Научная статья на тему 'О корректности краевых задач для управляемых систем с отклоняющимся аргументом'

О корректности краевых задач для управляемых систем с отклоняющимся аргументом Текст научной статьи по специальности «Математика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по математике, автор научной работы — Бурлаков Евгений Олегович, Жуковский Евгений Семенович

In the paper, a continuous dependence on parameters of solutions to boundary value problems for functional-differential equations (including control functions) is studied. The results are then applied to a correctness of some boundary value problems and to the problem of continuous dependence on parameters of periodic solutions of controllable systems with deviating argument.

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In the paper, a continuous dependence on parameters of solutions to boundary value problems for functional-differential equations (including control functions) is studied. The results are then applied to a correctness of some boundary value problems and to the problem of continuous dependence on parameters of periodic solutions of controllable systems with deviating argument.

Текст научной работы на тему «О корректности краевых задач для управляемых систем с отклоняющимся аргументом»

UDC 34F31, 34C23

On a correctness of boundary value problems for controllable systems with deviating argument1

© E. O. Burlakov, E. S. Zhukovskiy

Derzhavin Tambov State University, Tambov, Russia

In the paper, a continuous dependence on parameters of solutions to boundary value problems for functional-differential equations (including control functions) is studied. The results are then applied to a correctness of some boundary value problems and to the problem of continuous dependence on parameters of periodic solutions of controllable systems with deviating argument

Keywords: functional-differential equations, boundary value problems, periodic motions, continuous dependence on parameters, controllable systems with deviating argument

First let us introduce some spaces of functions on [a, b] with values in Rn, The space L([a, b], Rn) consists of summable (in sense of Lebesgue) functions y with the norm

IMU =/ |y(s)| ds,

J a

| ■ | being the Euclidean norm in Rn; the space L^([a,b], Rn) consists of measurable essentially bounded functions y with the norm ||y||L^ = vraisup |y(t)|, t E [a,b]; the space C([a,b], Rn) consists of continuous functions x with ||x||C = max |x(t)|, t E [a, b]; the space AC ([a, b], Rn) of absolutely continuous functions x is equipped bv the norm ||x||AC = |x(a)| + ||x||L.

Let E be a Banach space with the norm || ■ ||. By BE(u0, r) we denote the open

ball ||u — u0|| < r with center u0 and radius r, by A we denote the closure of A c E,

Let A be some Banach space. Consider the following boundary value problem:

j x = F(x, A); (1)

1 ^(x,A) = 0; ()

where F : AC ([a, b], Rn) x A ^ L([a, b], Rn), ^ : AC ([a, b], Rn) x A ^ Rm,

Suppose that for A0 E A problem (1) has a solution x0 E AC([a,b],Rn), Applying to (1) the implicit function theorem, we obtain:

1This work is supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR): grants 07-0100305 and 09-01-97503, Ministry Educ. Sci. RF: program DSPHS 2.1.1/1131, Norwegian National Program of Scientific Research FUGE attached to Norwegian Council of Scientific Research and Norwegian Committee for development of university science and education (NUFIJ): grant PRO 06/02.


Theorem 11 Let: 1) there exist 50 > 0 a0 > 0 such that operators F, p are continuous and have continuous Frechet derivatives F^, in the neighbourhood

Bac(xo,ao) x £л(Ао,£о) °f (xo,Ao);

2) the operator L : AC ([a, b], Rn) ^ L([a, b], Rn) defined by Lz = z — F£ (x0, A0)z is surjective and dim Ker L = m;

3) the problem Lz = 0 tz = 0 has a unique solution z = 0, here t = pX(x0, A0), an operator AC([a,b], Rn) ^ Rm.

Then there exist 5 > 0 a > 0 such that for any A E Вл(A0,5) Йеге ercisfc a unique solution x = x(A) of problem (1) on Йе ball Bac(x0,a) and Йе 'map x(-) : Ba_(A0,5) ^ AC ([a, b], Rn) is continuous.

