Научная статья на тему 'On the mobilization model of the economy

On the mobilization model of the economy Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
mobilization model / neocolonialism / planned economy / world order / threats / global challenges / privatization / мобилизационная модель / неоколониализм / плановая экономика / миропорядок / угрозы / глобальные вызовы / приватизация

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Rais R. Alaberdeev

The article addresses significant issues of the state's security due to threats posed by the European Union, the United States, and their allies. These countries openly declare that they will do everything to inflict a military defeat upon Russia on the battlefield and subsequently divide the country into many smaller state formations, thus making it impossible to revive the Russian Federation. The main objectives of these states include the takeover of markets for their products and the seizure of Russian natural resources. Such countries impose various unilateral, illegal sanctions and terrorist acts, as well as proxy and hybrid wars, to achieve their goals. They did not participate in such actions directly until recent events in Ukraine. Most active participants are mercenaries and military personnel from countries belonging to the NATO bloc and posing as volunteers. The only thing that keeps these countries from direct invasion are Russia's nuclear and other types of weapons which they do not have themselves. Given the factors described above, to counter threats coming from the European Union, the United States, and their allies, the author proposes to transfer the country's economy to a mobilization model of development with the subsequent introduction of strategic planning. The author describes the advantages of mobilization model of the economy using the examples of other countries and defines the conditions for transitioning to mobilization economic development.

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О мобилизационной модели экономики

В статье рассмотрены ключевые вопросы обеспечения безопасности страны из-за угроз, исходящих от стран Евросоюза, США и их союзников. Эти страны открыто заявляют, что сделают все, чтобы нанести России военное поражение на поле боя, а в последующем разделят страну на множество мелких государственных образований, чтобы Россия больше никогда не смогла возродиться. Основные цели этих государств включают захват рынков сбыта своей продукции и российских природных ресурсов. Для достижения своих целей данные страны вводят различные односторонние противозаконные санкции, устраивают террористические акты, прокси и гибридные войны. Они не принимали прямого участия в этих действиях до событий в Украине. В основном в военных действиях принимают участие наемники и военнослужащие из стран, входящих в блок НАТО, под видом добровольцев. От прямого вторжения указанных стран удерживает только наличие у России атомного и новых видов оружия, которые отсутствуют у них. Учитывая изложенные факторы, для противодействия угрозам, исходящим от стран Евросоюза, США и их союзников, автор предлагает перевести экономику страны на мобилизационную модель развития с последующим внедрением стратегического планирования. Автор рассказывает о преимуществах мобилизационной модели экономики на примере других стран и определяет условия перехода к мобилизационному экономическому развитию.

Текст научной работы на тему «On the mobilization model of the economy »


Ритм экономики



О мобилизационной модели экономики

Раис Рашитович Алабердеева DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2023-25-2-75-79

а Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации

Аннотация: В статье рассмотрены ключевые вопросы обеспечения безопасности страны из-за угроз, исходящих от стран Евросоюза, США и их союзников. Эти страны открыто заявляют, что сделают все, чтобы нанести России военное поражение на поле боя, а в последующем разделят страну на множество мелких государственных образований, чтобы Россия больше никогда не смогла возродиться. Основные цели этих государств включают захват рынков сбыта своей продукции и российских природных ресурсов.

Для достижения своих целей данные страны вводят различные односторонние противозаконные санкции, устраивают террористические акты, прокси и гибридные войны. Они не принимали прямого участия в этих действиях до событий в Украине. В основном в военных действиях принимают участие наемники и военнослужащие из стран, входящих в блок НАТО, под видом добровольцев. От прямого вторжения указанных стран удерживает только наличие у России атомного и новых видов оружия, которые отсутствуют у них.

Учитывая изложенные факторы, для противодействия угрозам, исходящим от стран Евросоюза, США и их союзников, автор предлагает перевести экономику страны на мобилизационную модель развития с последующим внедрением стратегического планирования. Автор рассказывает о преимуществах мобилизационной модели экономики на примере других стран и определяет условия перехода к мобилизационному экономическому развитию.

Ключевые слова: мобилизационная модель, неоколониализм, плановая экономика, миропорядок, угрозы, глобальные вызовы, приватизация Дата поступления статьи в редакцию: 9 марта 2023 года.

