollution remains relevant today. It is important to know how to protect nature from chemical and other influences and how not to lead the planet to an ecological disaster. Protecting your nature is very important at every stage of life.

Аннотация: В этом эссе мы рассмотрели концепцию защиты окружающей среды, которую важно знать при изучении этой темы. Мы также отслеживали, как организована охрана природы. Мы приняли к сведению основные принципы защиты окружающей среды. Мы рассмотрели виды загрязнения и направления их защиты. Мы также отметили, какие государственные органы активно работают в сфере охраны окружающей среды.

Проблема загрязнения остается актуальной и сегодня. Важно знать, как защитить природу от химических и других воздействий и как не привести планету к экологической катастрофе. Защита своей природы очень важна на каждом этапе жизни.

Key words: pollution, environment, protection, ecology, sources of pollution, air.

Ключевые слова: загрязнение, окружающая среда, охрана, экология, источники загрязнения, воздух.

Environmental protection is understood as a set of international, state and regional legal acts, instructions and standards that introduce general legal requirements for each individual pollutant and ensure its interest in meeting these requirements, specific environmental measures to implement these requirements.

Success can only be expected if all these components match each other in terms of content and development speed, i.e. will be integrated into a unified environmental protection system [1].

Since the task of protecting nature from the negative influences of man was not solved in time, nowadays a man is increasingly faced with the task of protecting against the effects of a changed natural environment. Both concepts are integrated into the term "protection of the (human) environment".

Environmental protection consists of:

Legal protections, which formulate scientific environmental principles in the form of legally binding laws;

material incentives for environmental protection activities aimed at making them economically profitable for enterprises;

Protection of technologies, development of environmentally friendly and resource-saving technologies and equipment [2].

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection", the following objects are subject to protection:

natural ecological systems, the ozone layer of the atmosphere;

The earth, its subsoil, surface and underground waters, atmospheric air, forests and other vegetation, fauna, microorganisms, gene pool, natural landscapes.

State nature reserves, reserves, national natural parks, natural monuments, rare or endangered species of plants and animals and their habitats are under special protection.

The basic principles of environmental protection should be as follows:

XIIIМеждународная научно-практическая конференция Priority should be given to ensuring favorable environmental conditions for life, work and recreation of the population;

scientifically grounded combination of environmental and economic interests of society;

take into account the laws of nature and the possibility of self-healing and self-purification of their resources;

prevention of irreversible consequences for the protection of the environment and human health;

the right of the population and public organizations to timely and reliable information about the state of the environment and adverse consequences for the environment and human health at various production facilities.

The impossibility of bringing to responsibility for violation of the requirements of environmental legislation.

Figure 1 shows the sources of air pollution.

Figure 1. Sources of air pollution

Nature Conservation Act. The state ensures the rationalization of environmental management, including environmental protection, by creating environmental legislation and monitoring its observance [3, 4].

Environmental legislation is a system of laws and other legal acts (decrees, decrees, directives) that regulate relations in the field of environmental protection in order to preserve and increase natural wealth, rationalize environmental management and maintain public health.

In order for the adopted laws to be implemented in practice, it is very important that they are timely supported by additional provisions, which, in accordance with the specific conditions of the industry or sector, precisely define and clarify who should do what and how, to whom and in what reports should be drawn up on the form, which environmental regulations, standards and regulations should be observed, etc.

The Law on Environmental Protection establishes a general scheme for achieving convergence of the interests of society and individual users of natural resources through limits, payments, tax benefits, while specific parameters are set in the form of exact values of standards, rates, payments in regulations of the Ministry of Natural Resources, sectoral instructions, etc.

Environmental legislation covers both the natural environment as a whole and its individual natural systems (for example, Lake Baikal), as well as elements (water, air, etc.) and international law.

In our country, for the first time in world practice, the Constitution includes the requirement for the protection and rational use of natural resources. There are about two hundred legal documents related to the use of natural resources. One of the most important is the comprehensive Law on Environmental Protection, adopted in 1991.

It says that every citizen has the right to protect their health from the adverse effects of a polluted natural environment, to participate in environmental associations and social movements, as well as to receive timely information about the state of the natural environment and measures to protect it.

However, administrative liability is more often used in the form of fines imposed on both individuals and the company as a whole. This happens

XIII Международная научно-практическая конференция in cases of damage or destruction of natural objects, pollution of the natural environment, failure to take measures to restore the damaged environment, poaching, etc.

Disciplinary actions can be taken against officials in the form of complete or partial loss of bonuses, demotion, reprimand or dismissal for non-compliance with environmental measures and non-compliance with environmental standards.