Remark 1. Let m = n, In this case the fulfilment of condition 2) follows, for example, from the Fredholm property of an operator Q : L([a, b], Rn) ^ L([a, b], Rn), a "principal part" of the operator L, defined by: Qy = Lz, where z is a primitive of y given bv z(t) = Ja y(s) ds.

Let M be ад open set in C([a, b],Rn) containing the solution x0 = x(A0) of problem (1) such that this solution is unique in M, Let Хл be the set of solutions of (1) corresponding to A and belonging to M,

Theorem 12 Let: 1) conditions of Theorem 1 are satisfied;

2) there exists 8 > 0 such that for each, A E Ba_(A0, 8) the opera tor F (■, A) can be extended to the space C([a,b], Rn);

3) for any r > 0 there exists a function gr in L([a,b], R) such that for all (x, A) in (Bc(x0,r)P| M) x Ba_(A0, 8) an estimate |(F(x,A))(t)| ^ gr(t) takes place almost

[a, b]

4) operator F(■, A0) is continuous on M.

5) for some sequence {A^} in the ball ВЛ(A0,8) convergent to A0 each set X^ contains at least two elements.

Then the set M is unbounded, and for each, i we can take xi in Хл. such that

IIx — x0||AC ^ 0, but for any оther xi E Хл., i. e. xi = xi; we have \\xi\\C ^ ro.

Let us apply these theorems to the following boundary value problem:

f x(t) = fx (HAx)(t),MA(t)) ,t E [a,b], (2)

[ x(a) — x(b) = ал;

where the superscript A ranges A, Here ал is a vector in Rn; a control ил is a function in L^([a, b], Rk ); by Hл we denote a linear op erator AC ([a, b], Rn) ^ L^([a, b], Rmn), so that Нлx = (H^x,..., H^x); a function fл defined on [a,b] x Rmn x Rk with values in Rn satisfies Karatheodori’ conditions:

Ki) function fл(-,y,u) is measurable for all y E Rmn, u E Rfc;

K2) function f л(£, ■, ■) is continuous for almost all t E [a, b] ;

K3) for any r > 0, there exists a function gr in L([a,b], R) such that for |y| ^ r and |u| ^ r one has ад estimate |fл(t,y,u)| ^ gr(t) for all A E Л and almost all t E [a, b]


Let problem (2) has the solution x0 = x(A0) E AC ([a, b], Rn), Denote y0 = HA° x0.

Theorem 13 Let: 1) there exist a0 > 0 e0 > 0 50 > 0 and a fund ion G in L([a,b],R) such that for all A E Ba(A0, 50) and for almost all t E [a,b], all y E BRmn(y0(t), a0), a!I u E BRk(uA°(t),e0), there exist partial derivatives d/A/5yjP

t (y, u)


(t,y,u) ^ G(t), /,p = 1,...,n, j = 1,...,m;

2) operators H\ A E Ba(A0, 50), are uniformly bounded;

3) the problem Z(t) = A(t)(HA°z)(t), z(0) — z(w) = 0 (t E [a,b]) ftas a unique solution z = 0, here A(t) is an x nm-matrix ((5/A/dy) (t,y0(t), uA° (t))

Further, let A be an arbitrary element in Ba(A0,50) and X be a sequence convergimg to A (for simplicity we do not write an index of this sequence). We suppose

4) aA ^ aA;

5) for all x E AC([a,b], Rn), (HAx)(-) ^ (HAx)(-) in measure on [a, b];

6) uA(■) ^ uA(■) in measure on [a,b];

7) for any y E Rmn, /A(-, y, uA(■)) ^ /A(-, y, uA(-)) in measure on [a, b];

8) for any y E BLtc (y0,a0), if y(-) ^ y(-) in measure, then the 'matrix function

((d/A/dy) (■, X('), uA(-))j converges to the matrix function ((d/A/dy) (■, y(-), uA(-))) in measure.

