Научная статья на тему 'Новый род подсемейства Carinae (Coleoptera, Ithyceridae) из Австралии'

Новый род подсемейства Carinae (Coleoptera, Ithyceridae) из Австралии Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Легалов А. А.

В статье описывается новый род Crowsonicar Legalov, gen.nov. (типовой вид: Car pini Lea, 1911) из трибы Carni, близкий к роду Car Blackburn, 1897, отличается мандибулами без второго зубца на наружном крае, телом, покрытым длинными, полуторчащими щетинками, неглубокими бороздками надкрылий, густыми, длинными наклонными щетинками на наружном вершинном крае голеней. Установлена новая комбинация Crowsonicar pini (Lea, 1911), comb.nov. Составлен список современных таксонов. Приводится определительная таблица.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Новый род подсемейства Carinae (Coleoptera, Ithyceridae) из Австралии»

УДК 595.768.23 j

© Amurian zoological journal V(1), 2013.23-26

Published: 29.03.2013



A.A. Legalov

[Легалов А.А. Новый род подсемейства Cannae (Coleoptera, Ithyceridae) из Австралии]

Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animal, Laboratory of Phylogeny and Faunogenesis, 11 Frunze street, Novosibirsk, 630091, Russia. E-mail: legalov@ngs.ru; fossilweevils@gmail.com

Институт систематики и экологии животных СО РАН, Лаборатория филогении и фауногенеза, Фрунзе, 11, Новосибирск, 630091, Россия. E-mail: legalov@ngs.ru; fossilweevils@gmail.com

Key words: Coleoptera, Curculionoidea, Ithyceridae, Carinae, new genus, key, Australia

Ключевые слова: Coleoptera, Curculionoidea, Ithyceridae, Carinae, новый род, определитель, Австралия

Summary. New genus Crowsonicar Legalov, gen. nov. (type species: Car pini Lea, 1911) of the tribe Carini is a relative to the genus Car Blackburn, 1897, differing by the mandibles without second lateral tooth, body with long semi-erect setae, shallow elytral striae, thick and long oblique setae on the exterior apical margin of tibiae. A new combination Crowsonicar pini (Lea, 1911), comb. nov. is established. A list of the recent Carinae taxa is supplied, with a key to the species.

Резюме. В статье описывается новый род Crowsonicar Legalov, gen.nov. (типовой вид: Car pini Lea, 1911) из трибы Carni, близкий к роду Car Blackburn, 1897, отличается мандибулами без второго зубца на наружном крае, телом, покрытым длинными, полуторчащими щетинками, неглубокими бороздками надкрылий, густыми, длинными наклонными щетинками на наружном вершинном крае голеней. Установлена новая комбинация Crowsonicar pini (Lea, 1911), comb.nov. Составлен список современных таксонов. Приводится определительная таблица.


Ithyceridae is a relict group, discretely distributed in North and South America, Australia, and New Guinea [Legalov, 2009a]. The oldest representatives of these beetles are known from the Middle-Upper Jurassic [Gratshev, Legalov, 2011; Legalov, 2012]. Ithyceridae were the most diverse in the Upper Cretaceous [Davis et all., 2013; Gratshev, 1999; Gratshev, Zherichin, 1999, 2000a, 2000b, 2003; Gratshev, Legalov, 2011; Legalov, 2009a, 2010, 2011; Liu, Ren, 2006, 2007; Poinar, 2006, 2008; Soriano. Gratshev, Delclos, 2006; Soriano, 2009; Zherichin, 1977, 1993]. The composition of this family is under discussion [Alonso-Zarazaga, Lyal, 1999; Bouchard et all., 2011; Gratshev, 1999; Kuschel, 1995; Mar-valdi, Morrone, 2000; Marvaldi et all., 2002; Mor-rone, 1997; Oberprieler, Marvaldi, Anderson, 2007; Sanborne, 1981; Thompson, 1992; Zherikhin, Gratshev, 1995; Zimmerman, 1994]. I treat this family in a broad sense in this and previous papers [Legalov, 2009, 2012].


Materials for this work are stored in the Deutsches Entomologisches Institut (Germany: Muncheberg), Hungarian Natural History Museum (Budapest), and Zoological Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow).



Supertribe Caritae Thompson, 1992

Carinae Thompson, 1992: 882 Type genus: Car Blackburn, 1897 = Carinae Zimmermann, 1994: 449 non Thompson, 1992 (Type genus: Car Blackburn, 1897)

= Carinae Kuschel, 1995: 18 non Thompson, 1992, nec Zimmermann, 1994 (Type genus: Car Blackburn, 1897)

Tribe Carini Thompson, 1992 Carinae Thompson, 1992: 882 Type genus: Car Blackburn, 1897 = Carinae Zimmermann, 1994: 449 non Thompson, 1992 (Type genus: Car Blackburn, 1897)

= Carinae Kuschel, 1995: 18 non Thompson, 1992, nec Zimmermann, 1994 (Type genus: Car Blackburn, 1897)

Genus Car Blackburn, 1897

Car Blackburn, 1897: 35

Type species: Car condensatus Blackburn, 1897

Car condensatus Blackburn, 1897

Car condensatus Blackburn, 1897: 36

Distribution. Eastern Australia.

Car intermedius Lea, 1926 Car intermedius Lea, 1926: 361 Distribution. North-eastern Australia.

Genus Crowsonicar Legalov, gen.n.