On the mobilization model of the economy RESEARcH article

Rais R. Alaberdeev9

а Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Abstract: The article addresses significant issues of the states security due to threats posed by the European Union, the United States, and their allies. These countries openly declare that they will do everything to inflict a military defeat upon Russia on the battlefield and subsequently divide the country into many smaller state formations, thus making it impossible to revive the Russian Federation. The main objectives of these states include the takeover of markets for their products and the seizure of Russian natural resources.

Such countries impose various unilateral, illegal sanctions and terrorist acts, as well as proxy and hybrid wars, to achieve their goals. They did not participate in such actions directly until recent events in Ukraine. Most active participants are mercenaries and military personnel from countries belonging to the NATO bloc and posing as volunteers. The only thing that keeps these countries from direct invasion are Russia's nuclear and other types of weapons which they do not have themselves.

Given the factors described above, to counter threats coming from the European Union, the United States, and their allies, the author proposes to transfer the country's economy to a mobilization model of development with the subsequent introduction of strategic planning. The author describes the advantages of mobilization model of the economy using the examples of other countries and defines the conditions for transitioning to mobilization economic development.

Keywords: mobilization model, neocolonialism, planned economy, world order, threats, global challenges, privatization

Received: March 9, 2023.


According to European leaders, the economic model established in 1991, after the «defeat of the USSR in the Cold War», is considered obsolete. At present, these rules are not followed either by countries formed after the collapse of the Soviet Union or by countries that consider themselves winners. However, things are not so unambiguous. It is difficult to speak of a victory for the Western world since, in the classical sense, military action did not take place but involved individuals from among the former administration, who were ready to achieve their mercantile interests by any means.

Despite the way the events occurred then, the countries of the European Union and the USA are still working against the development of the Russian economy, trying to acquire natural resources only at advantageous prices, ignoring market relations, which they were so compulsively dragging us into during the 1990s. According to Russian President V.V. Putin, in these years, «our national economy has become oriented toward the West as a source of raw materials». He sees the reasons for this in the focus of the new business on making profits.

Such countries impose various unilateral, illegal sanctions and terrorist acts, as well as proxy and hybrid wars, to achieve their goals. Initially, they were not directly involved in these wars, but now they are engaged in the territory of Ukraine. Most active participants are mercenaries and military personnel from countries belonging to the NATO bloc posing as volunteers. The only thing that keeps these countries from direct invasion are Russia's nuclear and other types of weapons which they do not have themselves.

The history of invasions

Historical facts regarding centuries of Western expansion and military invasions indicate a real threat posed by these countries. Over the past 200 years, European coalitions have repeatedly tried to invade the Russian territory. In 1812, French troops were led by Napoleon Bonaparte, then in 1918, the countries of Western Europe and their allies (Britain, France, Germany, Romania, USA, Japan, etc.). In 1941, more than 20 countries led by A. Hitler (Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Romania, France, Finland, Bulgaria, and others) invaded the Soviet Union. At that time, the USA and Great Britain took a wait-and-see attitude and started participating in the European theater of military actions only on June 6, 1944, when it became clear that the USSR could win even without their participation.

When Germany was defeated, the new world order was established based on the Yalta-Potsdam agreements (treaties). However, right after the war, the United States and its allies started looking for ways to impose their hegemony. In his Message, V.V. Putin also

spoke about this and noted the hostile position of the United States of America in forming the unipolar world based on their interests: «After the collapse of the USSR, the United States and its satellites began to build an American-style world, in which there is only one master, one ruler. To achieve this, they started rudely destroying all the foundations of the world system laid after». When they could not achieve their plans, they declared a «cold war». This war was announced to weaken and conquer the Soviet Union and the countries of the socialist system.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a new world order based on neocolonialism was established, when «in the colonized countries local products were bought at low prices and products from the patron states were sold at inflated prices», with globalism as the ideological foundation. The Rector of the St. Petersburg Mining University, V.S. Litvinenko, argues: «The roots of neocolonialism go back to the era of colonialism when the most progressive nations of that time, possessing advanced fleets, became wealthy by expropriating values from Africa, Asia, and America».

