УДК: 342.95
Tolochko Vladimir Vladimirovich Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs DOI: 10.24412/2520-2480-2020-3587-46-48 OBJECT OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL REGULATION IN THE SPHERE OF ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE STATE: QUESTIONS OF TERMINOLOGY AND CONTENT
The article examines different approaches to defining the concepts of «economic security», «public administration», «state regulation», «administrative and legal regulation». As a result, the author's position on the correlation of the categories «public administration», «state regulation», «administrative and legal regulation» was formulated. It has been proved that the category «ensuring economic security» is an object of administrative and legal regulation in the field of economic security of the state, as a result ofwhich its definition has been formulated.
Keywords: economic security, administrative and legal regulation, state regulation, public administration.
The relevance of research. The proclamation and implementation by Ukraine of a European integration strategy as the main priority of state policy indicates the need to ensure national security, a clear definition of the state in strategic priorities that must correspond to the challenges and threats of our time, its integration into modern systems of international and regional security. The solution of the indicated tasks is inextricably linked with the implementation of the norms of administrative law, which contributes to the systematization of a number of social relations and the establishment of legal means in various areas of state activity, determines the procedure for the implementation of individual functions of the state, including in the field of ensuring economic security.
Research status. The work of such leading foreign and domestic scientists-economists as L. Abalkin, Z. Varnaliy, A. Vlasyuk, V. Geets, A. Gradov, N. Ki-zim, M. Kozorez, V. Tkach is devoted to the study of the problems of ensuring the economic security of the state at all levels of economic management. The issue of modernization of public administration in the field of ensuring the economic security of the state and administrative and legal regulation of economic processes are in the focus of attention of such scientists as V. Averyanov, N. Anufriev, A. Bandurka, O. Bezpalova, V. Garashchuk, O. Getmanets, S. Kivalov, T. Kolomo-ets, V. Kolpakov, T. Kravtsova, Yu. Tikhomirov, N. Tishchenko, Kh. Yarmak and others. At the same time, scientific works on the definition of the concept of economic security cannot be defined as the same. Moreover, they do not define a category that absorbs the content of the object of administrative and legal regulation in the implementation of a state function due to the needs of economic security.
So, the purpose of this article is to establish a category that absorbs the content of the object of administrative and legal regulation in the field of economic security and to define its concept.
Presentation of the main material. The concept of «economic security» was first used in educational literature in 1994 by G. Pasternak-Taranushenko, which was defined as a state of the state, which provides the opportunity to create and develop conditions for a fruitful life of its population, the prospective development of the economy in the future and the growth
of well-being its inhabitants [1, c. 23]. Similar to this definition, there is a widespread approach to defining the essence of the concept of «economic security» as a state of security of national economic interests from internal and external threats [2, c. 22; 3, c. 5].
In turn, to resolve the issue of which category is the object of administrative and legal regulation in the field of economic security, it is necessary to refer to the interpretation of the content of the concept of «administrative and legal regulation» and its delimitation from related legal categories: «public administration» and «state regulation».
According to the authors of the legal encyclopedia, state regulation is the implementation by the state of complex measures (organizational, legal, economic, and so on) in the field of social, economic, political, spiritual and other social processes in order to streamline them, establish general rules and norms of social behavior, and also prevent negative phenomena in society. In its content, state regulation is broader than the concept of public administration, because the latter uses administrative methods to achieve its goals. [4, c. 118].
Scientists in administrative law devote considerable attention to the study of the nature of state regulation, who studies the issues of state influence on the business sector. So, T. Kravtsova defines state regulation as a separate branch of public administration, which is a purposeful organizing activity of public authorities, which is implemented using specific legal forms and methods inherent only to it, which the state can apply only in the field of entrepreneurship [5, c. 4].
Proposals to identify public administration and state regulation are also widespread (for example, the works of V. Kolpakov, Yu. Bityak, S. Kivalov, etc.).
VB Averyanov, examining the general scientific interpretation of regulation and management, argues that the concept of «organization» must be understood broader than the concepts of «management» and «regulation», which are different types of organizational activity, and therefore have common features that reveal the meaning of these concepts by determining the very nature of the organizational impact on certain public objects [6, c. 64-65]. With the help of state regulation, conditions are created for the activities of subjects and objects of management in a priority direction for the state, along which the further development of the entire
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management system will take place. Moreover, state regulation cannot be used without the use of methods of direct impact on management objects, and therefore, state regulation is ultimately impossible without state management [6, c. 66].
R.S. Melnik adheres to a firm position about the inconsistency of the category of «public administration» with the modern socio-economic and scientific needs of administrative law. Thus, the scientist notes that «state regulation» as a term is derived from the concept of «legal regulation», in particular, which, as you know, is carried out with the help of legal norms. In other words, state regulation is carried out through the influence of the norms of administrative law on public relations [7, c. 308]. Later, the author emphasizes that there is a lot in common between administrative-legal relations and management relations, but these terms are not synonymous, one does not absorb the other [7, c. 310].
In order to substantiate our own position on this issue, we emphasize that the difference between the concepts of «state regulation» and «public administration» is the degree of influence of the manager on the managed, which is due to the use of own methods of managerial influence. We also consider it necessary to support R. Melnik in the fact that public administration currently covers only those areas of state activity that cannot be transferred for execution to local government bodies or civil society institutions. It is this as a result, and explains the desire of European scientists to develop the concept of «exceptional functions» [8, c. 126]. In other words, it is these exceptional state functions that form the content of modern state administration [7, c. 307]. The position of the scientist looks quite balanced, that state regulation is carried out through the influence of the norms of administrative law on public relations [7, c. 308]. However, we cannot agree with the author's conclusions, according to which administrative-legal and managerial relations are terms that do not absorb one another in content, because in this case the author's statements are not consistent. It is obvious that management relations, the influence on which is carried out by state regulation through the norms of administrative law, is administrative and legal.
