THE ESSENCE AND FEATURES OF STATE REGULATION OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
rural areas / development / state regulation / principles / mechanisms / quality of life.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Vasyl Baldynyuk

The article substantiates the need for effective state regulation of rural development, since overcoming the crisis requires both the mobilization of significant resources and the introduction of effective regulatory methods. The functions of state regulation of rural development are outlined and the relationship with the problems of rural development identified. The main problems of the modern village from the point of view of sustainable development are considered, which takes into account the real unity and interaction of the basic structural elements of rural territories. It has been found that effective state regulation of rural development should be based on a system of principles that should take into account the specific features of rural areas as an object of state regulation. The directions of actions of the authorities within each principle are determined. It is substantiated that the effectiveness of regulation of rural development depends on the mechanisms of state influence on their development. The instruments, methods and methods of action of the state authorities in terms of each mechanism are considered. It is noted that the peculiarities of state regulation of rural development lay in the real unity of their basic structural elements: economic base, social and environmental spheres. Characteristics of such components of rural population as "quality of life" and "standard of living" are given, as well as terms used in the conceptual and conceptual field of quality of life research. The analysis of scientific works on the quality and standard of living of the population revealed the components that are most commonly used in its assessment at the regional level. The concept of "state regulation of rural development" is formulated. It is substantiated that the necessity of state regulation of rural territories implies the use of functionalterritorial system of public administration, which will allow to ensure optimal interaction between public authorities and local self-government.

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Vasyl Baldynyuk,

Associate Professor,

Ukraine, Vinnytsia, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University DOI: https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_ijite/31052020/7063


Received 11 March 2020 Accepted 05 May 2020 Published 31 May 2020


rural areas, development, state regulation, principles, mechanisms, quality of life.


The article substantiates the need for effective state regulation of rural development, since overcoming the crisis requires both the mobilization of significant resources and the introduction of effective regulatory methods. The functions of state regulation of rural development are outlined and the relationship with the problems of rural development identified. The main problems of the modern village from the point of view of sustainable development are considered, which takes into account the real unity and interaction of the basic structural elements of rural territories. It has been found that effective state regulation of rural development should be based on a system of principles that should take into account the specific features of rural areas as an object of state regulation. The directions of actions of the authorities within each principle are determined. It is substantiated that the effectiveness of regulation of rural development depends on the mechanisms of state influence on their development. The instruments, methods and methods of action of the state authorities in terms of each mechanism are considered. It is noted that the peculiarities of state regulation of rural development lay in the real unity of their basic structural elements: economic base, social and environmental spheres. Characteristics of such components of rural population as "quality of life" and "standard of living" are given, as well as terms used in the conceptual and conceptual field of quality of life research. The analysis of scientific works on the quality and standard of living of the population revealed the components that are most commonly used in its assessment at the regional level. The concept of "state regulation of rural development" is formulated. It is substantiated that the necessity of state regulation of rural territories implies the use of functional-territorial system of public administration, which will allow to ensure optimal interaction between public authorities and local self-government.

Citation: Vasyl Baldynyuk. (2020) The Essence and Features of State Regulation of Rural Development. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy. 2(29). doi: 10.31435/rsglobal_ijite/31052020/7063

Copyright: © 2020 Vasyl Baldynyuk. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

Introduction. The necessity of effective government control of development of rural territories is not subject to the doubt, as the crisis phenomena exactly of this part of territory of country purchased the signs of the system, but their overcoming requires not only mobilization of considerable on a volume resources but also them having a special purpose aspiration, control, input of effective regulative methods. On a few decades of decision of problems of the Ukrainian village was fixed on weak and as yet ineffective local self-government. Economic basis of village-agriculture - too appeared weak, as economic efficiency him separate industries approaches a zero mark, here considerable part of enterprises in general works in shade. As a result there was the reserved circle: through the unsatisfactory state of infrastructure on rural territories a capable of working population

departs from a village, investments do not come here, and as material and labour resources limit, an infrastructure does not renovate. Taking into account this creation of the effective system of government control of rural territories will assist the decision of all complex of urgent problems.