Later, Western European countries and the United States attempted to collapse Russia and used the former Soviet republics and regions (Georgia, the Chechen Republic) as instruments for achieving these goals. Here, we can also mention the expansion of the NATO military-political bloc, which deployed bases in countries that had previously been part of the Soviet Union. Having failed to achieve their plans through the abovementioned countries, the next target was Ukraine, one of the most significant parts of the former Soviet Union, and, as Russian President V.V. Putin noted in his message: «Here, for decades, neo-Nazi ideology has been imposed, financed by Western countries, just as in the 1930s, when Western European financial groups brought nationalists to power in Germany. The leaders of Western Europe say openly about their intention to inflict a strategic defeat on the battlefield and destroy Russia forever».

The mobilization model of economic development

Given the factors described above, to counter threats coming from the European Union, the United States, and their allies, it is essential to transfer the country's economy to a mobilization model of development with the subsequent introduction of strategic planning since experience shows that those countries (China, India, Japan) which have implemented such a model, are effectively developing their economies.

The transition toward a mobilization model of the economy will allow Russia to effectively resist the aggressive actions of the European Union, the United States, and their allies, developing the domestic production of goods and services and accumulating the

necessary funds for the transformation towards a new technological level. VS. Litvinenko, Rector of St. Petersburg Mining University, pointed out the advantages of developing domestic consumption and cited China's experience in promoting domestic consumption: «In 2006, the share of exports in China's GDP was 36 %. Later Beijing decided to focus on the development of domestic demand, which significantly increased the welfare of its citizens and led to dropping the share of exports to 18 %». The need to «develop domestic de-mand» was mentioned by Russian President V.V. Putin in his message to the Federal Assembly.

This was made possible due to the formation of dedicated state bodies with specialized powers to regulate such relations. Litvinenko VS. noted the efficiency of state control over economic activity in China, where the State Administration of Market Surveillance operates: «The mere statement about the intention to check for monopolistic collusion was enough to turn down the stock market quotes, which were at multi-year highs. Futures on coking coal and coke dropped immediately by 9 %, aluminum and zinc - by more than 6 %, and other energy carriers and base metals were also significantly adjusted. Centralized state control is required for the continuous functioning of the PRC's planned economy».

According to S.Yu. Glazyev, in its traditional meaning: «...mobilization economy is such a system of regulation of economic activity, which allows ensuring the fullest possible use of available production resources». Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences L.I. Abalkin defined the mobilization model of the economy as follows: «I would interpret the mobilization economy as an anti-crisis economy associated with extraordinary circumstances» [Abalkin, 2000]. According to Professor A.G. Fonotov from the National Research University Higher School of Economics, a mobilization economy is: «Development oriented towards extraordinary goals using emergency means and exceptional organizational forms...» [Fonotov, 1993. P. 88]. Professor I. Belskikh considers that if we want to support the SWO in Ukraine: «We must shift to a mobilization model of the economy, not just with words but with actions».

Nevertheless, some are against the transition to a mobilization model of the economy. For example, a banker and professor of the Higher School of Economics, E. Kogan, said: «The transition to a mobilization economy makes no sense - on the contrary, market participants should be given more freedom».

Based on the statements of the mentioned scientists concerning the necessity of transition to a mobilization model of economy, we can highlight the statement of A.S. Bakanov, and we fully agree with his words, that: «The economy of a country, the resources

Figure 1. Algorithm of economic transition to a mobilization model

Stages of economic transition to the mobilization model


The presence of reaL threats

The decision to remove threats *

The formation of a dedicated resource mobilization body

of which are concentrated and used to counter threats as much as possible, and where the state plays the leading role in such economy, can be considered as a mobilization economy. And it is the only actor capable of mobilizing the necessary resources across the state to address the challenges of preserving the identity» [Bakanov, 2013].

Conditions and prerequisites for transitioning to mobilization model of the economy

The transition to a mobilization economy model requires certain conditions, such as the existence of real threats to the security of the country and the decision to address these threats, the identification of a dedicated government body to mobilize the resources of the country to implement the decisions taken, on which emergency measures are implemented to mobilize the economy of the country (see Figure 1).