(Col. pl. II: b, d)

Type species: Carpini Lea, 1911 Description. Body yellowish brown, with appressed and erect pale setae. Rostrum long, hardly longer than head and pronotum together, weakly curved, slightly widened at apex and near antennal insertions, smooth, without carina. Mandible with 1 tooth on exterior and 2 teeth on interior margins. Labial palpi 3-articled. Frons narrow, narrower than rostrum basis, flat. Eyes large, slightly convex. Vertex convex, finely punctate. Temples weakly elongated, finely transversely wrinkled. Gular suture single, rough. Antennae inserted ventrally near base of rostrum. Antennae long, reaching humeri. Scapus of antenna elongated, equal in length to 1st and 2nd flagellomeres together. Flag-ellomeres trapezoid. 1st flagellomere elongated. 2nd flagellomere narrower, longer than 1st. 3rd flagel-lomere equal to 2nd flagellomere. 4th flagellomere thicker and hardly longer than 3rd flagellomere. 5th flagellomere shorter than 4th flagellomere. 6th flagellomere shorter than 5th flagellomere. 7th flagellomere shorter and thicker than 6th flagellomere. Cl-ava not compact, hardly wider than 7th flagellomere. 1st and 2nd articles wide, trapezoid. 3rd article tearshaped, pointed, longer than 2nd article. Pronotum almost rectangular, without grooves, with the greatest width in first third. Sides almost direct. Disc convex, sparsely punctate. Scutellum rectangular, finely and densely punctate, with dense pale setae. Elytra almost rectangular. Humeri weakly smoothed. Scutellar stri-ole absent. Intervals almost flat, nearly smooth, wide. Striae rather shallow, with large points in them. Apex of elytra rounded. 9th stria merges with 10th stria before metacoxa. Underside of body finely punctate. Postorbital blades absent. Prothorax with forward-pointing setae on edge. Prothorax short. Procoxa located in its middle. Pre- and postcoxal parts of prothorax not elongated. Mesepisternum narrow, finely punctate. Metepisternum very narrow. Metathorax coarsely punctate. Meso- and metacoxal cavities separated. Abdomen slightly convex. 1st ventrite elongate, longer than 2nd ventrite. 2nd-5th ventrites short. 5 th ventrite hardly wider than 4th ventrite. Legs long. Procoxa conic. Femora clavate, without teeth. Tibiae wide, weakly biconcave, thick long angled setae on outer apical margin. Tarsi long. 1st tarsomere wide, trapezoid. 2nd tarsomere widely triangular. 3rd tarsomere wide, bilobed. 5th tarsomere elongate. Claws widely spaced, without teeth. Length of body: 2.1 mm.

Diagnosis. The new genus is very close to the genus Car Blackburn, 1897 but differs by the mandibles without second lateral tooth, body with long semi-erect setae, shallow elytral striae, outer apical margin

of tibiae with thick long oblique setae (col. pl. II: a - d).

Etymology. The new genus is named in honour of R.A. Crowson.

Crowsonicar pini (Lea, 1911), comb.n.

Car pini Lea, 1911: 103

Distribution. South-western, Eastern Australia and Tasmania.

Tribe Chilecarini Legalov, 2009

Chilecarini Legalov, 2009: 125 Type genus: Chilecar Kuschel, 1992

Subtribe Chilecarina Legalov, 2009

Chilecarini Legalov, 2009: 125 Type genus: Chilecar Kuschel, 1992

Genus Chilecar Kuschel, 1992 Chilecar Kuschel, 1992: 203 Type species: Chilecarpilgerodendri Kuschel, 1992 Chilecar pilgerodendri Kuschel, 1992 Chilecar pilgerodendri Kuschel, 1992: 206 Distribution. Southern part of South America (Chile).

Genus Caenominurus Voss, 1965 Caenominurus Voss, 1965: 330 Type species: Caenominurus topali Voss, 1965

Caenominurus topali Voss, 1965 Caenominurus topali Voss, 1965: 331 Distribution. Northern part of South Andes (Argentina, Chile).

Subtribe Carodesina Legalov, 2009 Carodesina Legalov, 2009: 126 Type genus: Carodes Zimmermann, 1994

Genus Carodes Zimmermann, 1994 Carodes Zimmermann, 1994: 511 Type species: Carodes revelatus Zimmermann, 1994 Carodes revelatus Zimmermann, 1994 Carodes revelatus Zimmermann, 1994: 513 Distribution. North-eastern Australia.

Key to recent species of the subfamily Carinae

1. Mandibles with teeth on exterior margin. Antennae

inserted ventrally. (Carini) .................... 2

- mandibles without teeth on exterior margin. Antennae inserted laterally. (Chilecarini) ............. 3

2. Mandibles with second lateral teeth. Body with ap-

pressed setae. Elytral striae deep. Exterior apical margin of tibiae with short oblique setae......Car

- mandibles without second lateral teeth. Body with

long semi-erect setae. Elytral striae not deep. Thick long oblique setae on the exterior apical margin of tibiae................................Crowsonicar

3. Labial palpi 3-articled. Elytra almost rectangular,

wider, with irregular setae. (Carodesina)..........


- labial palpi 2-articled. Elytra oval, narrower, with

evenly spaced setae. (Chilecarina).............4

4. Head distinctly constricted behind eyes. Mesotibi-ae without mucro of males...........Caenominurus

- head not constricted behind eyes. Mesotibiae with

mucro of males..........................Chilecar


The author is grateful to his colleagues for their

kind help with the work.


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Fig. 1. Carini gen. spp.: a - Car condensatus (habitus), b — Crowsonicar pini (habitus), с — Car condensatus (apex of rostrum with mandibles), d -Crowsonicar pini (apex of rostrum with mandibles)

Рис. 1. Carini gen. spp.: a - Car condensatus (внешний вид), b -Crowsonicar pini (внешний вид), с — Car condensatus (вершина головотрубки и мандибулы), d - Crowsonicar pini (вершина головотрубки и мандибулы)


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