That thoroughly investigated historical transformation of paradigms of management rural territories, their levels and types, structure and functional setting, development of rural territories of Ukraine and them social infrastructure, processes of self-government of rural territories, planning of their development and others like that. At the same time, without regard to a value undertaken scientific studies, the separate aspects of problems of development of rural territories remain unexplored. There is a requirement in the theoretical ground of essence and features of government control of development of rural territories for the sake of his optimization and increase of efficiency of mechanisms of government control of development of rural territories.

Research results. In the present terms of revivifying and globalization of economy government control tests perceptible transformations on the whole. Traditional list of basic functions of the state: a defensive, maintenance of external relations, guard of law and order, adjusting of economy, guaranteeing of ecological safety, maintenance and development of culture, providing of formation of population, does not represent essence of multivectorial process, presently there is government control that. In basis of government control there must be the social setting of the state as to the institute of power [20]. Exactly through the prism of implementation of social functions efficiency of methods, forms, instruments of state administration is today examined. Taking into account it government control of rural territories must be transformed. In accordance with inertia processes a concept "development of agriculture" and "development of rural territories" are substituted [23]. The last is wider and social maintenance has foremost, but not economic, that is laid in a concept "development of agriculture" as industries of economy. Thus, list of functions of state power in relation to development of rural territories it must be enough wide, and main - must be constrained inter sea function and to assist implementation each other, that will give an opportunity to get a sinergistical effect during realization of corresponding public policy. For the exposure of features of government control of development of rural territories it is necessary to take into account the features of rural territories as a management object and basic problems of modern village. In our view, just is opinion of A.B. Forest about a necessity selection within the limits of rural territories of three basic spheres: economic, ecological and social [11]. Such approach from positions of steady development takes into account really existent unity and cooperation of basic structural elements of rural territories. It is expedient to distinguish an unproductive sphere, and more widely - economic basis of rural territories, that must include a productive and transport infrastructure necessarily. Basis of economic basis of rural territories is presented by agriculture, and also other industries primary to the sector of economy: forest and fish economies. The obligatory condition of strengthening of economic basis is development of reprocessors of agroindustrial cycle: food and easy industry. Development of infrastructure - productive, transport, market - is not only the mortgage of the effective functioning of base enterprises but also competitive edge at bringing in of investments.

A social sphere includes for itself a population, and also him economically active part - labour resources. Part of capable of working population is an important indicator during the estimation of the state and prospects of development of rural territory. Disparity of quantitative and quality descriptions of labour resources to the workplaces is the serious problem of rural territories, that predetermines also existence of problems of development of social infrastructure and change in the system of settling. An environment is the object of government control as natural basis of socio-economic development (soils, forests, superficial reservoirs and other components of nature) that needs their rational use. In addition, the areas of objects of the naturally-protected fund are considerably extended lately, that not always after the localization are continuous and interspersed with earth of agricultural enterprises, forestries, lot lands of population. A management their use needs the special approach, normatively-legal base and mechanisms of influence [2].

Each of the thought spheres has features of functioning: economic basis develops on economic laws and envisages maximization of profits of enterprises; a social sphere in the conditions of market economy not always develops complex and needs state support first of all financial; an ecological sphere tests considerable negative influence foremost from the side of enterprises, and also objects of the social setting: social infrastructure, settlements functioning of that results in the accumulation of hard domestic wastes.

Accordingly for each of spheres the basic functions of government control (fig. 1) are certain by us.