To convert the economy to a mobilization model, there must be extraordinary conditions in the form of intractable global threats that menace the integrity of the state. When such threats arise, the current model of individualistic capitalism is incapable of meeting global challenges and ensuring the integrity and independence of the country. In such a case, the state forms a team capable of mobilizing management methods, which ensures a unified approach to economic management, uniform and complete implementation of planned activities, allocation of material resources, and strict control over prices. Furthermore, the population must want to preserve its identity and statehood and be prepared to overcome any temporary hardships and sacrifices to save the homeland.

To achieve these goals, state authorities must comply with some conditions that allow a rapid, coherent, and short-term transition to a mobilization model of the economy to overcome the global threat (see Figure 2).

According to A.S. Bakanov, the transition to a mobilization model of the economy implies the following: «To reach the primary goal, we need to withdraw resources

Figure 2. Conditions for transitioning to a mobilization model of the economy

Conditions for the economy s transition to a mobilization model

The governing

body in the state's economic system responsible for accumulating the resources

Achieving the goals at any cost

Unifying the subjects of economic activity

The temporary

nature of the economic mobilization model

from other less essential sectors of the economy. Using predominantly non-economic means of influence on the actors whose responsibility is to achieve the goals. Bringing all economic actors together into a single team, addressing a common problem together» [Ibid. P. 87-92]. We should note that mobilization measures are introduced to achieve the primary objective, and when this objective is reached, the implemented economic measures should be loosened. The economy returns to a planned functioning model, with developed domestic production meeting the population's needs.

The emerging awareness of the need for this transfer is evidenced by events occurring in the country, which in our view, are directly linked to the mobilization of the economy. Thus, on 8 February 2023, First Deputy Prime Minister A. Belousov announced that the Russian government proposed a voluntary one-off contribution to the state budget from big businesses: «Due to the positive financial results in the past year and the large sums of money accumulated by companies in 2022»1. Bloomberg also confirmed that big businesses has a large amount of money: «There has been a good inflow of capital to the government and big companies from the export of natural resources»2, and the sum of 85 trillion rubles was announced during parliamentary hearings in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

The experience of withdrawing money from previously privatized companies is already a global practice. For example, in the United Kingdom, a «windfall tax» was introduced in 1997, a tax on «windfall income». For this purpose, in the 1980s, a specific methodology was developed to assess the «excess profits» of own-

Shakirov A. The Russian government discusses a one-time voluntary contribution to the budget from large businesses. https:// www.kp.ru/online/news/5132852/

Tairov R. Bloomberg reported on the growth of capital expenditures of businesses in Russia by 6 % in 2022. https://www. forbes.ru/biznes/484716-bloomberg-soobsil-o-roste-kapital-nyh-rashodov-biznesa-v-rossii-na-6-v-2022-godu

Public support for mobilization

measures in the country

ers of privatized companies, when more than 30 of the country's major companies were sold into private ownership.

The methodology determined the amount of money to be paid out by the privatized companies based on each company's profits for the first four years and multiplied this amount by a specially calculated cost coefficient. These measures contributed £5.2 billion ($8 billion) to the UK budget.

In 2 012, there was an attempt in our country to introduce a one-off contribution to close the question of illegal privatization and legalization of new owners, but the «privatizers» ignored the proposal. Probably, society was not prepared for such extraordinary measures at the time, and the people who «privatized» the big companies were under the protection of the liberal lobby and foreign «friends»3. At present, we see the circumstances for legitimate money withdrawal from big businesses, and this is due to the weakening of the liberal lobby without the support of foreign «partners». The situation is also complicated by sanctions imposed by EU countries, the US, and their allies. They aimed to confiscate the money and assets of Russians who hide their excessive profits in offshore and foreign banks. These actions resulted in a situation when the individuals are forced to keep their assets in domestic banks, and the supervisory authorities will know the real amount of their funds.

The possibility of making such payments in our country is guaranteed by Federal Law, which explicitly states that: «...organizations can bear the costs for mobilization training work that is not subject to compensation from budgets»4.