In addition, payment of the fine does not relieve the offender from material civil liability, i.e. from the need to compensate for damage caused to the environment, health and property of citizens and the national economy by pollution or irrational use of natural resources [5].

In addition to declaring the rights and obligations of citizens and establishing responsibility for environmental violations, the aforementioned law formulates environmental requirements for the construction and operation of various facilities, shows the economic mechanism of environmental protection, proclaims the principles of international cooperation in this area, etc.

It should be noted that, although environmental legislation is quite extensive and diverse, in practice it is still not effective enough. There are many reasons for this, but one of the most important is the discrepancy between the severity of the punishment and the severity of the crime, especially the low rates of fines imposed. For a civil servant, for example, this is three to twenty times the monthly minimum wage (not to be confused with the employee's actual wage, which is always much higher). However, twenty minimum wages often do not exceed one or two of the actual monthly salaries of these civil servants, since they are usually heads of companies and departments. For ordinary citizens, the fine is no more than ten times the minimum wage.

Moreover, as a rule, across the country there are no more than two dozen cases of liability for air and water pollution with serious consequences,

«Инновационные аспекты развития науки и техники» and the most numerous cases of poaching do not exceed one and a half thousand a year, which is incomparably less than the actual number of violations. However, recently there has been a tendency for these indicators to grow.

Other reasons for the weak regulation of environmental legislation are the lack of technical means for effective treatment of wastewater and polluted gases at enterprises and equipment for pollution control in inspection organizations.

Finally, the low level of ecological culture among the population, insufficient knowledge of the basic environmental requirements, a condescending attitude towards the destruction of sports facilities, the lack of knowledge and skills necessary to effectively ensure the right to a healthy environment enshrined in legislation are important. Currently, it is necessary to develop a legal mechanism for the protection of human rights in the field of ecology, i.e. legislative acts that concretize this part of the law, and transform the flow of complaints into the flow of complaints to the press and higher administrative bodies into the flow of demands to the judiciary. If every resident, whose health has suffered from the company's harmful emissions, files a claim for material compensation for the damage caused, assessing his health as sufficiently high, the company is simply obliged to take urgent economic measures to reduce the level of pollution [6].

Environmental management perspectives.

Sustainable environmental management is the only way out of this situation. The overall goal of sustainable natural resource management is to find the best or optimal ways to use natural and artificial (eg agricultural) ecosystems. Exploitation refers to the harvest and the impact of a particular economic activity on the conditions of the biogeocenosis.

The task of creating an optimal natural resource management system is significantly complicated by the presence of not one, but many optimization criteria. Including: Achieving maximum productivity, reducing

XIIIМеждународная научно-практическая конференция production costs, preserving natural landscapes, maintaining the biological diversity of communities, ensuring a clean environment, maintaining the normal functioning of ecosystems and their complexes.

Consideration should be given to protecting the environment and restoring natural resources:

rational strategy of pest control, knowledge and adherence to agricultural practices, doses of mineral fertilizers, good knowledge of organic agrocenoses and processes occurring in them and on their borders with natural systems

Improvement of technologies and extraction of natural resources; the most complete and comprehensive extraction of all useful components from the field.

Land reclamation after use;

economical and waste-free use of raw materials in production;

Technologies for deep cleaning and waste disposal;

Reuse of materials after products are no longer used;

use of technology for the extraction of dispersed minerals;

Use of natural and mineral substitutes for scarce mineral compounds;

Closed production cycles (development and application);

Application of energy saving technologies;

Development and use of new environmentally friendly energy sources.

In general, it is necessary to take into account the issues of environmental protection and restoration of natural resources:

local and global logical monitoring, i.e. measurement and control of the state of key environmental characteristics, concentrations of pollutants in the atmosphere, water and soil;

restoration and preservation of forests from fires, pests and diseases. Today, the attitude of consumers towards nature, who take its resources without taking measures to restore them, is becoming a thing of

«Инновационные аспекты развития науки и техники» the past. The problem of rational use of natural resources, protection of nature from the destructive consequences of human economic activity is of national importance.

Conservation and sustainable management of nature is a complex problem, the solution of which depends both on the consistent implementation of state policies for the preservation of ecosystems and on the expansion of scientific knowledge that society can finance in a cost-effective and beneficial way for its own well-being.