So, public administration must be recognized as an independent direction in the implementation of state regulation, which is associated with the implementation of the functions of the state, conditioned by the needs of national security by influencing public relations by the norms of administrative law.
Due to the different interpretation of the categories «public administration» and «state regulation», the understanding of the object of administrative and legal regulation is ambiguous. Without going into discussions about the definitions of the corresponding concepts, based on the research of V. Averyanov, Yu. Bityak, Yu. Dmitriev, V. Malinovsky, S. Petrov, Yu. Tikhomirov, V. Shkarupa, we believe that the object of administrative and legal regulation is possible to characterize the following features:
1) these are public relations arising in the field of state regulation, including public administration, that is, in the everyday practical implementation of the tasks
and functions of the state represented by authorized bodies to streamline public relations in various areas to ensure national security (environmental, economic, information security );
2) one of the parties will necessarily be a body - a subject of power (public administration, endowed with state and power powers);
3) one of the participants in these relations has the right to demand from the other such behavior, which is provided for by the administrative legal norm;
4) the subject of power authority is obliged to exercise his substantive and procedural rights, that is, the law is at the same time the obligation of the subject of legal relations;
5) relations can arise on the initiative of any subject of administrative law, the consent of the other party is not a prerequisite for their occurrence;
6) violation by one of the parties of its obligations predetermines its responsibility not to the other party, but to the state represented by its competent authorities;
7) the purpose of administrative and legal regulation is to ensure the implementation and protection of the rights, freedoms and legal interests of individuals and legal entities;
8) disputes arising between the parties to the relationship are resolved both in administrative and judicial procedures.
As follows from the above, the object of administrative and legal regulation should be active activity. With regard to economic security, the relevant activity is manifested in the performance of functions by authorized entities to prevent and neutralize threats to economic security. In this regard, it should be noted that most often the category «security» is used in the context of its provision.
In the general sense, to provide means to create a secure environment for the implementation of something; guarantee something; protect, protect someone, anything from danger [9, c. 281]. A. Korenev interprets «ensuring security» as the pursuit of a unified state policy in the field of security, a system of measures of an economic, political, organizational, legal and other nature [10, c. 45].
In turn, the activities of the subjects of ensuring economic security are inextricably linked with the use of certain measures, methods, methods, and the like. Et-ymologically, the term «means» is broader in content than the term «measure» and means a technique, a method, a special action that makes it possible to accomplish something, to achieve something; a tool, object, set of devices for carrying out any activity [11, c. 99]. Therefore, the use of the latter term unreasonably reduces the tools of economic security actors to eliminate the corresponding threats.
Conclusions. The foregoing gives grounds to assert that the object of administrative and legal regulation in the field of economic security of the state describes the category of «ensuring economic security» as social relations arising from the implementation of the established functions of public administration, as a result of the political, economic, legal, organizational and of a different nature, aimed at preventing and neutralizing real and potential threats to economic security,
which guarantees the exercise of economic sovereignty.
Our research is the basis for understanding the foundations of legal processes for ensuring economic security, in particular in the context of studying its individual areas.
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УДК 340.12
Трояновська Соломiя Богданша
Кшвський Нацюнальний унгверситет 1мет Тараса Шевченка
Troyanovskaya Solomiya Bogdanina
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
В статье автор рассматривает актуальный вопрос, касающийся проблемы реализации социальной функции государства на современном этапе развития общества. Abstract.
In the article the author considers a topical issue concerning the problem of realization of the social function of the state at the present stage of development of society.
Ключевые слова: Государство, право, социальная функция, правовое государство, права человека, уровень жизни, законность, правопорядок.
Keywords: state, law, social function, rule of law, human rights, standard of living, legality, law and order.
Дослвдження функцш сучасно! держави в контекст практично! реал!зацп конституцшно визна-ченого курсу на розбудову Украши, як демократично!, сощально!, правово! держави, що виступае од-шею з найважливших проблем сучасно! юридично! науки. Актуальшсть полягае в тому, що права й сво-боди людини та гарантп !х реал!зацп не може зали-шатися поза увагою держави в будь-який час та ви-магае дотримання законносл в уах сферах дiяльно-стi сустльства.
Разом iз тим, в загальнш системi функцiй сучасно! держави можна видiлити соцiальну функцiю - дослвдження питання яко! е особливо актуальним. Дослiдження соцiально! функцi!' в контексп забезпечення соцiальних прав людини i громадянина зу-мовлюеться тим, що з погляду свого забезпечення
сощальш права передбачають активну спiвпрацю м!ж громадянським суспiльством i державою.
Функцiя держави - це головний напрямок дiя-льностi держави, який вiдображае !! сутнiсть i соць альне призначення щодо управлшня справами сустльства.
Функцп випливають iз природно! потреби самого сустльства та в державно оргашзованому су-спiльствi знаходять характер державних функцш. Це природно, осшльки в такому суспiльствi управ-лiння суспшьними справами покладаеться на державу, як форму оргашзацп самого сустльства.
Функцп держави реалiзуються передусiм в процеа !! впливу на сустльш вiдносини i !х не слщ ототожнювати з функцiями окремих гшок держав-