Outlining the functions of government control of development of rural territories, it is necessarily necessary to define long- and short-term tasks that belong before the organs of management in connection with existence of urgent problems of development of village. These problems were repeatedly formulated by different scientists [7; 6] but indicated in plans strategies of development of both industry, separate regions and country on the whole [4; 21; 1]. To the basic problems of development of rural territories belong:

- high thrown open of soils, them considerable contamination and loss of fertility;

- the unsolvedness of property question is on earth;

- high level of wearing out of productive funds of agricultural enterprises, unsatisfactory state of infrastructure: transport, productive, informative, social;

- a high unemployment rate and low level of adaptation of labour force are to the market conditions;

- low level of state support of farms;

- considerable changes in the system settling that show up in the high rates of "extinction" of villages;

- insufficient development of local self-government.

Existent problems of development of village can be less than or anymore dependency upon that, the problems of which one region it is planned to work out or what amount of resources can be on it directed. Mainly - to educe reasons of depression of rural territories the removal of that can "start" the mechanism of socio-economic revival. To our opinion, exactly the inelaborateness and insufficient efficiency of institutional mechanism does not give an opportunity to renew the processes of self-organization at the level of rural community, worker of agricultural enterprise, citizens.

Effective government control of development of rural territories must lean against the system of principles - basic rules, initial positions, that determine the order of actions in the process of decision of basic problems, achievement of aims of socio-economic development of village.

Formulating them, we leaned against the educed features of rural territories as an object of government control, general principles of government control of socio-economic development of territory, principles of realization of policy from support of development of agrarian territories in the European Union [10], an analysis of basic problems of development of rural territories is in Ukraine. Coming from it six basic principles of government control of development of rural territories are distinguished, in particular principles:

- to priority of aims (envisages in the general system of aims (social, economic, ecological) edition of priority social; an achievement of economic and ecological aims is the condition of steady social development of rural territories);

- concentrations (principle essence consists in the concentration of resources - financial and material, that distinguished on the wests of government control for the decision of the most sharp problems of rural territories);

- programming (envisages development and implementation of the programs, plans that are based on the scientifically reasonable prognoses of socio-economic development of rural territories. The programs of development of rural territories must contain quantitative indexes that it follows to attain in the process of realization of the pre-arranged events);

- to the complexity (realized by taking into account of all external and internal factors that determine the modern state of rural territories, and also intercommunications, between their structural elements);

- partnerships (gives an opportunity to attain unity of interests and actions among the basic subjects interested in rural development: by government, local self-government bodies, businessmen, population);

- subsidiarity (envisages the grant of services of daily necessity directly in villages; services that a population needs rarer appear in the settlements of higher grade; this principle also envisages providing of territorial availability of social services and objects of social infrastructure for all groups of rural pop ulation).

The marked list of principles is generalized. On the basis of each of them it is possible to set forth a few theses in relation to the actions of power in rural locality.

Yes, principle of partnership that is widely used for realization of regional politics of the European Union provides for as an increase of participation of population in making decision, related to local development, planning and building of settlements, id est forming of civil society, so active cooperation of organs of local self-government and power, especially in the questions of financing of building and introduction to exploitation of objects of infrastructure in rural locality.

Fig. 1. Functions of state regulation of rural development (developed by the author on the basis of [7; 6; 4; 21; 1])

Work with businessmen has mutually beneficial basis: businessmen get the advantageous terms of doing business in relation to taxation, processing of permissive documents, imperious structures - investors for realization of infrastructural and other projects. Also this principle envisages synchronization of realization of basic reforms, that influence on socio-economic development of rural territories, determination of priorities and concordance of actions of central, local executive and organs of local self-government bodies.

Efficiency of adjusting of development of rural territories depends on a choice and use of mechanisms of state influence on their development. In relation to development of rural territories authors distinguish the different groups of mechanisms: M.O. Baranovsky economic, institutional, organizational, financial [1, p. 241]; S.V. Kyrizyuk - legal, administrative, economic, organizational, scientifically-methodical and informatively-educational [9].