For pollutants in the atmosphere, legal maximum concentrations have been established that do not have a noticeable effect on humans. In order to prevent air pollution, measures were developed to ensure the correct combustion of fuel, the transition to gasified central heating and the installation of treatment facilities at industrial enterprises. In addition to protecting the air from pollution, wastewater treatment plants also save raw materials and return many valuable products to production. For example, separating sulfur from flue gases allows for increased production of sulfuric acid, while separating cement saves products equivalent to those of multiple plants. In aluminum smelters, installing filters on pipes prevents the release of fluorine into the atmosphere. Along with the construction of treatment facilities, technologies are being sought to minimize the volume of waste. The same goal is served by the improvement of the design of cars, the transition to other types of fuel (LPG, ethyl alcohol), the combustion of which releases less harmful substances. The development of a car with an electric motor that will be able to move around the city is underway. The correct design of the city and its green spaces is of great importance. Trees clean the air of suspended liquid and solid particles (aerosols) and absorb harmful gases. For example, sulfur dioxide is well absorbed by poplar, lime, maple, horse chestnut, phenols - lilac, mulberry, elderberry.

Public organizations.

XIII Международная научно-практическая конференция Protecting the environment is a concern of all people. Today in the Russian Federation there are 27 public environmental associations that have great powers under the law. The most powerful of these is the All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation, founded in 1924. It includes 215,000 primary organizations, uniting about 32 million citizens. Its supreme body is the Congress, which meets every four years. The Congress elects the Presidium. The latter has the following sections: Forests, Horticulture, Bird Protection, Fish, Water and Underwood, etc. The Presidium forms a scientific and technical council on complex issues. In districts, cities, regions, territories and republics, similar bodies are elected at conferences. All work on environmental protection is primarily carried out by primary organizations that are located in enterprises, institutions, organizations, schools, universities and other educational institutions.

Scientific institutions. In the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Branch NAS and state bodies of science and technology, there are special subdivisions that develop and approve comprehensive research programs and plans for environmental protection and health improvement, rational use and reproduction of natural resources. For example, under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a Scientific Council on Biosphere Problems has been created. These institutions manage the activities of an entire network of research institutes and laboratories that develop methods of cleaning the environment from pollution, methods of environmental control, government standards and regulations in this area. They make forecasts, prepare projects, carry out state ecological expertise, help solve practical problems of rational nature management and environmental protection. An example of this is the Central Research Institute for Complex Problems of Flora and Fauna Protection under the Ministry of Agriculture.

Universities play an important role in environmental protection. Through the efforts of departments, specialized laboratories and research institutes, they participate in the development and implementation of

«Инновационные аспекты развития науки и техники» comprehensive, targeted environmental programs, design work, are members of scientific, technical and expert councils, and advise on environmental issues. Some universities train specialists in the field of environmental protection; whatever the profile, they offer specialized courses in environmental protection and environmental management. Thus, the formation of the ecological culture of citizens is achieved. In our opinion, the efforts of universities and other educational institutions, with the help of the press, radio, television and public speaking in the near future, should be achieved environmental macro-education, at least by leaders and specialists, because, as Odum writes, until the problem will not become obvious to everyone to take that 4) International environmental organizations.

Protecting the environment is a concern of people all over the world. One state, no matter how ideally organized this work, is not able to ensure the protection of natural resources that are constantly in motion and constantly cross state borders - atmospheric air, sea waters, oceans, migratory fish, birds, animals. Nature protection requires the efforts of all states of the world. This is primarily the goal of international conventions and agreements [7].

There are about 70 treaties, conventions and agreements governing fishing and whaling. Several agreements have been made to protect the oceans from oil pollution.

The Convention for the Restriction of the Trade in Rare Animals and Plants was adopted in 1973. More than 80 countries have signed the Convention on the Protection of Nests, Nesting and Wintering Areas of Waterfowl.

List of literature:

1. Маричнеко А.В. Экология: Учебное пособие. - М.: Издательство-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К0», 2006. - 332 с.

2. Экология, окружающая среда и человек: Учеб. пособие / под ред. Ю.В. Новикова. М.: ФАИР - ПРЕСС, 2002.

XIIIМеждународная научно-практическая конференция

3. Безопасность жизнедеятельности: Учебник / под ред. С.В. Белова. М.: Высшая школа, 1999.

4. Коробкин В.И., Передельский Л.В. Экология: учеб. для вузов. 7-е изд. Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2004.

5. Экология: учеб. /Л.В. Передельский, В.И. Коробкин, О.Е. Приходченко. -М.: ТК Велби, Изд-во Проспект, 2007, -512 с.

6. М.Я. Салманов. Тятбиги еколоэийанын ясаслары, Бакы, 1993. -

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7. М.Я. Салманов. Таныйаг Дцнйамызы, вятянимизи, юзцмцзц вя йа щяр кяс цчцн Еколоэийа, 2009, -350 с.

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