The transition to a mobilization economy is also dictated by the fact that historically when wars start, all states put their economies on a mobilization path of development to accumulate the resources and achieve one primary goal: defeating the enemy. Moreover, under the conditions described the market situation for the products needed to achieve this goal is changing considerably. The market economy cannot reorient the entire economy towards this goal, as not all market

A «windfall tax». The authorities reported on the discussion with the business of a voluntary contribution to the budget. https:// www.yaplakal.com/forum3/topic2570681.html Federal Law No. 31-FZ of February 26, 1997, Art. 14. «On Mobilization Preparation and Mobilization in the Russian Federation» (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on November 15, 2022). Consultant Plus. http://www.consultant.ru/docu-ment/cons_doc_LAW_13454/




mechanisms work well because of the existing profit orientation.

The domestic experience of mobilizing the economy for a common goal during the Civil War, the reconstruction of the country's economy in the 1920s and 1930s, the Great Patriotic War, and the restoration of the economy after its end should also be considered. There is only one example of post-war economic reconstruction, and that was because 1710 cities and towns, over 70 000 villages, and 3 850 factories were destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. In addition to financial losses, the country lost more than 20 million lives of its working-age population. Almost 30 % of the national wealth was lost, and in the occupied territories roughly 2/3 of the material base was destroyed. Despite such severe damage, the country was able to quickly rebuild its war-torn economy due to the mobilization economic model. Five years after the war, the country's industrial potential had already recovered almost twice as much as it had been in the 1940s.


In conclusion, we would like to point out that the time has come to shift the country's economy to a mobilization model, as the global threats that have emerged are a real menace to the country's security; this has happened because of the peripheral nature of Russian capitalism, the loss of many industries that are crucial when the Western world and its allies are targeting Russia for a weakening and military defeat. Under these conditions, the transition to a mobilization economy model will allow for the successful countering of threats to the country's national security.

The transition of the economy to a mobilization model using the potential of the fuel and energy sectors will enable the country to make effective use of all opportunities for prosperity, develop its productive potential, avoid dependence on countries carrying neoco-lonial ideas, counter all threats, preserve statehood and civilizational identity, ensure sustainable development and reach the level of the currentlyleading countries.


Абалкин Л.И. Российская школа экономической мысли: поиск самоопределения. М.: Ин-т экономики РАН, 2000.

Баканов А.С. Мобилизационная модель развития советского общества: проблемы теории и историографии. Вестник Челябинского государственного университета. 2013. № 18. История. Вып. 56.


Abalkin L.I. Russian school of economic thought: the search for self-determination. M.: Institut ekonomiki RAN, 2000. In Russian

Bakanov AS. Mobilization model of development in Soviet society: theory and historiography problems. Vestnik Chelyabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2013. No. 18. Istoriya. Issue 56. In Russian

Мобилизационная модель экономики: исторический опыт России ХХ века: Сборник материалов Всероссийской научной конференции / под ред. ГА. Гончарова, С.А. Баканова. Челябинск: ООО «Энциклопедия», 2009. Фонотов А.Г. Россия: от мобилизационного общества к инновационному. М., 1993.

Fonotov A.G. Russia: From mobilization society to innovative society.

M., 1993. P. 88. In Russian The mobilization model of the economy: the historical experience of Russia of the XX century. Materials of the All-Russian scientific conference / Edited by G.A. Goncharov, S.A. Bakanov. Chelyabinsk: OOO "Entsiklopediya", 2009. In Russian


Раис Рашитович Алабердеев, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, директор программы «Безопасность государственного управления и противодействия коррупции» Института государственной службы и управления

Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации (Российская Федерация, 119606, Москва, проспект Вернадского, 84). E-mail: alaberdeev-rr@ranepa.ru

Для цитирования: Алабердеев Р.Р. О мобилизационной модели экономики. Государственная служба. 2023. № 2. C. 75-79.


Rais R. Alaberdeev, Candidate of Sci. (Economics), Associate Professor, Director of the program «Safety of Public Administration and Anti-Corruption», Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (84, Vernadsky Prospekt, 119606, Moscow, Russian Federation). E-mail: alaberdeev-rr@ranepa.ru

For citation: Alaberdeev R.R. On the mobilization model of the economy. Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba. 2023. No. 2. P. 75-79.

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