It is more expedient to distinguish two basic mechanisms: administrative (organizational) and economic (market). The administrative includes totality of methods, levers and instruments that provide direct influence of the state on economic and social development of rural territories. It is the legislatively envisaged norms and norms, standards, introductions of licensing, declaration, quota and other types of adjusting of different types of activity, and also territorial-administrative division with

corresponding distribution of plenary powers between the basic subjects of power. Separate authors distinguish an institutional mechanism that in our view, enters in the complement of administrative.

Instruments of economic mechanism - tax, fiscal, investment, credit policy - the inputs of market mechanism of self-organization have for an object on the basis of observance of balance of demand and supply. Open market in any country does not function now, as he is limited to certain influence of the state on the processes of self-organization taking into account the put aims and tasks of national politics. Corresponding economic instruments must be legislatively envisaged and periodically looked over depending on the state of home and world markets, national monetary item, political situation and others like that. Administrative and economic mechanisms function not separated, but within the limits of only normatively-legal base, complementing each other.

For today the far of functions and tasks in relation to development of rural locality is fixed on the organs of local self-government - village soviets. Obviously, it is necessary to assist the increase of efficiency of market mechanism in rural locality and to strengthen influence of the state through public authorities on places are district state administrations. In our view, this mechanism must foremost include such methods and methods of influence:

1. Increase of the direct state financing that will be realized through budgetary subsidies or grants. By means of the state financing the state performs the basic duty - satisfaction of necessities of citizens in public benefits. In rural locality it is provided through schools, preschool, medical establishments, enterprises of connection, transport infrastructure, access to the power supply and others like that. These blessing are characterized such qualities, as an uncompetition and inexhaustibility. The state is under an obligation to provide access of citizens to these blessing, that will bring down a cost good for separate everybody and will assist the increase of general public effect.

2. Development and implementation of the system of position and prognosis papers. Prognoses, plans, programs, are the necessary condition of the effective use of budgetary facilities and achievement of the put aims. This method of influence is effective at any model of economy: at estimated the directive plans of different term of implementation were fixed in her basis; at market conditions are prognoses, programs and indicative plans. Implementation of the pre-arranged events is an indicator of dirigibility of economy and of working out mechanism of state administration. To Tom, developing such documents it is necessary to envisage control after implementation and take into account the presence of material and financial resources for realization of plans, prognoses, programs [2].

3. Increase of efficiency of functioning of market mechanism that envisages realization of corresponding price, tax, investment, credit politics. The state is under an obligation to pursue a price policy in relation to prices on public benefits. Without government control a price on the certain type of commodities or services can be higher comparatively with the cost of competition market. For example, prices are regulated on postal connection in rural locality, that is economically to the unprofitable operators, but a minimum list of services of that is a public benefit. The state also must regulate prices on food products by limitation of price-waves with setting of their limits. The volume of quotas is annually determined on state purchase prices on an agricultural produce that must stimulate agricultural enterprises to the production of certain types of products. However these prices must be not below after to the market and to avouch for enterprises the certain level of profitability.

Unlike the objects of infrastructure, productive enterprises can not count on the direct state financing, but must get support through investment politics in such forms: increase of volumes of investments of state enterprises, introduction of the accelerated depreciation, stimulation of enterprises to the reinvestment of profit through changes in a tax law, introduction of privileges for enterprises that invest in nature protection projects, and others like that. Such privileges must get not only the enterprises of agrarian cycle but also extractive, reprocessors that work in rural locality.

4. Forming of effective local self-government is in rural locality. Basis of local self-government is work of village and settlement soviets, that has such goals: providing of realization of constitutional rights for citizens; conditioning is for satisfaction vitally of important necessities and legal interests of population; development of local democracy and civil society. Among functions and tasks that on the whole stand before local self-government - political, economic, social and ecological - at local level advantage gives oneself up social, namely: to satisfaction of interests and necessities of people in the field of labour, to maintenance of communal establishments of preschool, secondary and special education, culture, health protection; to support of scanty means layers of population; to providing of population services of establishments of trade, restaurant economy and domestic

consumer services, rest; to providing of sanitary prosperity of population; to maintenance of legality, law and order of guard of rights, freedoms and legal interests of citizens and other Effective local self-government must be formed "bottom-up". Speech goes foremost about the maximal bringing in of population to participating in the decision of current problems and determination of prospects on the future, and also about financing of basic charges of local self-government.

