NURSING ADULTS AND ITS CHARACTERISTICS OF PECULIARITIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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adults / nurse / growing up and maturation

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Yusupova Sevara Uktamovna, Shodiyeva Dilnoza Mashrabovna

In this article highlights of nursing adults and its characteristics of peculiarities, Features nursing care for adults.

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fruits. The weight of the allergic reaction is determined by the degree of sensitization.

Anaphylactic shock is a serious allergic reactions package. Permanent symptoms of anaphylactic shock include acute arteriosclerosis, sharp drop in blood pressure, swelling of the face or hyperemia, cyanosis, severe sweating, pulse incision. The frequency and accuracy of the heart rhythm is disturbed. Lung cancer may develop, and breathing may develop, sputum absorption in large quantities, acne in the lungs, and bronchospasm. Psychomotor irregularities may occur, which can lead to loss of consciousness, inevitably leads to urinary separation and defecation. Occasionally, separate muscle groups and tonic or clonic movements may occur.


1. Барыкина Н.В., Зарянская В.Г. Сестринское дело в хирургии. - Ростов-на-Дону: «Феникс», 2010.

2. Yunusjonova Z.S., Mirzayeva S.A., Bositxonova E.I. Psixologik parvarish. «O'zbekiston faylasuflari milliy jamiyati», - T., 2010.

3. Hamrayev A.J., Xamedova M.A. Xirurgiya. - T.: «O'qituvchi», 2009.

4. Ziyayeva M.F. xirurgik kasalliklar bilan og'rigan va intensiv terapiyani o'tayotgan bemorlarda hamshiralik parvarishi. -T., Niso poligraf, 2017.

UDK 61.614

Yusupova Sevara Uktamovna


Shodiyeva Dilnoza Mashrabovna


Ferghana 2-medical college Uzbekistan, Ferghana city


Annotation: In this article highlights of nursing adults and its characteristics of

peculiarities, Features nursing care for adults.

Key words: adults, nurse, growing up and maturation.

Human life is a period consisting of birth growth, development, maturity, aging and death. Vital human cycle implies a consistent process of his vital activity in which growth and development alternate, maturity and aging.

Growth is growing up and maturation. Development is a state growth of physical and mental abilities, or the process of gradual adaptation of the subject to the external environment in the process of life. When they talk about development, first of all pay attention to the qualitative growth.

The process of human development has a focus and consistency. Development focus serves to the man lived even better in his usual way of life. The sequence of development does not mean only temporary framework, it has a clear orderliness and interconnection, being a necessary element for the transition from one stage to another.

"Мировая наука" №12(21) 2018 science-j.com

Adult period in the life cycle. Covers a long period of life from the period of sexual maturation up to the senile period, which in eventually puts an end to a person's life. Adult period can be divided into several age categories: adolescence, mature, middle, and senile, which is a transitional stage to senile age.

Stages1 development of the adult period. Features of the development of adolescence. Youthful age is the period from puberty under 30, preparatory stage when a person matures body and soul and takes on a different answer responsibility as a full member of society. Observed rapid growth and development in the physical, psychological and social terms.

Features of the development of mature age. Mature age - the interval from 30 to 50 years. Usually in this age a person is completely mature physically continues to raise and strengthen the level of its psychological and social maturity and is at the peak of life activity. Also during this period he is charged high expectations from society. Man creates your mini-society in the form of a family. In the process of achieving professional success, participation in public activities and family formation a person faces with great life difficulties, the overcoming of which ensures its further development.

Features of the development of middle age. The average age covers the period from 50 to 65 years, and the age range from 60 to 65 years is called senile. After reaching manhood begins to feel the decline of physical abilities, and psychologically and socially reaches full maturity, thereby increasing the overall level of its maturity.

Simultaneously with the aging process, a person is aware increasing physical and mental decline as well begins to feel the stagnation of their own development.

The purpose of nursing care for adults is to provide the necessary professional care person who is in the process of development, called adulthood, so that he can lead a healthy everyday life, independently fulfilling its developmental tasks, and to ensure a healthy transition to healthy old age.

The role and functions of nursing care for adults are realized thanks to timely, correct and planned assistance provided to an adult with possible health problems based on the needs of the individual and groups or based on professional judgment.

The need for nursing care for adults. Required tackle health problems according to features adult development process as well as important on the basis of a professional decision to assist, ensuring a normal transition to the next stage life process. With many health problems, there is a need in receiving qualified help. Problems health, occurring in the adult period, are diverse, which requires proper action.

Features nursing care for adults. Nursing intervention should take into account features of each stage of the adult period. Required also carefully analyze the lifestyle patient and on the basis of this provide the necessary assistance.

Adults tend to lead independent lives therefore, it is necessary to study problems health of each individual and provide effective individualized assistance, providing full realization of the possibilities for each person. The process of solving health problems is mainly the study that continues throughout the life, which is an

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important part of adult education, providing the development of personal skills. It is important for the nurse to build effective communication and form positive interpersonal relationships with adults holding different values and having different living conditions.

When dealing with adult health issues, it's important to act professional knowledge team and skills. It is important to respect the right to self decision making adult leading an independent life, and give it special attention. Also needed support a person when making decisions different kind and take the position of helping and preserving person.

Problem solving process. Adult health problems are complex nature and due to multiple factors. To maintain and improve adult health it is necessary to properly understand the various factors caused individual's identity and provide effective help with his life. Therefore, it is important to appropriate analysis of the health of the object, providing effective and well-informed assistance.

Nursing is a focused and planned care activity in order to achieve the desired result. To achieve the expected result, it is important to choose practical methods of care, based on the nature of the problem and scientific grounds; in addition, it is important to specify specific and effective ways and tools to provide care, taking into account the individuality of the patient.

Evaluation is the process of verifying the results of realized nursing activities with tasks and determining the extent of their achievement. It also includes the revision of all stages of the problem solving process, the re-analysis and correction of the care plan. The concept proposed by Albert Bandura (Bandura A.), which stands for "feeling man's ability to perform or bring either thing until the end, a sense of confidence that he can complete this case. " It is said that a high degree of self-efficacy is necessary for the effective maintenance of health. It is believed that the sense of achievement of the goal and the feeling of satisfaction is reflected in the subsequent actions of this person. Applied to adults. The man in the adult period is in the process of shaping your lifestyle.

Concept self-efficacy is used in cases where a person needs to change their lifestyle, for example, due to health problems or changes in life habits.


1. Teaching curriculum and guidance, JICA, Nursing Care for Adults. Part 1 (Sections I-v). - Tashkent: 2009.

2 .E.V. Smolev. Nursing in therapy. - Rostov-On-Don: Phoenix, 2003.

"Мировая наука" №12(21) 2018


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