Then there exist 5 > 0 ^ > 0 such that for any A E Ba(A0,5) ttere crisis a unique solution x = x(A) E AC([a,b], Rn) of problem (2) in the ball BAC (x0,a), and tte 'map x(-) : Ba(A0 ,5) ^ AC ([a, b], Rn) is continuous.

Introduce M, M, XA for problem (2) in the same way as above for problem (1),

Theorem 14 Let: 1) conditions of Theorem 3 are satisfied;

2) there exists 5 > 0, such that for all A E Ba (A0, 5) the opera tor HA can be extended to an operator on the space C([a, b], Rn);

3) for any r > 0 there exists r > 0 such that the inequality |(HAx)(t)| ^ r takes place for all (x, A) in (BC(x0, r) P| M) x Ba(A0, 5) and for almost all t E [a, b];

4) for all x E M, (HAx)(-) ^ (HAx)(-) in measure when A ^ A;

5) for some sequence {A^} in the ball Ba(A0,5) convergent to A0 each set XA. contains at least two elements.

Then the set M is unbounded, and for each, i we can take x in XAi such that ||x — x0||AC ^ 0, but for any other x^ E XA., i. e. x* = xi; we have |xi|C ^ ro.

Now we consider a continuous dependence of periodic solutions of controllable systems with deviating argument. For ordinary differential equations, such a question has been studied by E, L, Tonkov [1], [2].


Introduce some spaces of w-periodic functions on R with values in Rn, The space Ln consists of summable functions y with the norm


IlylU = |y(s)| ds;


the space L^ consists of measurable essentially bounded functions y with the norm IlylUrc = vraisup |y(t)U t E [0, w]; the space Cn of continuous func tions x is equipped bv the norm ||x||C = max |x(t)|, t E R; the space ACn of absolutely continuous functions x is equipped by the norm ||x||AC = |x(0)| + ||x||L,

Let us consider controllable systems:

x(t) = / (t,x(hi(t)),... ,x(hm(t)),u0(t)), (3)

x(t) = / (t, x(hM(t)),..., x(hm,i(t)), ui(t)). (3i)

Here t E R, i = 1, 2,..., functions hj, j : R — R (j = 1,..., m) are measurable and w-periodic, functions u0,u : R — Rk are measurable essentially bounded and w-periodic, a function / : R x Rn x ... x Rn x Rk — Rn is w-periodic on the first argument and satisfies Karatheodori’ conditions.

Let equation (3) has an w-periodic solution x0 E ACn, Denote y0 = H0x0 =

(x(hi(-)),...,x(hm(-)) e L^n,

Theorem 15 Let: 1) there exist 50 > 0 a0 > 0 such that for almost all t E [0, w],

all y E BRmn(y0(t),a0), a/1 u E BRk(uA°(t), 50) partial derivatives 5/l/5yj-p(t, y, u) (cf Theorem 3) exist and satisfy Karatheodori’ conditions;

2) when i — ro, sequences {u^} u {h^} converge in measure to u0 and hj, respectively;

3) the equation Z(t) = A(t)(H0z)(t), where A(t) is the matrix as in Theorem 3 (without A) has a unique w-periodic solution z = 0.

Then there exist a > 0 and a numher I such that for all i > I there exist a unique w-periodic solution x^ E ACn of equation (3i) satisfying the inequality ||xi — x01|ac < a, and |x^ — x0||ac —— 0.

Theorem 16 Let M be an open set in Cn containing the solution x0 of problem (3) such that this solution is unique in M. Then, if each (3i) has more than one w-periodic solution in M, then M is unbounded and one can take a sequence x^ of w-periodic solutions of (3i) such that ||xj||C — ro when i — ro.


1, E, L, Tonkov. Optimal periodic motions of controllable systems, Math, Physics, 1977, vol. 21, 45-59.

2, E. L. Tonkov. Optimal control on periodical motions, Math. Physics, 1977, vol. 22, 54-64.


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