The features of government control of development of rural territories consist in really existent unity them basic structural elements: economic to the base, social and ecological spheres. Each of the thought spheres has features of functioning: economic basis develops on economic laws and envisages maximization of incomes of enterprises; a social sphere in the conditions of market economy not always complex develops and needs state support first of all financial; an ecological sphere tests considerable negative influence foremost from the side of enterprises. Accordingly for each of spheres the basic functions of government control are certain. what must be constrained inter se and to assist implementation each other, that will give an opportunity to get a sinergistical effect during realization of corresponding state.

For reasonable description of such constituents of vital functions of population of rural territories as "quality of life" and "standard of living" expedient will be to describe some aspects of concept-terminological vehicle. In our view, the successful variant of generalization of terms, concepts, categories that meet in the concept-conceptual field of research of quality of life is offered O.V. Mashkova [15]. In the offered concept-terminological system a concept is plugged in such values:

1. Society understands as a concrete historical system, functioning of that determines an origin and development of necessities, their maintenance, certain methods and forms of their pleasure.

2. Resources and limitations are those factors through that a natural environment participates in forming quality of life, influencing foremost on the way of life of concrete subject.

3. Under a subject there is concrete personality, group, territorial association, that are the transmitters of certain values and necessities and that, coming from present interests, valued orientations carry out the choice of "trajectory" of course of life and form one of main constituents of quality of life is a way of life. The valued orientation is the vital setting, she touches such parties of life of man, as her capacity for the choice of profession, friends, residence, her public conduct and others like that. Except that the valued orientations have qualificatory influence on forming of necessities and methods of their pleasure (that forms the certain way of life in end-point), they predetermine.

4. A difficult and many-sided concept "way of life" plugs totality of concrete forms of vital functions of people in certain objective terms (all spheres of public life, labour, consumption, recreation of man, management and social and political activity and others like that). The way of life is determined by means of row of indexes, characteristic for every type of activity and considering her purposefulness (aim and maintenance of activity), intensity (activity), oriented (interests). Obviously, that forming of certain way of life necessities that present primary cause of interests of subject of vital functions are the basis of.

A concept "way of life" can not be identified with a category to "quality of life", in fact first called to answer a question as arranged life of population, from what components it is made and what place these components occupy in life of man, and "quality of life" is a category that determines ability of man or territorial association of people in accordance with the formed way of life to satisfy the necessities and interests, and provide a high health, recreation of processes of vital functions level and steady development. Therefore, lifestyle and quality of life are interconnected by cause and effect.

5. A standard of living is a complex of operating of man conditions in the sphere of consumption that appears in the scale of development of necessities of people and character of their pleasure. System-forming as basis various human necessities that arise up and realized in the sphere of consumption come forward here. The standard of living is determined also as an index, that characterizes an amount and quality of commodities and services that consume in a country. Therefore among economic researches in industry of demography, economy of labour, social economy and politics meet a self concept "standard of living", that certainly as attained on the certain interval of time in society level of satisfaction of various necessities of population (not only physical but also social, intellectual, spiritual, political), including the real economic sources and sociallegal guarantees of providing of quality of life of population [15].The methodology and methodology of socioeconomic welfare studies have also been developed and refined as a result of long-term and multifaceted studies of the standard of living of families through pedigree surveys.

The standard of living is considered in connection with the human activity in the sphere of consumption, which lies "outside the production". The socio-economic concept of "standard of living" is based on the synthesis and interconnection of the other two: "needs" and "consumption." In reality, the standard of living is characterized by a system of two groups of indicators: one is the living conditions of the people (determinants of the standard of living), the other is the indicators of people's behavior in the sphere of consumption. They remove various human necessities, that form a level lives (dominants of standard of living) among that it is possible to distinguish the next complex of direct human necessities in accordance with main parties of behavior of man in the sphere of consumption:

- support of vital functions of organism and protecting are from external influences of nature (meal, clothing, accommodation, including the articles of way of life and infrastructure);

- it is maintenance and proceeding in a health;

- rest (dream, entertainments, leisure);

- it is family and continuation of family (supervision upon children, studies, physical and moral education);

- it is a movement (in connection with labour activity it is related to satisfaction of other necessities);

- it is a consumption of information and exchange by her (intermingling is with other members of society), development and perfection of personality (physical, moral, qualificatory, intellectual, aesthetic).

And although some of the economics researchers V.A. Mandibur, I.I. Pronina, S.O. Tridid. The Tridids are of the opinion that the category "standard of living" is a system-forming category that is substantially broader than the categories "well-being" and "quality of life" [14; 19; 22], there are also studies to the contrary. In particular, the opinion is expressed that the concept of "quality of life" is objective in nature and is effective with respect to the content enclosed in the terms "level" and "lifestyle".

6. The well-being of the population is considered as a sphere of life of people, connected with the satisfaction of their material and spiritual needs on the basis of social production. The level of well-being depends on the development of production and at the same time influences it as a whole, giving it a momentum of expansion and growth, as well as in concrete manifestations, subjugating its structure to an objectively complex ratio of all elements of the complex of social needs. Understanding well-being as satisfaction with the social production of interdependent material and spiritual needs allows us to constructively use the results of his research in solving problems concerning the planned expansion, distribution and consumption of economic resources of society.

In summary, domestic science came to the concept of quality of life because of the problems of research into the categories of "standard of living" and "lifestyle", which were equivalent to the concept of "quality of life" in foreign literature. Within Soviet science, the concept of quality of life has not evolved as a coherent area of research, although its actual components have been encountered in numerous scientific studies of urbanization, social infrastructure, demographic processes and the development of settlement systems within the geography of the population, and later - the geography of the service sector, consumption geography and more. In the pre-war period, science in the USSR focused primarily on production; some social, medical and geographical areas, which were also developing at this time, were limited objectively or for ideological reasons. At the same time, Soviet social geography had very significant achievements in the post-war period, which could be considered as sources of elaboration of the quality of life category of the population.

It should be noted that, despite the constant interest in developing the concept of quality of life of the population, intensifying the search for methodological approaches to assessing quality of life, there is still some conceptual inconsistency (this is emphasized by almost all authors) [14; 19; 22; 18] and those aspects of the problem that have been left unaddressed by researchers.

In reality, the standard of living is characterized by a system of two groups of indicators: one of them is people's living conditions (determinants of standard of living), the other is indicators of people's behavior in the sphere of consumption.

The quality of life of the population is a certain degree of uniformity in the characteristics of the environment and characteristics of the regional society, which allow it to play its role in the socioeconomic development of the country.

Analysis of scientific papers on the quality and standard of living of the population revealed the components that are most commonly used in its assessment at the regional level: demographic processes, health, marital status, labor market situation, income, housing and quality, social infrastructure, social security and environmental quality.

Conclusions. Taking into account the above functions, tasks, principles and mechanisms of state regulation of rural development, it is possible to formulate the concept of "state regulation of rural development" - as a system of subject-object relations, aimed at creating favorable conditions for social development as a basis the revitalization of rural territories and consists of economic and administrative measures taken by competent state institutions and public organizations within rural areas.

The need for state regulation of rural territories in a multifaceted economy implies the use of a functional-territorial system of public administration. This will ensure optimal interaction between regional authorities, local governments and the state.


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